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File metadata and controls

283 lines (203 loc) · 7.26 KB


An elegant and responsive hugo theme. Here is a demo on Coffee Bytes. It has the following features out of the box:

  • SPA feel like, using live reload functionality by turbolinks
  • SEO friendly
  • Multilanguage (en, es)
  • Show up Mailchimp newsletter form
  • Instant search based on lunr
  • scroll up button
  • dark and light theme
  • table of contents
  • related content at bottom
  • social media icons obtained from Font Awesome

All examples here used a config file in toml format, but feel free to use whichever you want and adapt it to your needs.


To install the theme follow the basic hugo instructions for any theme. I summarize them below.

You can add a submodule to your project using git submodule

Using git submodule

git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-latte

It's also possible to clone the repo and place the content in a folder named hugo-theme-latte, inside the themes folder at the root of your project.

Cloning the theme

cd themes/
mkdir hugo-theme-latte
git clone themes/hugo-theme-latte

In case you don't know how to use git, just unzip the code directly in /themes/hugo-theme-latte

Add the theme to your config.toml

theme = "hugo-theme-latte"

Customize hugo post and site


Author or authors for each post can be specified in the file setting an author directive, as a list.

This name will be used to populate SEO meta tags and to create a link to the author's page.

- "<author>"

If there is no author, the default author in config.toml will be used

  author = "author"

Add a cover Image

Every post can have a featured image, that will appear in mobile and desktop layouts, the cover image can be set for each post in the following way. Credits are optional and I recommend a size of 1200x630 (Average social media cards default's size).

coverImage: "images/image_location.jpg"
coverImageCredits: "Optional credits"


The description that will be used to populate SEO meta tags. If there is no description .Summary will be used instead.

description: "This description goes into meta tag description and og:description tag" 

Site description

You can set the default description that will appear in the blog header and in home SEO tags.

  description = "Site description"

Default to none.


Default's Hugo copyright value will appear at at the bottom of the page inside the footer tag.

copyright = "Your copyright legend"

Default to: © <current-year>. All rights reserved <author>.


Inside a Post, a canonical url used to populate the canonical meta tag

canonical = ""

If left empty it will point default to that post's absolute url.

Add an author page

To add an author page create an authors directory inside the folder content.

Then inside that directory, procede to create a folder with the author's name containing a file called

And then inside you can create a normal markdown file:

title: "Name"
name: "Name"
photo: ''
summary: 'Summary'
twitter: "@x"
codewars: "Username"
instagram: "usarname"
linkedin: "username"
website: ""

## Title...

The theme will add the summary, profile picture and a read more button at the end of every post written by that author, and in the metadata section of each post.

hugo-theme-latte configuration

You can customize this theme setting some variables in your config.toml file.

    toc = true
    disablesearch = false
    mailchimpurl = ";id=id"
    mailchimphiddenfield = "hidden_field"
    subscribedescription = "Mailchimp form description"
    subscribetitle = "Mailchimp form title"
    subscribebannertext = "Show up modal subscription text"


If set to true, renders a table of contents before each post, remember that the toc can be customized using Hugo, check hugo toc documentation..

Enable search

Search is disabled by default, when set to true, it renders a magnifier glass at the top right of the screen. For it to work, you'll need two things:

  • Create a section called search, inside the folder content, and its corresponding file, its content is up to you.
  • Enable JSON output

Creating a search markdown file

Create a custom section in your project, with a file called place there all the content you want to appear at the search screen as if it was a normal markdown file.

├── pages
├── posts
└── search

For example:

title: "search"
date: "2021-07-22"

# My search title
My search description

Enable JSON output

Lunr uses Hugo's included JSON output to create a JSON index using posts, but we should explicitly indicate it in the config file. To do so, just add the following lines to your config.toml file

    section = ["JSON", "HTML"]

mailchimp susbscribe form

Requires some text variables to be set

  • modalcountdown (The time in seconds for the banner to showup at the bottom of the screen). Set it to 0 to prevent it from showing up.
  • subscribebannertext (The banner at the bottom of the screen)
  • mailchimphiddenfield (Mailchimp hidden field, provided by mailchimp)
  • mailchimpurl (Mailchimp url, provided by mailchimp)
  • subscribetitle (The title of the subscription form)
  • subscribedescription (The subscription form description)

For the mailchimp form to render, right after each post, you'll need at least the mailchimphiddenfield and mailchimpurl variables. If one of those is not set, the form won't render.

The other two variables: subscribetitle and subscribedescription, refer to the title and the description of the form, respectively.

Adding social media

Add as many social media menu items inside the menu directive.

    name = "Name"
    pre = "icon-name"
    url = "Your-full-url"
    weight = 3
    name = "Linkedin"
    pre = "linkedin-in"
    url = ""
    weight = 3

Available icons

The following icons are available

  • airbnb
  • behance
  • codewars
  • digg
  • discord
  • facebook
  • facebook-messenger
  • github-alt
  • instagram
  • linkedin-in
  • reddit-alien
  • telegram-plane
  • tiktok
  • tumblr
  • twitter
  • whatsapp
  • youtube

Content Security Policy

A CSP can be enabled to prevent your site to load harmful content. To enable it add the following to your config.toml file.

Each section is treated as a list, so you can add as many entries as you want

child-src = ["'self'"]
font-src = ["'self'"]
form-action = ["'self'"]
frame-src = ["'self'"]
img-src = ["'self'"]
object-src = ["'none'"]
script-src = ["'self'"]
style-src = ["'self'"]

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