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浮生 edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the tun2socks wiki!

dns mode


This mode worked with rules. Tun2socks created a dns server on It will reply depend on rules. If a domain is proxied, the dns server will reply a faked ip, eg hijack -> And then all flow with faked ip will be redirected to socks5. And others will be routed to default gateway.


This mode worked with route table, so rules are useless, it will use the default proxy for tcp, and udp proxy is the configed one. For example ip2socks/ If you set your system dns server to, and route it via proxy. Then all dns query will be redirected to socks5 udp tunnel.

NOTE: darwin does not support batch route. You can use the modify one, compiled version.


  1. root you android device
  2. GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -o tun2socks cmd/main.go, edit GOARM for free.
  3. adb push tun2socks /data/local/tmp/ and adb push config.ini /data/local/tmp/
  4. start tun2socks
adb shell "su -c 'sleep 1'"
adb start-server

adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/
./tun2socks -config=config.ini
  1. change your dns server to
  2. ok

Windows Vista and above, does not support windows xp

You must install tap-windows-9.21.2.exe first. And then start it with administrator command like tun2socks_windows_64.exe --config=config.ini.

NOTE: you must start cmd.exe with administrator.

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