diff --git a/cime_config/usermods_dirs/output_bgc/user_nl_clm b/cime_config/usermods_dirs/output_bgc/user_nl_clm index 0c0bcd52ff..f7aaa09911 100644 --- a/cime_config/usermods_dirs/output_bgc/user_nl_clm +++ b/cime_config/usermods_dirs/output_bgc/user_nl_clm @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! h0 stream (monthly average, gridcell-level) -hist_fexcl1 += 'SOIL1C_vr', 'SOIL1N_vr', 'SOIL2C_vr', 'SOIL2N_vr', 'SOIL3C_vr', 'SOIL3N_vr', 'SOILC_vr','SOILN_vr', 'CWDC_vr', 'LITR1C_vr', 'LITR2C_vr', 'LITR3C_vr', 'LITR1N_vr', 'LITR2N_vr', 'LITR3N_vr', 'CWDN_vr', 'SMIN_NO3_vr', 'CONC_O2_UNSAT', 'CONC_O2_SAT','SMIN_NH4_vr','SMINN_vr' -hist_fincl1 += 'LEAFC_TO_LITTER', 'FROOTC_TO_LITTER','LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C','LITR1N_TO_SOIL1N','LITR2C_TO_SOIL1C', 'LITR2N_TO_SOIL1N','LITR3C_TO_SOIL2C','LITR3N_TO_SOIL2N','DWT_WOOD_PRODUCTC_GAIN_PATCH' +hist_fexcl1 += 'ACT_SOMC_vr', 'ACT_SOMN_vr', 'SLO_SOMC_vr', 'SLO_SOMN_vr', 'PAS_SOMC_vr', 'PAS_SOMN_vr', 'SOILC_vr','SOILN_vr', 'CWDC_vr', 'MET_LITC_vr', 'CEL_LITC_vr', 'LIG_LITC_vr', 'MET_LITN_vr', 'CEL_LITN_vr', 'LIG_LITN_vr', 'CWDN_vr', 'SMIN_NO3_vr', 'CONC_O2_UNSAT', 'CONC_O2_SAT','SMIN_NH4_vr','SMINN_vr' +hist_fincl1 += 'LEAFC_TO_LITTER', 'FROOTC_TO_LITTER','MET_LITC_TO_ACT_SOMC','MET_LITN_TO_ACT_SOMN','CEL_LITC_TO_ACT_SOMC', 'CEL_LITN_TO_ACT_SOMN','LIG_LITC_TO_SLO_SOMC','LIG_LITN_TO_SLO_SOMN','DWT_WOOD_PRODUCTC_GAIN_PATCH' ! h1 stream (monthly average, finest sub-grid) hist_fincl2 += 'GPP', 'NPP', 'AGNPP', 'TOTVEGC', 'NPP_NUPTAKE', 'AR', 'HR', 'HTOP' @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ hist_fincl2 += 'GPP', 'NPP', 'AGNPP', 'TOTVEGC', 'NPP_NUPTAKE', 'AR', 'HR', 'HTO hist_fincl3 += 'GPP', 'NPP', 'AR', 'HR', 'DWT_CONV_CFLUX_PATCH', 'WOOD_HARVESTC', 'DWT_WOOD_PRODUCTC_GAIN_PATCH', 'SLASH_HARVESTC', 'COL_FIRE_CLOSS', 'FROOTC:I', 'HTOP' ! h3 stream (yearly average, gridcell-level) -hist_fincl4 += 'SOILC_vr', 'SOILN_vr', 'CWDC_vr', 'LITR1C_vr', 'LITR2C_vr', 'LITR3C_vr', 'LITR1N_vr', 'LITR2N_vr', 'LITR3N_vr','CWDN_vr', 'TOTLITC:I', 'TOT_WOODPRODC:I', 'TOTSOMC:I','TOTVEGC:I' +hist_fincl4 += 'SOILC_vr', 'SOILN_vr', 'CWDC_vr', 'MET_LITC_vr', 'CEL_LITC_vr', 'LIG_LITC_vr', 'MET_LITN_vr', 'CEL_LITN_vr', 'LIG_LITN_vr','CWDN_vr', 'TOTLITC:I', 'TOT_WOODPRODC:I', 'TOTSOMC:I','TOTVEGC:I' ! h4 stream (yearly average, landunit-level) hist_fincl5 += 'TOTSOMC:I', 'TOTSOMC_1m:I', 'TOTECOSYSC:I', 'TOTVEGC:I', 'WOODC:I', 'TOTLITC:I', 'LIVECROOTC:I', 'DEADCROOTC:I', 'FROOTC:I' diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog b/doc/ChangeLog index 3e92f5b388..f8747837c6 100644 --- a/doc/ChangeLog +++ b/doc/ChangeLog @@ -1,4 +1,88 @@ =============================================================== +Tag name: ctsm5.1.dev048 +Originator(s): slevis (Samuel Levis,SLevis Consulting,303-665-1310) +Date: Sat Jul 10 11:39:55 MDT 2021 +One-line Summary: Make certain history fields descriptive inst. of labeling by number + +Purpose and description of changes +---------------------------------- + + I used existing infrastructure to add descriptive strings to certain history + fields that I had labeled by number in #1340. While doing this, I applied the + change to a bunch of other history fields that needed it. + + Some variable names for pools was also changed to use terms consistent with the new + names as well. + + +Significant changes to scientifically-supported configurations +-------------------------------------------------------------- + +Does this tag change answers significantly for any of the following physics configurations? +(Details of any changes will be given in the "Answer changes" section below.) + + [Put an [X] in the box for any configuration with significant answer changes.] + +[ ] clm5_1 + +[ ] clm5_0 + +[ ] ctsm5_0-nwp + +[ ] clm4_5 + + +Bugs fixed or introduced +------------------------ +Issues fixed (include CTSM Issue #): #1392 + #1392 -- Some soil decomposition history fields have the pool number rather than a description in their name + + +Notes of particular relevance for users +--------------------------------------- +Caveats for users (e.g., need to interpolate initial conditions): + The names of certain history fields have changed to be more descriptive + in place of using numbers to differentiate them. + + history field name change as follows... + LITR1 becomes MET_LIT (metabolic) + LITR2 becomes CEL_LIT (cellulosic) + LITR3 becomes LIG_LIT (lignin) + SOIL1 becomes ACT_SOM (active) + SOIL2 becomes SLO_SOM (slow) + SOIL3 becomes PAS_SOM (passive) + +Testing summary: +---------------- + + build-namelist tests (if CLMBuildNamelist.pm has changed): + + cheyenne - PASS + + python testing (if python code has changed; see instructions in python/README.md; document testing done): + + cheyenne - PASS + + [PASS means all tests PASS; OK means tests PASS other than expected fails.] + + regular tests (aux_clm: https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/wiki/System-Testing-Guide#pre-merge-system-testing): + + cheyenne ---- OK + izumi ------- OK + + +Answer changes +-------------- +Changes answers relative to baseline: NO bit-for-bit + + +Other details +------------- +Pull Requests that document the changes (include PR ids): + https://github.com/ESCOMP/ctsm/pull/1413 + +=============================================================== +=============================================================== Tag name: ctsm5.1.dev047 Originator(s): mvertens (Mariana Vertenstein) Date: Thu Jul 8 12:03:31 MDT 2021 diff --git a/doc/ChangeSum b/doc/ChangeSum index 63b3d132e4..7b2b7cce94 100644 --- a/doc/ChangeSum +++ b/doc/ChangeSum @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ Tag Who Date Summary ============================================================================================================================ + ctsm5.1.dev048 slevis 07/10/2021 Make certain history fields descriptive inst. of labeling by number ctsm5.1.dev047 mvertens 07/08/2021 Start bounds at 1; remove references to MCT ctsm5.1.dev046 rgknox 07/02/2021 Updating external fates has to tag sci.1.46.2_api.16.1.0 ctsm5.1.dev045 slevis 06/29/2021 Include CWD in heterotrophic respiration diff --git a/doc/source/users_guide/setting-up-and-running-a-case/master_list_file.rst b/doc/source/users_guide/setting-up-and-running-a-case/master_list_file.rst index 610975876b..0d3eb7e61c 100644 --- a/doc/source/users_guide/setting-up-and-running-a-case/master_list_file.rst +++ b/doc/source/users_guide/setting-up-and-running-a-case/master_list_file.rst @@ -13,1262 +13,1283 @@ CTSM History Fields 4 ACTUAL_IMMOB_NH4 immobilization of NH4 gN/m^3/s F 5 ACTUAL_IMMOB_NO3 immobilization of NO3 gN/m^3/s F 6 ACTUAL_IMMOB_vr actual N immobilization gN/m^3/s F - 7 AGNPP aboveground NPP gC/m^2/s T - 8 ALBD surface albedo (direct) proportion T - 9 ALBDSF diagnostic snow-free surface albedo (direct) proportion T - 10 ALBGRD ground albedo (direct) proportion F - 11 ALBGRI ground albedo (indirect) proportion F - 12 ALBI surface albedo (indirect) proportion T - 13 ALBISF diagnostic snow-free surface albedo (indirect) proportion T - 14 ALPHA alpha coefficient for VOC calc non F - 15 ALT current active layer thickness m T - 16 ALTMAX maximum annual active layer thickness m T - 17 ALTMAX_LASTYEAR maximum prior year active layer thickness m F - 18 ANNAVG_T2M annual average 2m air temperature K F - 19 ANNMAX_RETRANSN annual max of retranslocated N pool gN/m^2 F - 20 ANNSUM_COUNTER seconds since last annual accumulator turnover s F - 21 ANNSUM_NPP annual sum of NPP gC/m^2/yr F - 22 ANNSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP annual sum of potential GPP gN/m^2/yr F - 23 APPAR_TEMP 2 m apparent temperature C T - 24 APPAR_TEMP_R Rural 2 m apparent temperature C T - 25 APPAR_TEMP_U Urban 2 m apparent temperature C T - 26 AR autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) gC/m^2/s T - 27 ATM_TOPO atmospheric surface height m T - 28 AVAILC C flux available for allocation gC/m^2/s F - 29 AVAIL_RETRANSN N flux available from retranslocation pool gN/m^2/s F - 30 AnnET Annual ET mm/s F - 31 BAF_CROP fractional area burned for crop s-1 T - 32 BAF_PEATF fractional area burned in peatland s-1 T - 33 BCDEP total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s T - 34 BETA coefficient of convective velocity none F - 35 BGLFR background litterfall rate 1/s F - 36 BGNPP belowground NPP gC/m^2/s T - 37 BGTR background transfer growth rate 1/s F - 38 BTRANMN daily minimum of transpiration beta factor unitless T - 39 CANNAVG_T2M annual average of 2m air temperature K F - 40 CANNSUM_NPP annual sum of column-level NPP gC/m^2/s F - 41 CGRND deriv. of soil energy flux wrt to soil temp W/m^2/K F - 42 CGRNDL deriv. of soil latent heat flux wrt soil temp W/m^2/K F - 43 CGRNDS deriv. of soil sensible heat flux wrt soil temp W/m^2/K F - 44 CH4PROD Gridcell total production of CH4 gC/m2/s T - 45 CH4_EBUL_TOTAL_SAT ebullition surface CH4 flux; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s F - 46 CH4_EBUL_TOTAL_UNSAT ebullition surface CH4 flux; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s F - 47 CH4_SURF_AERE_SAT aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T - 48 CH4_SURF_AERE_UNSAT aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T - 49 CH4_SURF_DIFF_SAT diffusive surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T - 50 CH4_SURF_DIFF_UNSAT diffusive surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T - 51 CH4_SURF_EBUL_SAT ebullition surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T - 52 CH4_SURF_EBUL_UNSAT ebullition surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T - 53 COL_CTRUNC column-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 F - 54 COL_FIRE_CLOSS total column-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region gC/m^2/s T - 55 COL_FIRE_NLOSS total column-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s T - 56 COL_NTRUNC column-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 F - 57 CONC_CH4_SAT CH4 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area mol/m3 F - 58 CONC_CH4_UNSAT CH4 soil Concentration for non-inundated area mol/m3 F - 59 CONC_O2_SAT O2 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area mol/m3 T - 60 CONC_O2_UNSAT O2 soil Concentration for non-inundated area mol/m3 T - 61 COST_NACTIVE Cost of active uptake gN/gC T - 62 COST_NFIX Cost of fixation gN/gC T - 63 COST_NRETRANS Cost of retranslocation gN/gC T - 64 COSZEN cosine of solar zenith angle none F - 65 CPHASE crop phenology phase 0-not planted, 1-planted, 2-leaf emerge, 3-grain fill, 4-harvest T - 66 CPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 T - 67 CPOOL_DEADCROOT_GR dead coarse root growth respiration gC/m^2/s F - 68 CPOOL_DEADCROOT_STORAGE_GR dead coarse root growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F - 69 CPOOL_DEADSTEM_GR dead stem growth respiration gC/m^2/s F - 70 CPOOL_DEADSTEM_STORAGE_GR dead stem growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F - 71 CPOOL_FROOT_GR fine root growth respiration gC/m^2/s F - 72 CPOOL_FROOT_STORAGE_GR fine root growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F - 73 CPOOL_LEAF_GR leaf growth respiration gC/m^2/s F - 74 CPOOL_LEAF_STORAGE_GR leaf growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F - 75 CPOOL_LIVECROOT_GR live coarse root growth respiration gC/m^2/s F - 76 CPOOL_LIVECROOT_STORAGE_GR live coarse root growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F - 77 CPOOL_LIVESTEM_GR live stem growth respiration gC/m^2/s F - 78 CPOOL_LIVESTEM_STORAGE_GR live stem growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F - 79 CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC allocation to dead coarse root C gC/m^2/s F - 80 CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE allocation to dead coarse root C storage gC/m^2/s F - 81 CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC allocation to dead stem C gC/m^2/s F - 82 CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE allocation to dead stem C storage gC/m^2/s F - 83 CPOOL_TO_FROOTC allocation to fine root C gC/m^2/s F - 84 CPOOL_TO_FROOTC_STORAGE allocation to fine root C storage gC/m^2/s F - 85 CPOOL_TO_GRESP_STORAGE allocation to growth respiration storage gC/m^2/s F - 86 CPOOL_TO_LEAFC allocation to leaf C gC/m^2/s F - 87 CPOOL_TO_LEAFC_STORAGE allocation to leaf C storage gC/m^2/s F - 88 CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC allocation to live coarse root C gC/m^2/s F - 89 CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE allocation to live coarse root C storage gC/m^2/s F - 90 CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC allocation to live stem C gC/m^2/s F - 91 CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE allocation to live stem C storage gC/m^2/s F - 92 CROOT_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from coarse roots 1/m F - 93 CROPPROD1C 1-yr crop product (grain+biofuel) C gC/m^2 T - 94 CROPPROD1C_LOSS loss from 1-yr crop product pool gC/m^2/s T - 95 CROPPROD1N 1-yr crop product (grain+biofuel) N gN/m^2 T - 96 CROPPROD1N_LOSS loss from 1-yr crop product pool gN/m^2/s T - 97 CROPSEEDC_DEFICIT C used for crop seed that needs to be repaid gC/m^2 T - 98 CROPSEEDN_DEFICIT N used for crop seed that needs to be repaid gN/m^2 F - 99 CROP_SEEDC_TO_LEAF crop seed source to leaf gC/m^2/s F - 100 CROP_SEEDN_TO_LEAF crop seed source to leaf gN/m^2/s F - 101 CURRENT_GR growth resp for new growth displayed in this timestep gC/m^2/s F - 102 CWDC CWD C gC/m^2 T - 103 CWDC_1m CWD C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F - 104 CWDC_LOSS coarse woody debris C loss gC/m^2/s T - 105 CWDC_TO_LITR2C decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 2 C gC/m^2/s F - 106 CWDC_TO_LITR2C_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 2 C gC/m^3/s F - 107 CWDC_TO_LITR3C decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 3 C gC/m^2/s F - 108 CWDC_TO_LITR3C_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 3 C gC/m^3/s F - 109 CWDC_vr CWD C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T - 110 CWDN CWD N gN/m^2 T - 111 CWDN_1m CWD N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F - 112 CWDN_TO_LITR2N decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 2 N gN/m^2 F - 113 CWDN_TO_LITR2N_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 2 N gN/m^3 F - 114 CWDN_TO_LITR3N decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 3 N gN/m^2 F - 115 CWDN_TO_LITR3N_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 3 N gN/m^3 F - 116 CWDN_vr CWD N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T - 117 C_ALLOMETRY C allocation index none F - 118 DAYL daylength s F - 119 DAYS_ACTIVE number of days since last dormancy days F - 120 DEADCROOTC dead coarse root C gC/m^2 T - 121 DEADCROOTC_STORAGE dead coarse root C storage gC/m^2 F - 122 DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead coarse root C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F - 123 DEADCROOTC_XFER dead coarse root C transfer gC/m^2 F - 124 DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_DEADCROOTC dead coarse root C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F - 125 DEADCROOTN dead coarse root N gN/m^2 T - 126 DEADCROOTN_STORAGE dead coarse root N storage gN/m^2 F - 127 DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead coarse root N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F - 128 DEADCROOTN_XFER dead coarse root N transfer gN/m^2 F - 129 DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_DEADCROOTN dead coarse root N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F - 130 DEADSTEMC dead stem C gC/m^2 T - 131 DEADSTEMC_STORAGE dead stem C storage gC/m^2 F - 132 DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead stem C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F - 133 DEADSTEMC_XFER dead stem C transfer gC/m^2 F - 134 DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_DEADSTEMC dead stem C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F - 135 DEADSTEMN dead stem N gN/m^2 T - 136 DEADSTEMN_STORAGE dead stem N storage gN/m^2 F - 137 DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead stem N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F - 138 DEADSTEMN_XFER dead stem N transfer gN/m^2 F - 139 DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_DEADSTEMN dead stem N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F - 140 DENIT total rate of denitrification gN/m^2/s T - 141 DGNETDT derivative of net ground heat flux wrt soil temp W/m^2/K F - 142 DISCOI 2 m Discomfort Index C T - 143 DISCOIS 2 m Stull Discomfort Index C T - 144 DISCOIS_R Rural 2 m Stull Discomfort Index C T - 145 DISCOIS_U Urban 2 m Stull Discomfort Index C T - 146 DISCOI_R Rural 2 m Discomfort Index C T - 147 DISCOI_U Urban 2 m Discomfort Index C T - 148 DISPLA displacement height m F - 149 DISPVEGC displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool gC/m^2 T - 150 DISPVEGN displayed vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 T - 151 DLRAD downward longwave radiation below the canopy W/m^2 F - 152 DORMANT_FLAG dormancy flag none F - 153 DOWNREG fractional reduction in GPP due to N limitation proportion F - 154 DPVLTRB1 turbulent deposition velocity 1 m/s F - 155 DPVLTRB2 turbulent deposition velocity 2 m/s F - 156 DPVLTRB3 turbulent deposition velocity 3 m/s F - 157 DPVLTRB4 turbulent deposition velocity 4 m/s F - 158 DSL dry surface layer thickness mm T - 159 DSTDEP total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s T - 160 DSTFLXT total surface dust emission kg/m2/s T - 161 DT_VEG change in t_veg, last iteration K F - 162 DWT_CONV_CFLUX conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of year) gC/m^2/s T - 163 DWT_CONV_CFLUX_DRIBBLED conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm), dribbled throughout the year gC/m^2/s T - 164 DWT_CONV_CFLUX_PATCH patch-level conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of gC/m^2/s F - 165 DWT_CONV_NFLUX conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of year) gN/m^2/s T - 166 DWT_CONV_NFLUX_PATCH patch-level conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of gN/m^2/s F - 167 DWT_CROPPROD1C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 1-year crop product pool gC/m^2/s T - 168 DWT_CROPPROD1N_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 1-year crop product pool gN/m^2/s T - 169 DWT_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC dead coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F - 170 DWT_DEADCROOTN_TO_CWDN dead coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F - 171 DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR_CEL_C fine root to litter due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F - 172 DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR_LIG_C fine root to litter due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F - 173 DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR_MET_C fine root to litter due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F - 174 DWT_FROOTN_TO_LITR_CEL_N fine root to litter due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F - 175 DWT_FROOTN_TO_LITR_LIG_N fine root to litter due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F - 176 DWT_FROOTN_TO_LITR_MET_N fine root to litter due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F - 177 DWT_LIVECROOTC_TO_CWDC live coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F - 178 DWT_LIVECROOTN_TO_CWDN live coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F - 179 DWT_PROD100C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F - 180 DWT_PROD100N_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F - 181 DWT_PROD10C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F - 182 DWT_PROD10N_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F - 183 DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to patch-level deadstem gC/m^2/s F - 184 DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level deadstem (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2 gC/m^2/s F - 185 DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF seed source to patch-level leaf gC/m^2/s F - 186 DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level leaf (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2xy=. gC/m^2/s F - 187 DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to patch-level deadstem gN/m^2/s T - 188 DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level deadstem (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2 gN/m^2/s F - 189 DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF seed source to patch-level leaf gN/m^2/s T - 190 DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level leaf (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2xy=. gN/m^2/s F - 191 DWT_SLASH_CFLUX slash C flux (to litter diagnostic only) (0 at all times except first timestep of year) gC/m^2/s T - 192 DWT_SLASH_CFLUX_PATCH patch-level slash C flux (to litter diagnostic only) (0 at all times except first timestep of gC/m^2/s F - 193 DWT_WOODPRODC_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to wood product pools gC/m^2/s T - 194 DWT_WOODPRODN_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to wood product pools gN/m^2/s T - 195 DWT_WOOD_PRODUCTC_GAIN_PATCH patch-level landcover change-driven addition to wood product pools(0 at all times except first gC/m^2/s F - 196 DYN_COL_ADJUSTMENTS_CH4 Adjustments in ch4 due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: should n gC/m^2 F - 197 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_C Adjustments in soil carbon due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: gC/m^2 F - 198 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_N Adjustments in soil nitrogen due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level gN/m^2 F - 199 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_NH4 Adjustments in soil NH4 due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: sho gN/m^2 F - 200 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_NO3 Adjustments in soil NO3 due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: sho gN/m^2 F - 201 EFF_POROSITY effective porosity = porosity - vol_ice proportion F - 202 EFLXBUILD building heat flux from change in interior building air temperature W/m^2 T - 203 EFLX_DYNBAL dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux W/m^2 T - 204 EFLX_GNET net heat flux into ground W/m^2 F - 205 EFLX_GRND_LAKE net heat flux into lake/snow surface, excluding light transmission W/m^2 T - 206 EFLX_LH_TOT total latent heat flux [+ to atm] W/m^2 T - 207 EFLX_LH_TOT_ICE total latent heat flux [+ to atm] (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 208 EFLX_LH_TOT_R Rural total evaporation W/m^2 T - 209 EFLX_LH_TOT_U Urban total evaporation W/m^2 F - 210 EFLX_SOIL_GRND soil heat flux [+ into soil] W/m^2 F - 211 ELAI exposed one-sided leaf area index m^2/m^2 T - 212 EMG ground emissivity proportion F - 213 EMV vegetation emissivity proportion F - 214 EOPT Eopt coefficient for VOC calc non F - 215 EPT 2 m Equiv Pot Temp K T - 216 EPT_R Rural 2 m Equiv Pot Temp K T - 217 EPT_U Urban 2 m Equiv Pot Temp K T - 218 ER total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic gC/m^2/s T - 219 ERRH2O total water conservation error mm T - 220 ERRH2OSNO imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) mm T - 221 ERRSEB surface energy conservation error W/m^2 T - 222 ERRSOI soil/lake energy conservation error W/m^2 T - 223 ERRSOL solar radiation conservation error W/m^2 T - 224 ESAI exposed one-sided stem area index m^2/m^2 T - 225 EXCESSC_MR excess C maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F - 226 EXCESS_CFLUX C flux not allocated due to downregulation gC/m^2/s F - 227 FAREA_BURNED timestep fractional area burned s-1 T - 228 FCANSNO fraction of canopy that is wet proportion F - 229 FCEV canopy evaporation W/m^2 T - 230 FCH4 Gridcell surface CH4 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm) kgC/m2/s T - 231 FCH4TOCO2 Gridcell oxidation of CH4 to CO2 gC/m2/s T - 232 FCH4_DFSAT CH4 additional flux due to changing fsat, natural vegetated and crop landunits only kgC/m2/s T - 233 FCO2 CO2 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm) kgCO2/m2/s F - 234 FCOV fractional impermeable area unitless T - 235 FCTR canopy transpiration W/m^2 T - 236 FDRY fraction of foliage that is green and dry proportion F - 237 FERTNITRO Nitrogen fertilizer for each crop gN/m2/yr F - 238 FERT_COUNTER time left to fertilize seconds F - 239 FERT_TO_SMINN fertilizer to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s F - 240 FFIX_TO_SMINN free living N fixation to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s T - 241 FGEV ground evaporation W/m^2 T - 242 FGR heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and lake / snow light transmission W/m^2 T - 243 FGR12 heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 W/m^2 T - 244 FGR_ICE heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and lake / snow light transmission (ice landunits W/m^2 F - 245 FGR_R Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and snow light transmission W/m^2 F - 246 FGR_SOIL_R Rural downward heat flux at interface below each soil layer watt/m^2 F - 247 FGR_U Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 F - 248 FH2OSFC fraction of ground covered by surface water unitless T - 249 FH2OSFC_NOSNOW fraction of ground covered by surface water (if no snow present) unitless F - 250 FINUNDATED fractional inundated area of vegetated columns unitless T - 251 FINUNDATED_LAG time-lagged inundated fraction of vegetated columns unitless F - 252 FIRA net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T - 253 FIRA_ICE net infrared (longwave) radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 254 FIRA_R Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T - 255 FIRA_U Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 F - 256 FIRE emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T - 257 FIRE_ICE emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 258 FIRE_R Rural emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T - 259 FIRE_U Urban emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 F - 260 FLDS atmospheric longwave radiation (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) W/m^2 T - 261 FLDS_ICE atmospheric longwave radiation (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 262 FMAX_DENIT_CARBONSUBSTRATE FMAX_DENIT_CARBONSUBSTRATE gN/m^3/s F - 263 FMAX_DENIT_NITRATE FMAX_DENIT_NITRATE gN/m^3/s F - 264 FPI fraction of potential immobilization proportion T - 265 FPI_vr fraction of potential immobilization proportion F - 266 FPSN photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 T - 267 FPSN24 24 hour accumulative patch photosynthesis starting from mid-night umol CO2/m^2 ground/day F - 268 FPSN_WC Rubisco-limited photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 F - 269 FPSN_WJ RuBP-limited photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 F - 270 FPSN_WP Product-limited photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 F - 271 FRAC_ICEOLD fraction of ice relative to the tot water proportion F - 272 FREE_RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL deployment of retranslocated N gN/m^2/s T - 273 FROOTC fine root C gC/m^2 T - 274 FROOTC_ALLOC fine root C allocation gC/m^2/s T - 275 FROOTC_LOSS fine root C loss gC/m^2/s T - 276 FROOTC_STORAGE fine root C storage gC/m^2 F - 277 FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER fine root C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F - 278 FROOTC_TO_LITTER fine root C litterfall gC/m^2/s F - 279 FROOTC_XFER fine root C transfer gC/m^2 F - 280 FROOTC_XFER_TO_FROOTC fine root C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F - 281 FROOTN fine root N gN/m^2 T - 282 FROOTN_STORAGE fine root N storage gN/m^2 F - 283 FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER fine root N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F - 284 FROOTN_TO_LITTER fine root N litterfall gN/m^2/s F - 285 FROOTN_XFER fine root N transfer gN/m^2 F - 286 FROOTN_XFER_TO_FROOTN fine root N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F - 287 FROOT_MR fine root maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F - 288 FROOT_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from fine roots 1/m F - 289 FROST_TABLE frost table depth (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) m F - 290 FSA absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 T - 291 FSAT fractional area with water table at surface unitless T - 292 FSA_ICE absorbed solar radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 293 FSA_R Rural absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 F - 294 FSA_U Urban absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 F - 295 FSD24 direct radiation (last 24hrs) K F - 296 FSD240 direct radiation (last 240hrs) K F - 297 FSDS atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 T - 298 FSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 T - 299 FSDSNDLN direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T - 300 FSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 T - 301 FSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 T - 302 FSDSVDLN direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T - 303 FSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 T - 304 FSDSVILN diffuse vis incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T - 305 FSH sensible heat not including correction for land use change and rain/snow conversion W/m^2 T - 306 FSH_G sensible heat from ground W/m^2 T - 307 FSH_ICE sensible heat not including correction for land use change and rain/snow conversion (ice landu W/m^2 F - 308 FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION Sensible heat flux from conversion of rain/snow atm forcing W/m^2 T - 309 FSH_R Rural sensible heat W/m^2 T - 310 FSH_RUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ sensible heat flux generated from conversion of ice runoff to liquid W/m^2 T - 311 FSH_TO_COUPLER sensible heat sent to coupler (includes corrections for land use change, rain/snow conversion W/m^2 T - 312 FSH_U Urban sensible heat W/m^2 F - 313 FSH_V sensible heat from veg W/m^2 T - 314 FSI24 indirect radiation (last 24hrs) K F - 315 FSI240 indirect radiation (last 240hrs) K F - 316 FSM snow melt heat flux W/m^2 T - 317 FSM_ICE snow melt heat flux (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 318 FSM_R Rural snow melt heat flux W/m^2 F - 319 FSM_U Urban snow melt heat flux W/m^2 F - 320 FSNO fraction of ground covered by snow unitless T - 321 FSNO_EFF effective fraction of ground covered by snow unitless T - 322 FSNO_ICE fraction of ground covered by snow (ice landunits only) unitless F - 323 FSR reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 324 FSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 325 FSRNDLN direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T - 326 FSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 327 FSRSF reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 328 FSRSFND direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 329 FSRSFNDLN direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T - 330 FSRSFNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 331 FSRSFVD direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 332 FSRSFVDLN direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T - 333 FSRSFVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 334 FSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 335 FSRVDLN direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T - 336 FSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T - 337 FSR_ICE reflected solar radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 338 FSUN sunlit fraction of canopy proportion F - 339 FSUN24 fraction sunlit (last 24hrs) K F - 340 FSUN240 fraction sunlit (last 240hrs) K F - 341 FUELC fuel load gC/m^2 T - 342 FV friction velocity for dust model m/s F - 343 FWET fraction of canopy that is wet proportion F - 344 F_DENIT denitrification flux gN/m^2/s T - 345 F_DENIT_BASE F_DENIT_BASE gN/m^3/s F - 346 F_DENIT_vr denitrification flux gN/m^3/s F - 347 F_N2O_DENIT denitrification N2O flux gN/m^2/s T - 348 F_N2O_NIT nitrification N2O flux gN/m^2/s T - 349 F_NIT nitrification flux gN/m^2/s T - 350 F_NIT_vr nitrification flux gN/m^3/s F - 351 FireComp_BC fire emissions flux of BC kg/m2/sec F - 352 FireComp_OC fire emissions flux of OC kg/m2/sec F - 353 FireComp_SO2 fire emissions flux of SO2 kg/m2/sec F - 354 FireEmis_TOT Total fire emissions flux gC/m2/sec F - 355 FireEmis_ZTOP Top of vertical fire emissions distribution m F - 356 FireMech_SO2 fire emissions flux of SO2 kg/m2/sec F - 357 FireMech_bc_a1 fire emissions flux of bc_a1 kg/m2/sec F - 358 FireMech_pom_a1 fire emissions flux of pom_a1 kg/m2/sec F - 359 GAMMA total gamma for VOC calc non F - 360 GAMMAA gamma A for VOC calc non F - 361 GAMMAC gamma C for VOC calc non F - 362 GAMMAL gamma L for VOC calc non F - 363 GAMMAP gamma P for VOC calc non F - 364 GAMMAS gamma S for VOC calc non F - 365 GAMMAT gamma T for VOC calc non F - 366 GDD0 Growing degree days base 0C from planting ddays F - 367 GDD020 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 0C from planting ddays F - 368 GDD10 Growing degree days base 10C from planting ddays F - 369 GDD1020 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 10C from planting ddays F - 370 GDD8 Growing degree days base 8C from planting ddays F - 371 GDD820 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 8C from planting ddays F - 372 GDDHARV Growing degree days (gdd) needed to harvest ddays F - 373 GDDPLANT Accumulated growing degree days past planting date for crop ddays F - 374 GDDTSOI Growing degree-days from planting (top two soil layers) ddays F - 375 GPP gross primary production gC/m^2/s T - 376 GR total growth respiration gC/m^2/s T - 377 GRAINC grain C (does not equal yield) gC/m^2 T - 378 GRAINC_TO_FOOD grain C to food gC/m^2/s T - 379 GRAINC_TO_SEED grain C to seed gC/m^2/s T - 380 GRAINN grain N gN/m^2 T - 381 GRESP_STORAGE growth respiration storage gC/m^2 F - 382 GRESP_STORAGE_TO_XFER growth respiration shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F - 383 GRESP_XFER growth respiration transfer gC/m^2 F - 384 GROSS_NMIN gross rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s T - 385 GROSS_NMIN_vr gross rate of N mineralization gN/m^3/s F - 386 GSSHA shaded leaf stomatal conductance umol H20/m2/s T - 387 GSSHALN shaded leaf stomatal conductance at local noon umol H20/m2/s T - 388 GSSUN sunlit leaf stomatal conductance umol H20/m2/s T - 389 GSSUNLN sunlit leaf stomatal conductance at local noon umol H20/m2/s T - 390 H2OCAN intercepted water mm T - 391 H2OSFC surface water depth mm T - 392 H2OSNO snow depth (liquid water) mm T - 393 H2OSNO_ICE snow depth (liquid water, ice landunits only) mm F - 394 H2OSNO_TOP mass of snow in top snow layer kg/m2 T - 395 H2OSOI volumetric soil water (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm3/mm3 T - 396 HBOT canopy bottom m F - 397 HEAT_CONTENT1 initial gridcell total heat content J/m^2 T - 398 HEAT_CONTENT1_VEG initial gridcell total heat content - natural vegetated and crop landunits only J/m^2 F - 399 HEAT_CONTENT2 post land cover change total heat content J/m^2 F - 400 HEAT_FROM_AC sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning W/m^2 T - 401 HIA 2 m NWS Heat Index C T - 402 HIA_R Rural 2 m NWS Heat Index C T - 403 HIA_U Urban 2 m NWS Heat Index C T - 404 HK hydraulic conductivity (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm/s F - 405 HR total heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s T - 406 HR_vr total vertically resolved heterotrophic respiration gC/m^3/s T - 407 HTOP canopy top m T - 408 HUMIDEX 2 m Humidex C T - 409 HUMIDEX_R Rural 2 m Humidex C T - 410 HUMIDEX_U Urban 2 m Humidex C T - 411 ICE_CONTENT1 initial gridcell total ice content mm T - 412 ICE_CONTENT2 post land cover change total ice content mm F - 413 ICE_MODEL_FRACTION Ice sheet model fractional coverage unitless F - 414 INIT_GPP GPP flux before downregulation gC/m^2/s F - 415 INT_SNOW accumulated swe (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm F - 416 INT_SNOW_ICE accumulated swe (ice landunits only) mm F - 417 JMX25T canopy profile of jmax umol/m2/s T - 418 Jmx25Z maximum rate of electron transport at 25 Celcius for canopy layers umol electrons/m2/s T - 419 KROOT root conductance each soil layer 1/s F - 420 KSOIL soil conductance in each soil layer 1/s F - 421 K_CWD coarse woody debris potential loss coefficient 1/s F - 422 K_LITR1 litter 1 potential loss coefficient 1/s F - 423 K_LITR2 litter 2 potential loss coefficient 1/s F - 424 K_LITR3 litter 3 potential loss coefficient 1/s F - 425 K_NITR K_NITR 1/s F - 426 K_NITR_H2O K_NITR_H2O unitless F - 427 K_NITR_PH K_NITR_PH unitless F - 428 K_NITR_T K_NITR_T unitless F - 429 K_SOIL1 soil 1 potential loss coefficient 1/s F - 430 K_SOIL2 soil 2 potential loss coefficient 1/s F - 431 K_SOIL3 soil 3 potential loss coefficient 1/s F - 432 LAI240 240hr average of leaf area index m^2/m^2 F - 433 LAISHA shaded projected leaf area index m^2/m^2 T - 434 LAISUN sunlit projected leaf area index m^2/m^2 T - 435 LAKEICEFRAC lake layer ice mass fraction unitless F - 436 LAKEICEFRAC_SURF surface lake layer ice mass fraction unitless T - 437 LAKEICETHICK thickness of lake ice (including