This release contains experimental python bindings for some parts of LillyMol.
We find that using LillyMol from python can be a very effective means of prototyping an idea, or doing things that are not time sensitive.
This first release comprises three main components
- The Molecule object
- Substructure Searching
- Reaction Handling
More functionality will become available.
The current python bindings may not reflect final names or functionality, this is a work in progress, but has already proven useful.
Python bindings for LillyMol were implemented at Google in 2019 using Clif. While this appeared to work well, and Clif was easy to use inside Google, it proved to be very difficult outside Google. Instead pybind11 has been used here. It is an amazing template metaprogramming tour-de-force, which ultimately seems to work well.
Unfortunately there do appear to be many instances of needless copies happening between C++ and Python. Perhaps these could be lessened via careful inspection, but for now, there is no claim that this is as fast as things could be.
Your python environment must include pybind11. Normally
pip install pybind11
will accomplish this.
Normally the python bindings are built as part of the default build, the script, but if you wish to compile separately that can be done via
bazelisk --output_user_root=/local/disk/ian build --cxxopt=-DTODAY=\"$(date +%Y-%b-%d)\" --cxxopt=-DGIT_HASH=\"$(git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD)\" --local_cpu_resources=10 -c opt pybind:all
This generates several *.so
files in bazel-bin/pybind. In addition, LillyMol
now has several run-time dependencies, and these also need to be made available.
For now, the script
in the src
directory will copy
the needed files out of bazel-bin and into lib.
for how we configured the local python and pybind11 installs.
This was quite difficult to get right. Normally these will be auto
configured for you by the build script,
which in turn calls update_python_in_workspace
which interrogates the python installation.
Once the shared libraries are copied to LillyMol/lib
, a script,
the top level directory can be used to invoke python with those libraries avaialble.
LillyMol has no concept of changeable and unchangeable molecules. Any molecule can be altered at any time. This simplifies interaction with Molecules. In the python implementation it does raise some risks of errors, while making certain operations easier. Read on...
This works because the LillyMol Molecule is a very lazy object. It never computes things like fragment membership, ring membership, aromaticity or canononical ordering unless requested. So if you remove an atom, or bond, it will destroy any information it has about those derived quantities. Only if requested will any be recomputed.
This has many advantages. For example if a molecle is built from a smiles and then the only thing ever requested is the number of atoms, that will be very cheap. If the number of fragments is requested, then only fragment membership is computed. Even if the most expensive derived property, the canonical order, is requested, the actual unique smiles will not be generated unless requested.
While this generally works well, there is one caveat. Because of this, things like Rings and Bonds, by default, do not know if they are aromatic or not, or if they are in a ring or not. Since neither one knows anything about being in a Molecule, the following will fail
benzene.ring(0).is_aromatic() # Is the first ring aromatic?
But this will work
if benzene.is_aromatic(0): # Is the first atom aromatic?
benzene.ring(0).is_aromatic() # Is the first ring aromatic?
In this case benzene.is_aromatic(0)
meant that the Molecule needed to
compute fragment membership, ring membership and aromaticity. Then
when the first ring, ring(0)
was queried, it now knew that it was
Again, this is only an issue if you will be querying molecular properties via Atoms, Bonds or Rings. If you get this information by asking the Molecule, this happens automatically. If you are going to query individual objects for things like aromaticity and ring membership start with
which will ensure that aromaticity information is propagated throughout all parts of the molecule - and if that has already been done, this does nothing.
Atoms do not know if they are in a ring or not, nor whether they are aromatic, or what fragment they are in. Fragment membership, ring membership and aromaticity are molecular properties. Same with chirality. Bonds are slightly different, in that Bonds do know their ring membership, and if they are aromatic or not. But again these quantities are not computed by default.
The Molecule functionality must be imported
from lillymol import *
For those familiar with RDKit, this enables
m = MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1')
and if an invalid smiles is encountered, None will be returned. There is also a list form of this
mols = MolFromSmiles(["C", "CC", "C1CC1"])
which returns a list of molecules. This may offer speed advantages depending on the structure of the program.
