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503 lines (414 loc) · 14.9 KB

File metadata and controls

503 lines (414 loc) · 14.9 KB



  • FIXED: fix css issues.


  • FIXED: fix security issues.


  • FIXED: Fix issue security check when save form.


  • FIXED: Fix issue vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS).


  • NEW: Update font Awesome to version 6.5.1.
  • FIXED: PHP 8.3 isssues.
  • DEPRECATED: Instagram gallery source.


  • IMPROVED: Support shortcode in gallery page for gallery section.


  • NEW: Support multiple contact phone, email, fax.
  • IMPROVED: Improved parallax effect.
  • IMPROVED: Add bundle js file.


  • IMPROVED: Change priority if block google font script.
  • IMPROVED: Check condition to load Google font url.
  • IMPROVED: Add style for block gallery.


  • NEW: Submenu auto align.
  • IMPROVED: Submenu auto width. Now the submenu width will set automatically base on the menu item text.
  • REMOVED: Template html comments.


  • FIXED: Do not load google font when disabled. Theme can block google fonts that added by js but it can not block if the font load via an iframe.


  • FIXED: Anchor links to other pages in menu doesn't work.
  • FIXED: Fixed issue Gallery - Item Spacing adding offset on the right.
  • FIXED: Fixed issue ensure text remains visible during webfont load.
  • FIXED: Fixed issue dropdown menu item does not cover all text.


  • FIXED: Fixed issue sometime the dot navigation working incorrect.


  • FIXED: Fix deprecated hook notice.
  • FIXED: Fix breadcrumb missing field itemListElement.
  • IMPROVED: Dropdown menu cut off in right side.


  • FIXED: Fix menu navigation and dots navigation.


  • FIXED: Fix not working scrolling of navigation links.


  • FIXED: Remove deprecated functions.
  • FIXED: Add alert message when add multiple map but not setup main map.
  • FIXED: Fixed Hero section - Rotating text.
  • FIXED: Add prefix to the function name isMobile theme.js.
  • FIXED: Update WPML String translation related.
  • FIXED: Fixed Pricing section - Inverted Style.
  • FIXED: Get alt text for image - Section services.


  • NEW: Support Yoast SEO breadcrumb.
  • NEW: Support qTranslate-x in page header cover description.
  • NEW: Support emojis in Customizer content.
  • IMPROVED: Change link guide to create MailChimp URL.
  • FIXED: Yoast SEO metabox display.
  • FIXED: Visual Editor error.


  • FIXED: Menu mobile not display.


  • FIXED: Javascript error when hide the header on the homepage.
  • FIXED: Slider not displaying good in IE 11.
  • FIXED: Menu burger on mobile view not working in IE11/Egde.


  • NEW: Add option to hide the post thumbnail if not exist.
  • NEW: Add option to enable/disable gallery image link.
  • NEW: Add option to change feature icon hover color.
  • NEW: Add the title for feature item's link.
  • IMPROVED: Improve mobile navigation menu.
  • IMPROVED: Set widh for single post only.
  • IMPROVED: Improve search form styling.
  • IMPROVED: Improve posts navigation styling.
  • IMPROVED: Improve mobile navigation menu.
  • IMPROVED: Improve PHP 7+ Compatibility.
  • IMPROVED: Improve single post content max width.
  • IMPROVED: Improve the page titlebar background option.
  • FIXED: Gutenberg - Gallery.
  • FIXED: Dots navigation working incorrect when language is not EN.


  • NEW: Front page sections manager.
  • NEW: Support WPForm plugin.
  • NEW: Support Gutenberg.
  • NEW: Sections navigation label color settings.
  • NEW: Support inverse dots color even section not enable.
  • FIXED: Remove deprecated jQuery function #319.
  • IMPROVED: Theme customize api.
  • IMPROVED: Misc control issue.
  • IMPROVED: Theme style.


  • NEW: Sections navigation.
  • NEW: Disable disable archive prefix option. See in Customizer -> Theme Options -> Blog Pots.
  • NEW: Item content source for Service section.
  • NEW: Hide post categories of News section. See in Customizer -> Section News.
  • NEW: Custom excerpt length. See in Customizer -> Section News.
  • IMPROVED: Improved More Posts button link in News section.
  • IMPROVED: Improved More Posts button link in News section.
  • IMPROVED: Re-Structure customize configs.
  • IMPROVED: Re-Structure customize controls.


  • IMPROVED: Add alt title for gallery images.
  • FIXED: Issue hero image resize not properly.
  • FIXED: Parallax does not rescale image anymore.


  • NEW: Setting height for transparent logo.
  • IMPROVED: Small strings corrections.
  • FIXED: Include hero animation in global animation setting.
  • FIXED: Remove duplicate single post thumbnail setting.


  • NEW: Add hero button target.
  • FIXED: Duplicate title on single post.
  • FIXED: Duplicate title on product archive.
  • FIXED: Contact form issue.


