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Releases: ETLCPP/etl

GCC compatibility

02 Mar 21:13
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Changes for GCC compatibility

Added Arduino example

28 Feb 14:39
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Added an Arduino example.
A variation on 'Blink'

Arduino compatible folder heirarchy

28 Feb 14:24
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Moved files and folders to allow the ETL to be put forward as a downloadable library.
Added a file.

Fixed cockup in ETL_ASSERT macro.

25 Dec 00:04
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Fixed cockup in ETL_ASSERT macro where the condition test logic was reversed.

Minor changes to error macros

24 Dec 15:17
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Changed error reporting macros to not evaluate to true or false. Macros are no longer able to be used in 'if' statements. ETL_LOG_ERRORS action changed/

Changes to the way errors are reported.

18 Dec 19:56
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A new set of error macros allow more control of what type of error is produced and how it is reported.
Macros allow minimal code space and performance hits if required.

Major code improvements.

11 Dec 09:38
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Many changes have been made to containers to reduce the code size by moving functionality to base classes.
New containers added.
New system for catching errors implemented.

Modified hash algorithms

28 Sep 18:02
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The main change in this release is removing the generic interface to the hash algorithms.
The change was necessary to remove performance bottlenecks that could not be overcome with the classes derived from etl::ihash.

More STL style containers

23 Jun 18:19
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Implementations of map, multimap, set, multiset, priority_queue.

Containers for non-default constructed elements

15 Feb 21:02
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This release has all of the containers modified to allow elements with no default constructors.
Contains an incomplete implementation of etl::map.