A handy file that lists everything that must be done, ever.
- Write general goals that are guidelines that don't list everything that needs to be addressed.
- Import datasources from the spreadsheet into a data folder that can be processed into template parts, lookups for names and comments, and externally useful data (wiki modules).
- Trace.bt
- Consume
and generate a stack using arrays-of-strings. - Track depth, variable number, starts ends and sizes.
- These need to be made use of by Anomaly.bt and Assert.bt.
- Consume
- Unknown.bt
- Make use of the thisName convention for traces, same as asserts/warns.
- Work with the SIBE/SIEND/SIT for UNK to auto-provide unknown variable names.
- Use the distance between a SIT and an UNK to estimate coverage automatically.
- all bootstraps
- Make it so that there's RAM/ROM definition pairs for bootstrap headers.
- SaveParts.bt
- Some parts are usable in both RAM/ROM.
- Find where to put these logically.
- Change their names to something more general.
- Wrap these with
- Some parts are usable in both RAM/ROM.
- dOoT_E_debug-save.bt
- Split the structs in here with defchecks for game type.
- Yaz.bt
- Could use some fixing up, using bit reads instead of its current logic.
- N64ROMHead.bt
- Finish this, mark it up, use the endianess flag in the template.
- Write a script to correct the CRCs.
- Actor.bt
- Finish resolving the logic for relocation pointers. (1/4)
- Overlay/Files
- Locate more pure-data structures and write templates for them.
- Texture
- Bring up to speed with standards for struct metadata.
- Add a flag somewhere to enable/disable variable colorization.
- Correct JFIF image coloration code (either very wrong or too big to decipher).
- Scanners Patterns
- Examples:
- Scene (3/32)
- Vet good data, nuke bad data.
- DisplayList (2/256)
- MIPS (2/512)
- NIFF (6/20)
- Scene (3/32)
- Write objects for the many remaining commands.
- Correct the scanner / enums accordingly.
- Examples:
- Write a handy macro for comparing two like structures using science.
- Make a flag/#define for setting bookmarks in the file.
- Write a macro to report which VFS file the cursor is currently inside.
- Make it so that SIBE / SIEND add "thisName" to a debug stack.
- Make assert functions utilize this behavior / standard.
- DumpAllYaz.1sc
- Make a general Export method for Yaz files and not just archives of them.
- Write helpers for SAVE/RESTing the current file and potentially preserving template vars.
- Use Memcpy instead of iteration.
- Scrounge around for source code from other tools, particularly files of type .cs, .h, or .py -- I don't want to reverse a source-less tool unless I'm absolutely stumped.
- Cross-reference checkums and junk with places like No-Intro, GoodN64, MAME's N64 softwarelist.