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Reverse engineering NSmart API

NSmart Google Play page

APK online downloader - NSmart (latest)

NSmart 4.6.apk


All strings contained in APK

strings Nsmart_4.6.apk > nsmart-strings.txt

Since the APK is (obviously) a Java archive (essentially a ZIP file), we can extract it and take a look primarly at these three files:

  • classes.dex,
  • classes2.dex and
  • resources.arsc.

Running strings on those three files enables us to easily extract some REST API endpoints and classpaths. They are available here.

Decompiling and analysis


Converting APK to standard Java Archive:

.\dex2jar-2.1\dex-tools-2.1\d2j-dex2jar.bat -f -o nsmart.jar Nsmart_4.6.apk

Open the nsmart.jar file in the Java decompiler. Sample REST API calls are:

  • in buslogic.nsmartapp.api.CitiesExtendedApi.class
    public CitiesExtendedApi(String paramString1, String paramString2) {
      this.companyApiKey = paramString1;
      this.companyUrl = paramString2;
    public void getCitiesExtended() {
      OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
      HttpUrl.Builder builder = HttpUrl.get(this.companyUrl + "/publicapi/v1/networkextended.php").newBuilder();
      builder.addQueryParameter("action", "get_cities_extended");
      Request request = (new Request.Builder()).url("X-Api-Authentication", this.companyApiKey).build();
      okHttpClient.newBuilder().connectTimeout(7L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      okHttpClient.newBuilder().readTimeout(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      okHttpClient.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() { ... });
  • in buslogic.nsmartapp.api.AnnouncementApi.class
    public AnnouncementApi(String paramString1, String paramString2, int paramInt) {
      this.companyApiKey = paramString1;
      this.stationId = paramInt;
      this.companyUrl = paramString2;
    public void getAnnouncements() {
      OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
      HttpUrl.Builder builder = HttpUrl.get(this.companyUrl + "/publicapi/v1/announcement/announcement.php").newBuilder();
      builder.addQueryParameter("ibfm", "TM00000");
      builder.addQueryParameter("station_uid", "" + this.stationId);
      Request request = (new Request.Builder()).url("X-Api-Authentication", this.companyApiKey).build();
      okHttpClient.newBuilder().connectTimeout(4L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      okHttpClient.newBuilder().readTimeout(10L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      okHttpClient.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() { ... });

All the API call require an Authentication key, so we search for the code where its value is set. The relevant code is in buslogic.nsmartapp.ui.SplashActivity.class:


public class SplashActivity extends Activity {
  private String companyApiKey;
  private String companyUrl;
  protected void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle) {
    this.sharedPrefVersion = getSharedPreferences("com.example.testjedan.version", 0);
    this.mDatabase = ((BasicApp)getApplication()).getDatabase();
    this.companyApiKey = getString(2131820660);
    this.companyUrl = getString(2131820664);
    this.screenSplashDuration = Integer.parseInt(getString(2131820967));
    VersionApi versionApi = new VersionApi(this.companyApiKey, this.companyUrl);
    versionApi.setCallBack(new SplashActivity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1(this));

The line this.companyApiKey = getString(2131820660); represents an superclass ( call to the application Context, where the parameter 2131820660 (hex 7F110074) is the resource ID of the API key located in the Application resources. Moreover, we can see that the same number is declared as a constant in the buslogic.nsmartapp.R.class:

public final class R {
  public static final class string {
    public static final int company_api_key = 2131820660;
    public static final int company_url = 2131820664;

These constant names can be a clue to the actual resource names of the sought after values (and, as it turns out, they are the same).

Resource extraction


.\apktool_2.6.1.jar d '.\Nsmart_4.6.apk'

We position ourselves to the res (resources) folder of the generated directory, and recursively search for the hex value of the company api key resource ID:

grep -r 7f110074

And the result is:

values/public.xml:    <public type="string" name="company_api_key" id="0x7f110074" />

As we can see, the resource name is the same as the constant name in the previously show piece of code from the R.class.

Now we again search for the api key value by its name company_api_key:

grep -r company_api_key

And the result is:

values/public.xml:    <public type="string" name="company_api_key" id="0x7f110074" />
values/strings.xml:    <string name="company_api_key">4670f468049bbee2260</string>

The API key is 4670f468049bbee2260.


Now we create a few test calls in accordance with the decompiled java code shown previously, from buslogic.nsmartapp.api.CitiesExtendedApi.class and buslogic.nsmartapp.ui.SplashActivity.class.

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'X-Api-Authentication: 4670f468049bbee2260'

From the response JSON we extract the station information. For instance, the ID for the station "Narodnog Fronta - Šekspirova" is 6532. Now we can form the Announcment API call for this station:

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'X-Api-Authentication: 4670f468049bbee2260'

The JSON response, among other things, gives us the exact current position for all busses that stop at the given bus station.


  • Nemanja Popović (Android Dev)
  • Anja Ekres (the idea)
  • Dejan Bogosavljev (Generalissimo)