  • FIXED: JS error issue.


  • NEW: Support PirateForms.
  • IMPROVED: Header cover on single product.
  • IMPROVED: WooCommerce header title.
  • IMPROVED: Add hook for section parts.
  • FIXED: Title on single post & WooCommerce category.
  • FIXED: Section background parallax effect.
  • FIXED: Parallax issue.
  • FIXED: Back to top button z-index.


  • REMOVED: Remove debug test.


  • UPDATED: update counter js library to version 2.1.0.
  • IMPROVED: String translation texts.
  • IMPROVED: Section about.
  • IMPROVED: Section services, show section title + description in case without service items.
  • IMPROVED: Customize control JS.
  • FIXED: Page setting does not work on Shop page.
  • FIXED: Jetpack's CDN for all images compatible.
  • FIXED: Hero parallax issue.
  • FIXED: Site title & tagline color.


  • NEW: Option to enable page header cover.
  • NEW: Option to display page excerpt as header cover description.
  • FIXED: Page header cover issue, hide by default.
  • REMOVED: Page header excerpt.
  • IMPROVED: Customize control JS.


  • NEW: Add an option to hide breadcrumb on page.
  • FIXED: Hero background overlay.
  • FIXED: Permalink issue for service items.
  • FIXED: Update header transparent color.
  • FIXED: Site identity colors.
  • FIXED: Page title when header is transparent issue.


  • NEW: Non-minified js files.
  • NEW: Footer widgets section.
  • NEW: Rel attribute for author tag.
  • NEW: Compare table.
  • NEW: Show/hide page title bar.
  • NEW: Disable Hero preload icon setting.
  • NEW: About layout columns.
  • NEW: Service icon size settings.
  • NEW: Support retina & transparent logo.
  • NEW: Support transparent site title and tagline text colors.
  • NEW: Category selection in News section.
  • NEW: Page settings.
  • NEW: Footer social text color settings.
  • NEW: Footer copyright text color settings.
  • NEW: Header Layout: Full Width or Contained.
  • NEW: Menu position: above or below the Hero section.
  • NEW: Menu item padding.
  • NEW: Footer copyright link colors.
  • NEW: Hero rotating text and background color for layout 1.
  • NEW: Add an option to disable default google theme in theme.
  • NEW: Add page header cover.
  • IMPROVED: Testimonials default color.
  • IMPROVED: Latest bootstrap - v4.0.0-alpha.6.
  • IMPROVED: Carousel and RTL.
  • IMPROVED: Change Actions Required text to Recommended Actions.
  • IMPROVED: Move the Footer Social & Newsletter section to Footer Socials.
  • IMPROVED: Upsell content.
  • FIX: Hero fullscreen issue.
  • FIX: Section full width z index.
  • FIX: Theme Check Sniffs.
  • FIX: Div class fit-vids-style inserted into head.
  • FIX: Gallery issue.
  • FIX: Escaping missing in several other places.
  • REMOVED: wp_reset_query.
  • REMOVED: Core settings is not allowed


  • Fix hero fullscreen issue.


  • Fix header issue.


  • Improve front page sections.
  • Fix an issue incorrect section position for first menu item is clicked.
  • Improve nav menu.
  • Add single post options.
  • Add filter for section container class.


  • Fix js error.


  • Update JS, fix footer issue.


  • Update Customizer style.
  • Update nav bar, hero background.
  • Update sanitize email.
  • Update parallax for tablet.
  • Fixed hero layout 2 issue.
  • Fixed WC login & register page layout.


  • Update WooCommerce layout.


  • Fix safari menu issue.
  • Improve editor customizer.
  • Run shortcode in hero content.
  • Improve parallax when small padding.
  • Update Bootstrap.
  • Clean up js fix conflict plugin.
  • HTML format for contact text.
  • Do not effect custom content by plugins, change the_content to onepress_the_content


  • Improve parallax.
  • Fix WooCommerce issues.
  • Fix a bug load files.


  • Update responsive parallax.
  • Update menu toggle button.
  • Fix Header transparent.
  • Update menu items selection.


  • Update parallax.
  • Fix issue sometime video lightbox not show.


  • Fix translation function that is missing a text-domain
  • Correct the one text domain is being used.


  • Fix js syntax.
  • Update parallax hero.


  • Fix social icons.
  • Make contact form label full width.
  • Update images size for gallery masonry and justified.
  • New slider speed option, move hero settings to hero sections.
  • Update parallax version.
  • Add custom section padding in Customizer.
  • Change hero loading icon.
  • Remove Magnific-Popup, update lightbox video.


  • WP 4.7 compatible.
  • Support WP 4.7 customizer shortcut.
  • Add icon picker.
  • Update WC layout template.
  • Migrate existing theme CSS to the core option added in WordPress 4.7.
  • Fix WooCommerce variations label color.
  • Add team member image alt text.
  • change copy setting notice message text.