And for clarity
mol = LillyMolFromSmiles("C methane")
also works.
There are other means by which molecules can enter the system.
m = Molecule()
instantiates an empty molecule. That can then be constructed via something like
which returns True if successful. The same Molecule can be re-used any number of
times with the build_from_smiles
method, which first cleans out all atoms before
starting. See discussion of the addition operators later.
Molecules can also be read from files, which will likely be the most common case.
from lillymol_io import *
reader = Reader()
if not'/path/to/file.smi', FileType.SMI):
logging.error('Cannot open...')
for m in reader:
This will print the smiles and name of each molecule. If reading a
.sdf file, use FileType.SDF
. LillyMol has a wide variety of directives
for reading .sdf files, those need to be made available via Python.
Note that there will never be a None molecule returned. If a connection table error is encountered, reading will cease. The Reader class has a 'set_set_connection_table_errors_allowed' method, which allows you to set the number of otherwise fatal errors that are ignored. Warnings will flash by on stderr, but nothing will show up in python.
Lillymol has always operated on the principle that your input should be correct. That said, it would not be hard to add an option to return a None molecule in the event of an otherwise ignored error.
Note that in LillyMol a molecule with an invalid valence is a valid molecule. If you don't want molecules with valence errors, use the valence_ok() method to check each molecule and skip those having an invalid valence.
A more pythonic way of reading structures is available as
with ReaderContext('/path/to/file.sdf') as reader:
for mol in reader:
for atom in mol:
This last example shows that a molecule is iterable, and a stream of Atom objects is returned. In LillyMol, Atoms know nothing about a Molecule, so if you want the atom number something like
for atom_number, atom in enumerate(mol):
print(f'atom {atom_number} atomic number {atom.atomic_number()}')
the atoms are iterated in sequential order, so enumerate works.
While an Atom does not know anything about being part of a Molecule, the Molecule can query each of its atoms for properties associated with each atom. Therefore
both report the atomic number of atom 3. The first queried the molecule, and the second retrieved the third atom and asked it for the atomic number. In terms of efficiency, the first method will be more efficient in python.
And for the greatest simplicity in getting a list of molecules into python
mols = slurp(fname)
will read all molecules from fname
into a list. Note that this
only works if fname
has the proper suffix, and it will not work
if trying to read stdin. Returns None if anything goes wrong. Note
that if any molecule fails nothing is returned.
The most common methods for a Molecule currently implemented are
Method | Description |
name() | The name of the molecule |
set_name(string) | Set the name |
natoms() | Number of atoms (explicit atoms only) |
empty() | True if there are no atoms in the molecule |
GetNumAtoms() | Number of atoms (explicit atoms only) |
nedges() | Number of bonds |
bonds() | Iterable collection of Bonds |
nrings() | Number of SSSR rings |
nrings(atom) | Ring membership of 'atom' |
is_ring_atom(atom) | True if 'atom' is in a ring |
IsInRing(atom) | True if 'atom' is in a ring |
in_ring_of_given_size(atom, rsize) | True if 'atom' is in a ring of size 'rsize' |
IsAtomInRingOfSize(atom, rsize) | True if 'atom' is in a ring of size 'rsize' |
ring_bond_count(atom) | Number of ring bonds involving 'atom' |
get_ring_membership() | Ring membership for each atom |
number_ring_systems() | Number of ring systems in the molecule |
fused_system_identifier(atom) | Fused system identifier for 'atom' |
fused_system_size(atom) | Size of fused system containing 'atom' |
