First try on a simple tool to transform the public Tweede Kamer data into Linked Data. Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal is the Dutch House of Representatives, it is one of the two chambers of the Dutch parliament.
The Tweede Kamer offers an open data API the offers an exentive amount of data of its business. See for detailed information. The API is an ODATA implementation.
This software reads data from selected endpoints of the ODATA API and downloads the available data as JSON. The JSON files are processed in a two step process. The first step is a automated one-to-one conversion of the JSON data into RDF using RML with a generated transformation script. The second step is a transformation of the raw RDF into RDF modelled using common ontolgies such as The transformation for each output type can be configured using SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. See the queries directory for details.
$ git clone
$ cd TweedeKamerLOD
$ npm install
$ npm start
To configure the download and transformation of specific datasets is done in the configuration file.