You made it to Level 1. This is good. It does not mean you are a bad programmer, on the contrary. We expect a lot from our L1 programmers. You are independent, skilled developer capable of writing a good code.
- Successfully performed the role of an Engineer at Socialbakers or equivalent role elsewhere
- Core language competency in a javascript programming language
- Experience working on a team in a professional setting
- Demonstrated ability to collaborate well with a team
- Demonstrated ability to learn from mistakes
- Demonstrated ability to unblock themselves, asks for help where necessary
- Demonstrated good communication skills with teammates and shows a good degree of emotional and professional maturity
- Contribute meaningfully to the definition of stories
- Pick up most of stories & suggest a solution for completing it
- Be able to dive in to an area of the code/product that they’re not their main responsibility & make changes
- Make sure their code is readable & easy to maintain
- Make sure their code is tested appropriately
- Review other engineers’ code, usually within the same value stream and provide constructive feedback
- Have development repository access and use it responsibly
- Reach goals specified in education plan and successfully present them on team level
- Often asks for guidance when solution can be found easily
- Stories are delivered without test coverage and as a result are returned from QA repeatedly
- Does not participate in team meetings