TuviSRPLib is a C# port of a custom implementation of SRP protocol used by ProtonMail. The port is based on BounceCastle implementation of SRP-6 with appropriate changes. This library also provides classes to emulate server and client side behavior for testing.
TuviSRPLib contains the following main classes:
- ProtonSRPServer — server side emulation;
- ProtonSRPClient — imitates client side emulation;
- ProtonSRPUtilities — main calculations;
- ExtendedHashDigest — an implementation of hash algorithm used by Proton.
To use this library and imitate interaction between server and client follow next example:
BigInteger N = new BigInteger(1, byteArray); // group order - any big prime number you want to use
BigInteger g = new BigInteger("2"); // group generator - always equals 2 in Proton realization
string password = "qwerty"; // any password
string salt = "some bytes"; // exactly 10 symbols for Proton realization. Bcrypt uses salt with specific length.
Encoding enc = Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] passwordBytes = enc.GetBytes(password);
byte[] saltBytes = enc.GetBytes(salt);
// Sides creation
ProtonSRPClient client = new ProtonSRPClient();
ProtonSRPServer server = new ProtonSRPServer();
IDigest digest = new ExtendedHashDigest();
// Verifier creation
var verifier = ProtonSRPUtilities.CalculateVerifier(digest, N, g, saltBytes, passwordBytes);
// Sides initialization
server.Init(N, g, verifier, digest, new SecureRandom());
client.Init(N, g, digest, new SecureRandom());
// Credential genration for both sides
BigInteger pubA = client.GenerateClientCredentials(saltBytes, passwordBytes);
BigInteger pubB = server.GenerateServerCredentials();
BigInteger M1 = client.CalculateClientEvidenceMessage(); // M1 message creation
if (server.VerifyClientEvidenceMessage(M1)) // M1 message verifying
BigInteger M2 = server.CalculateServerEvidenceMessage(); // M2 message creation
if (client.VerifyServerEvidenceMessage(M2)) // M2 message verifying
BigInteger clientKey = client.CalculateSessionKey();
BigInteger serverKey = server.CalculateSessionKey();