Animations allow variable values to be changed with a defined (or infinite) number of iterations; these animations can also be contained in parallel (run concurrently) or sequential animations.
Numerical animations allow the offset to be added to the value of the variable by defining an initial value to a final value by also defining the relevant type of interpolation (the value is an enumeration called EasingCurve)
private NumberAnimation CreateNumberAnimation(IUANode ownerAnimationNode, NodeId targetAnimationNode, int from, int to, int loops, bool running, int duration, EasingCurve interpolation)
// Look at the count of current animations in the node
int animationCounter = ownerAnimationNode.GetNodesByType<NumberAnimation>().Count();
// Create a new Number Animation with a browseName with index +1 over the current present animations
var numberAnimation = InformationModel.Make<NumberAnimation>($"NumberAnimation{animationCounter + 1}");
// Set animation parameters, target animation node must be a NodeId
numberAnimation.Target = targetAnimationNode;
numberAnimation.From = from;
numberAnimation.To = to;
numberAnimation.Loops = loops;
numberAnimation.Running = running;
numberAnimation.Duration = duration;
numberAnimation.EasingCurve = interpolation;
// Add the animation node to the target node
// Return the new animation for further future use
return numberAnimation;
Sequential animation allows all animations of this object to be performed sequentially
private SequentialAnimation CreateSequentialAnimation(IUANode ownerAnimationNode, int loops, bool running)
// Look at the count of current animations in the node
int animationCounter = ownerAnimationNode.GetNodesByType<SequentialAnimation>().Count();
// Create a new Sequential Animation with a browseName with index +1 over the current present animations
var sequentialAnimation = InformationModel.Make<SequentialAnimation>($"SequentialAnimation{animationCounter + 1}");
// Set animation parameters
sequentialAnimation.Loops = loops;
sequentialAnimation.Running = running;
// Add the animation node to the target node
// Return the new animation for further future use
return sequentialAnimation;
Parallel animations allow all animations of this object to run simultaneously
private ParallelAnimation CreateParallelAnimation(IUANode ownerAnimationNode, int loops, bool running)
// Look at the count of current animations in the node
int animationCounter = ownerAnimationNode.GetNodesByType<ParallelAnimation>().Count();
// Create a new Parallel Animation with a browseName with index +1 over the current present animations
var parallelAnimation = InformationModel.Make<ParallelAnimation>($"ParallelAnimation{animationCounter + 1}");
// Set animation parameters
parallelAnimation.Loops = loops;
parallelAnimation.Running = running;
// Add the animation node to the target node
// Return the new animation for further future use
return parallelAnimation;
public void GenerateStuffAnimation()
var targetUiObject = Project.Current.Get<Item>("UI/Screens/Screen1/TextBox1");
var parallelAnimation = CreateParallelAnimation(targetUiObject, 10, true);
_ = CreateNumberAnimation(parallelAnimation, targetUiObject.OpacityVariable.NodeId, 0, 100, -1, true, 2000, EasingCurve.Linear);
var sequentialAnimation = CreateSequentialAnimation(targetUiObject, 5, true);
_ = CreateNumberAnimation(sequentialAnimation, targetUiObject.RotationVariable.NodeId, 0, 360, -1, true, 2000, EasingCurve.Linear);
Animation on value change allows you to define the animation and duration to make the new value reach the value that is set in the variable
public void GenerateStuffBehaviorAnimation()
var targetUiObject = Project.Current.Get<Item>("UI/Screens/Screen1/TextBox1");
CreateBehaviorAnimation(targetUiObject.WidthVariable, 5000, EasingCurve.InOutQuad);
private void CreateBehaviorAnimation(IUANode targetAnimationNode, int duration, EasingCurve interpolation)
// Check that targetNode is a variable and does not already have Behavior Animation
if (targetAnimationNode is not IUAVariable || targetAnimationNode.GetNodesByType<BehaviourAnimation>().Any())
// Create new Behavior Animation
var behaviorAnimation = InformationModel.Make<BehaviourAnimation>($"Value change animation");
// Set animation parameters
behaviorAnimation.Duration = duration;
behaviorAnimation.EasingCurve = interpolation;
// Add the animation node to the target node