physical expansion on freezing) m T - 438 LAND_USE_FLUX total C emitted from land cover conversion (smoothed over the year) and wood and grain product gC/m^2/s T - 439 LATBASET latitude vary base temperature for gddplant degree C F - 440 LEAFC leaf C gC/m^2 T - 441 LEAFCN Leaf CN ratio used for flexible CN gC/gN T - 442 LEAFCN_OFFSET Leaf C:N used by FUN unitless F - 443 LEAFCN_STORAGE Storage Leaf CN ratio used for flexible CN gC/gN F - 444 LEAFC_ALLOC leaf C allocation gC/m^2/s T - 445 LEAFC_CHANGE C change in leaf gC/m^2/s T - 446 LEAFC_LOSS leaf C loss gC/m^2/s T - 447 LEAFC_STORAGE leaf C storage gC/m^2 F - 448 LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_XFER leaf C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F - 449 LEAFC_STORAGE_XFER_ACC Accumulated leaf C transfer gC/m^2 F - 450 LEAFC_TO_BIOFUELC leaf C to biofuel C gC/m^2/s T - 451 LEAFC_TO_LITTER leaf C litterfall gC/m^2/s F - 452 LEAFC_TO_LITTER_FUN leaf C litterfall used by FUN gC/m^2/s T - 453 LEAFC_XFER leaf C transfer gC/m^2 F - 454 LEAFC_XFER_TO_LEAFC leaf C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F - 455 LEAFN leaf N gN/m^2 T - 456 LEAFN_STORAGE leaf N storage gN/m^2 F - 457 LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_XFER leaf N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F - 458 LEAFN_STORAGE_XFER_ACC Accmulated leaf N transfer gN/m^2 F - 459 LEAFN_TO_LITTER leaf N litterfall gN/m^2/s T - 460 LEAFN_TO_RETRANSN leaf N to retranslocated N pool gN/m^2/s F - 461 LEAFN_XFER leaf N transfer gN/m^2 F - 462 LEAFN_XFER_TO_LEAFN leaf N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F - 463 LEAF_MR leaf maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s T - 464 LEAF_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from leaves 1/m F - 465 LFC2 conversion area fraction of BET and BDT that burned per sec T - 466 LGSF long growing season factor proportion F - 467 LIQCAN intercepted liquid water mm T - 468 LIQUID_CONTENT1 initial gridcell total liq content mm T - 469 LIQUID_CONTENT2 post landuse change gridcell total liq content mm F - 470 LIQUID_WATER_TEMP1 initial gridcell weighted average liquid water temperature K F - 471 LITFALL litterfall (leaves and fine roots) gC/m^2/s T - 472 LITFIRE litter fire losses gC/m^2/s F - 473 LITR1C LITR1 C gC/m^2 T - 474 LITR1C_1m LITR1 C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F - 475 LITR1C_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS litter 1 C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F - 476 LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C decomp. of litter 1 C to soil 1 C gC/m^2/s F - 477 LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C_vr decomp. of litter 1 C to soil 1 C gC/m^3/s F - 478 LITR1C_vr LITR1 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T - 479 LITR1N LITR1 N gN/m^2 T - 480 LITR1N_1m LITR1 N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F - 481 LITR1N_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS litter 1 N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F - 482 LITR1N_TO_SOIL1N decomp. of litter 1 N to soil 1 N gN/m^2 F - 483 LITR1N_TO_SOIL1N_vr decomp. of litter 1 N to soil 1 N gN/m^3 F - 484 LITR1N_vr LITR1 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T - 485 LITR1_HR Het. Resp. from litter 1 gC/m^2/s F - 486 LITR1_HR_vr Het. Resp. from litter 1 gC/m^3/s F - 487 LITR2C LITR2 C gC/m^2 T - 488 LITR2C_1m LITR2 C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F - 489 LITR2C_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS litter 2 C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F - 490 LITR2C_TO_SOIL1C decomp. of litter 2 C to soil 1 C gC/m^2/s F - 491 LITR2C_TO_SOIL1C_vr decomp. of litter 2 C to soil 1 C gC/m^3/s F - 492 LITR2C_vr LITR2 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T - 493 LITR2N LITR2 N gN/m^2 T - 494 LITR2N_1m LITR2 N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F - 495 LITR2N_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS litter 2 N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F - 496 LITR2N_TO_SOIL1N decomp. of litter 2 N to soil 1 N gN/m^2 F - 497 LITR2N_TO_SOIL1N_vr decomp. of litter 2 N to soil 1 N gN/m^3 F - 498 LITR2N_vr LITR2 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T - 499 LITR2_HR Het. Resp. from litter 2 gC/m^2/s F - 500 LITR2_HR_vr Het. Resp. from litter 2 gC/m^3/s F - 501 LITR3C LITR3 C gC/m^2 T - 502 LITR3C_1m LITR3 C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F - 503 LITR3C_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS litter 3 C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F - 504 LITR3C_TO_SOIL2C decomp. of litter 3 C to soil 2 C gC/m^2/s F - 505 LITR3C_TO_SOIL2C_vr decomp. of litter 3 C to soil 2 C gC/m^3/s F - 506 LITR3C_vr LITR3 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T - 507 LITR3N LITR3 N gN/m^2 T - 508 LITR3N_1m LITR3 N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F - 509 LITR3N_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS litter 3 N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F - 510 LITR3N_TO_SOIL2N decomp. of litter 3 N to soil 2 N gN/m^2 F - 511 LITR3N_TO_SOIL2N_vr decomp. of litter 3 N to soil 2 N gN/m^3 F - 512 LITR3N_vr LITR3 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T - 513 LITR3_HR Het. Resp. from litter 3 gC/m^2/s F - 514 LITR3_HR_vr Het. Resp. from litter 3 gC/m^3/s F - 515 LITTERC_HR litter C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s T - 516 LITTERC_LOSS litter C loss gC/m^2/s T - 517 LIVECROOTC live coarse root C gC/m^2 T - 518 LIVECROOTC_STORAGE live coarse root C storage gC/m^2 F - 519 LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER live coarse root C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F - 520 LIVECROOTC_TO_DEADCROOTC live coarse root C turnover gC/m^2/s F - 521 LIVECROOTC_XFER live coarse root C transfer gC/m^2 F - 522 LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LIVECROOTC live coarse root C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F - 523 LIVECROOTN live coarse root N gN/m^2 T - 524 LIVECROOTN_STORAGE live coarse root N storage gN/m^2 F - 525 LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER live coarse root N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F - 526 LIVECROOTN_TO_DEADCROOTN live coarse root N turnover gN/m^2/s F - 527 LIVECROOTN_TO_RETRANSN live coarse root N to retranslocated N pool gN/m^2/s F - 528 LIVECROOTN_XFER live coarse root N transfer gN/m^2 F - 529 LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_LIVECROOTN live coarse root N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F - 530 LIVECROOT_MR live coarse root maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F - 531 LIVESTEMC live stem C gC/m^2 T - 532 LIVESTEMC_STORAGE live stem C storage gC/m^2 F - 533 LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER live stem C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F - 534 LIVESTEMC_TO_BIOFUELC livestem C to biofuel C gC/m^2/s T - 535 LIVESTEMC_TO_DEADSTEMC live stem C turnover gC/m^2/s F - 536 LIVESTEMC_XFER live stem C transfer gC/m^2 F - 537 LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LIVESTEMC live stem C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F - 538 LIVESTEMN live stem N gN/m^2 T - 539 LIVESTEMN_STORAGE live stem N storage gN/m^2 F - 540 LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_XFER live stem N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F - 541 LIVESTEMN_TO_DEADSTEMN live stem N turnover gN/m^2/s F - 542 LIVESTEMN_TO_RETRANSN live stem N to retranslocated N pool gN/m^2/s F - 543 LIVESTEMN_XFER live stem N transfer gN/m^2 F - 544 LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_LIVESTEMN live stem N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F - 545 LIVESTEM_MR live stem maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F - 546 LNC leaf N concentration gN leaf/m^2 T - 547 LWdown atmospheric longwave radiation (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) W/m^2 F - 548 LWup upwelling longwave radiation W/m^2 F - 549 MEG_acetaldehyde MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 550 MEG_acetic_acid MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 551 MEG_acetone MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 552 MEG_carene_3 MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 553 MEG_ethanol MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 554 MEG_formaldehyde MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 555 MEG_isoprene MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 556 MEG_methanol MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 557 MEG_pinene_a MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 558 MEG_thujene_a MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T - 559 MR maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s T - 560 M_CWDC_TO_FIRE coarse woody debris C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 561 M_CWDC_TO_FIRE_vr coarse woody debris C fire loss gC/m^3/s F - 562 M_CWDN_TO_FIRE coarse woody debris N fire loss gN/m^2 F - 563 M_CWDN_TO_FIRE_vr coarse woody debris N fire loss gN/m^3 F - 564 M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead coarse root C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F - 565 M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead coarse root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 566 M_DEADCROOTC_TO_LITTER dead coarse root C mortality gC/m^2/s F - 567 M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER dead coarse root C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F - 568 M_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead coarse root N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 569 M_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead coarse root N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F - 570 M_DEADCROOTN_TO_FIRE dead coarse root N fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 571 M_DEADCROOTN_TO_LITTER dead coarse root N mortality gN/m^2/s F - 572 M_DEADCROOTN_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead coarse root N fire mortality to litter gN/m^2/s F - 573 M_DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE dead coarse root N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 574 M_DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER dead coarse root N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F - 575 M_DEADROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead root C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 576 M_DEADROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 577 M_DEADROOTC_TO_FIRE dead root C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 578 M_DEADROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 579 M_DEADROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE dead root C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 580 M_DEADROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead root C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 581 M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead stem C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 582 M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead stem C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F - 583 M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 584 M_DEADSTEMC_TO_FIRE dead stem C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 585 M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER dead stem C mortality gC/m^2/s F - 586 M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 587 M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE dead stem C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 588 M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER dead stem C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F - 589 M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 590 M_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead stem N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 591 M_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead stem N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F - 592 M_DEADSTEMN_TO_FIRE dead stem N fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 593 M_DEADSTEMN_TO_LITTER dead stem N mortality gN/m^2/s F - 594 M_DEADSTEMN_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem N fire mortality to litter gN/m^2/s F - 595 M_DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_FIRE dead stem N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 596 M_DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_LITTER dead stem N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F - 597 M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE fine root C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 598 M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER fine root C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F - 599 M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE fine root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 600 M_FROOTC_TO_FIRE fine root C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 601 M_FROOTC_TO_LITTER fine root C mortality gC/m^2/s F - 602 M_FROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE fine root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 603 M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE fine root C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 604 M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER fine root C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F - 605 M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE fine root C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 606 M_FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE fine root N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 607 M_FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER fine root N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F - 608 M_FROOTN_TO_FIRE fine root N fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 609 M_FROOTN_TO_LITTER fine root N mortality gN/m^2/s F - 610 M_FROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE fine root N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 611 M_FROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER fine root N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F - 612 M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_FIRE growth respiration storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 613 M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITTER growth respiration storage mortality gC/m^2/s F - 614 M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE growth respiration storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 615 M_GRESP_XFER_TO_FIRE growth respiration transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 616 M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITTER growth respiration transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F - 617 M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE growth respiration transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 618 M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE leaf C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 619 M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER leaf C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F - 620 M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE leaf C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 621 M_LEAFC_TO_FIRE leaf C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 622 M_LEAFC_TO_LITTER leaf C mortality gC/m^2/s F - 623 M_LEAFC_TO_LITTER_FIRE leaf C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 624 M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_FIRE leaf C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 625 M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITTER leaf C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F - 626 M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE leaf C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 627 M_LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE leaf N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 628 M_LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER leaf N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F - 629 M_LEAFN_TO_FIRE leaf N fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 630 M_LEAFN_TO_LITTER leaf N mortality gN/m^2/s F - 631 M_LEAFN_XFER_TO_FIRE leaf N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 632 M_LEAFN_XFER_TO_LITTER leaf N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F - 633 M_LITR1C_TO_FIRE litter 1 C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 634 M_LITR1C_TO_FIRE_vr litter 1 C fire loss gC/m^3/s F - 635 M_LITR1C_TO_LEACHING litter 1 C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F - 636 M_LITR1N_TO_FIRE litter 1 N fire loss gN/m^2 F - 637 M_LITR1N_TO_FIRE_vr litter 1 N fire loss gN/m^3 F - 638 M_LITR1N_TO_LEACHING litter 1 N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F - 639 M_LITR2C_TO_FIRE litter 2 C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 640 M_LITR2C_TO_FIRE_vr litter 2 C fire loss gC/m^3/s F - 641 M_LITR2C_TO_LEACHING litter 2 C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F - 642 M_LITR2N_TO_FIRE litter 2 N fire loss gN/m^2 F - 643 M_LITR2N_TO_FIRE_vr litter 2 N fire loss gN/m^3 F - 644 M_LITR2N_TO_LEACHING litter 2 N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F - 645 M_LITR3C_TO_FIRE litter 3 C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 646 M_LITR3C_TO_FIRE_vr litter 3 C fire loss gC/m^3/s F - 647 M_LITR3C_TO_LEACHING litter 3 C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F - 648 M_LITR3N_TO_FIRE litter 3 N fire loss gN/m^2 F - 649 M_LITR3N_TO_FIRE_vr litter 3 N fire loss gN/m^3 F - 650 M_LITR3N_TO_LEACHING litter 3 N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F - 651 M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live coarse root C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F - 652 M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE live coarse root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 653 M_LIVECROOTC_TO_LITTER live coarse root C mortality gC/m^2/s F - 654 M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER live coarse root C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F - 655 M_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live coarse root N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 656 M_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live coarse root N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F - 657 M_LIVECROOTN_TO_FIRE live coarse root N fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 658 M_LIVECROOTN_TO_LITTER live coarse root N mortality gN/m^2/s F - 659 M_LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE live coarse root N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 660 M_LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER live coarse root N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F - 661 M_LIVEROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live root C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 662 M_LIVEROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE live root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 663 M_LIVEROOTC_TO_DEADROOTC_FIRE live root C fire mortality to dead root C gC/m^2/s F - 664 M_LIVEROOTC_TO_FIRE live root C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 665 M_LIVEROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE live root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 666 M_LIVEROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE live root C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 667 M_LIVEROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE live root C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 668 M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live stem C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 669 M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live stem C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F - 670 M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE live stem C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 671 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_DEADSTEMC_FIRE live stem C fire mortality to dead stem C gC/m^2/s F - 672 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_FIRE live stem C fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 673 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_LITTER live stem C mortality gC/m^2/s F - 674 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_LITTER_FIRE live stem C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 675 M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE live stem C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F - 676 M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER live stem C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F - 677 M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE live stem C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F - 678 M_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live stem N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 679 M_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live stem N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F - 680 M_LIVESTEMN_TO_FIRE live stem N fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 681 M_LIVESTEMN_TO_LITTER live stem N mortality gN/m^2/s F - 682 M_LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_FIRE live stem N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 683 M_LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_LITTER live stem N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F - 684 M_RETRANSN_TO_FIRE retranslocated N pool fire loss gN/m^2/s F - 685 M_RETRANSN_TO_LITTER retranslocated N pool mortality gN/m^2/s F - 686 M_SOIL1C_TO_LEACHING soil 1 C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F - 687 M_SOIL1N_TO_LEACHING soil 1 N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F - 688 M_SOIL2C_TO_LEACHING soil 2 C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F - 689 M_SOIL2N_TO_LEACHING soil 2 N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F - 690 M_SOIL3C_TO_LEACHING soil 3 C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F - 691 M_SOIL3N_TO_LEACHING soil 3 N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F - 692 NACTIVE Mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 693 NACTIVE_NH4 Mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 694 NACTIVE_NO3 Mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 695 NAM AM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 696 NAM_NH4 AM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 697 NAM_NO3 AM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 698 NBP net biome production, includes fire, landuse, harvest and hrv_xsmrpool flux (latter smoothed o gC/m^2/s T - 699 NDEPLOY total N deployed in new growth gN/m^2/s T - 700 NDEP_PROF profile for atmospheric N deposition 1/m F - 701 NDEP_TO_SMINN atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s T - 702 NECM ECM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 703 NECM_NH4 ECM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 704 NECM_NO3 ECM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 705 NEE net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire and hrv_xsmrpool (latter smoothed over the yea gC/m^2/s T - 706 NEM Gridcell net adjustment to net carbon exchange passed to atm. for methane production gC/m2/s T - 707 NEP net ecosystem production, excludes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink gC/m^2/s T - 708 NET_NMIN net rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s T - 709 NET_NMIN_vr net rate of N mineralization gN/m^3/s F - 710 NFERTILIZATION fertilizer added gN/m^2/s T - 711 NFIRE fire counts valid only in Reg.C counts/km2/sec T - 712 NFIX Symbiotic BNF uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 713 NFIXATION_PROF profile for biological N fixation 1/m F - 714 NFIX_TO_SMINN symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s F - 715 NNONMYC Non-mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 716 NNONMYC_NH4 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 717 NNONMYC_NO3 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 718 NPASSIVE Passive N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 719 NPOOL temporary plant N pool gN/m^2 T - 720 NPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTN allocation to dead coarse root N gN/m^2/s F - 721 NPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE allocation to dead coarse root N storage gN/m^2/s F - 722 NPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMN allocation to dead stem N gN/m^2/s F - 723 NPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE allocation to dead stem N storage gN/m^2/s F - 724 NPOOL_TO_FROOTN allocation to fine root N gN/m^2/s F - 725 NPOOL_TO_FROOTN_STORAGE allocation to fine root N storage gN/m^2/s F - 726 NPOOL_TO_LEAFN allocation to leaf N gN/m^2/s F - 727 NPOOL_TO_LEAFN_STORAGE allocation to leaf N storage gN/m^2/s F - 728 NPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTN allocation to live coarse root N gN/m^2/s F - 729 NPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE allocation to live coarse root N storage gN/m^2/s F - 730 NPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMN allocation to live stem N gN/m^2/s F - 731 NPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE allocation to live stem N storage gN/m^2/s F - 732 NPP net primary production gC/m^2/s T - 733 NPP_BURNEDOFF C that cannot be used for N uptake gC/m^2/s F - 734 NPP_GROWTH Total C used for growth in FUN gC/m^2/s T - 735 NPP_NACTIVE Mycorrhizal N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T - 736 NPP_NACTIVE_NH4 Mycorrhizal N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T - 737 NPP_NACTIVE_NO3 Mycorrhizal N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T - 738 NPP_NAM AM-associated N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T - 739 NPP_NAM_NH4 AM-associated N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T - 740 NPP_NAM_NO3 AM-associated N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T - 741 NPP_NECM ECM-associated N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T - 742 NPP_NECM_NH4 ECM-associated N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T - 743 NPP_NECM_NO3 ECM-associated N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T - 744 NPP_NFIX Symbiotic BNF uptake used C gC/m^2/s T - 745 NPP_NNONMYC Non-mycorrhizal N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T - 746 NPP_NNONMYC_NH4 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T - 747 NPP_NNONMYC_NO3 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T - 748 NPP_NRETRANS Retranslocated N uptake flux gC/m^2/s T - 749 NPP_NUPTAKE Total C used by N uptake in FUN gC/m^2/s T - 750 NRETRANS Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 751 NRETRANS_REG Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 752 NRETRANS_SEASON Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 753 NRETRANS_STRESS Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T - 754 NSUBSTEPS number of adaptive timesteps in CLM timestep unitless F - 755 NUPTAKE Total N uptake of FUN gN/m^2/s T - 756 NUPTAKE_NPP_FRACTION frac of NPP used in N uptake - T - 757 N_ALLOMETRY N allocation index none F - 758 O2_DECOMP_DEPTH_UNSAT O2 consumption from HR and AR for non-inundated area mol/m3/s F - 759 OCDEP total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s T - 760 OFFSET_COUNTER offset days counter days F - 761 OFFSET_FDD offset freezing degree days counter C degree-days F - 762 OFFSET_FLAG offset flag none F - 763 OFFSET_SWI offset soil water index none F - 764 ONSET_COUNTER onset days counter days F - 765 ONSET_FDD onset freezing degree days counter C degree-days F - 766 ONSET_FLAG onset flag none F - 767 ONSET_GDD onset growing degree days C degree-days F - 768 ONSET_GDDFLAG onset flag for growing degree day sum none F - 769 ONSET_SWI onset soil water index none F - 770 O_SCALAR fraction by which decomposition is reduced due to anoxia unitless T - 771 PAR240DZ 10-day running mean of daytime patch absorbed PAR for leaves for top canopy layer W/m^2 F - 772 PAR240XZ 10-day running mean of maximum patch absorbed PAR for leaves for top canopy layer W/m^2 F - 773 PAR240_shade shade PAR (240 hrs) umol/m2/s F - 774 PAR240_sun sunlit PAR (240 hrs) umol/m2/s F - 775 PAR24_shade shade PAR (24 hrs) umol/m2/s F - 776 PAR24_sun sunlit PAR (24 hrs) umol/m2/s F - 777 PARVEGLN absorbed par by vegetation at local noon W/m^2 T - 778 PAR_shade shade PAR umol/m2/s F - 779 PAR_sun sunlit PAR umol/m2/s F - 780 PBOT atmospheric pressure at surface (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) Pa T - 781 PBOT_240 10 day running mean of air pressure Pa F - 782 PCH4 atmospheric partial pressure of CH4 Pa T - 783 PCO2 atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 Pa T - 784 PCO2_240 10 day running mean of CO2 pressure Pa F - 785 PFT_CTRUNC patch-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 F - 786 PFT_FIRE_CLOSS total patch-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region gC/m^2/s T - 787 PFT_FIRE_NLOSS total patch-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s T - 788 PFT_NTRUNC patch-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 F - 789 PLANTCN Plant C:N used by FUN unitless F - 790 PLANT_CALLOC total allocated C flux gC/m^2/s F - 791 PLANT_NALLOC total allocated N flux gN/m^2/s F - 792 PLANT_NDEMAND N flux required to support initial GPP gN/m^2/s T - 793 PNLCZ Proportion of nitrogen allocated for light capture unitless F - 794 PO2_240 10 day running mean of O2 pressure Pa F - 795 POTENTIAL_IMMOB potential N immobilization gN/m^2/s T - 796 POTENTIAL_IMMOB_vr potential N immobilization gN/m^3/s F - 797 POT_F_DENIT potential denitrification flux gN/m^2/s T - 798 POT_F_DENIT_vr potential denitrification flux gN/m^3/s F - 799 POT_F_NIT potential nitrification flux gN/m^2/s T - 800 POT_F_NIT_vr potential nitrification flux gN/m^3/s F - 801 PREC10 10-day running mean of PREC MM H2O/S F - 802 PREC60 60-day running mean of PREC MM H2O/S F - 803 PREV_DAYL daylength from previous timestep s F - 804 PREV_FROOTC_TO_LITTER previous timestep froot C litterfall flux gC/m^2/s F - 805 PREV_LEAFC_TO_LITTER previous timestep leaf C litterfall flux gC/m^2/s F - 806 PROD100C 100-yr wood product C gC/m^2 F - 807 PROD100C_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F - 808 PROD100N 100-yr wood product N gN/m^2 F - 809 PROD100N_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F - 810 PROD10C 10-yr wood product C gC/m^2 F - 811 PROD10C_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F - 812 PROD10N 10-yr wood product N gN/m^2 F - 813 PROD10N_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F - 814 PSNSHA shaded leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s T - 815 PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL C fixation from shaded canopy gC/m^2/s T - 816 PSNSUN sunlit leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s T - 817 PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL C fixation from sunlit canopy gC/m^2/s T - 818 PSurf atmospheric pressure at surface (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) Pa F - 819 Q2M 2m specific humidity kg/kg T - 820 QBOT atmospheric specific humidity (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) kg/kg T - 821 QCHARGE aquifer recharge rate (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm/s T - 822 QDIRECT_THROUGHFALL direct throughfall of liquid (rain + above-canopy irrigation) mm/s F - 823 QDIRECT_THROUGHFALL_SNOW direct throughfall of snow mm/s F - 824 QDRAI sub-surface drainage mm/s T - 825 QDRAI_PERCH perched wt drainage mm/s T - 826 QDRAI_XS saturation excess drainage mm/s T - 827 QDRIP rate of excess canopy liquid falling off canopy mm/s F - 828 QDRIP_SNOW rate of excess canopy snow falling off canopy mm/s F - 829 QFLOOD runoff from river flooding mm/s T - 830 QFLX_EVAP_TOT qflx_evap_soi + qflx_evap_can + qflx_tran_veg kg m-2 s-1 T - 831 QFLX_EVAP_VEG vegetation evaporation mm H2O/s F - 832 QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s T - 833 QFLX_LIQDEW_TO_TOP_LAYER rate of liquid water deposited on top soil or snow layer (dew) mm H2O/s T - 834 QFLX_LIQEVAP_FROM_TOP_LAYER rate of liquid water evaporated from top soil or snow layer mm H2O/s T - 835 QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s T - 836 QFLX_LIQ_GRND liquid (rain+irrigation) on ground after interception mm H2O/s F - 837 QFLX_SNOW_DRAIN drainage from snow pack mm/s T - 838 QFLX_SNOW_DRAIN_ICE drainage from snow pack melt (ice landunits only) mm/s T - 839 QFLX_SNOW_GRND snow on ground after interception mm H2O/s F - 840 QFLX_SOLIDDEW_TO_TOP_LAYER rate of solid water deposited on top soil or snow layer (frost) mm H2O/s T - 841 QFLX_SOLIDEVAP_FROM_TOP_LAYER rate of ice evaporated from top soil or snow layer (sublimation) (also includes bare ice subli mm H2O/s T - 842 QFLX_SOLIDEVAP_FROM_TOP_LAYER_ICE rate of ice evaporated from top soil or snow layer (sublimation) (also includes bare ice subli mm H2O/s F - 843 QH2OSFC surface water runoff mm/s T - 844 QH2OSFC_TO_ICE surface water converted to ice mm/s F - 845 QHR hydraulic redistribution mm/s T - 846 QICE ice growth/melt mm/s T - 847 QICE_FORC qice forcing sent to GLC mm/s F - 848 QICE_FRZ ice growth mm/s T - 849 QICE_MELT ice melt mm/s T - 850 QINFL infiltration mm/s T - 851 QINTR interception mm/s T - 852 QIRRIG_DEMAND irrigation demand mm/s F - 853 QIRRIG_DRIP water added via drip irrigation mm/s F - 854 QIRRIG_FROM_GW_CONFINED water added through confined groundwater irrigation mm/s T - 855 QIRRIG_FROM_GW_UNCONFINED water added through unconfined groundwater irrigation mm/s T - 856 QIRRIG_FROM_SURFACE water added through surface water irrigation mm/s T - 857 QIRRIG_SPRINKLER water added via sprinkler irrigation mm/s F - 858 QOVER total surface runoff (includes QH2OSFC) mm/s T - 859 QOVER_LAG time-lagged surface runoff for soil columns mm/s F - 860 QPHSNEG net negative hydraulic redistribution flux mm/s F - 861 QRGWL surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes; also includes melted ice runoff fro mm/s T - 862 QROOTSINK water flux from soil to root in each soil-layer mm/s F - 863 QRUNOFF total liquid runoff not including correction for land use change mm/s T - 864 QRUNOFF_ICE total liquid runoff not incl corret for LULCC (ice landunits only) mm/s T - 865 QRUNOFF_ICE_TO_COUPLER total ice runoff sent to coupler (includes corrections for land use change) mm/s T - 866 QRUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ liquid runoff from converted ice runoff mm/s F - 867 QRUNOFF_R Rural total runoff mm/s F - 868 QRUNOFF_TO_COUPLER total liquid runoff sent to coupler (includes corrections for land use change) mm/s T - 869 QRUNOFF_U Urban total runoff mm/s F - 870 QSNOCPLIQ excess liquid h2o due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm H2O/s T - 871 QSNOEVAP evaporation from snow (only when snl<0, otherwise it is equal to qflx_ev_soil) mm/s T - 872 QSNOFRZ column-integrated snow freezing rate kg/m2/s T - 873 QSNOFRZ_ICE column-integrated snow freezing rate (ice landunits only) mm/s T - 874 QSNOMELT snow melt rate mm/s T - 875 QSNOMELT_ICE snow melt (ice landunits only) mm/s T - 876 QSNOUNLOAD canopy snow unloading mm/s T - 877 QSNO_TEMPUNLOAD canopy snow temp unloading mm/s T - 878 QSNO_WINDUNLOAD canopy snow wind unloading mm/s T - 879 QSNWCPICE excess solid h2o due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm H2O/s T - 880 QSOIL Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) mm/s T - 881 QSOIL_ICE Ground evaporation (ice landunits only) mm/s T - 882 QTOPSOIL water input to surface mm/s F - 883 QVEGE canopy evaporation mm/s T - 884 QVEGT canopy transpiration mm/s T - 885 Qair atmospheric specific humidity (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) kg/kg F - 886 Qh sensible heat W/m^2 F - 887 Qle total evaporation W/m^2 F - 888 Qstor storage heat flux (includes snowmelt) W/m^2 F - 889 Qtau momentum flux kg/m/s^2 F - 890 RAIN atmospheric rain, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature mm/s T - 891 RAIN_FROM_ATM atmospheric rain received from atmosphere (pre-repartitioning) mm/s T - 892 RAIN_ICE atmospheric rain, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature (ice landunits only) mm/s F - 893 RAM1 aerodynamical resistance s/m F - 894 RAM_LAKE aerodynamic resistance for momentum (lakes only) s/m F - 895 RB10 10 day running mean boundary layer resistance s/m F - 896 RETRANSN plant pool of retranslocated N gN/m^2 T - 897 RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL deployment of retranslocated N gN/m^2/s T - 898 RH atmospheric relative humidity % F - 899 RH2M 2m relative humidity % T - 900 RH2M_R Rural 2m specific humidity % F - 901 RH2M_U Urban 2m relative humidity % F - 902 RH30 30-day running mean of relative humidity % F - 903 RHAF fractional humidity of canopy air fraction F - 904 RHAF10 10 day running mean of fractional humidity of canopy air fraction F - 905 RH_LEAF fractional humidity at leaf surface fraction F - 906 ROOTR effective fraction of roots in each soil layer (SMS method) proportion