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17 lines (17 loc) · 1.66 KB

File metadata and controls

17 lines (17 loc) · 1.66 KB

Config Example

        "token":"Bot TOKEN_HERE", // <--- Out the token here, leave the Bot part in or else it won't boot.
        "shardCount":"1", //<--- How many instances of the bot you want to run. Discord only allows a maximum of 4000 guilds per shard so ideally this number is: Math.ceil(num of guilds / 4000). Please note that if you're using a selfbot this number must be 1.
        "selfBot": false, //<--- Determines whether or not the bot is a self bot. 
        "prefix":"m!", //<--- The standard prefix for the baseCommands.
        "adminPrefix": "m#", //<--- Commands for server management, require specific server permissions depending on the command.
        "sysPrefix": "m$", //<--- Commands used to assist in development of the bot. Usually you don't want users using these.
        "defaultImageFormat":"gif", //<--- What format you want all the images in when asking for avatars and such.
        "defaultImageSize":"1024", //<--- The size of the previously mentioned images.
        "defaultTimezone":"US/Central", //<--- Timezone that everything is logged in. Timezone list with proper formatting can be found here:
        "exclusions": { "guilds": [  ], "channels": [  ], "users": [  ], "bots": true, "adminCooldown": false }, //<--- Location to put IDs of people, guilds, or channels you don't want using the bot. Also exclude admins from cooldowns.
        "sysAdmins": [  ], //<--- IDs for users able to use system commands. 
        "postgresql": { "user": "admin", "host": "", "database": "databasename", "password": "password", "port": "80" } //<--- postgresql data!