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Cython implementation

This is an implementation of the Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) by Dong, Chao, et al. "Image super-resolution using deep convolutional networks." ( done in Python, C and VHDL.

The purely CPU-run version can run on any Linux-based system but is made primarily for running on Avnet's ZedBoard, utilising it's FPGA.

General prerequisites

  • Python (tested on Python 3.8)
    • Numpy (tested on 1.19.5)
    • Pillow (tested on 8.1.0)
    • SSIM-PIL (tested on 1.0.12)
  • A C compiler

ZedBoard-specific prerequisites

  • Python (tested on Python 3.8 installed via the deadsnakes PPA)
    • (Optional) pip (tested on 21.0, installed via
    • Numpy (tested on 1.19.5)
    • Pillow (tested on 8.1.0)
    • SSIM-PIL (tested on 1.0.12)
  • python3.8-distutils (for compiling numpy)
  • python3.8-dev (for compiling numpy)
  • libjpeg-dev (for compiling pillow)


  1. If you are not there already, change into the repository and the Cython folder with cd ~/SRCNN/Cython/

  2. There are a few test images in ~/SRCNN/Images/ like bird.bmp or butterfly.bmp

  3. (Optional) to upload your own image you can use the scp command from another PC (if your zedboard is connected to the same local network via Ethernet).

    scp "[Path to image file on host system]" root@[local IP address]:"/root/SRCNN/Images/"

    If it asks for a password and you haven't set one on the zedboard you can do so (in the ZedBoard shell) with passwd

  4. execute the script with

    python3.8 --image-file "[Path to image file]" --mode [ cpu | fpga1 | fpga2 ]

    e.g. python3.8 --image-file "../Images/butterfly.bmp" --mode cpu

    The --image-file argument as well as the --mode argument are required.
    With the --mode argument, the Python script chooses between three different C code implementations:

    1. cpu: The underlying C code is single-threaded and uses no hardware acceleration on the FPGA
    2. fpga1: Uses the first HDL implementation, streams patches to the FPGA
    3. fpga2: Uses the second HDL implementation, streams features to the FPGA

    Both implementations with HDL designs on the FPGA fill the streams to the FPGA concurrently with child processes. Although using a custom HDL design, fpga1 is unfortunately much slower than the cpu implementation.

    The speed ranking of all three implementations is fpga2 > cpu > fpga1 with the right-most implementation being the slowest.

    Keep in mind, that an implementation which relies on FPGA support will need the right bitstream of the corresponding HDL design flashed onto the FPGA board. Otherwise, the C code will not work as expected and never terminate by itself. Both bitstreams are made available on this repository, they can be found in the subfolders of the ../HDL directory.

    Regarding the fpga2 implementation, there are several limitations.
    The HDL design contains a file called config_pkg.vhdl which sets some maximum settings:

    • image_width = 300
    • image_height = 300
    • kernelsize = 9

    These values could still be increased a bit until reaching the limit of memory (BRAM) available on the FPGA. When doing so, the HDL design has to be sythesized again.
    The READMEs in the ../HDL directory will guide through the HDL project setup and building process.

  5. In the location of the original image should be three additional images. Example with butterfly.bmp:

    1. butterfly_GT.bmp: original image (Ground truth)
    2. butterfly_bicubic_x3.bmp: image with bicubic upscaling
    3. butterfly_srcnn_x3.bmp: image with SRCNN upscaling
  6. (Optional) To easily access the file remotely you can use the scp command again like in step 3.

    scp root@[local IP address]:"/root/SRCNN/Images/[image name]" "[Destination path on host system]"

Known issues

Currently, there exists a bug in the fpga2 implementation that images above certain sizes will not deliver correct results. If this bug occurs, a system reboot will be necessary to even get correct results for smaller images again. The image butterfly_99.bmp is the largest tested image that works as expected. Larger images could still work.

The source of the bug is still unknown.

Installation instructions for ZedBoard

Prepare your ZedBoard for running Xillinux according to the official guide.

When Xillinux is running you can either connect a display, mouse and keyboard to work directly with the zedboard or just connect an Ethernet cable and connect via SSH. The latter is recommended for ease of use. Also, the following commands won't work without any internet access.

  1. Because the current (as of writing) Xillinux distro is based on Ubuntu 16.04, the repository sources are very old. To get more current python versions an external PPA needs to be added, for example the deadsnakes PPA.

    add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

  2. Update the repository sources with apt update

  3. Install python 3.8 as well as needed dev packages for compiling python packages later

    apt install python3.8 python3.8-distutils python3.8-dev libjpeg-dev

  4. To install a current version of pip there are various ways. The easiest on the Zedboard is to use the script. Download it with

    curl -o

  5. Execute the script with python3.8

  6. Check if pip was installed correctly with pip --version the output should look like this:

    pip 21.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8)

    While the pip version might be higher than 21.0 check if the python version at the end says 3.8. If it does, it means pip was correctly linked with the previously installed python.

  7. The pre-installed version of pillow is very old. Upgrade it with pip install --upgrade pillow. This can take a few minutes because it will need to compile the package.

  8. Check if the version was correctly updated with pip show pillow. It should say 8.1.0 or higher. If it says 3.x.x it was not correctly updated.

  9. Install numpy with pip install numpy wurlitzer SSIM-PIL. Because pip will have to build these from source this will take up to an hour with no immediate shell output, so be patient. You can check if it's still compiling by watching CPU usage on the OLED screen of the ZedBoard.

  10. Check if numpy is correctly installed with pip show numpy. It should say 1.19.5 or higher.

  11. Clone this repository with git clone