Clone of Dark Age of Camelot open source server project known as Dawn of Light. This project aims to be a new-age implementation of the project with a focus on flexibility and scalability.
- Elixir 1.8.0
- NodeJS 10.15.3
- PostgreSQL 10+
If you're familiar with an Elixir project this is pretty cut and dry; however, there may be a few zingers with the project in it's current state. Here is a quick list commands that should get you up and running in development.
# From the root of the project
mix deps.get
mix compile
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
# Starts both the web service and the development game server
iex -S mix phx.server
# The frontend development runs seperately and is found inside
# app/eod_web_frontend/
npm install
npm run dev
This project uses Travis for it's CI testing, but for a quick reference the project must follow the standard tests, a style guide check, as well as a standard formatting check from mix.
mix test
mix credo -a
mix format --check-formatted
The astute among you will probably notice a lack of front-end tests; if anyone wants to help take on that portion of the project better feel free ;)