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\ The Rest is Silence 03Apr84map************************************************************* ************************************************************* *** *** *** Please direct all questions, comments, and *** *** miscellaneous personal abuse to: *** *** *** *** Henry Laxen or Michael Perry *** *** 1259 Cornell Avenue 1125 Bancroft Way *** *** Berkeley, California Berkeley, California *** *** 94706 94702 *** *** *** ************************************************************* ************************************************************* ( Load Screen to Bring up Standard System 07Apr84map) CR .( Loading system extensions.) CR 2 VIEW# ! ( This will be view file# 2 ) WARNING OFF 3 LOAD ( BASICS ) 6 LOAD ( FILE-INTERFACE ) FROM CPU8086.BLK 1 LOAD ( Machine Dependent Code ) FROM UTILITY.BLK 1 LOAD ( Standard System Utilities ) WARNING ON --> \ Load up the system 08MAY84HHL: HELLO (S -- ) CR ." 8086 Forth 83 Model " CR ." Version 2.1.0 Modified 01Jun84 " START ONLY FORTH ALSO DEFINITIONS ; ' HELLO IS BOOT \ 13 LOAD ( Configuration: change and load as desired. ) : MARK (S -- ) CREATE DOES> (FORGET) FORTH DEFINITIONS ; MARK EMPTY HERE FENCE ! CR .( System has been loaded, Size = ) HERE U. SAVE-SYSTEM F83.COM CR .( System saved as F83.COM ) ( Commenting and Loading Words 16Oct83map) 64 CONSTANT C/L 16 CONSTANT L/SCR : \ ( -- ) >IN @ NEGATE C/L MOD >IN +! ; IMMEDIATE : (S ( -- ) [COMPILE] ( ; IMMEDIATE : ? (S adr -- ) @ . ; : ?ENOUGH (S n -- ) DEPTH 1- > ABORT" Not enough Parameters" ; : THRU (S n1 n2 -- ) 2 ?ENOUGH 1+ SWAP ?DO I LOAD LOOP ; : +THRU (S n1 n2 -- ) BLK @ + SWAP BLK @ + SWAP THRU ; : --> (S -- ) >IN OFF 1 BLK +! ; IMMEDIATE 1 2 +THRU ( Rest of Basic Utilities ) \ The ALSO and ONLY Concept 07Feb84mapCONTEXT DUP @ SWAP 2+ ! ( Make FORTH also ) VOCABULARY ROOT ROOT DEFINITIONS : ALSO (S -- ) CONTEXT DUP 2+ #VOCS 2- 2* CMOVE> ; : ONLY (S -- ) ['] ROOT >BODY CONTEXT #VOCS 1- 2* 2DUP ERASE + ! ROOT ; : SEAL (S -- ) ' >BODY CONTEXT #VOCS 2* ERASE CONTEXT ! ; : PREVIOUS (S -- ) CONTEXT DUP 2+ SWAP #VOCS 2- 2* CMOVE CONTEXT #VOCS 2- 2* + OFF ; \ The ALSO and ONLY Concept 06Apr84map: FORTH FORTH ; : DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS ; : ORDER (S -- ) CR ." Context: " CONTEXT #VOCS 0 DO DUP @ ?DUP IF BODY> >NAME .ID THEN 2+ LOOP DROP CR ." Current: " CURRENT @ BODY> >NAME .ID ; : VOCS (S -- ) ." : " VOC-LINK @ BEGIN DUP #THREADS 2* - BODY> >NAME .ID @ DUP 0= UNTIL DROP ; ONLY FORTH ALSO DEFINITIONS \ Load Screen for DOS Interface 07Apr84mapDOS DEFINITIONS 1 6 +THRU FORTH DEFINITIONS CR .( File Interface Loaded ) \S The DOS interface consists of a set of words that access the BDOS functions of DOS, such as making, opening, and deleting files. There is also a word that parses a string and creates a file control block. Finally the word SAVE can be used to save the contents of memory as a DOS file. \ DOS Interface 10Apr84mapCREATE FCB2 B/FCB ALLOT : RESET (S -- ) 0 13 BDOS DROP ; : CLOSE (S fcb -- ) 16 BDOS DOS-ERR? ABORT" Close error" ; : SEARCH0 (S fcb -- n ) 17 BDOS ; : SEARCH (S fcb -- n ) 18 BDOS ; : DELETE (S fcb -- n ) 19 BDOS ; : READ (S fcb -- ) 20 BDOS DOS-ERR? ABORT" Read error" ; : WRITE (S fcb -- ) 21 BDOS DOS-ERR? ABORT" Write error" ; : MAKE-FILE (S fcb -- ) 22 BDOS DOS-ERR? ABORT" Can't MAKE File " ; \ Create File Control Blocks 19Apr84map: (!FCB) (S Addr len FCB-addr --- ) DUP B/FCB ERASE DUP 1+ 11 BLANK >R OVER 1+ C@ ASCII : = IF OVER C@ [ ASCII A 1- ] LITERAL - R@ C! 2 /STRING