My winning WWDC18 scholarship submission! I'm very excited about this. There is one bug that randomly stops your ability to jump. In that case, just relaunch. Enjoy!
This playground is a game called "The Search For The Next macOS Name" and is based on the ongoing joke that every year Craig Federighi goes on a journey to find out what the next macOS will be named.
This game is an endless runner that takes place in the orignial Macintosh operating system, and you can jump on various windows throughout the OS
Assets within this game were either created by myself or screenshotted from the original macOS system. Audio is taken from past WWDC keynotes.
Please expand the playground view in order to see the full view. Click anywhere on the view to jump. Click to begin. Please also turn up audio, as some audio is quiet.
My name is Ethan Humphrey, and I have been coding since I was 10. I make iOS apps such as Assigned!, a helpful school planner. I love Apple and I watch WWDC every year. I have always wanted to go to WWDC, and I hope you find this playground worthy of a scholarship!
The purpose of this game is to collect as many good icons as possible, without collecting destructive icons. The player can jump from window to window, and jump through the bottom. After losing the game, you will recieve a different macOS name based on your score!
There are many different types of items within the game. Each item is a different icon from the OS. You must pick up the good items, while avoiding the destructive items.
- Command Icon
- Save Icon
- Paint Bucket
- Pencil Icon
- Happy Mac Icon
- Trash Can
- Bomb
- Watch Icon (Wait Icon)
- Mac Error Icon
Power Ups last seven seconds and are modeled after different macOS versions
- Mavericks Icon: Allows each item the player collects to be worth double points (Shown by a "x2" under score)
- Yosemite Icon: Gives invincibility to the player (Shown by the player becoming less opaque)
- El Capitan Icon: Gives the player an extra life
Lives are represented by a battery icon in the top left. The player is given three lives. Full battery indicates 3 lives, Half battery indicates 2 lives, Low Battery indicates 1 life, and empty battery means the player has lost all lives and the game is over.