label_atoms_by_ring_system() | Fused system identifier for each atom |
label_atoms_by_ring_system_including_spiro_fused() | Ring systems span spiro fusions |
ring(number) | Fetch a particular ring |
rings() | Iterable collection of all rings |
in_same_ring(a1, a2) | True if a1 and a2 are in the same ring |
in_same_ring_system(a1, a2) | True if a1 and a2 are in the same ring system |
largest_ring_size() | Number of atoms in largest ring |
number_ring_systems() | Number of ring systems - naphthalene counts as 1 |
is_spiro_fused(atom) | True if 'atom' is a spiro fusion |
amw() | Average Molecular Weight |
molecular_formula() | Molecular Formula |
natoms(atomic_number) | Number of atoms with atomic number |
natoms(atomic_symbol) | Number of atoms with atomic symbol |
exact_mass() | Exact Mass |
ncon(atom) | Number of edges (bonds) to 'atom' |
connections(atom) | List of all atoms attached to 'atom' |
attached_heteroatom_count(atom) | Number of heteroatoms attached to 'atom ' |
is_aromatic(atom) | True if 'atom' is aromatic |
compute_aromaticity_if_needed() | Compute fragments, rings and aromaticity |
aromatic_atom_count() | Number of aromatic atoms |
aromatic_ring_count() | Number of aromatic rings |
atomic_number(atom) | Atomic number of 'atom' |
atomic_symbol(atom) | Atomic symbol of 'atom' |
set_atomic_number(atom, atomic_number) | Change an element |
add_bond(atom1, atom2, btype) | Add a bond |
set_bond_type_between_atoms(atom1, atom2, btype) | Change an existing bond |
is_halogen(atom) | True if 'atom' is a Halogen |
remove_atom(atom) | Remove an atom |
remove_atoms(list, flag) | Remove all atoms where list[i] == flag |
remove_atoms(Set_of_Atoms) | Remove the atoms in the set |
remove_atoms(numpy_array, flag) | Remove atoms where numpy_array[i] == flag |
remove_non_periodic_table_elements() | Remove any non-natural atoms |
remove_all(atomic_number) | Remove all atoms with atomic_number |
move_to_end_of_connection_table(z) | Move all atoms with atomic number z to end of connection table |
chop(n) | Remove the last 'n' atoms in the molecule |
organic_only() | True if only C, N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Br, I |
remove_explicit_hydrogens() | Remove explicit Hydrogens |
RemoveHs() | Remove explicit Hydrogens |
implicit_hydrogens(atom) | Number of implicit Hydrogens on 'atom' |
explicit_hydrogens(atom) | Number of explicit Hydrogens attached to 'atom' |
make_implicit_hydrogens_explicit() | Make implicit Hydrogens into explicit Atoms |
AddHs() | Make implicit Hydrogens into explicit Atoms |
hcount(atom) | Sum of implicit and explicit Hydrogens for 'atom' |
implicit_hydrogens_known(atom) | True if 'atom' has [] in smiles |
saturated(atom) | True if 'atom' is fully saturated |
pi_electrons(atom) | Pi electrons on 'atom' |
lone_pair_count(atom) | Lone pairs on 'atom' |
remove_all(atomic_number) | Remove all instances of that atom type |
remove_bonds_to_atom(atom) | Remove all bonds involving 'atom' |
remove_edge(edge) | Remove a bond by bond number |
remove_bond_between_atoms(a1, a2) | Remove bond between atoms |
remove_all_bonds() | All atoms become their own fragment |
smarts_equivalent_for_atom(atom) | Smarts for 'atom' |
number_fragments() | number of fragments |
fragment_membership(atom) | Fragment number for 'atom' |
atoms_in_fragment(frag) | Number of atoms in a fragment |
delete_fragment(frag) | Delete a fragment |
remove_fragment_containing_atom(atom) | Remove fragment containing atom |
reduce_to_largest_fragment() | Discard all but the largest fragment |
reduce_to_largest_fragment_carefully() | Contains heuristics to do a better selection |
get_fragment_membership() | Return a list of fragment memberships |
create_components() | Return a list of Molecules from a multi fragment molecule |
to_scaffold() | Remove all non-scaffold atoms |
canonical_rank(atom) | Canonical rank for 'atom' |
canonical_ranks() | Canonical rank of each atom |