THEN R> 1+ -ROT 0 DO DUP C@ ASCII . = IF SWAP 8 I - + ELSE 2DUP C@ SWAP C! SWAP 1+ THEN SWAP 1+ LOOP 2DROP ; : !FCB (S FCB-addr ) BL WORD COUNT CAPS @ IF 2DUP UPPER THEN ROT (!FCB) ; : SELECT (S drive -- ) ( DUP 9 BIOS 0= ABORT" Illegal drive " ) 14 BDOS DROP ; \ Save a Core Image as a File on Disk 06Apr84map\ : CPM86-HEADER (S -- ) \ [ HEX ] 80 80 ERASE 1 80 C! 10 82 C! 10 86 C! \ 80 SET-DMA FCB2 DUP WRITE \ 80 80 ERASE DUP WRITE WRITE [ DECIMAL ] ; DEFER HEADER ' NOOP IS HEADER : SAVE (S Addr len --- ) FCB2 DUP !FCB DUP DELETE DROP DUP MAKE-FILE -ROT HEADER BOUNDS ?DO I SET-DMA DUP WRITE 128 +LOOP CLOSE ; FORTH DEFINITIONS : MORE (S n -- ) [ DOS ] 1 ?ENOUGH CAPACITY SWAP DUP 8* FILE @ MAXREC# +! BOUNDS ?DO I BUFFER B/BUF BLANK UPDATE LOOP SAVE-BUFFERS FILE @ CLOSE ; : CREATE-FILE (S #blocks -- ) [ DOS ] FCB2 DUP !FILES DUP !FCB MAKE-FILE MORE ; \ Display Directory 13Apr84mapDOS DEFINITIONS : .NAME (S n -- ) #OUT @ C/L > IF CR THEN 32 * PAD + 1+ 8 2DUP TYPE SPACE + 3 TYPE 3 SPACES ; FORTH DEFINITIONS : DIR (S -- ) [ DOS ] " ????????.???" FCB2 (!FCB) CR PAD SET-DMA FCB2 SEARCH0 BEGIN .NAME FCB2 SEARCH DUP DOS-ERR? UNTIL DROP ; : DRIVE? (S -- ) 0 25 BDOS ASCII A + EMIT ." : " ; : A: (S -- ) [ DOS ] 0 SELECT ; : B: (S -- ) [ DOS ] 1 SELECT ; DOS DEFINITIONS \ Define and Open files 04Apr84map: FILE: (S -- fcb ) >IN @ CREATE >IN ! HERE DUP B/FCB ALLOT !FCB DOES> !FILES ; : ?DEFINE (S -- fcb ) >IN @ DEFINED IF NIP >BODY ELSE DROP >IN ! FILE: THEN ; FORTH DEFINITIONS : DEFINE (S -- ) [ DOS ] ?DEFINE DROP ; : OPEN (S -- ) [ DOS ] ?DEFINE !FILES OPEN-FILE ; : FROM (S -- ) [ DOS ] ?DEFINE IN-FILE ! OPEN-FILE ; : SAVE-SYSTEM (S -- ) [ DOS HEX ] 100 HERE SAVE ; DECIMAL \ Viewing Source Screens 08MAY84HHLCREATE VIEW-FILES 32 ALLOT VIEW-FILES 32 ERASE : VIEWS (S n -- ) [ DOS ] ?DEFINE 2DUP 40 + ! BODY> SWAP 2* VIEW-FILES + ! ; 1 VIEWS KERNEL86.BLK 2 VIEWS EXTEND86.BLK 3 VIEWS CPU8086.BLK 4 VIEWS UTILITY.BLK \ My normal configuration 07Apr84mapCAPS ON ' EPSON IS INIT-PR ' FORM-FEED IS PAGE ' (WHERE) IS WHERE EDITOR QUME FORTH 5 VIEWS CLOCK.BLK FROM CLOCK.BLK 1 LOAD ( Load Screen to Bring up Standard System 04Apr84map) This is set so that definitions in this file can be VIEWed. BASICS are needed by everything else. FILE-INTERFACE allows convenient use of files. CPU8080.BLK Contains all of the 8080 machine dependent stuff such as the Assembler, the Debug Utility which patches NEXT, and the MultiTasker, which needs some code words in order to function efficiently. UTILITY.BLK Contains all of the standard utilities that are usually resident in a Forth system, such as the editor, the decompiler, a print utility, etc. \ Load up the system 07Apr84mapHELLO (S -- ) Gives the user the sign on message, making him foolishly believe that he is running an 83 Standard System. It also does all of the one time start up code required, such as relocating the heads and opening the screen file, if any. Load configuration. Personalize here. MARK (S -- ) A Defining word that allows you to restore the dictionary to a known state. EMPTY The current state of the dictionary. ( Commenting and Loading Words 25Jul83map) C/L The number of characters per line. L/SCR The number of lines per screen. \ A comment word. Ignores the rest of the line (S Used for Stack Comments. Behaves just like ( ? Displays the contents of an address. ?ENOUGH (S n -- ) Issue an error message if too few parameters on the stack. THRU (S n1 n2 -- ) Load a bunch of screens. +THRU (S n1 n2 -- ) Load a bunch of screens relative to the