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147 lines (105 loc) · 8.16 KB



  • Deprecation: Move jts/transform-geom, jts/get-srid, jts/set-srid, jts/pm, jts/default-srid, and jts/gf-wgs84 to, leaving aliases in geo.jts during deprecation.
  • Deprecation: Deprecate jts/gf in favor of crs/get-geometry-factory, leaving alias in geo.jts during deprecation.
  • Deprecation: Deprecate jts/get-factory in favor of crs/get-geometry-factory, leaving alias in geo.jts during deprecation.
  • Deprecation: Deprecate jts/polygons in favor of jts/geometries, leaving alias in place during deprecation.
  • Bump geohash to 1.4.0, which can use bounding boxes over the meridian
  • For development, bump lein-midje to 3.2.2 and cheshire to 5.10.0, removing extra jackson dependencies
  • Bump h3 to 3.6.3
  • Remove singularity error with distance by using spheroidal spatial4j Vincenty calculation when input point is at a pole, but otherwise using the geohash ellipsoidal Vincenty calculation.
  • Modify set-srid to use .createGeometry instead of .setSRID, improving passthrough of projections within geometries and reducing need to manually set projections after operations
  • Add get-geometry-factory to Transformable, and extend Transformable to Geometry and GeometryFactory
  • Add transform-helper and create-transform to Transformable, and extend Transformable to CoordinateTransform
  • Allow transform-geom to accept GeometryFactory as a second argument, passing transform-geom to protocol-based transform-helper to improve dispatch
  • Allow to-jts to accept all of the argument arities of transform-geom
  • Add get-parameters and get-parameter-string functions to

3.0.0 to 3.0.1

  • Bump jts2geojson to 0.14.3, which uses jackson 2.10

2.1.1 to 3.0.0

  • Breaking change: switch upstream proj4j to use [org.locationtech.proj4j/proj4j "1.1.0"], changing namespace from org.osgeo.proj4j to org.locationtech.proj4j
  • Breaking change: rename proj4-string? to proj4-str?, to maintain naming consistency in the API
  • Breaking change: remove jts-earth from geo.spatial, and replace all uses of deprecated spatial4j functions using that JtsShapeFactory with functions using the SpatialContext earth
  • Allow transform-geom to use externally created proj4j CoordinateTransform objects
  • readers and writers are now thread-safe
  • Add h3-line function to H3 protocol, which returns the line of indexes between two cells
  • Add h3-to-center-child function to H3 protocol, which returns a center child at a given resolution
  • Add get-res-0-indexes function for H3, which returns a collection of all indexes at resolution 0
  • Add get-pentagon-indexes function for H3, which returns all topologically pentagonal cells at a given resolution
  • Add get-faces function for H3, which returns the icosahedron faces intersected by a cell, represented by integers 0-19.
  • Add line-segment, multi-point, multi-linestring, and multi-linestring-wkt functions to geo.jts
  • Add testing support for OpenJDK 8, OpenJDK 11, OpenJDK 13, OpenJ9 alongside HotSpot, and Clojure 1.10
  • Fix reflection on geometry creation functions in the jts namespace
  • Bump h3 to 3.6.0, enabling support for functions described above
  • Bump other core dependencies to keep up with upstream changes: jts2geojson to 0.14.2, and jts to 1.16.1
  • Bump internal dependencies for testing and documentation: midje to 1.9.9, criterium to 0.4.5, cheshire to 5.9.0, and lein-codox to 0.10.7
  • Remove noggit from dependencies, now that it is no longer used
  • Add deps.edn based on project.clj

2.1.0 to 2.1.1

  • Fix reflection on functions in the crs namespace
  • Bump JTS to 1.16.0, with support for XYZM coordinates
  • Bump H3 to 3.1.0, with support for a new h3-distance function
  • Bump internal dependencies

2.0.0 to 2.1.0

New namespace geo.h3 for interacing with Uber's H3 tiling library

This namespace contains a variety of functions for interoperating with H3 via Uber's H3 Java Bindings. Some highlights include these functions implemented for H3 Cells expressed as either Longs or Strings:

(Via protocol geo.h3/H3Index)

This protocol is implemented for String and Long which are the 2 ways of representing an H3 cell.

  • to-string
  • to-long
  • h3->pt
  • get-resolution
  • k-ring
  • k-ring-distances
  • to-jts
  • edge
  • edge-origin
  • edge-destination
  • edges
  • edge-boundary
  • pentagon?
  • is-valid?
  • neighbors?

Via protocol geo.h3/Polygonal

This protocol includes interfaces to H3's Polyfill functionality for tiling a polygon with H3 cells.

It is implemented for ch.hsr.geohash.GeoHash, org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.impl.RectangleImpl, org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon, org.locationtech.jts.geom.LinearRing, and org.locationtech.jts.geom.MultiPolygon.

  • to-polygon
  • polyfill
  • polyfill-address

Additional H3 Functions

  • compact
  • uncompact
  • multi-polygon

Additionally, we've added the H3 GeoCoord class to geo's Shapelike and Point protocols, so they can interoperate with all of the existing spatial types.

See the full API docs for more detailed information.

1.2.0 to 2.0.0

JTS Major Version Upgrade

Note while this change is relatively minor with regard to the outward API for factual/geo, it is considered a major version upgrade because any of the JTS types returned by this library will have moved from the com.vividsolutions namespace to org.locationtech. So users of this library may need to update any type-specific code or imports accordingly.

Proj4 Projection Support

Several new functions have been added to the geo.jts namespace to deal with CRS projections.

  • geo.jts operations will default to SRID 4326, but will respect a geometry's existing SRID if set
  • geo.jts/transform-geom to convert a JTS Geometry to an alternate CRS.
  • geo.jts/get-srid to check the SRID of a JTS Geometry
  • geo.jts/set-srid to check the SRID of a JTS Geometry
  • geo.jts functions linear-ring, polygon-wkt, and multi-polygon-wkt now accept optional srid arguments for constructing new geometries in the desired SRID
  • geo.spatial/to-jts New Shapelike protocol function for converting Shapelikes to JTS geometries. Accepts an optional SRID and defaults to 4326

See for some helpers around checking and manipulating CRS reference IDs.

GeoJSON Updates

  • Can now read GeoJSON Features and FeatureCollections. Note that the interface of this has changed somewhat to accommodate the different structures of GeoJSON Geometries, Features, and FeatureCollections. read-geojson will always return a sequence of Feature maps containing :geometry and :properties keys
  • Use To access the raw GeoJSON entity (Geometry, Feature, or FeatureCollection) if needed
  • Use or to construct the appropriate GeoJSON from a map containing {:properties {...} :geometry <JTS Geom>}

New Spatial Functions

  • geo.spatial/rand-point-in-radius for getting a random point within a given radius of a given center point
  • geo.spatial/resegment for partitioning JTS LineStrings into segments of a given max length

Geohash performance improvements

  • geo.geohash/geohashes-intersecting has been optimized significantly for tiling large geometries with small geohash levels.

1.2.0 to 1.2.1

  • Minor perf improvement from removing a reflection call in our JTSShapeFactoryUsage

1.1.0 to 1.2.0

  • Added new spatial function for splitting JTS linestrings into sub-strings based on a desired maximum segment length
  • Added JTS functions for working with linestrings more conveniently

1.0.0 to 1.1.0

  • Update dependencies, including JTS to 1.13 and Spatial4J to 0.6
  • Add new namespace with functions for reading and writing common geo formats
  • Fix intersecting-geohashes edge cases around dateline and origin-crossing geometries