symmetry_class(atom) | Symmetry class for 'atom' |
symmetry_equivalents(atom) | A list of the atoms equivalent to 'atom' |
number_symmetry_classes() | Number symmetry classes |
build_from_smiles(smi) | Build from smiles |
smiles() | Smiles |
unique_smiles() | Unique smiles |
random_smiles() | Random smiles |
isotopically_labelled_smiles() | Each atom has isotope according to atom number |
unique_kekule_smiles() | Unique Kekule form (expensive to compute) |
smarts() | Molecule as smarts - does not work for searching |
smiles_starting_with_atom(atom) | smiles where 'atom' is the first atom |
smiles_atom_order() | atom order in must recent smiles produced |
are_bonded(a1, a2) | True if a1 and a2 are bonded |
add(Molecule other) | Add the atoms and bonds of 'other' |
remove_hydrogens_known_flag_to_fix_valence_errors | Remove problematic square brackets |
unset_unnecessary_implicit_hydrogens_known_values() | Try to fix certain valence problems |
formal_charge(atom) | Formal charge on atom |
set_formal_charge(atom) | Set formal charge on atom |
has_formal_charges() | True if any atom has a formal charge |
number_formal_charges() | Number of formally charged atoms |
net_formal_charge() | Net formal charge |
number_chiral_centres() | Number of chiral centres |
remove_all_chiral_centres() | Remove all chiral centres |
chiral_centre(atom) | Return the Chiral_Centre on 'atom' |
invert_chirality_on_atom(atom) | Invert chirality |
chiral_centres() | Iterable list of Chiral_Centre |
isotope(atom) | Isotope on 'atom' |
set_isotope(atom, iso) | Set isotope |
set_isotopes(Set_of_Atoms, iso) | Set isotope for atoms in the set |
set_isotopes(numpy_array) | Set each isotope |
remove_isotopes() | Remove all isotopes |
number_isotopic_atoms() | Number of atoms with non zero isotopes |
bonds_between(a1, a2) | Bonds between atoms |
longest_path() | Longest through bond path |
atoms_on_shortest_path(a1, a2) | Set_of_Atoms holding atoms on shortest path between a1 and a2 |
down_the_bond(a1, a2) | Return all atoms found by looking down the a1->a2 bond. May return None |
atom_map_number(atom) | Atom map number on 'atom' |
set_atom_map_number(atom, nbr) | Set atom map number |
reset_atom_map_numbers() | Remove all atom map numbers |
atom_with_atom_map_number(number) | Atom with atom map number |
bond_length(a1, a2) | Bond distance |
bond_angle(a1, a2, a3) | Bond angle |
dihedral_angle(a1, a2, a3, a4) | Dihedral angle |
signed_dihedral_angle(a1, a2, a3, a4) | Dihedral angle, may be negative |
distance_between_atoms(a1, a2) | Distance between atoms - bonded or not |
longest_intra_molecular_distance() | Longest inter atom distance |
x(atom) | x coordinate of 'atom' |
y(atom) | y coordinate of 'atom' |
z(atom) | z coordinate of 'atom' |
setx(atom, x) | Set x coordinate of 'atom' |
sety(atom, y) | Set y coordinate of 'atom' |
setz(atom, z) | Set z coordinate of 'atom' |
setxyz(atom, x, y, z) | Set coordinates of 'atom' |
translate(x, y, z) | Translate atoms |
highest_coordinate_dimensionality() | Will be 3 of 3D coordinates available |
discern_chirality_from_3d_structure() | Use geometry to discern chiral centres |
dihedral_scan(atom, atom, angle, bump_check | return list of coordinate sets |
non_sssr_rings() | Number of non Smallest Set of Smallest Rings rings |
non_sssr_ring(i) | The i'th non-SSSR ring |
has_partial_charges() | True if the molecule has partial charges |
invalidate_charges() | Discard any partial charge information stored |
partial_charge_type() | The kind of partial charges stored |
compute_Abraham_partial_charges() | Abraham partial charges |
compute_Gasteiger_partial_charges() | Gasteiger partial charges |
compute_Huckel_partial_charges() | Huckel partial charges |
compute_Gasteiger_Huckel_partial_charges() | Gasteiger Huckel partial charges |
compute_Del_Re_partial_charges() | Del Re partial charges |
compute_Pullman_partial_charges() | Del Re partial charges |