  • Improve recommend plugins.
  • Remove TGM recommend plugins file.
  • Add copy theme mod function.
  • Add option to select site layout.
  • Improve gallery and add view more button.


  • Add sidebar for WooCommerce plugins.
  • Fix menu couldn't scroll if have too much sub menu items.
  • Improve header.


  • Fix Mobile Menu button color option on header transparent.


  • NEW Gallery section.
  • Fixed: Hero background image changes when edit in section order & styling.
  • Fixed: Hero loading on mobile when use video background.
  • Add version for assets files.
  • Add breadcrumb for template full width, left sidebar.
  • Disable disable animation hero text in Customizer.
  • Fix highlight/active latest menu item on large screen.
  • Improve parallax section.
  • Fix Hero slider overlay on mobile.
  • Support services 1 column.
  • Fix h1 site title tag close.
  • Move .break from reset to document.scss.
  • Update WPML config.
  • Update translate file.


  • Update FontAwesome to latest version.
  • Remove logo 1.2.0 fallback.
  • Fix customizer issue.
  • Add filter the content for features items.
  • Update WPML config file.
  • Fix google font family issue.
  • Fix editor error when resize browser.
  • Speedup customizer.
  • Home logo click to scroll to top without reload page.
  • Add demo import content tab.


  • Fix issue can click to nav link.


  • Fix Background image full screen when header transparent.
  • Fix issue No Custom CSS under Theme Options when defined DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT = false.
  • Fix issue counter section.
  • Close the mobile menu when click on any menu links.
  • Update new theme-check requirements


  • Update selective refresh render callback.
  • Remove capability for hero animation settings.
  • Use Shortcode within section description.
  • Fix a bug can't auto embed code.
  • Update editor preview.


  • Improve menu scroll.
  • Fix translation issues.
  • Change smooth scroll for hero.
  • Support custom logo for WP 4.5
  • Add options to change footer background color.
  • Add customizer selective refresh.
  • Improve customizer editor.
  • Add style option for Heroe buttons.
  • Fix team member layouts.
  • Update string translation.
  • Fix Background overlay color of hero section is missing on mobile.


  • Fixed JS syntax error for WP 4.5.
  • Fixed fa icon and text alignment in address area.


  • Add Hero options settings
  • Remove default service data.
  • Remove default about data.
  • Fix feature items break layout.
  • Add Features/Services item image.
  • Add Features/Services item image.
  • Add Support feature description HTM


  • Update pot file.
  • Change text area to JS Editor control.
  • Fix a bug lost custom section styling if section id not set.
  • Add custom css code in customizer.
  • Add action notification bubble in menu.
  • Add condition to check section heading area.


  • Change "Add a item" to "Add an item"
  • Fix checkbox in repeater control always checked.


  • Update hero section template
  • Fix a bug missing quicktags tool bar for editor control.
  • Add breadcrumb for archive page


  • New: WooCommerce compatibility.
  • New: BreadCrumb NavXT compatibility.
  • New section: Features.
  • Unlimited footer social icons.
  • Update readme.txt and declare theme copyright.
  • Switch from query_posts to WP_Query.
  • Add more template hook for child theme.
  • Add transparent header.
  • Fixed issue broken layout on Services section.
  • Add editor customizer control.
  • Add color alpha customizer control.
  • Improve repeater customizer control.
  • Add custom link for member on team section.
  • Add a hero layout content.


  • Fix a bug merge data incorrect for customizer.


  • Add parallax for hero section
  • Add hook onepress_dashboard_theme_links to theme dashboard.
  • Add about section description.
  • Fixed hide video media bg bug
  • Fixed sometime customizer show js error.
  • Change support ticket url.
  • Add site primary color settings.
  • Add Header styling.


  • Improve customize control.


  • Replace Team Member content from user meta data to media meta data.
  • New: Video Lightbox section.
  • Small bug fixes and style improvement.


  • Fixed site-content padding top issue.
  • New option: Disable sticky header on scroll
  • Add required actions tab in theme dashboard.


  • Remove logo text customizer option.
  • Remove Hero section default data.


  • Remove default logo from customizer + header.
  • Remove demo content in frontpage template.
  • Change the way customizer handle contents on fronpage template.


  • Fixed the heading font issue.
  • Improvements of section style.
  • Change theme author link to theme link.
  • Remove testimonials section as it should be handle via plugin.


  • Quick fix for the_title_attribute issue.


  • Replace custom demo content with lorem content type.
  • Add inverted style for section.
  • Add theme dashboard page.
  • Escape content before output.
  • Some small bug fixes and style change.


  • New section: Counter, Testimonials
  • Move fontpage customizer content to Front Page template.
  • Some small style change and code cleanup.


  • Code cleanup and bug fixes.
  • Replace author socal profile link with # value.
  • All text are now translatable.


  • Code cleanup and bug fixes.


  • Update Hero section.
  • Update version


  • Initial release