sends JSON messages to players
syntax is /tellraw <targets> <message>
selectors for tellraw are <playername>
, @a
, @s
, @r
, @p
, and any kind of selector within e.g. @a[count=1]
tellraw can be sent to any player, excluding all other entities
to do numbers do /tellraw <targets> <number>
/tellraw @a 0134342342
/tellraw @s 25
/tellraw @r 5.5
/tellraw @p 0
/tellraw Eggy115 -3
/tellraw @a -3.221
these all just display numbers
to display simply text use /tellraw <targets> ["<text>"]
or /tellraw <targets> "<text>"
it has to be "
, '
will not work
/tellraw @a "hello"
/tellraw Eggy115 ["yeah, whooo"]
to add multiple lines, use \n
/tellraw @s "\nline 1\nline 2"
to escape characters, use \
/tellraw @a "hello \"world\" "
you can also do \u00a7
which is section sign (§
) so you can get colours and effects
/tellraw @a ["\u00a70BLACK TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a71DARK BLUE TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a72DARK GREEN TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a73DARK AQUA TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a74DARK RED TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a75DARK PURPLE TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a76GOLD TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a77GREY TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a78DARK GREY TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a79BLUE TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7aLIGHT GREEN TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7bLIGHT AQUA TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7cRED TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7dLIGHT PURPLE TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7eYELLOW TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7fWHITE TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7lBOLD TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7oITALIC TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7mSTRIKETHROUGH TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7nUNDERLINED TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7kOBFUSCATED TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7rRESET TEXT"]
and you can combine them too
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7a\u00a7bBOLD AND GREEN TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a7b\u00a7aONLY GREEN TEXT"]
/tellraw @a ["\u00a74Red text\nNewline\n\u00a7aGreen text"]
or you can use to get other fancy symbol
/tellraw @r "\u00b9\u00b2\u00b3" (¹²³)
javascript object notation is special text
display types are what kind of thing you are displaying
to display simple text use
to translate messages use
/tellraw @p {"translate":"value","fallback":"fallback","with":["with"]}
to show keybind thay player has for certain action
/tellraw @p {"keybind":"key.jump"}
in this example you look at their keybind for the action key.jump
, which will usually print Space
to display object use score. name is name of the person you want to show. objective is the scoreboard you are keeping track of.
/tellraw @p {"score":{"name":"@p","objective":"Kills"}}
any kind of selector can be used e.g. @p, @a, and it will replace it with the appropriate information.
/tellraw @p {"selector":"@p"}
for entity's information
/tellraw @p {"nbt":"value","entity":"entity","interpret":true/false}
for a block's nbt
/tellraw @p {"nbt":"value","block":"~ ~ ~","interpret":true/false}
for storage
/tellraw @p {"nbt":"value","storage":"storage","interpret":true/false}
to display normal text the proper way, use {"text":"message here"}
/tellraw Eggy115 {"text":"hello"}
/tellraw @a {"text":"this is a fun message"}
to display multiple sections of text, use []
/tellraw @a [{"text":"hello"},{"text":" world"}]
to have colour, use {"text":"put your text here","color":"put colour here"}
/tellraw @a {"text":"hello","color":"green"}
to make colours with hex code, replace the colour with #
and then the hex code
/tellraw @p {"text":"hex code","color":"#FF0000"}
to add effects like bold use {"text":"text here","effect":"true/false"}
/tellraw @s {"text":"epic","bold":"true"}
note: it is not just text that can use colours and effects
selectors, translate, nbt, etc. can all be colourised
to have both colour and effects
/tellraw Eggy115 {"text":"text","color":"red","italic":"true"}
to have multiple colours
[{"text":"helloooo ","color":"gold"},{"text":"more text","color":"blue"}]
and to have multiple colours and effects
[{"text":"some text here","color":"blue","underlined":"true"},{"text":" and more text","color":"light_purple","obfuscated":"false"}]
to have web link
/tellraw @r {"text":"url","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://github.com/Eggy115"}}
run command
/tellraw @p {"text":"run command","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"say hello"}}
suggest command or message
/tellraw @s {"text":"suggest command","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/say hello"}}
copy to clipboard
/tellraw @a {"text":"copy to clipboard","clickEvent":{"action":"copy_to_clipboard","value":"i just got copied"}}
/tellraw @a {"text":"copy to clipboard","clickEvent":{"action":"copy_to_clipboard","value":"\u00a7"}}
/tellraw @a {"text":"copy to clipboard","clickEvent":{"action":"copy_to_clipboard","value":"\u00b9\u00b2\u00b3"}}
show text
/tellraw @p {"text":"hover","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"hello"}]}}
/tellraw @p {"text":"hover","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"green hovertext","color":"green"}]}}
display item
/tellraw @p {"text":"hover","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_item","contents":"diamond"}}
/tellraw @p {"text":"hover","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_item","contents":"dirt"}}
can't get this to work
to have different fonts
/tellraw @p {"text":"font","font":"minecraft:default"}
/tellraw @p {"text":"font","font":"minecraft:illageralt"}
/tellraw @p {"text":"font","font":"minecraft:alt"}