_eq_ | True if m1 == m2. Will use unique smiles if necessary |
m1 += m2 | Adds atoms and bonds from m2 to m1 |
m1 + m2 | Returns a new molecule containing m1 and m2 |
_iter_ | List of Atoms |
_getitem_ | Get i'th atom |
_len_ | Number of atoms |
_eq_ | True if molecules contain same structures |
_contains_ | True of molecule contains atomic number |
valence_ok() | True if all atoms have an OK valence |
ok | True if the internal state of the Molecule is ok |
debug_string() | String representation of internal state: print(m.debug_string()) |
----- | ----- |
As mentioned previously, LillyMol Atoms are faily simple, and have no idea that they are part of a Molecule. The only atributes an atom has is
- Pointer to an Element
- Isotope
- Coordinates
- Implicit Hydrogen info
- Formal Charge
- Number of bonds
- List of Bonds involving the Atom.
- Atom Map number
and some more obscure things.
The Atom object supports
Method | Description |
atomic_number() | Atomic number |
atomic_weight() | Atomic weight |
exact_mass() | exact_mass |
ncon() | Number of connections/edges |
nbonds() | Number of bonds, single=1, double=2, triple=3 |
formal_charge() | Formal charge |
other(atom_number, ndx) | atom number of the 'ndx' connection |
is_bonded_to(atom) | True if atom is bonded to 'atom' |
valence_ok(atom) | True if valence ok |
fully_saturated() | True if nbonds() == ncon() |
atom_map() | atom map number |
connections(atom) | iterable list of atoms attached |
implicit_hydrogens | number of implicit hydrogens attached |
_iter_ | List of Bonds attached |
_contains_ | True if atom is bonded to |
_len_ | Number of connections |
In additon an Atom object inherits from an object that holds coordinates. Subsequent versions will enable more of that functionality. For now the subtraction operator returns the distance between two atoms, although long term this must be changed so that subtraction of two atoms returns the vector between them.
m[0] - m[1]
reports sqrt(3). For now...
A common construct might be (count the number of carbon=,#nitrogen bonds)
result = 0
for i,atom in enumerate(mol):
if not atom.atomic_number() == 7:
for bond in atom:
if b.is_single_bond():
other = b.other(i)
if m.atomic_number(other) == 6:
result += 1
But as is often the case, there is a more efficient way of doing this. The above will visit each Bond twice - since each atom knows about all Bonds. Traversing the bond list results in each Bond being examined only once.
result = 0
for bond in m.bond_list():
if b.is_single_bond():
a1 = b.a1()
a2 = b.a2()
if m.atomic_number(a1) == 6 && m.atomic_number(a2) == 7:
result += 1
elif m.atomic_number(a1) == 7 && m.atomic_number(a2) == 6:
result += 1
Knowing when to solve a problem by traversing atoms and when to traverse bonds can be hard.
Again, the Bond class really does not know much.
- The two atoms that define the bond.
- The bond type
- Ring membership
- Directional or not
And a couple of other things.
Method | Description |
a1() | The first atom |
a2() | The second atom |
btype() | The bond type |
other(atom_number) | The atom that is not 'atom_number' |
involves(atom_number) | True if 'atom_number' is a1 or a2 |
is_single_bond() | True if the bond is a single bond |
is_double_bond() | True if the bond is a double bond |
is_triple_bond() | True if the bond is a triple bond |
is_aromatic() | True if the bond is aromatic |
nrings() | The number of rings involving this bond |
is_directional(() | True if bond is directional |
IsInRing() | True if bond is in a ring |
GetBeginAtomIdx() | Same as a1() |
GetEndAtomIdx() | Same as a2() |
GetBondType() | Same as btype() |
_contains_ | involves() |
Set_of_Atoms objects are used extensively in LillyMol. Despite the name, they are actually just vectors of atom numbers, with no requirement for uniqueness. That said, it would be a very unusual application where a Set_of_Atoms contained duplicate atom numbers.
