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Module exometer_entry


This module defines the exometer_entry behaviour.
Required callback functions: behaviour/0, new/3, delete/3, get_value/4, update/4, reset/3, sample/3, get_datapoints/3, setopts/3.


An exometer_entry behavior implementation can be created when custom processing of various metrics is needed.

A custom exometer entry is invoked by mapping a type to the module name of the custom exometer entry module. All metrics created with the given type will trigger the invocation of the new entry module. See Configuring type - entry maps for details on how to setup such maps.

The life cycle of a an exometer entry consists of the following steps.

  • Metrics Creation
    new/3 is invoked by exometer to signal that a new metrics should be created. The name of the new metric will be provided as a list of atoms.

  • Update Data
    Values will be sent to the entry through the update/4 function. The custom entry should store this value for the given metric and break it down into data points that can be reported for the metric.

  • Retrieve Value
    get_value/4 will be invoked by exometer to retrieve specific data points from a given metric.

See individual functions for details on the in the exometer_entry behavior.

The behaviour() function for an entry implementation should return the atom entry. This function will be involved by the exometer system in order to determine if a callback is an entry or a probe.

The new() function is invoked as follows:

       new(Name, Type, Options)

The custom entry should create the necessary state for the new metric and store it for furure access through update() and get_value() calls.

  • Name
    Specifies the name of the metric to be created as a list of atoms.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map). It can be used if several different types are mapped to the same entry module.

  • Options
    Specifies an option list that contains additional setup directives to the entry. The actual options to support are implementation dependent.

The new() function should return {ok, Ref} where Ref is a tuple that will be provided as a reference argument to other calls made into the module. Any other return formats will cancel the creation of the new metric.

The delete() function is invoked as follows:

       delete(Name, Type, Ref)

The custom entry should free all resources associated with the given name.

  • Name
    Specifies the name of the metric to be deleted as a list of atoms.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map).

  • Ref
    Will contain the same tuple returned as Ref by the module's new() function.

The delete() function shall return ok.

The get_value() function is invoked as follows:

       get_value(Name, Type, Ref, DataPoints)

The custom entry should retrieve the metric with the given name and return the values of the specified data points. Data points can be expected to be one or more of those returned by the entry's get_datapoints() function.

  • Name
    Specifies the name of the metric to update with a value.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map).

  • Ref
    Will contain the same tuple returned as Ref by the module's new() function.

  • DataPoints
    Will contain a list of data points, each picked from the list returned by the module's get_datapoints() function.

The get_value() function should calculate the values of the given data points based on previous calls to update() and return them to the caller.

The return format shall be:

       {ok, [ { DataPoint, Value }, ...]}

Each { DataPoint, Value } tuple shall contain the name and value of one of the data points provided as arguments to get_value().

If a data point is not valid (i.e. not in the list returned by get_datapoints()), the returned tuple should be { DataPoint, undefined }.

The update() function is invoked as follows:

       update(Name, Value, Type, Ref)
  • Name
    Specifies the name of the metric to update.

  • Value
    Specifies the new value to integrate into the given metric.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map).

  • Ref
    Will contain the same tuple returned as Ref by the module's new() function.

The update() function should update the data points for the metric with the given name in preparation for future calls to get_value().

The return format shall be ok.

The reset() function is invoked as follows:

       reset(Name, Type, Ref)
  • Name
    Specifies the name of the metric to reset.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map).

  • Ref
    Will contain the same tuple returned as Ref by the module's new() function.

The reset() function should revert the metric with the given name to its original state. A counter, for example, should be reset to 0 while histograms should be emptied.

The return format shall be ok.

The sample() function is invoked as follows:

       sample(Name, Type, Ref)
  • Name
    Specifies the name of the metric to run the sample.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map).

  • Ref
    Will contain the same tuple returned as Ref by the module's new() function.

This function is only used by probes, where it is periodically called to sample a local sub system such as /proc or netlink in order to update its data points.

Any exometer entry-based implementation should do nothing and return ok.

The get_datapoints() function is invoked as follows:

       get_datapoints(Name, Type, Ref)
  • Name
    Specifies the name of the metric to return available datapoints for.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map).

  • Ref
    Will contain the same tuple returned as Ref by the module's new() function.

This function should return a list of all data points supported by the exometer entry implementation. The returned data points shall be supported by the module's get_value() function.

The setopts() function is invoked as follows:

       setopts(Entry, Options, Type, Ref)
  • Entry The (opaque) exometer entry record. See exometer_info for information on how to inspect the data structure.

  • Options
    Specifies an option list that contains additional setup directives to the entry. The actual options to support are implementation dependent.

  • Type
    Specifies the type provided to the exometer:new() call (before it was translated by the type - exometer entry map).

  • Ref
    Will contain the same tuple returned as Ref by the module's new() function.

This function should modify the behavior of the given metric by the options provided in the Options property list.

The function should return either ok or {error, Reason}, where Reason contins a descriptive reason for a failure to set one or more options.

Data Types

datapoint() = exometer:datapoint()

datapoints() = [datapoint()]

error() = {error, any()}

name() = list()

options() = [{atom(), any()}]

ref() = any()

type() = atom()

value() = any()