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GIBS: Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation program for computing ion distributions around biomolecules with hard sphere solvent models

GIBS is a Grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation program for computing the thermodynamic properties of ionic solutions and their distributions around biomolecules. GIBS implements algorithms that automate the excess chemical potential calculations for a given target salt concentration. GIBS uses a cavity-bias algorithm to achieve high sampling acceptance rates for inserting ions and solvent hard spheres when simulating dense ionic systems. In the current version, ion-ion interactions can be described using Coulomb, hard-sphere, or Lennard-Jones (L-J) potentials; solvent-ion interactions can be described using hard-sphere, L-J and attractive square-well potentials; and, solvent-solvent interactions are described using hard-sphere repulsions. GIBS can be used as a platform to evaluate new implicit solvent and coarse-grained models for predicting the thermodynamics properties of ionic solutions. GIBS is written in C++ and is available freely for the community to use as an educational and as a research tool.

The GIBS program was written by Dr. Dennis G. Thomas in collaboration with Dr. Nathan A. Baker, at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The program was developed as part of projects funded by the National Institutes of Health through R01 Grant Nos. GM076121-04S1 and GM099450.

Main Features

  1. Automated excess chemical potential calculations for bulk electrolyte solutions.
  2. Fast and efficient GCMC sampling of ion distributions in bulk electrolyte solutions and around fixed molecular solutes.
  3. Models for Ion-Ion interactions using Coulomb, hard-sphere, Lennard-Jones potentials.
  4. Models for Ion-Solvent interactions using hard-sphere, Lennard-Jones, attractive square well potentials.
  5. Models for Solvent-Solvent interactions using hard-sphere repulsions.
  6. Solvent representation as dielectric continuum (primitive model) or as hard spheres (solvent primitive model or SPM).
  7. Ion representation as charged hard spheres.

Current Version

The current version is version 1

Citing GIBS

A publication has been planned.


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