Method | Description |
empty() | True of the set is empty |
size() | Number of items |
scatter(list, value) | Set values to 'value' |
_len_ | Number of items |
_getitem_ | Access via [i] |
_iter_ | Access atoms via iterators |
_contains_ | Is atom included |
The C++ version contains several gather and scatter type methods. Other methods may be added.
A Molecule may have rings. Ring's are just Set_of_Atoms's that have some extra information.
- Aromaticity
- Fused Ring neighbours.
In addition, the atoms in the Ring are ordered, so if they are iterated, they will trace out a bonded path through the ring.
Method | Description |
size() | size |
ring_number() | unique ring number |
fragment_membership() | fragment number containing ring |
fused_system_identifier() | fused system number containing this ring |
is_fused() | True if ring is fused to another ring |
fused_ring_neighbours() | Number of fused neighbours |
is_fused_to(ring) | True if fused to another ring number |
largest_number_of_bonds_shared_with_another_ring() | for flat ring systems, this will be 1 |
strongly_fused_ring_neighbours() | Rings sharing more than 1 bond |
contains_bond(a1, a2) | True if Ring contains these adjacent atoms |
is_aromatic() | True if ring is aromatic |
_contains_ | Is atom included |
_len_ | Size |
To count the number of isolated (not fused) 5 membered aromatic rings
result = 0
for ring in m.rings():
if len(ring) != 5:
if ring.is_fused():
if ring.is_aromatic():
result += 1
Counting the number of pyrrole type nitrogens, in isolated rings.
result = 0
for ring in m.rings():
if len(ring) != 5:
if ring.is_fused():
if not ring.is_aromatic():
for atom in ring:
if m.atomic_number(atom) == 7 && m.hcount(atom) == 1:
result += 1
However it is unclear whether this would be more/or less efficient than the equivalent.
result = 0
for i, atom in enumerate(m):
if atom.atomic_number() != 7:
if not m.is_aromatic(i):
if atom.hcount() == 0:
if not m.in_ring_of_given_size(i, 5):
if m.fused_system_size(i) == 1:
result += 1
Any work with molecules should ensure that molecules are represented in a consistent manner. For example, are all the acids in charged or neutral forms? How are the nitro groups represented? Etc...
Trying to formulate substruecture queries that can accommodate these variations is challenging, and inefficient. LillyMol has a module that enforces consistent molecular representations.
from lillymol_std import *
standardise = Chemical_Standardisation()
for mol in reader:
# m is now in a consistent form for subsequent processing.
You may, or may not like how the molecules are changed, but they are all changed to be consistent.
Within the C++ there are options for turning on just specific transformations, and
for transforming certain forms from LillyMol standard forms back to other forms;
transforming N(=O)=O
to [N+](=O)-[O-]
for example.
LillyMol supports a rich set of substructure query capabilities. All invove a
object that can be instantiate from
- smarts
- Molecule
- textproto file
- MDL query file
The current python implementation focuses on smarts and textproto forms.
Enable substructure searching via
from lillymol_query import *
Instantiate a new query for a para substituted methoxy group via
query = SubstructureQuery()
To read a query from a textproto query specification
query = SubstructureQuery()
if not query.read_proto('/path/to/file.textproto'):
logging.error('Cannot read query file %s...')
To perform a substructure search, not recording anything about the atoms matched
m = MolFromSmiles('C(=N)(C1=C(O)C(=C(O)C=C1O)OC)CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1 CHEMBL503634')
The number of matches will be returned. In this case it will frequently be 2 since the query will match two times in a benzene like ring.
To get the matched atoms, as a List of List's,
matches = q.substructure_search_matches(m)
and then the matches object (type SubstructureResults) can be iterated.
