espd-docs contains the documentation of the application
espd-web contains the source code to generate the deployable web archive (WAR) of the application
The Java library eu.europa.ec.grow.espd.exchange-model
contains the JAXB classes of the ESPD Exchange Data Model.
The ESPD web application is quite simple in nature and can be deployed as an executable JAR file (with an embedded Tomcat server) or as a standard WAR file on a compliant Servlet 3 container like Tomcat, Jetty, Weblogic, Wildfly etc.
The main responsibilities of the application are handled as follows:
Infrastructural support at the application level and dependency injection via the Spring framework
Configuration of the application via Spring Boot
The view part uses Spring MVC, JSP files, Apache Tiles, Javascript, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap
The data model uses JAXB to convert Java objects to XML and vice versa
REST calls to external services are handled with the Spring Rest Template client
Monitoring and analytics via Java Melody and Piwik
Optimization of static resources with Spring asset pipeline and WRO4J
The main Java package of the web application is 'eu.europa.ec.grow.espd` found in the espd-web
module. It is further
subdivided into the following important packages:
The config
package contains the Java classes which provide the configuration for the global project
, Spring MVC web configuration WebConfiguration
, the JAXB configuration etc. You will
notice that these classes are annotated with @Configuration
and they generally define Spring beans that can be
injected in other Spring managed classes of the application.
The controller
package consists of the Spring MVC controllers which are responsible for processing user requests,
building an appropriate model and passing it to the view for rendering. Some controllers are REST controllers.
The most important one is EspdController
and its responsibilities include dealing with the generation of the ESPD
requests and responses, uploading files, printing and error handling. The main flow of the application is handled by
this class.
Other controllers which are present in this package are the AboutController
that is used to populate the /about
page of the application and MessageSourceController
which is responsible for loading the i18n messages needed
by the client-side i18n engine.
The domain
package contains the elements involved in the representation of an ESPD request or response in the model
(the M
part of the MVC architectural pattern) of the web application. An ESPD request/response is represented
internally as an EspdDocument
which in turn contains fields for all the possible criteria, authority and economic
operator information or procurement procedure data.
In the domain.enums
sub-package you can find the enumerations holding the criteria, requirement groups, requirements,
countries, languages, currencies etc which are used by the application. The criteria definitions load metadata coming
from some JSON configuration files under src/main/resources/criteria
and store the information dynamically in the
criterion enumerations.
The ted
package is responsible for the interaction with the TED REST service which provides the procurement
procedure information for an ESPD request or response.
TED is the electronic version of the EU Official Journal dedicated to public procurement. |
The util
package contains various utility classes, for example, some of the application properties that are needed
by the user interface are loaded by Spring in the EspdConfiguration
class. The I18NFunc
class loads the i18n
messages needed by the client-side internationalization engine.
The xml
package takes care of the marshalling/unmarshalling of the ESPD request and response XML files. It is further
divided into a package for request
, one for response
and a common
package with shared functionality between the
other two. The classes from this package make use of the Template method design pattern to share common
behaviour and design.
The request
and response
packages contain each an exporting
and an importing
sub-package. The exporting
is responsible for generating the ESPD request/response XML files while the importing
package knows how to parse XML
files representing ESPD request or response and convert them into the internal ESPD domain objects.
The EspdExchangeMarshaller
is the main class that aggregates all of the classes from this package together and is
injected in the EspdController
to perform the marshalling/unmarshalling logic.
serves as configuration for the user interface components of the criteria and requirements that
are defined in the JSP and Apache Tiles files.
The web static resources can be found in the standard Maven location, i.e. src/main/webapp
. The static
folder contains the
CSS and Javascript files referenced by the web application. The JSP files are located in the WEB-INF/views
folder where
they are subsequently grouped in sub-folders. The src/main/resources
folder contains the configuration files relating
to internationalization, logging, web resource optimizations and general application properties.