JSONClient is a super simple, low-level library for interacting with JSON services.
JSON in the request is generated from dictionaries and JSON in the response is
parsed into dictionaries.
You can build JSONClient as a static library, or simply include the source code
in your project. If you build it as a library, include the “Headers” directory
in your project and in the header search path for your target. If you just want
to include the source, include the files in Source and Ext/JSON.
You build up request using url strings and dictionaries to represent headers and
any JSON payload.
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:"/api/devices/%
JSONClient *client = [[JSONClient alloc] init];
client.username = @”user";
client.password = "password";
client.delegate = self;
NSDictionary *payload = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:myDictionary forKey:
NSString *urlString = [@"http://example.com" stringByAppendingPathComponent:path]
To issue a request synchonously, you use one the the simple http verb methods:
JSONResponse *r = [client post:urlString]
NSLog("body: %
The above runs the request (an NSOperation subclass), waits for the operation to finish
and returns you the response.
You could also issue the request asynchronously on the client’s builtin operation queue:
[client queuePostRequest:urlString
In this case, you would handle the callbacks like this:
- (void) client:(JSONClient *)client finishedQueuedRequest:(JSONRequest *)request {
logDebug("request.response: %
",[request.response description]);
if([request.response isCreated]) {
// do something with a new object
} else if([request.response isOk]) {
NSLog("A-ok boss");
} else if([request.response isNotFound]) {
“We lost it”);
The callbacks come in on whatever thread the operation happened to be running in, so you are
responsible for switching to the main thread if need be.