F - 907 RR root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) gC/m^2/s T - 908 RRESIS root resistance in each soil layer proportion F - 909 RSSHA shaded leaf stomatal resistance s/m T - 910 RSSUN sunlit leaf stomatal resistance s/m T - 911 Rainf atmospheric rain, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature mm/s F - 912 Rnet net radiation W/m^2 F - 913 SABG solar rad absorbed by ground W/m^2 T - 914 SABG_PEN Rural solar rad penetrating top soil or snow layer watt/m^2 T - 915 SABV solar rad absorbed by veg W/m^2 T - 916 SEEDC pool for seeding new PFTs via dynamic landcover gC/m^2 T - 917 SEEDN pool for seeding new PFTs via dynamic landcover gN/m^2 T - 918 SLASH_HARVESTC slash harvest carbon (to litter) gC/m^2/s T - 919 SMINN soil mineral N gN/m^2 T - 920 SMINN_TO_NPOOL deployment of soil mineral N uptake gN/m^2/s T - 921 SMINN_TO_PLANT plant uptake of soil mineral N gN/m^2/s T - 922 SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN Total soil N uptake of FUN gN/m^2/s T - 923 SMINN_TO_PLANT_vr plant uptake of soil mineral N gN/m^3/s F - 924 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_L1 mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR1to SOIL1 gN/m^2 F - 925 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_L1_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR1to SOIL1 gN/m^3 F - 926 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_L2 mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR2to SOIL1 gN/m^2 F - 927 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_L2_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR2to SOIL1 gN/m^3 F - 928 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_S2 mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL1 gN/m^2 F - 929 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_S2_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL1 gN/m^3 F - 930 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_S3 mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL3to SOIL1 gN/m^2 F - 931 SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_S3_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL3to SOIL1 gN/m^3 F - 932 SMINN_TO_SOIL2N_L3 mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR3to SOIL2 gN/m^2 F - 933 SMINN_TO_SOIL2N_L3_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR3to SOIL2 gN/m^3 F - 934 SMINN_TO_SOIL2N_S1 mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL2 gN/m^2 F - 935 SMINN_TO_SOIL2N_S1_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL2 gN/m^3 F - 936 SMINN_TO_SOIL3N_S1 mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL3 gN/m^2 F - 937 SMINN_TO_SOIL3N_S1_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL3 gN/m^3 F - 938 SMINN_TO_SOIL3N_S2 mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL3 gN/m^2 F - 939 SMINN_TO_SOIL3N_S2_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL3 gN/m^3 F - 940 SMINN_vr soil mineral N gN/m^3 T - 941 SMIN_NH4 soil mineral NH4 gN/m^2 T - 942 SMIN_NH4_TO_PLANT plant uptake of NH4 gN/m^3/s F - 943 SMIN_NH4_vr soil mineral NH4 (vert. res.) gN/m^3 T - 944 SMIN_NO3 soil mineral NO3 gN/m^2 T - 945 SMIN_NO3_LEACHED soil NO3 pool loss to leaching gN/m^2/s T - 946 SMIN_NO3_LEACHED_vr soil NO3 pool loss to leaching gN/m^3/s F - 947 SMIN_NO3_MASSDENS SMIN_NO3_MASSDENS ugN/cm^3 soil F - 948 SMIN_NO3_RUNOFF soil NO3 pool loss to runoff gN/m^2/s T - 949 SMIN_NO3_RUNOFF_vr soil NO3 pool loss to runoff gN/m^3/s F - 950 SMIN_NO3_TO_PLANT plant uptake of NO3 gN/m^3/s F - 951 SMIN_NO3_vr soil mineral NO3 (vert. res.) gN/m^3 T - 952 SMP soil matric potential (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm T - 953 SNOBCMCL mass of BC in snow column kg/m2 T - 954 SNOBCMSL mass of BC in top snow layer kg/m2 T - 955 SNOCAN intercepted snow mm T - 956 SNODSTMCL mass of dust in snow column kg/m2 T - 957 SNODSTMSL mass of dust in top snow layer kg/m2 T - 958 SNOFSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F - 959 SNOFSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F - 960 SNOFSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F - 961 SNOFSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F - 962 SNOFSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T - 963 SNOFSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T - 964 SNOFSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T - 965 SNOFSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T - 966 SNOINTABS Fraction of incoming solar absorbed by lower snow layers - T - 967 SNOLIQFL top snow layer liquid water fraction (land) fraction F - 968 SNOOCMCL mass of OC in snow column kg/m2 T - 969 SNOOCMSL mass of OC in top snow layer kg/m2 T - 970 SNORDSL top snow layer effective grain radius m^-6 F - 971 SNOTTOPL snow temperature (top layer) K F - 972 SNOTTOPL_ICE snow temperature (top layer, ice landunits only) K F - 973 SNOTXMASS snow temperature times layer mass, layer sum; to get mass-weighted temperature, divide by (SNO K kg/m2 T - 974 SNOTXMASS_ICE snow temperature times layer mass, layer sum (ice landunits only); to get mass-weighted temper K kg/m2 F - 975 SNOW atmospheric snow, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature mm/s T - 976 SNOWDP gridcell mean snow height m T - 977 SNOWICE snow ice kg/m2 T - 978 SNOWICE_ICE snow ice (ice landunits only) kg/m2 F - 979 SNOWLIQ snow liquid water kg/m2 T - 980 SNOWLIQ_ICE snow liquid water (ice landunits only) kg/m2 F - 981 SNOW_DEPTH snow height of snow covered area m T - 982 SNOW_DEPTH_ICE snow height of snow covered area (ice landunits only) m F - 983 SNOW_FROM_ATM atmospheric snow received from atmosphere (pre-repartitioning) mm/s T - 984 SNOW_ICE atmospheric snow, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature (ice landunits only) mm/s F - 985 SNOW_PERSISTENCE Length of time of continuous snow cover (nat. veg. landunits only) seconds T - 986 SNOW_SINKS snow sinks (liquid water) mm/s T - 987 SNOW_SOURCES snow sources (liquid water) mm/s T - 988 SNO_ABS Absorbed solar radiation in each snow layer W/m^2 F - 989 SNO_ABS_ICE Absorbed solar radiation in each snow layer (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F - 990 SNO_BW Partial density of water in the snow pack (ice + liquid) kg/m3 F - 991 SNO_BW_ICE Partial density of water in the snow pack (ice + liquid, ice landunits only) kg/m3 F - 992 SNO_EXISTENCE Fraction of averaging period for which each snow layer existed unitless F - 993 SNO_FRZ snow freezing rate in each snow layer kg/m2/s F - 994 SNO_FRZ_ICE snow freezing rate in each snow layer (ice landunits only) mm/s F - 995 SNO_GS Mean snow grain size Microns F - 996 SNO_GS_ICE Mean snow grain size (ice landunits only) Microns F - 997 SNO_ICE Snow ice content kg/m2 F - 998 SNO_LIQH2O Snow liquid water content kg/m2 F - 999 SNO_MELT snow melt rate in each snow layer mm/s F -1000 SNO_MELT_ICE snow melt rate in each snow layer (ice landunits only) mm/s F -1001 SNO_T Snow temperatures K F -1002 SNO_TK Thermal conductivity W/m-K F -1003 SNO_TK_ICE Thermal conductivity (ice landunits only) W/m-K F -1004 SNO_T_ICE Snow temperatures (ice landunits only) K F -1005 SNO_Z Snow layer thicknesses m F -1006 SNO_Z_ICE Snow layer thicknesses (ice landunits only) m F -1007 SNOdTdzL top snow layer temperature gradient (land) K/m F -1008 SOIL1C SOIL1 C gC/m^2 T -1009 SOIL1C_1m SOIL1 C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F -1010 SOIL1C_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS soil 1 C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F -1011 SOIL1C_TO_SOIL2C decomp. of soil 1 C to soil 2 C gC/m^2/s F -1012 SOIL1C_TO_SOIL2C_vr decomp. of soil 1 C to soil 2 C gC/m^3/s F -1013 SOIL1C_TO_SOIL3C decomp. of soil 1 C to soil 3 C gC/m^2/s F -1014 SOIL1C_TO_SOIL3C_vr decomp. of soil 1 C to soil 3 C gC/m^3/s F -1015 SOIL1C_vr SOIL1 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T -1016 SOIL1N SOIL1 N gN/m^2 T -1017 SOIL1N_1m SOIL1 N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F -1018 SOIL1N_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS soil 1 N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F -1019 SOIL1N_TO_SOIL2N decomp. of soil 1 N to soil 2 N gN/m^2 F -1020 SOIL1N_TO_SOIL2N_vr decomp. of soil 1 N to soil 2 N gN/m^3 F -1021 SOIL1N_TO_SOIL3N decomp. of soil 1 N to soil 3 N gN/m^2 F -1022 SOIL1N_TO_SOIL3N_vr decomp. of soil 1 N to soil 3 N gN/m^3 F -1023 SOIL1N_vr SOIL1 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T -1024 SOIL1_HR_S2 Het. Resp. from soil 1 gC/m^2/s F -1025 SOIL1_HR_S2_vr Het. Resp. from soil 1 gC/m^3/s F -1026 SOIL1_HR_S3 Het. Resp. from soil 1 gC/m^2/s F -1027 SOIL1_HR_S3_vr Het. Resp. from soil 1 gC/m^3/s F -1028 SOIL2C SOIL2 C gC/m^2 T -1029 SOIL2C_1m SOIL2 C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F -1030 SOIL2C_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS soil 2 C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F -1031 SOIL2C_TO_SOIL1C decomp. of soil 2 C to soil 1 C gC/m^2/s F -1032 SOIL2C_TO_SOIL1C_vr decomp. of soil 2 C to soil 1 C gC/m^3/s F -1033 SOIL2C_TO_SOIL3C decomp. of soil 2 C to soil 3 C gC/m^2/s F -1034 SOIL2C_TO_SOIL3C_vr decomp. of soil 2 C to soil 3 C gC/m^3/s F -1035 SOIL2C_vr SOIL2 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T -1036 SOIL2N SOIL2 N gN/m^2 T -1037 SOIL2N_1m SOIL2 N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F -1038 SOIL2N_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS soil 2 N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F -1039 SOIL2N_TO_SOIL1N decomp. of soil 2 N to soil 1 N gN/m^2 F -1040 SOIL2N_TO_SOIL1N_vr decomp. of soil 2 N to soil 1 N gN/m^3 F -1041 SOIL2N_TO_SOIL3N decomp. of soil 2 N to soil 3 N gN/m^2 F -1042 SOIL2N_TO_SOIL3N_vr decomp. of soil 2 N to soil 3 N gN/m^3 F -1043 SOIL2N_vr SOIL2 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T -1044 SOIL2_HR_S1 Het. Resp. from soil 2 gC/m^2/s F -1045 SOIL2_HR_S1_vr Het. Resp. from soil 2 gC/m^3/s F -1046 SOIL2_HR_S3 Het. Resp. from soil 2 gC/m^2/s F -1047 SOIL2_HR_S3_vr Het. Resp. from soil 2 gC/m^3/s F -1048 SOIL3C SOIL3 C gC/m^2 T -1049 SOIL3C_1m SOIL3 C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F -1050 SOIL3C_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS soil 3 C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F -1051 SOIL3C_TO_SOIL1C decomp. of soil 3 C to soil 1 C gC/m^2/s F -1052 SOIL3C_TO_SOIL1C_vr decomp. of soil 3 C to soil 1 C gC/m^3/s F -1053 SOIL3C_vr SOIL3 C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T -1054 SOIL3N SOIL3 N gN/m^2 T -1055 SOIL3N_1m SOIL3 N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F -1056 SOIL3N_TNDNCY_VERT_TRANS soil 3 N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F -1057 SOIL3N_TO_SOIL1N decomp. of soil 3 N to soil 1 N gN/m^2 F -1058 SOIL3N_TO_SOIL1N_vr decomp. of soil 3 N to soil 1 N gN/m^3 F -1059 SOIL3N_vr SOIL3 N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T -1060 SOIL3_HR Het. Resp. from soil 3 gC/m^2/s F -1061 SOIL3_HR_vr Het. Resp. from soil 3 gC/m^3/s F -1062 SOILC_CHANGE C change in soil gC/m^2/s T -1063 SOILC_HR soil C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s T -1064 SOILC_vr SOIL C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T -1065 SOILICE soil ice (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) kg/m2 T -1066 SOILLIQ soil liquid water (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) kg/m2 T -1067 SOILN_vr SOIL N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T -1068 SOILPSI soil water potential in each soil layer MPa F -1069 SOILRESIS soil resistance to evaporation s/m T -1070 SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) kg/m2 T -1071 SOMC_FIRE C loss due to peat burning gC/m^2/s T -1072 SOMFIRE soil organic matter fire losses gC/m^2/s F -1073 SOM_ADV_COEF advection term for vertical SOM translocation m/s F -1074 SOM_C_LEACHED total flux of C from SOM pools due to leaching gC/m^2/s T -1075 SOM_DIFFUS_COEF diffusion coefficient for vertical SOM translocation m^2/s F -1076 SOM_N_LEACHED total flux of N from SOM pools due to leaching gN/m^2/s F -1077 SR total soil respiration (HR + root resp) gC/m^2/s T -1078 SSRE_FSR surface snow effect on reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T -1079 SSRE_FSRND surface snow effect on direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T -1080 SSRE_FSRNDLN surface snow effect on direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T -1081 SSRE_FSRNI surface snow effect on diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T -1082 SSRE_FSRVD surface snow radiatve effect on direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T -1083 SSRE_FSRVDLN surface snow radiatve effect on direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T -1084 SSRE_FSRVI surface snow radiatve effect on diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T -1085 STEM_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from stems 1/m F -1086 STORAGE_CDEMAND C use from the C storage pool gC/m^2 F -1087 STORAGE_GR growth resp for growth sent to storage for later display gC/m^2/s F -1088 STORAGE_NDEMAND N demand during the offset period gN/m^2 F -1089 STORVEGC stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool gC/m^2 T -1090 STORVEGN stored vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 T -1091 SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN supplemental N supply gN/m^2/s T -1092 SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN_vr supplemental N supply gN/m^3/s F -1093 SWBGT 2 m Simplified Wetbulb Globe Temp C T -1094 SWBGT_R Rural 2 m Simplified Wetbulb Globe Temp C T -1095 SWBGT_U Urban 2 m Simplified Wetbulb Globe Temp C T -1096 SWMP65 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 65% Eff C T -1097 SWMP65_R Rural 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 65% Eff C T -1098 SWMP65_U Urban 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 65% Eff C T -1099 SWMP80 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 80% Eff C T -1100 SWMP80_R Rural 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 80% Eff C T -1101 SWMP80_U Urban 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 80% Eff C T -1102 SWdown atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 F -1103 SWup upwelling shortwave radiation W/m^2 F -1104 SoilAlpha factor limiting ground evap unitless F -1105 SoilAlpha_U urban factor limiting ground evap unitless F -1106 T10 10-day running mean of 2-m temperature K F -1107 TAUX zonal surface stress kg/m/s^2 T -1108 TAUY meridional surface stress kg/m/s^2 T -1109 TBOT atmospheric air temperature (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) K T -1110 TBUILD internal urban building air temperature K T -1111 TBUILD_MAX prescribed maximum interior building temperature K F -1112 TEMPAVG_T2M temporary average 2m air temperature K F -1113 TEMPMAX_RETRANSN temporary annual max of retranslocated N pool gN/m^2 F -1114 TEMPSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP temporary annual sum of potential GPP gC/m^2/yr F -1115 TEQ 2 m Equiv Temp K T -1116 TEQ_R Rural 2 m Equiv Temp K T -1117 TEQ_U Urban 2 m Equiv Temp K T -1118 TFLOOR floor temperature K F -1119 TG ground temperature K T -1120 TG_ICE ground temperature (ice landunits only) K F -1121 TG_R Rural ground temperature K F -1122 TG_U Urban ground temperature K F -1123 TH2OSFC surface water temperature K T -1124 THBOT atmospheric air potential temperature (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) K T -1125 THIC 2 m Temp Hum Index Comfort C T -1126 THIC_R Rural 2 m Temp Hum Index Comfort C T -1127 THIC_U Urban 2 m Temp Hum Index Comfort C T -1128 THIP 2 m Temp Hum Index Physiology C T -1129 THIP_R Rural 2 m Temp Hum Index Physiology C T -1130 THIP_U Urban 2 m Temp Hum Index Physiology C T -1131 TKE1 top lake level eddy thermal conductivity W/(mK) T -1132 TLAI total projected leaf area index m^2/m^2 T -1133 TLAKE lake temperature K T -1134 TOPO_COL column-level topographic height m F -1135 TOPO_COL_ICE column-level topographic height (ice landunits only) m F -1136 TOPO_FORC topograephic height sent to GLC m F -1137 TOPT topt coefficient for VOC calc non F -1138 TOTCOLC total column carbon, incl veg and cpool but excl product pools gC/m^2 T -1139 TOTCOLCH4 total belowground CH4 (0 for non-lake special landunits in the absence of dynamic landunits) gC/m2 T -1140 TOTCOLN total column-level N, excluding product pools gN/m^2 T -1141 TOTECOSYSC total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool and product pools gC/m^2 T -1142 TOTECOSYSN total ecosystem N, excluding product pools gN/m^2 T -1143 TOTFIRE total ecosystem fire losses gC/m^2/s F -1144 TOTLITC total litter carbon gC/m^2 T -1145 TOTLITC_1m total litter carbon to 1 meter depth gC/m^2 T -1146 TOTLITN total litter N gN/m^2 T -1147 TOTLITN_1m total litter N to 1 meter gN/m^2 T -1148 TOTPFTC total patch-level carbon, including cpool gC/m^2 T -1149 TOTPFTN total patch-level nitrogen gN/m^2 T -1150 TOTSOILICE vertically summed soil cie (veg landunits only) kg/m2 T -1151 TOTSOILLIQ vertically summed soil liquid water (veg landunits only) kg/m2 T -1152 TOTSOMC total soil organic matter carbon gC/m^2 T -1153 TOTSOMC_1m total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter depth gC/m^2 T -1154 TOTSOMN total soil organic matter N gN/m^2 T -1155 TOTSOMN_1m total soil organic matter N to 1 meter gN/m^2 T -1156 TOTVEGC total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool gC/m^2 T -1157 TOTVEGN total vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 T -1158 TOT_WOODPRODC total wood product C gC/m^2 T -1159 TOT_WOODPRODC_LOSS total loss from wood product pools gC/m^2/s T -1160 TOT_WOODPRODN total wood product N gN/m^2 T -1161 TOT_WOODPRODN_LOSS total loss from wood product pools gN/m^2/s T -1162 TPU25T canopy profile of tpu umol/m2/s T -1163 TRAFFICFLUX sensible heat flux from urban traffic W/m^2 F -1164 TRANSFER_DEADCROOT_GR dead coarse root growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F -1165 TRANSFER_DEADSTEM_GR dead stem growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F -1166 TRANSFER_FROOT_GR fine root growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F -1167 TRANSFER_GR growth resp for transfer growth displayed in this timestep gC/m^2/s F -1168 TRANSFER_LEAF_GR leaf growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F -1169 TRANSFER_LIVECROOT_GR live coarse root growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F -1170 TRANSFER_LIVESTEM_GR live stem growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F -1171 TREFMNAV daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K T -1172 TREFMNAV_R Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K F -1173 TREFMNAV_U Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K F -1174 TREFMXAV daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K