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File metadata and controls

166 lines (126 loc) · 6.37 KB

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Advanced JavaFx TableView with filtering and total functions.


The implementation of the filter is easy. You wrap your TableView with the JFXTableView and add the columns which wrap JFXTableColumn.

There are the following column implementations:

  • JFXBooleanTableColumn
  • JFXDoubleTableColumn
  • JFXFloatTableColumn
  • JFXIntegerTableColumn
  • JFXLocalDateTableColumn
  • JFXLocalDateTimeTableColumn
  • JFXLocalTimeTableColumn
  • JFXLongTableColumn
  • JFXStringTableColumn
  • JFXBigDecimalTableColumn

You can create your own column implementation by inheriting from the abstract JFXTableColumn class.

You can turn off filtering on a table by passing false to the setAllowFiltering method. Example:


The following types of filtering are supported (The filter types available depend on the choice of the JFXTableColumn implementation):

  • Equals
  • Not equals
  • Greather or equals than
  • Greather than
  • Less or equals than
  • Less than
  • Start with
  • End with
  • Contains
  • Not contains
  • Regular expression
  • Custom filtering

The following types of column totals are supported (The totals types available depend on the choice of the JFXTableColumn implementation):

  • Sum
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Average


JFXTableView supports the following features:

  • Filtering rows by columns (multiple filter option with Custom filtering by column)
  • Totals by column
  • Count rows
  • Copy cell value from context menu
  • Export to file
  • Localization and internationalization

Get Started

Create table JFXTableView and columns JFXTableColumn:

//custom model for JFXTableView
class Model {
    private SimpleBooleanProperty boolValue = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
    private SimpleDoubleProperty doubleValue = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
    private SimpleFloatProperty floatValue= new SimpleFloatProperty();
    private SimpleIntegerProperty integerValue = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
    private SimpleLongProperty longValue = new SimpleLongProperty();
    private SimpleStringProperty stringValue = new SimpleStringProperty();
    private SimpleObjectProperty<LocalDate> localDateValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
    private SimpleObjectProperty<LocalDateTime> localDateTimeValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
    private SimpleObjectProperty<LocalTime> localTimeValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
    //getters and setters

//initialize JFXTableView
//background is StackPane (usually this is Node on which the controls are located in the scene), which is necessary for the darkening effect when opening dialog boxes
JFXTableView<Model> jfxTableView = new JFXTableView<>(background);

//initialize JFXTableColumns
JFXTableColumn<Model, Boolean> boolColumn = new JFXBooleanTableColumn<>("Bool value");
boolColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("boolValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, Double> doubleColumn = new JFXDoubleTableColumn<>("Double value");
doubleColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("doubleValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, Float> floatColumn = new JFXFloatTableColumn<>("Float value");
floatColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("floatValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, Integer> integerColumn = new JFXIntegerTableColumn<>("Integer value");
integerColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("integerValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, Long> longColumn = new JFXLongTableColumn<>("Long value");
longColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("longValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, LocalDate> localDateColumn = new JFXLocalDateTableColumn<>("LocalDate value");
localDateColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("localDateValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, LocalDateTime> localDateTimeColumn = new JFXLocalDateTimeTableColumn<>("LocalDateTime value");
localDateTimeColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("localDateTimeValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, LocalTime> localTimeColumn = new JFXLocalTimeTableColumn<>("LocalTime value");
localTimeColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("localTimeValue"));

JFXTableColumn<Model, String> stringColumn = new JFXStringTableColumn<>("String value");
stringColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("stringValue"));

//add columns to JFXTableView
jfxTableView.getColumns().addAll(boolColumn, doubleColumn, floatColumn, integerColumn, longColumn,
        localDateColumn, localDateTimeColumn, localTimeColumn, stringColumn);

//initialize data
ObservableList<Model> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
Model row1 = new Model();

//set data to JFXTableView

Result: Result

background is StackPane (usually this is Node on which the controls are located in the scene), which is necessary for the darkening effect when opening dialog boxes. For example with shadow:

With Shadow

Without shadow:

Without Shadow

Numbered rows

First column used for display numbered rows. Unvisible by default, use setVisibleNumberedRowsColumn method for table.

//set visible numbered rows column for JFXTableView

Export to file

First (or second if numbered rows visible) column have burger menu button. Use popup action for export data to file.

By default export data to CSV file, but you can write your own implementation and pass a reference to the method in jfxTableView.setExportDataAction (To get data from the table use the jfxTableView.getDataForExport() method).

Localization and internationalization

For localization and internationalization use Resource bundle message. Available by default en and ru_RU.
