Time to get rid of the bug we created in the last chapter :)
A view is a place where we put the "logic" of our application. It will request information from the model
you created before and pass it to a template
that you will create in the next chapter. Views are just Python methods that are a little bit more complicated than the thing we did in the Introduction to Python chapter.
Views are placed in the views.py
file. We will add our views to the blog/views.py
OK, let's open up this file and see what's in there:
from django.shortcuts import render
# Create your views here.
Not too much stuff here yet. The simplest view can look like this.
def post_list(request):
return render(request, 'blog/post_list.html', {})
As you can see, we created a method (def
) called post_list
that takes request
and return
a method render
that will render (put together) our template blog/post_list.html
Save the file, go to and see what we have got now.
Another error! Read what's going on now:
This one is easy: TemplateDoesNotExist. Let's fix this bug and create a template in the next chapter!