For example if you wanted to place an isotope on each set of matched atoms that might look like
for match in query.substructure_search_matches(m):
m.set_isotopes(match, 1)
Omit the remove_isotopes
call to add the new isotopes to whatever might have already been there.
On the other hand if you need to know which matched atom is which, that might look like
for match in query.substructure_search_matches(m):
for ndx, atom in enumerate(match):
m.set_isotope(atom, ndx + 1)
Note that the isotope placed is incremented by 1 since isotope 0 does not mean anything.
The Substructure_Query class has a wide variety of options that control the matching. Those
are described in the trxn
usage document. Here they are just listed
- set_only_keep_matches_in_largest_fragment
- set_embeddings_do_not_overlap
- set_find_one_embedding_per_atom
- set_find_unique_embeddings_only
- set_max_matches_to_find
- set_perceive_symmetry_equivalent_matches
- set_min_atoms_to_match
- set_max_atoms_to_match
- max_query_atoms_matched_in_search
Enable reactions via
from lillymol_query import *
from lillymol_reaction import *
The query
module must be imported first.
Reactions can be build from
- textproto reaction file
- smirks
- MDL reaction file.
rxn = Reaction()
if not'/path/to/rxn.textproto'):
logging.error('Cannot read reaction %s...
rxn = Reaction()
if not rxn.construct_from_smirks(smirks):
logging.error('Cannot interpret smirks %s...
If the reaction is a simple form that has either no sidechains,
or all sidechains have a single, already specified, reagent, then
the in_place_transformations
method can be used.
will perform a reaction to however many substructure matches
there are in m
. This may, or may not be what you want. Since
a reaction inherits from a Substructure_Query object, there are
methods available for modifying the matching.
For more control over multiple matches, something like this may help
rxn = Reaction()'/path/to/reaction.textproto')
matches = rxn.substructure_search_matches(m)
# stop here if zero matches...
for match in matches:
product = rxn.perform_reaction(m, match)
product.set_name( + ' ' +
[product = rxn.perform_reaction(m, match) for match in matches]
The reaction object was designed to be able to rapidly enumerate large combinatorial libraries. For this reason, it stores precomputed sets of sidechain reagents, which can be rapidly added to a new scaffold. We cycle through these sidechains via an iterator class. This workflow looks like
- Instantiate Reaction
- Add reagents to the reaction
- Process scaffols, generating multiple products for each scaffold.
In python, for a reaction with a single sidechain, processing a set of molecules might look like
rxn = Reaction()'/path/to/reaction.textproto')
rxn.add_sidechain_reagents(0, '/path/to/r2.smi', FileType.SMI)
matches = rxn.substructure_search_matches(mol)
if not matches:
logging.error("No matches to %s",
iter = ReactionIterator(rxn)
for scaffold in reader:
for match in matches:
product = rxn.perform_reaction(mol, match, iter)
# do something with product
The loop involving '' will loop over the reagents stored
in the reaction. For each such reagent, a product will be formed for
each embedding of the query in 'm', generating number_reagents * number_matches
products. Some molecules may have differing numbers of matches...
One speed comparison is described in tsubstructure. That shows excellent speed from LillyMol python, but in that case there was not much actually being done in python.
A more meaningful test was something to detect 4-pyridol groups and transform them to 4-pyridone types. Running across all of Chembl, this took about 6.5 minutes. Having found an algorithm that worked, that was translated to C++ and runs in 1 minute 15 seconds.
So, in cases where most of the calculation is being done with python, speed may be significantly diminished.
Many times the only need to instantiate a molecule is to get an atom count. This function is text only, and makes, what is usually a very good, count of the number of heavy atoms in a smiles.
Allow creation of arbitrary elements
to be a valid smiles. Substructure search this with
Allow molecules such as
again substructure searching is with [#{Ala}D1]~[#{Gly}D2]...
Elements D
and T
are interpreted as Hydrogen isotopes.