The ESMValCore package provides the esmvaltool
command line tool, which can
be used to run a :doc:`recipe <../recipe/index>`.
To list the available commands, run
esmvaltool --help
It is also possible to get help on specific commands, e.g.
esmvaltool run --help
will display the help message with all options for the run
To run a recipe, call esmvaltool run
with the path to the desired recipe:
esmvaltool run recipe_example.yml
The esmvaltool run recipe_example.yml
command will first look if
is the path to an existing file.
If this is the case, it will run that recipe.
If you have :ref:`ESMValTool installed <esmvaltool:install>`, it will look if
the name matches one of the recipes in your ESMValTool installation directory,
in the subdirectory
and run that.
There is no recipe_example.yml
shipped with either ESMValCore or ESMValTool.
If you would like to try out the command above, replace recipe_example.yml
with the path to an existing recipe, e.g.
if you have the ESMValTool package installed.
To work with installed recipes, the ESMValTool package provides the
esmvaltool recipes
command, see :ref:`esmvaltool:recipes_command`.
By default, ESMValTool searches for :ref:`configuration files
<config_for_cli>` in ~/.config/esmvaltool
If you'd like to use a custom location, you can specify this via the
command line argument:
esmvaltool run --config_dir /path/to/custom_config recipe_example.yml
It is also possible to explicitly set configuration options with command line arguments:
esmvaltool run --argument_name argument_value recipe_example.yml
To automatically download the files required to run a recipe from ESGF, use the
:ref:`configuration option <config_options>` search_esgf=when_missing
local files whenever possible) or search_esgf=always
(always search ESGF
for latest version of files and only use local data if it is the latest
esmvaltool run --search_esgf=when_missing recipe_example.yml
esmvaltool run --search_esgf=always recipe_example.yml
This feature is available for projects that are hosted on the ESGF, i.e. CMIP3, CMIP5, CMIP6, CORDEX, and obs4MIPs.
To control the strictness of the CMOR checker and the checks during concatenation
on auxiliary coordinates, supplementary variables, and derived coordinates,
use the flag --check_level
esmvaltool run --check_level=relaxed recipe_example.yml
Possible values are:
- ignore: all errors will be reported as warnings. Concatenation will be performed without checks.
- relaxed: only fail if there are critical errors. Concatenation will be performed without checks.
- default: fail if there are any errors.
- strict: fail if there are any warnings.
To reuse pre-processed files from a previous run of the same recipe, you can use
esmvaltool run recipe_example.yml --resume_from ~/esmvaltool_output/recipe_python_20210930_123907
Multiple directories can be specified for reuse, make sure to quote them:
esmvaltool run recipe_example.yml --resume_from "~/esmvaltool_output/recipe_python_20210930_101007 ~/esmvaltool_output/recipe_python_20210930_123907"
The first preprocessor directory containing the required data will be used.
This feature can be useful when developing new diagnostics, because it avoids the need to re-run the preprocessor. Another potential use case is running the preprocessing part of a recipe on one or more machines that have access to a lot of data and then running the diagnostics on a machine without access to data.
To run only the preprocessor tasks from a recipe, use
esmvaltool run recipe_example.yml --remove_preproc_dir=False --run_diagnostic=False
Only preprocessing :ref:`tasks <tasks>` that completed successfully
can be reused with the --resume_from
Preprocessing tasks that completed successfully, contain a file called
:ref:`metadata.yml <interface_esmvalcore_diagnostic>` in their output
To run a reduced version of the recipe, usually for testing purpose you can use
esmvaltool run --max_datasets=NDATASETS --max_years=NYEARS recipe_example.yml
In this case, the recipe will limit the number of datasets per variable to NDATASETS and the total amount of years loaded to NYEARS. They can also be used separately. Note that diagnostics may require specific combinations of available data, so use the above two flags at your own risk and for testing purposes only.
To run a recipe, even if some datasets are not available, use
esmvaltool run --skip_nonexistent=True recipe_example.yml
It is also possible to select only specific diagnostics to be run. To tun only one, just specify its name. To provide more than one diagnostic to filter use the syntax 'diag1 diag2/script1' or '("diag1", "diag2/script1")' and pay attention to the quotes.
esmvaltool run --diagnostics=diagnostic1 recipe_example.yml
ESMValTool command line interface is created using the Fire python package. This package supports the creation of completion scripts for the Bash and Fish shells. Go to to learn how to set up them.