current screen. --> (S -- ) Load the next screen. \ The ALSO and ONLY Concept 03Apr84map ROOT A small vocabulary for controlling search order. ALSO (S -- ) Adds another vocabulary to the search order. ONLY Erases the search order and forces the ROOT vocabulary to be the first and last. SEAL Usage: SEAL FORTH will change the search order such that only FORTH will be searched. Used for turn-key applications. PREVIOUS The inverse of ALSO, removes the most recently referenced vocabulary from the search order. \ The ALSO and ONLY Concept 03Apr84mapWe initialize the ROOT vocabulary with a few definitions that allow us to do vocabulary related things. ORDER (S -- ) Displays the search order currently in effect. Also displays the CURRENT vocabulary, which is were definitions are placed. VOCS (S -- ) Lists all of the vocabularies that have been defined so far, in the order of their definition. \ DOS BDOS Interface 10Apr84mapFCB2 Space for a second FCB when needed. RESET Reset the DOS disk system CLOSE Close the given file, and report errors. SEARCH0 Search for the first occurance SEARCH Search for the next occurance. DELETE Remove an old file. READ Read the next sequential record, and report errors. WRITE Write the next sequential record, and report errors. MAKE-FILE create a directory entry for a new file, and report errors. \ Create File Control Blocks 11Apr84map(!FCB) (S Addr len FCB-addr --- ) Set up the filce control block per the specified string. This is the primitive file parse word, which breaks the drive/file name string into a drive specifier, file name, and extension, and leaves the parsed result in the given file control block address. !FCB (S FCB-addr ) Parse the next word in the input stream as a file. If CAPS is false, allow lower case names. SELECT make given drive the default. \ Save a Core Image as a File on Disk 22FEB84MAPHEADER This is different for CP/M-80, CP/M-86, and CP/M-68K. SAVE (S addr len -- ) Save the string specified as a CP/M file whose name is specified following the SAVE word. The current screen file is not disturbed. MORE Extend the size of the current file by n Blocks. CREATE-FILE creates a new file containing the given number of blocks. \ Display Directory 13Apr84map .NAME prints one filename. DIR prints a directory of the current dirve. DRIVE? prints currently selected drive. A: selects drive A as the default. B: selects drive B as the default. \ Open files and list directories 29Mar84mapFILE: (S -- fcb ) Define the next word as a file by allocating an FCB in the dictionary and parsing the next word as a file name. Leave the address of the file control block. ?DEFINE (S -- fcb ) Define the next word as a file if it does not already exist. Leave the address of the file control block. DEFINE (S -- ) Define the following word as a file name without opening it. OPEN (S -- ) Open the following file and make it the current file. FROM (S -- ) Open the following file and make it the current input file. SAVE-SYSTEM (S -- ) Usage: SAVE-SYSTEM NEWNAME.68K Saves an executable image of the system as a file. \ Set up VIEW-FILES table 07Apr84mapVIEW-FILES is an array of pointers to fcbs. VIEWS installs a file into the VIEW-FILES array, and sets the fcb to contain the matching view number. Now initialize the VIEW-FILES array: KERNEL86.BLK was used to generate the precompile code. EXTEND86.BLK was opened on the execute line, loads all extras. CPU8086.BLK has the machine dependent post-compile code. UTILITY.BLK has the machine independent post-compile code.