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Jackson Release 2.6.1

Tatu Saloranta edited this page Aug 7, 2015 · 17 revisions

Patch version of [2.6](Jackson Release 2.6), not yet released as of July 2015.

Changes, core

  • #207: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ByteQuadsCanonicalizer
  • #873: add missing OSGi import
  • #881: BeanDeserializerBase having issues with non-CreatorProperty properties.
  • #884: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException in 2.6.0 for BeanPropertyMap
  • #889: Configuring ObjectMapper's DateFormat changes TimeZone configuration as well (backwards incompatible with 2.5)

Changes, JAX-RS

  • #71: add missing OSGi import (for json)

Changes, datatypes

Java8 Date (aka JSR-310)

  • #34: Allow direct instantiation of standards deserializers, with explicit DateTimeFormatter to use, to allow for registering custom-formatter variants
  • #35: LocalTimeDeserializer does not use configured formatter
  • #37: Cannot parse Javascript date using LocalDateDeserializer
  • #70: Default DateTime parser format is stricter than previous versions, causing incompatibility
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