T -1175 TREFMXAV_R Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K F -1176 TREFMXAV_U Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K F -1177 TROOF_INNER roof inside surface temperature K F -1178 TSA 2m air temperature K T -1179 TSAI total projected stem area index m^2/m^2 T -1180 TSA_ICE 2m air temperature (ice landunits only) K F -1181 TSA_R Rural 2m air temperature K F -1182 TSA_U Urban 2m air temperature K F -1183 TSHDW_INNER shadewall inside surface temperature K F -1184 TSKIN skin temperature K T -1185 TSL temperature of near-surface soil layer (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) K T -1186 TSOI soil temperature (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) K T -1187 TSOI_10CM soil temperature in top 10cm of soil K T -1188 TSOI_ICE soil temperature (ice landunits only) K T -1189 TSRF_FORC surface temperature sent to GLC K F -1190 TSUNW_INNER sunwall inside surface temperature K F -1191 TV vegetation temperature K T -1192 TV24 vegetation temperature (last 24hrs) K F -1193 TV240 vegetation temperature (last 240hrs) K F -1194 TVEGD10 10 day running mean of patch daytime vegetation temperature Kelvin F -1195 TVEGN10 10 day running mean of patch night-time vegetation temperature Kelvin F -1196 TWS total water storage mm T -1197 T_SCALAR temperature inhibition of decomposition unitless T -1198 Tair atmospheric air temperature (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) K F -1199 Tair_from_atm atmospheric air temperature received from atmosphere (pre-downscaling) K F -1200 U10 10-m wind m/s T -1201 U10_DUST 10-m wind for dust model m/s T -1202 U10_ICE 10-m wind (ice landunits only) m/s F -1203 ULRAD upward longwave radiation above the canopy W/m^2 F -1204 URBAN_AC urban air conditioning flux W/m^2 T -1205 URBAN_HEAT urban heating flux W/m^2 T -1206 UST_LAKE friction velocity (lakes only) m/s F -1207 VA atmospheric wind speed plus convective velocity m/s F -1208 VCMX25T canopy profile of vcmax25 umol/m2/s T -1209 VEGWP vegetation water matric potential for sun/sha canopy,xyl,root segments mm T -1210 VEGWPLN vegetation water matric potential for sun/sha canopy,xyl,root at local noon mm T -1211 VEGWPPD predawn vegetation water matric potential for sun/sha canopy,xyl,root mm T -1212 VOCFLXT total VOC flux into atmosphere moles/m2/sec F -1213 VOLR river channel total water storage m3 T -1214 VOLRMCH river channel main channel water storage m3 T -1215 VPD_CAN canopy vapor pressure deficit kPa T -1216 Vcmx25Z canopy profile of vcmax25 predicted by LUNA model umol/m2/s T -1217 WA water in the unconfined aquifer (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm T -1218 WASTEHEAT sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat W/m^2 T -1219 WBA 2 m Wet Bulb C T -1220 WBA_R Rural 2 m Wet Bulb C T -1221 WBA_U Urban 2 m Wet Bulb C T -1222 WBT 2 m Stull Wet Bulb C T -1223 WBT_R Rural 2 m Stull Wet Bulb C T -1224 WBT_U Urban 2 m Stull Wet Bulb C T -1225 WF soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m proportion F -1226 WFPS WFPS percent F -1227 WIND atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s T -1228 WOODC wood C gC/m^2 T -1229 WOODC_ALLOC wood C eallocation gC/m^2/s T -1230 WOODC_LOSS wood C loss gC/m^2/s T -1231 WOOD_HARVESTC wood harvest carbon (to product pools) gC/m^2/s T -1232 WOOD_HARVESTN wood harvest N (to product pools) gN/m^2/s T -1233 WTGQ surface tracer conductance m/s T -1234 W_SCALAR Moisture (dryness) inhibition of decomposition unitless T -1235 Wind atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s F -1236 XSMRPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 T -1237 XSMRPOOL_LOSS temporary photosynthate C pool loss gC/m^2 F -1238 XSMRPOOL_RECOVER C flux assigned to recovery of negative xsmrpool gC/m^2/s T -1239 Z0HG roughness length over ground, sensible heat m F -1240 Z0HV roughness length over vegetation, sensible heat m F -1241 Z0M momentum roughness length m F -1242 Z0MG roughness length over ground, momentum m F -1243 Z0MV roughness length over vegetation, momentum m F -1244 Z0M_TO_COUPLER roughness length, momentum: gridcell average sent to coupler m F -1245 Z0QG roughness length over ground, latent heat m F -1246 Z0QV roughness length over vegetation, latent heat m F -1247 ZBOT atmospheric reference height m T -1248 ZII convective boundary height m F -1249 ZWT water table depth (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) m T -1250 ZWT_CH4_UNSAT depth of water table for methane production used in non-inundated area m T -1251 ZWT_PERCH perched water table depth (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) m T -1252 anaerobic_frac anaerobic_frac m3/m3 F -1253 bsw clap and hornberger B unitless F -1254 currentPatch currentPatch coefficient for VOC calc non F -1255 diffus diffusivity m^2/s F -1256 fr_WFPS fr_WFPS fraction F -1257 n2_n2o_ratio_denit n2_n2o_ratio_denit gN/gN F -1258 r_psi r_psi m F -1259 ratio_k1 ratio_k1 none F -1260 ratio_no3_co2 ratio_no3_co2 ratio F -1261 soil_bulkdensity soil_bulkdensity kg/m3 F -1262 soil_co2_prod soil_co2_prod ug C / g soil / day F -1263 watfc water field capacity m^3/m^3 F -1264 watsat water saturated m^3/m^3 F + 7 ACT_SOMC ACT_SOM C gC/m^2 T + 8 ACT_SOMC_1m ACT_SOM C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F + 9 ACT_SOMC_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA active soil organic C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F + 10 ACT_SOMC_TO_PAS_SOMC decomp. of active soil organic C to passive soil organic C gC/m^2/s F + 11 ACT_SOMC_TO_PAS_SOMC_vr decomp. of active soil organic C to passive soil organic C gC/m^3/s F + 12 ACT_SOMC_TO_SLO_SOMC decomp. of active soil organic C to slow soil organic ma C gC/m^2/s F + 13 ACT_SOMC_TO_SLO_SOMC_vr decomp. of active soil organic C to slow soil organic ma C gC/m^3/s F + 14 ACT_SOMC_vr ACT_SOM C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T + 15 ACT_SOMN ACT_SOM N gN/m^2 T + 16 ACT_SOMN_1m ACT_SOM N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F + 17 ACT_SOMN_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA active soil organic N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F + 18 ACT_SOMN_TO_PAS_SOMN decomp. of active soil organic N to passive soil organic N gN/m^2 F + 19 ACT_SOMN_TO_PAS_SOMN_vr decomp. of active soil organic N to passive soil organic N gN/m^3 F + 20 ACT_SOMN_TO_SLO_SOMN decomp. of active soil organic N to slow soil organic ma N gN/m^2 F + 21 ACT_SOMN_TO_SLO_SOMN_vr decomp. of active soil organic N to slow soil organic ma N gN/m^3 F + 22 ACT_SOMN_vr ACT_SOM N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T + 23 ACT_SOM_HR_S2 Het. Resp. from active soil organic gC/m^2/s F + 24 ACT_SOM_HR_S2_vr Het. Resp. from active soil organic gC/m^3/s F + 25 ACT_SOM_HR_S3 Het. Resp. from active soil organic gC/m^2/s F + 26 ACT_SOM_HR_S3_vr Het. Resp. from active soil organic gC/m^3/s F + 27 AGLB Aboveground leaf biomass kg/m^2 F + 28 AGNPP aboveground NPP gC/m^2/s T + 29 AGSB Aboveground stem biomass kg/m^2 F + 30 ALBD surface albedo (direct) proportion T + 31 ALBDSF diagnostic snow-free surface albedo (direct) proportion T + 32 ALBGRD ground albedo (direct) proportion F + 33 ALBGRI ground albedo (indirect) proportion F + 34 ALBI surface albedo (indirect) proportion T + 35 ALBISF diagnostic snow-free surface albedo (indirect) proportion T + 36 ALPHA alpha coefficient for VOC calc non F + 37 ALT current active layer thickness m T + 38 ALTMAX maximum annual active layer thickness m T + 39 ALTMAX_LASTYEAR maximum prior year active layer thickness m F + 40 ANNAVG_T2M annual average 2m air temperature K F + 41 ANNMAX_RETRANSN annual max of retranslocated N pool gN/m^2 F + 42 ANNSUM_COUNTER seconds since last annual accumulator turnover s F + 43 ANNSUM_NPP annual sum of NPP gC/m^2/yr F + 44 ANNSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP annual sum of potential GPP gN/m^2/yr F + 45 APPAR_TEMP 2 m apparent temperature C T + 46 APPAR_TEMP_R Rural 2 m apparent temperature C T + 47 APPAR_TEMP_U Urban 2 m apparent temperature C T + 48 AR autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) gC/m^2/s T + 49 ATM_TOPO atmospheric surface height m T + 50 AVAILC C flux available for allocation gC/m^2/s F + 51 AVAIL_RETRANSN N flux available from retranslocation pool gN/m^2/s F + 52 AnnET Annual ET mm/s F + 53 BAF_CROP fractional area burned for crop s-1 T + 54 BAF_PEATF fractional area burned in peatland s-1 T + 55 BCDEP total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s T + 56 BETA coefficient of convective velocity none F + 57 BGLFR background litterfall rate 1/s F + 58 BGNPP belowground NPP gC/m^2/s T + 59 BGTR background transfer growth rate 1/s F + 60 BTRANMN daily minimum of transpiration beta factor unitless T + 61 CANNAVG_T2M annual average of 2m air temperature K F + 62 CANNSUM_NPP annual sum of column-level NPP gC/m^2/s F + 63 CEL_LITC CEL_LIT C gC/m^2 T + 64 CEL_LITC_1m CEL_LIT C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F + 65 CEL_LITC_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA cellulosic litter C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F + 66 CEL_LITC_TO_ACT_SOMC decomp. of cellulosic litter C to active soil organic C gC/m^2/s F + 67 CEL_LITC_TO_ACT_SOMC_vr decomp. of cellulosic litter C to active soil organic C gC/m^3/s F + 68 CEL_LITC_vr CEL_LIT C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T + 69 CEL_LITN CEL_LIT N gN/m^2 T + 70 CEL_LITN_1m CEL_LIT N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F + 71 CEL_LITN_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA cellulosic litter N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F + 72 CEL_LITN_TO_ACT_SOMN decomp. of cellulosic litter N to active soil organic N gN/m^2 F + 73 CEL_LITN_TO_ACT_SOMN_vr decomp. of cellulosic litter N to active soil organic N gN/m^3 F + 74 CEL_LITN_vr CEL_LIT N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T + 75 CEL_LIT_HR Het. Resp. from cellulosic litter gC/m^2/s F + 76 CEL_LIT_HR_vr Het. Resp. from cellulosic litter gC/m^3/s F + 77 CGRND deriv. of soil energy flux wrt to soil temp W/m^2/K F + 78 CGRNDL deriv. of soil latent heat flux wrt soil temp W/m^2/K F + 79 CGRNDS deriv. of soil sensible heat flux wrt soil temp W/m^2/K F + 80 CH4PROD Gridcell total production of CH4 gC/m2/s T + 81 CH4_EBUL_TOTAL_SAT ebullition surface CH4 flux; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s F + 82 CH4_EBUL_TOTAL_UNSAT ebullition surface CH4 flux; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s F + 83 CH4_SURF_AERE_SAT aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T + 84 CH4_SURF_AERE_UNSAT aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T + 85 CH4_SURF_DIFF_SAT diffusive surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T + 86 CH4_SURF_DIFF_UNSAT diffusive surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T + 87 CH4_SURF_EBUL_SAT ebullition surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T + 88 CH4_SURF_EBUL_UNSAT ebullition surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) mol/m2/s T + 89 COL_CTRUNC column-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 F + 90 COL_FIRE_CLOSS total column-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region gC/m^2/s T + 91 COL_FIRE_NLOSS total column-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s T + 92 COL_NTRUNC column-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 F + 93 CONC_CH4_SAT CH4 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area mol/m3 F + 94 CONC_CH4_UNSAT CH4 soil Concentration for non-inundated area mol/m3 F + 95 CONC_O2_SAT O2 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area mol/m3 T + 96 CONC_O2_UNSAT O2 soil Concentration for non-inundated area mol/m3 T + 97 COST_NACTIVE Cost of active uptake gN/gC T + 98 COST_NFIX Cost of fixation gN/gC T + 99 COST_NRETRANS Cost of retranslocation gN/gC T + 100 COSZEN cosine of solar zenith angle none F + 101 CPHASE crop phenology phase 0-not planted, 1-planted, 2-leaf emerge, 3-grain fill, 4-harvest T + 102 CPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 T + 103 CPOOL_DEADCROOT_GR dead coarse root growth respiration gC/m^2/s F + 104 CPOOL_DEADCROOT_STORAGE_GR dead coarse root growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F + 105 CPOOL_DEADSTEM_GR dead stem growth respiration gC/m^2/s F + 106 CPOOL_DEADSTEM_STORAGE_GR dead stem growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F + 107 CPOOL_FROOT_GR fine root growth respiration gC/m^2/s F + 108 CPOOL_FROOT_STORAGE_GR fine root growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F + 109 CPOOL_LEAF_GR leaf growth respiration gC/m^2/s F + 110 CPOOL_LEAF_STORAGE_GR leaf growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F + 111 CPOOL_LIVECROOT_GR live coarse root growth respiration gC/m^2/s F + 112 CPOOL_LIVECROOT_STORAGE_GR live coarse root growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F + 113 CPOOL_LIVESTEM_GR live stem growth respiration gC/m^2/s F + 114 CPOOL_LIVESTEM_STORAGE_GR live stem growth respiration to storage gC/m^2/s F + 115 CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC allocation to dead coarse root C gC/m^2/s F + 116 CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE allocation to dead coarse root C storage gC/m^2/s F + 117 CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC allocation to dead stem C gC/m^2/s F + 118 CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE allocation to dead stem C storage gC/m^2/s F + 119 CPOOL_TO_FROOTC allocation to fine root C gC/m^2/s F + 120 CPOOL_TO_FROOTC_STORAGE allocation to fine root C storage gC/m^2/s F + 121 CPOOL_TO_GRESP_STORAGE allocation to growth respiration storage gC/m^2/s F + 122 CPOOL_TO_LEAFC allocation to leaf C gC/m^2/s F + 123 CPOOL_TO_LEAFC_STORAGE allocation to leaf C storage gC/m^2/s F + 124 CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC allocation to live coarse root C gC/m^2/s F + 125 CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE allocation to live coarse root C storage gC/m^2/s F + 126 CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC allocation to live stem C gC/m^2/s F + 127 CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE allocation to live stem C storage gC/m^2/s F + 128 CROOT_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from coarse roots 1/m F + 129 CROPPROD1C 1-yr crop product (grain+biofuel) C gC/m^2 T + 130 CROPPROD1C_LOSS loss from 1-yr crop product pool gC/m^2/s T + 131 CROPPROD1N 1-yr crop product (grain+biofuel) N gN/m^2 T + 132 CROPPROD1N_LOSS loss from 1-yr crop product pool gN/m^2/s T + 133 CROPSEEDC_DEFICIT C used for crop seed that needs to be repaid gC/m^2 T + 134 CROPSEEDN_DEFICIT N used for crop seed that needs to be repaid gN/m^2 F + 135 CROP_SEEDC_TO_LEAF crop seed source to leaf gC/m^2/s F + 136 CROP_SEEDN_TO_LEAF crop seed source to leaf gN/m^2/s F + 137 CURRENT_GR growth resp for new growth displayed in this timestep gC/m^2/s F + 138 CWDC CWD C gC/m^2 T + 139 CWDC_1m CWD C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F + 140 CWDC_HR cwd C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s F + 141 CWDC_LOSS coarse woody debris C loss gC/m^2/s T + 142 CWDC_TO_CEL_LITC decomp. of coarse woody debris C to cellulosic litter C gC/m^2/s F + 143 CWDC_TO_CEL_LITC_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris C to cellulosic litter C gC/m^3/s F + 144 CWDC_TO_LIG_LITC decomp. of coarse woody debris C to lignin litter C gC/m^2/s F + 145 CWDC_TO_LIG_LITC_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris C to lignin litter C gC/m^3/s F + 146 CWDC_vr CWD C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T + 147 CWDN CWD N gN/m^2 T + 148 CWDN_1m CWD N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F + 149 CWDN_TO_CEL_LITN decomp. of coarse woody debris N to cellulosic litter N gN/m^2 F + 150 CWDN_TO_CEL_LITN_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris N to cellulosic litter N gN/m^3 F + 151 CWDN_TO_LIG_LITN decomp. of coarse woody debris N to lignin litter N gN/m^2 F + 152 CWDN_TO_LIG_LITN_vr decomp. of coarse woody debris N to lignin litter N gN/m^3 F + 153 CWDN_vr CWD N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T + 154 CWD_HR_L2 Het. Resp. from coarse woody debris gC/m^2/s F + 155 CWD_HR_L2_vr Het. Resp. from coarse woody debris gC/m^3/s F + 156 CWD_HR_L3 Het. Resp. from coarse woody debris gC/m^2/s F + 157 CWD_HR_L3_vr Het. Resp. from coarse woody debris gC/m^3/s F + 158 C_ALLOMETRY C allocation index none F + 159 DAYL daylength s F + 160 DAYS_ACTIVE number of days since last dormancy days F + 161 DEADCROOTC dead coarse root C gC/m^2 T + 162 DEADCROOTC_STORAGE dead coarse root C storage gC/m^2 F + 163 DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead coarse root C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F + 164 DEADCROOTC_XFER dead coarse root C transfer gC/m^2 F + 165 DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_DEADCROOTC dead coarse root C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F + 166 DEADCROOTN dead coarse root N gN/m^2 T + 167 DEADCROOTN_STORAGE dead coarse root N storage gN/m^2 F + 168 DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead coarse root N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F + 169 DEADCROOTN_XFER dead coarse root N transfer gN/m^2 F + 170 DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_DEADCROOTN dead coarse root N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F + 171 DEADSTEMC dead stem C gC/m^2 T + 172 DEADSTEMC_STORAGE dead stem C storage gC/m^2 F + 173 DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead stem C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F + 174 DEADSTEMC_XFER dead stem C transfer gC/m^2 F + 175 DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_DEADSTEMC dead stem C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F + 176 DEADSTEMN dead stem N gN/m^2 T + 177 DEADSTEMN_STORAGE dead stem N storage gN/m^2 F + 178 DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_XFER dead stem N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F + 179 DEADSTEMN_XFER dead stem N transfer gN/m^2 F + 180 DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_DEADSTEMN dead stem N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F + 181 DENIT total rate of denitrification gN/m^2/s T + 182 DGNETDT derivative of net ground heat flux wrt soil temp W/m^2/K F + 183 DISCOI 2 m Discomfort Index C T + 184 DISCOIS 2 m Stull Discomfort Index C T + 185 DISCOIS_R Rural 2 m Stull Discomfort Index C T + 186 DISCOIS_U Urban 2 m Stull Discomfort Index C T + 187 DISCOI_R Rural 2 m Discomfort Index C T + 188 DISCOI_U Urban 2 m Discomfort Index C T + 189 DISPLA displacement height m F + 190 DISPVEGC displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool gC/m^2 T + 191 DISPVEGN displayed vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 T + 192 DLRAD downward longwave radiation below the canopy W/m^2 F + 193 DORMANT_FLAG dormancy flag none F + 194 DOWNREG fractional reduction in GPP due to N limitation proportion F + 195 DPVLTRB1 turbulent deposition velocity 1 m/s F + 196 DPVLTRB2 turbulent deposition velocity 2 m/s F + 197 DPVLTRB3 turbulent deposition velocity 3 m/s F + 198 DPVLTRB4 turbulent deposition velocity 4 m/s F + 199 DSL dry surface layer thickness mm T + 200 DSTDEP total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s T + 201 DSTFLXT total surface dust emission kg/m2/s T + 202 DT_VEG change in t_veg, last iteration K F + 203 DWT_CONV_CFLUX conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of year) gC/m^2/s T + 204 DWT_CONV_CFLUX_DRIBBLED conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm), dribbled throughout the year gC/m^2/s T + 205 DWT_CONV_CFLUX_PATCH patch-level conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of gC/m^2/s F + 206 DWT_CONV_NFLUX conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of year) gN/m^2/s T + 207 DWT_CONV_NFLUX_PATCH patch-level conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) (0 at all times except first timestep of gN/m^2/s F + 208 DWT_CROPPROD1C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 1-year crop product pool gC/m^2/s T + 209 DWT_CROPPROD1N_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 1-year crop product pool gN/m^2/s T + 210 DWT_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC dead coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F + 211 DWT_DEADCROOTN_TO_CWDN dead coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F + 212 DWT_FROOTC_TO_CEL_LIT_C fine root to cellulosic litter due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F + 213 DWT_FROOTC_TO_LIG_LIT_C fine root to lignin litter due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F + 214 DWT_FROOTC_TO_MET_LIT_C fine root to metabolic litter due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F + 215 DWT_FROOTN_TO_CEL_LIT_N fine root N to cellulosic litter due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F + 216 DWT_FROOTN_TO_LIG_LIT_N fine root N to lignin litter due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F + 217 DWT_FROOTN_TO_MET_LIT_N fine root N to metabolic litter due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F + 218 DWT_LIVECROOTC_TO_CWDC live coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gC/m^2/s F + 219 DWT_LIVECROOTN_TO_CWDN live coarse root to CWD due to landcover change gN/m^2/s F + 220 DWT_PROD100C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F + 221 DWT_PROD100N_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F + 222 DWT_PROD10C_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F + 223 DWT_PROD10N_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F + 224 DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to patch-level deadstem gC/m^2/s F + 225 DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level deadstem (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2 gC/m^2/s F + 226 DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF seed source to patch-level leaf gC/m^2/s F + 227 DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level leaf (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2xy=. gC/m^2/s F + 228 DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM seed source to patch-level deadstem gN/m^2/s T + 229 DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level deadstem (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2 gN/m^2/s F + 230 DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF seed source to patch-level leaf gN/m^2/s T + 231 DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF_PATCH patch-level seed source to patch-level leaf (per-area-gridcell; only makes sense with dov2xy=. gN/m^2/s F + 232 DWT_SLASH_CFLUX slash C flux (to litter diagnostic only) (0 at all times except first timestep of year) gC/m^2/s T + 233 DWT_SLASH_CFLUX_PATCH patch-level slash C flux (to litter diagnostic only) (0 at all times except first timestep of gC/m^2/s F + 234 DWT_WOODPRODC_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to wood product pools gC/m^2/s T + 235 DWT_WOODPRODN_GAIN landcover change-driven addition to wood product pools gN/m^2/s T + 236 DWT_WOOD_PRODUCTC_GAIN_PATCH patch-level landcover change-driven addition to wood product pools(0 at all times except first gC/m^2/s F + 237 DYN_COL_ADJUSTMENTS_CH4 Adjustments in ch4 due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: should n gC/m^2 F + 238 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_C Adjustments in soil carbon due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: gC/m^2 F + 239 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_N Adjustments in soil nitrogen due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level gN/m^2 F + 240 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_NH4 Adjustments in soil NH4 due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: sho gN/m^2 F + 241 DYN_COL_SOIL_ADJUSTMENTS_NO3 Adjustments in soil NO3 due to dynamic column areas; only makes sense at the column level: sho gN/m^2 F + 242 EFF_POROSITY effective porosity = porosity - vol_ice proportion F + 243 EFLXBUILD building heat flux from change in interior building air temperature W/m^2 T + 244 EFLX_DYNBAL dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux W/m^2 T + 245 EFLX_GNET net heat flux into ground W/m^2 F + 246 EFLX_GRND_LAKE net heat flux into lake/snow surface, excluding light transmission W/m^2 T + 247 EFLX_LH_TOT total latent heat flux [+ to atm] W/m^2 T + 248 EFLX_LH_TOT_ICE total latent heat flux [+ to atm] (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F + 249 EFLX_LH_TOT_R Rural total evaporation W/m^2 T + 250 EFLX_LH_TOT_U Urban total evaporation W/m^2 F + 251 EFLX_SOIL_GRND soil heat flux [+ into soil] W/m^2 F + 252 ELAI exposed one-sided leaf area index m^2/m^2 T + 253 EMG ground emissivity proportion F + 254 EMV vegetation emissivity proportion F + 255 EOPT Eopt coefficient for VOC calc non F + 256 EPT 2 m Equiv Pot Temp K T + 257 EPT_R Rural 2 m Equiv Pot Temp K T + 258 EPT_U Urban 2 m Equiv Pot Temp K T + 259 ER total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic gC/m^2/s T + 260 ERRH2O total water conservation error mm T + 261 ERRH2OSNO imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) mm T + 262 ERRSEB surface energy conservation error W/m^2 T + 263 ERRSOI soil/lake energy conservation error W/m^2 T + 264 ERRSOL solar radiation conservation error W/m^2 T + 265 ESAI exposed one-sided stem area index m^2/m^2 T + 266 EXCESSC_MR excess C maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F + 267 EXCESS_CFLUX C flux not allocated due to downregulation gC/m^2/s F + 268 FAREA_BURNED timestep fractional area burned s-1 T + 269 FCANSNO fraction of canopy that is wet proportion F + 270 FCEV canopy evaporation W/m^2 T + 271 FCH4 Gridcell surface CH4 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm) kgC/m2/s T + 272 FCH4TOCO2 Gridcell oxidation of CH4 to CO2 gC/m2/s T + 273 FCH4_DFSAT CH4 additional flux due to changing fsat, natural vegetated and crop landunits only kgC/m2/s T + 274 FCO2 CO2 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm) kgCO2/m2/s F + 275 FCOV fractional impermeable area unitless T + 276 FCTR canopy transpiration W/m^2 T + 277 FDRY fraction of foliage that is green and dry proportion F + 278 FERTNITRO Nitrogen fertilizer for each crop gN/m2/yr F + 279 FERT_COUNTER time left to fertilize seconds F + 280 FERT_TO_SMINN fertilizer to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s F + 281 FFIX_TO_SMINN free living N fixation to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s T + 282 FGEV ground evaporation W/m^2 T + 283 FGR heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and lake / snow light transmission W/m^2 T + 284 FGR12 heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 W/m^2 T + 285 FGR_ICE heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and lake / snow light transmission (ice landunits W/m^2 F + 286 FGR_R Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and snow light transmission W/m^2 F + 287 FGR_SOIL_R Rural downward heat flux at interface below each soil layer watt/m^2 F + 288 FGR_U Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt W/m^2 F + 289 FH2OSFC fraction of ground covered by surface water unitless T + 290 FH2OSFC_NOSNOW fraction of ground covered by surface water (if no snow present) unitless F + 291 FINUNDATED fractional inundated area of vegetated columns unitless T + 292 FINUNDATED_LAG time-lagged inundated fraction of vegetated columns unitless F + 293 FIRA net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T + 294 FIRA_ICE net infrared (longwave) radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F + 295 FIRA_R Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T + 296 FIRA_U Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 F + 297 FIRE emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T + 298 FIRE_ICE emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F + 299 FIRE_R Rural emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 T + 300 FIRE_U Urban emitted infrared (longwave) radiation W/m^2 F + 301 FLDS atmospheric longwave radiation (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) W/m^2 T + 302 FLDS_ICE atmospheric longwave radiation (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F + 303 FMAX_DENIT_CARBONSUBSTRATE FMAX_DENIT_CARBONSUBSTRATE gN/m^3/s F + 304 FMAX_DENIT_NITRATE FMAX_DENIT_NITRATE gN/m^3/s F + 305 FPI fraction of potential immobilization proportion T + 306 FPI_vr fraction of potential immobilization proportion F + 307 FPSN photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 T + 308 FPSN24 24 hour accumulative patch photosynthesis starting from mid-night umol CO2/m^2 ground/day F + 309 FPSN_WC Rubisco-limited photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 F + 310 FPSN_WJ RuBP-limited photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 F + 311 FPSN_WP Product-limited photosynthesis umol m-2 s-1 F + 312 FRAC_ICEOLD fraction of ice relative to the tot water proportion F + 313 FREE_RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL deployment of retranslocated N gN/m^2/s T + 314 FROOTC fine root C gC/m^2 T + 315 FROOTC_ALLOC fine root C allocation gC/m^2/s T + 316 FROOTC_LOSS fine root C loss gC/m^2/s T + 317 FROOTC_STORAGE fine root C storage gC/m^2 F + 318 FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER fine root C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F + 319 FROOTC_TO_LITTER fine root C litterfall gC/m^2/s F + 320 FROOTC_XFER fine root C transfer gC/m^2 F + 321 FROOTC_XFER_TO_FROOTC fine root C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F + 322 FROOTN fine root N gN/m^2 T + 323 FROOTN_STORAGE fine root N storage gN/m^2 F + 324 FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER fine root N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F + 325 FROOTN_TO_LITTER fine root N litterfall gN/m^2/s F + 326 FROOTN_XFER fine root N transfer gN/m^2 F + 327 FROOTN_XFER_TO_FROOTN fine root N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F + 328 FROOT_MR fine root maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F + 329 FROOT_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from fine roots 1/m F + 330 FROST_TABLE frost table depth (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) m F + 331 FSA absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 T + 332 FSAT fractional area with water table at surface unitless T + 333 FSA_ICE absorbed solar radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F + 334 FSA_R Rural absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 F + 335 FSA_U Urban absorbed solar radiation W/m^2 F + 336 FSD24 direct radiation (last 24hrs) K F + 337 FSD240 direct radiation (last 240hrs) K F + 338 FSDS atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 T + 339 FSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 T + 340 FSDSNDLN direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T + 341 FSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation W/m^2 T + 342 FSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 T + 343 FSDSVDLN direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T + 344 FSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation W/m^2 T + 345 FSDSVILN diffuse vis incident solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T + 346 FSH sensible heat not including correction for land use change and rain/snow conversion W/m^2 T + 347 FSH_G sensible heat from ground W/m^2 T + 348 FSH_ICE sensible heat not including correction for land use change and rain/snow conversion (ice landu W/m^2 F + 349 FSH_PRECIP_CONVERSION Sensible heat flux from conversion of rain/snow atm forcing W/m^2 T + 350 FSH_R Rural sensible heat W/m^2 T + 351 FSH_RUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ sensible heat flux generated from conversion of ice runoff to liquid W/m^2 T + 352 FSH_TO_COUPLER sensible heat sent to coupler (includes corrections for land use change, rain/snow conversion W/m^2 T + 353 FSH_U Urban sensible heat W/m^2 F + 354 FSH_V sensible heat from veg W/m^2 T + 355 FSI24 indirect radiation (last 24hrs) K F + 356 FSI240 indirect radiation (last 240hrs) K F + 357 FSM snow melt heat flux W/m^2 T + 358 FSM_ICE snow melt heat flux (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F + 359 FSM_R Rural snow melt heat flux W/m^2 F + 360 FSM_U Urban snow melt heat flux W/m^2 F + 361 FSNO fraction of ground covered by snow unitless T + 362 FSNO_EFF effective fraction of ground covered by snow unitless T + 363 FSNO_ICE fraction of ground covered by snow (ice landunits only) unitless F + 364 FSR reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 365 FSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 366 FSRNDLN direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T + 367 FSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 368 FSRSF reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 369 FSRSFND direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 370 FSRSFNDLN direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T + 371 FSRSFNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 372 FSRSFVD direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 373 FSRSFVDLN direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T + 374 FSRSFVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 375 FSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 376 FSRVDLN direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T + 377 FSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T + 378 FSR_ICE reflected solar radiation (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F + 379 FSUN sunlit fraction of canopy proportion F + 380 FSUN24 fraction sunlit (last 24hrs) K F + 381 FSUN240 fraction sunlit (last 240hrs) K F + 382 FUELC fuel load gC/m^2 T + 383 FV friction velocity for dust model m/s F + 384 FWET fraction of canopy that is wet proportion F + 385 F_DENIT denitrification flux gN/m^2/s T + 386 F_DENIT_BASE F_DENIT_BASE gN/m^3/s F + 387 F_DENIT_vr denitrification flux gN/m^3/s F + 388 F_N2O_DENIT denitrification N2O flux gN/m^2/s T + 389 F_N2O_NIT nitrification N2O flux gN/m^2/s T + 390 F_NIT nitrification flux gN/m^2/s T + 391 F_NIT_vr nitrification flux gN/m^3/s F + 392 FireComp_BC fire emissions flux of BC kg/m2/sec F + 393 FireComp_OC fire emissions flux of OC kg/m2/sec F + 394 FireComp_SO2 fire emissions flux of SO2 kg/m2/sec F + 395 FireEmis_TOT Total fire emissions flux gC/m2/sec F + 396 FireEmis_ZTOP Top of vertical fire emissions distribution m F + 397 FireMech_SO2 fire emissions flux of SO2 kg/m2/sec F + 398 FireMech_bc_a1 fire emissions flux of bc_a1 kg/m2/sec F + 399 FireMech_pom_a1 fire emissions flux of pom_a1 kg/m2/sec F + 400 GAMMA total gamma for VOC calc non F + 401 GAMMAA gamma A for VOC calc non F + 402 GAMMAC gamma C for VOC calc non F + 403 GAMMAL gamma L for VOC calc non F + 404 GAMMAP gamma P for VOC calc non F + 405 GAMMAS gamma S for VOC calc non F + 406 GAMMAT gamma T for VOC calc non F + 407 GDD0 Growing degree days base 0C from planting ddays F + 408 GDD020 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 0C from planting ddays F + 409 GDD10 Growing degree days base 10C from planting ddays F + 410 GDD1020 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 10C from planting ddays F + 411 GDD8 Growing degree days base 8C from planting ddays F + 412 GDD820 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 8C from planting ddays F + 413 GDDHARV Growing degree days (gdd) needed to harvest ddays F + 414 GDDPLANT Accumulated growing degree days past planting date for crop ddays F + 415 GDDTSOI Growing degree-days from planting (top two soil layers) ddays F + 416 GPP gross primary production gC/m^2/s T + 417 GR total growth respiration gC/m^2/s T + 418 GRAINC grain C (does not equal yield) gC/m^2 T + 419 GRAINC_TO_FOOD grain C to food gC/m^2/s T + 420 GRAINC_TO_SEED grain C to seed gC/m^2/s T + 421 GRAINN grain N gN/m^2 T + 422 GRESP_STORAGE growth respiration storage gC/m^2 F + 423 GRESP_STORAGE_TO_XFER growth respiration shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F + 424 GRESP_XFER growth respiration transfer gC/m^2 F + 425 GROSS_NMIN gross rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s T + 426 GROSS_NMIN_vr gross rate of N mineralization gN/m^3/s F + 427 GSSHA shaded leaf stomatal conductance umol H20/m2/s T + 428 GSSHALN shaded leaf stomatal conductance at local noon umol H20/m2/s T + 429 GSSUN sunlit leaf stomatal conductance umol H20/m2/s T + 430 GSSUNLN sunlit leaf stomatal conductance at local noon umol H20/m2/s T + 431 H2OCAN intercepted water mm T + 432 H2OSFC surface water depth mm T + 433 H2OSNO snow depth (liquid water) mm T + 434 H2OSNO_ICE snow depth (liquid water, ice landunits only) mm F + 435 H2OSNO_TOP mass of snow in top snow layer kg/m2 T + 436 H2OSOI volumetric soil water (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm3/mm3 T + 437 HBOT canopy bottom m F + 438 HEAT_CONTENT1 initial gridcell total heat content J/m^2 T + 439 HEAT_CONTENT1_VEG initial gridcell total heat content - natural vegetated and crop landunits only J/m^2 F + 440 HEAT_CONTENT2 post land cover change total heat content J/m^2 F + 441 HEAT_FROM_AC sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning W/m^2 T + 442 HIA 2 m NWS Heat Index C T + 443 HIA_R Rural 2 m NWS Heat Index C T + 444 HIA_U Urban 2 m NWS Heat Index C T + 445 HK hydraulic conductivity (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm/s F + 446 HR total heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s T + 447 HR_vr total vertically resolved heterotrophic respiration gC/m^3/s T + 448 HTOP canopy top m T + 449 HUMIDEX 2 m Humidex C T + 450 HUMIDEX_R Rural 2 m Humidex C T + 451 HUMIDEX_U Urban 2 m Humidex C T + 452 ICE_CONTENT1 initial gridcell total ice content mm T + 453 ICE_CONTENT2 post land cover change total ice content mm F + 454 ICE_MODEL_FRACTION Ice sheet model fractional coverage unitless F + 455 INIT_GPP GPP flux before downregulation gC/m^2/s F + 456 INT_SNOW accumulated swe (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm F + 457 INT_SNOW_ICE accumulated swe (ice landunits only) mm F + 458 JMX25T canopy profile of jmax umol/m2/s T + 459 Jmx25Z maximum rate of electron transport at 25 Celcius for canopy layers umol electrons/m2/s T + 460 KROOT root conductance each soil layer 1/s F + 461 KSOIL soil conductance in each soil layer 1/s F + 462 K_ACT_SOM active soil organic potential loss coefficient 1/s F + 463 K_CEL_LIT cellulosic litter potential loss coefficient 1/s F + 464 K_CWD coarse woody debris potential loss coefficient 1/s F + 465 K_LIG_LIT lignin litter potential loss coefficient 1/s F + 466 K_MET_LIT metabolic litter potential loss coefficient 1/s F + 467 K_NITR K_NITR 1/s F + 468 K_NITR_H2O K_NITR_H2O unitless F + 469 K_NITR_PH K_NITR_PH unitless F + 470 K_NITR_T K_NITR_T unitless F + 471 K_PAS_SOM passive soil organic potential loss coefficient 1/s F + 472 K_SLO_SOM slow soil organic ma potential loss coefficient 1/s F + 473 LAI240 240hr average of leaf area index m^2/m^2 F + 474 LAISHA shaded projected leaf area index m^2/m^2 T + 475 LAISUN sunlit projected leaf area index m^2/m^2 T + 476 LAKEICEFRAC lake layer ice mass fraction unitless F + 477 LAKEICEFRAC_SURF surface lake layer ice mass fraction unitless T + 478 LAKEICETHICK thickness of lake ice (including physical expansion on freezing) m T + 479 LAND_USE_FLUX total C emitted from land cover conversion (smoothed over the year) and wood and grain product gC/m^2/s T + 480 LATBASET latitude vary base temperature for gddplant degree C F + 481 LEAFC leaf C gC/m^2 T + 482 LEAFCN Leaf CN ratio used for flexible CN gC/gN T + 483 LEAFCN_OFFSET Leaf C:N used by FUN unitless F + 484 LEAFCN_STORAGE Storage Leaf CN ratio used for flexible CN gC/gN F + 485 LEAFC_ALLOC leaf C allocation gC/m^2/s T + 486 LEAFC_CHANGE C change in leaf gC/m^2/s T + 487 LEAFC_LOSS leaf C loss gC/m^2/s T + 488 LEAFC_STORAGE leaf C storage gC/m^2 F + 489 LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_XFER leaf C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F + 490 LEAFC_STORAGE_XFER_ACC Accumulated leaf C transfer gC/m^2 F + 491 LEAFC_TO_BIOFUELC leaf C to biofuel C gC/m^2/s T + 492 LEAFC_TO_LITTER leaf C litterfall gC/m^2/s F + 493 LEAFC_TO_LITTER_FUN leaf C litterfall used by FUN gC/m^2/s T + 494 LEAFC_XFER leaf C transfer gC/m^2 F + 495 LEAFC_XFER_TO_LEAFC leaf C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F + 496 LEAFN leaf N gN/m^2 T + 497 LEAFN_STORAGE leaf N storage gN/m^2 F + 498 LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_XFER leaf N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F + 499 LEAFN_STORAGE_XFER_ACC Accmulated leaf N transfer gN/m^2 F + 500 LEAFN_TO_LITTER leaf N litterfall gN/m^2/s T + 501 LEAFN_TO_RETRANSN leaf N to retranslocated N pool gN/m^2/s F + 502 LEAFN_XFER leaf N transfer gN/m^2 F + 503 LEAFN_XFER_TO_LEAFN leaf N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F + 504 LEAF_MR leaf maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s T + 505 LEAF_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from leaves 1/m F + 506 LFC2 conversion area fraction of BET and BDT that burned per sec T + 507 LGSF long growing season factor proportion F + 508 LIG_LITC LIG_LIT C gC/m^2 T + 509 LIG_LITC_1m LIG_LIT C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F + 510 LIG_LITC_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA lignin litter C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F + 511 LIG_LITC_TO_SLO_SOMC decomp. of lignin litter C to slow soil organic ma C gC/m^2/s F + 512 LIG_LITC_TO_SLO_SOMC_vr decomp. of lignin litter C to slow soil organic ma C gC/m^3/s F + 513 LIG_LITC_vr LIG_LIT C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T + 514 LIG_LITN LIG_LIT N gN/m^2 T + 515 LIG_LITN_1m LIG_LIT N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F + 516 LIG_LITN_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA lignin litter N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F + 517 LIG_LITN_TO_SLO_SOMN decomp. of lignin litter N to slow soil organic ma N gN/m^2 F + 518 LIG_LITN_TO_SLO_SOMN_vr decomp. of lignin litter N to slow soil organic ma N gN/m^3 F + 519 LIG_LITN_vr LIG_LIT N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T + 520 LIG_LIT_HR Het. Resp. from lignin litter gC/m^2/s F + 521 LIG_LIT_HR_vr Het. Resp. from lignin litter gC/m^3/s F + 522 LIQCAN intercepted liquid water mm T + 523 LIQUID_CONTENT1 initial gridcell total liq content mm T + 524 LIQUID_CONTENT2 post landuse change gridcell total liq content mm F + 525 LIQUID_WATER_TEMP1 initial gridcell weighted average liquid water temperature K F + 526 LITFALL litterfall (leaves and fine roots) gC/m^2/s T + 527 LITFIRE litter fire losses gC/m^2/s F + 528 LITTERC_HR litter C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s T + 529 LITTERC_LOSS litter C loss gC/m^2/s T + 530 LIVECROOTC live coarse root C gC/m^2 T + 531 LIVECROOTC_STORAGE live coarse root C storage gC/m^2 F + 532 LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER live coarse root C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F + 533 LIVECROOTC_TO_DEADCROOTC live coarse root C turnover gC/m^2/s F + 534 LIVECROOTC_XFER live coarse root C transfer gC/m^2 F + 535 LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LIVECROOTC live coarse root C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F + 536 LIVECROOTN live coarse root N gN/m^2 T + 537 LIVECROOTN_STORAGE live coarse root N storage gN/m^2 F + 538 LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER live coarse root N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F + 539 LIVECROOTN_TO_DEADCROOTN live coarse root N turnover gN/m^2/s F + 540 LIVECROOTN_TO_RETRANSN live coarse root N to retranslocated N pool gN/m^2/s F + 541 LIVECROOTN_XFER live coarse root N transfer gN/m^2 F + 542 LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_LIVECROOTN live coarse root N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F + 543 LIVECROOT_MR live coarse root maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F + 544 LIVESTEMC live stem C gC/m^2 T + 545 LIVESTEMC_STORAGE live stem C storage gC/m^2 F + 546 LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER live stem C shift storage to transfer gC/m^2/s F + 547 LIVESTEMC_TO_BIOFUELC livestem C to biofuel C gC/m^2/s T + 548 LIVESTEMC_TO_DEADSTEMC live stem C turnover gC/m^2/s F + 549 LIVESTEMC_XFER live stem C transfer gC/m^2 F + 550 LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LIVESTEMC live stem C growth from storage gC/m^2/s F + 551 LIVESTEMN live stem N gN/m^2 T + 552 LIVESTEMN_STORAGE live stem N storage gN/m^2 F + 553 LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_XFER live stem N shift storage to transfer gN/m^2/s F + 554 LIVESTEMN_TO_DEADSTEMN live stem N turnover gN/m^2/s F + 555 LIVESTEMN_TO_RETRANSN live stem N to retranslocated N pool gN/m^2/s F + 556 LIVESTEMN_XFER live stem N transfer gN/m^2 F + 557 LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_LIVESTEMN live stem N growth from storage gN/m^2/s F + 558 LIVESTEM_MR live stem maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s F + 559 LNC leaf N concentration gN leaf/m^2 T + 560 LWdown atmospheric longwave radiation (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) W/m^2 F + 561 LWup upwelling longwave radiation W/m^2 F + 562 MEG_acetaldehyde MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 563 MEG_acetic_acid MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 564 MEG_acetone MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 565 MEG_carene_3 MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 566 MEG_ethanol MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 567 MEG_formaldehyde MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 568 MEG_isoprene MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 569 MEG_methanol MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 570 MEG_pinene_a MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 571 MEG_thujene_a MEGAN flux kg/m2/sec T + 572 MET_LITC MET_LIT C gC/m^2 T + 573 MET_LITC_1m MET_LIT C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F + 574 MET_LITC_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA metabolic litter C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F + 575 MET_LITC_TO_ACT_SOMC decomp. of metabolic litter C to active soil organic C gC/m^2/s F + 576 MET_LITC_TO_ACT_SOMC_vr decomp. of metabolic litter C to active soil organic C gC/m^3/s F + 577 MET_LITC_vr MET_LIT C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T + 578 MET_LITN MET_LIT N gN/m^2 T + 579 MET_LITN_1m MET_LIT N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F + 580 MET_LITN_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA metabolic litter N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F + 581 MET_LITN_TO_ACT_SOMN decomp. of metabolic litter N to active soil organic N gN/m^2 F + 582 MET_LITN_TO_ACT_SOMN_vr decomp. of metabolic litter N to active soil organic N gN/m^3 F + 583 MET_LITN_vr MET_LIT N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T + 584 MET_LIT_HR Het. Resp. from metabolic litter gC/m^2/s F + 585 MET_LIT_HR_vr Het. Resp. from metabolic litter gC/m^3/s F + 586 MR maintenance respiration gC/m^2/s T + 587 M_ACT_SOMC_TO_LEACHING active soil organic C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F + 588 M_ACT_SOMN_TO_LEACHING active soil organic N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F + 589 M_CEL_LITC_TO_FIRE cellulosic litter C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 590 M_CEL_LITC_TO_FIRE_vr cellulosic litter C fire loss gC/m^3/s F + 591 M_CEL_LITC_TO_LEACHING cellulosic litter C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F + 592 M_CEL_LITN_TO_FIRE cellulosic litter N fire loss gN/m^2 F + 593 M_CEL_LITN_TO_FIRE_vr cellulosic litter N fire loss gN/m^3 F + 594 M_CEL_LITN_TO_LEACHING cellulosic litter N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F + 595 M_CWDC_TO_FIRE coarse woody debris C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 596 M_CWDC_TO_FIRE_vr coarse woody debris C fire loss gC/m^3/s F + 597 M_CWDN_TO_FIRE coarse woody debris N fire loss gN/m^2 F + 598 M_CWDN_TO_FIRE_vr coarse woody debris N fire loss gN/m^3 F + 599 M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead coarse root C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F + 600 M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead coarse root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 601 M_DEADCROOTC_TO_LITTER dead coarse root C mortality gC/m^2/s F + 602 M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER dead coarse root C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F + 603 M_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead coarse root N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 604 M_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead coarse root N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F + 605 M_DEADCROOTN_TO_FIRE dead coarse root N fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 606 M_DEADCROOTN_TO_LITTER dead coarse root N mortality gN/m^2/s F + 607 M_DEADCROOTN_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead coarse root N fire mortality to litter gN/m^2/s F + 608 M_DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE dead coarse root N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 609 M_DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER dead coarse root N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F + 610 M_DEADROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead root C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 611 M_DEADROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 612 M_DEADROOTC_TO_FIRE dead root C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 613 M_DEADROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 614 M_DEADROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE dead root C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 615 M_DEADROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead root C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 616 M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead stem C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 617 M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead stem C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F + 618 M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 619 M_DEADSTEMC_TO_FIRE dead stem C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 620 M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER dead stem C mortality gC/m^2/s F + 621 M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 622 M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE dead stem C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 623 M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER dead stem C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F + 624 M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 625 M_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE dead stem N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 626 M_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER dead stem N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F + 627 M_DEADSTEMN_TO_FIRE dead stem N fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 628 M_DEADSTEMN_TO_LITTER dead stem N mortality gN/m^2/s F + 629 M_DEADSTEMN_TO_LITTER_FIRE dead stem N fire mortality to litter gN/m^2/s F + 630 M_DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_FIRE dead stem N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 631 M_DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_LITTER dead stem N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F + 632 M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE fine root C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 633 M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER fine root C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F + 634 M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE fine root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 635 M_FROOTC_TO_FIRE fine root C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 636 M_FROOTC_TO_LITTER fine root C mortality gC/m^2/s F + 637 M_FROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE fine root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 638 M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE fine root C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 639 M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER fine root C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F + 640 M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE fine root C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 641 M_FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE fine root N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 642 M_FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER fine root N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F + 643 M_FROOTN_TO_FIRE fine root N fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 644 M_FROOTN_TO_LITTER fine root N mortality gN/m^2/s F + 645 M_FROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE fine root N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 646 M_FROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER fine root N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F + 647 M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_FIRE growth respiration storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 648 M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITTER growth respiration storage mortality gC/m^2/s F + 649 M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE growth respiration storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 650 M_GRESP_XFER_TO_FIRE growth respiration transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 651 M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITTER growth respiration transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F + 652 M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE growth respiration transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 653 M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE leaf C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 654 M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER leaf C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F + 655 M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE leaf C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 656 M_LEAFC_TO_FIRE leaf C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 657 M_LEAFC_TO_LITTER leaf C mortality gC/m^2/s F + 658 M_LEAFC_TO_LITTER_FIRE leaf C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 659 M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_FIRE leaf C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 660 M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITTER leaf C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F + 661 M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE leaf C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 662 M_LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE leaf N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 663 M_LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER leaf N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F + 664 M_LEAFN_TO_FIRE leaf N fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 665 M_LEAFN_TO_LITTER leaf N mortality gN/m^2/s F + 666 M_LEAFN_XFER_TO_FIRE leaf N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 667 M_LEAFN_XFER_TO_LITTER leaf N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F + 668 M_LIG_LITC_TO_FIRE lignin litter C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 669 M_LIG_LITC_TO_FIRE_vr lignin litter C fire loss gC/m^3/s F + 670 M_LIG_LITC_TO_LEACHING lignin litter C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F + 671 M_LIG_LITN_TO_FIRE lignin litter N fire loss gN/m^2 F + 672 M_LIG_LITN_TO_FIRE_vr lignin litter N fire loss gN/m^3 F + 673 M_LIG_LITN_TO_LEACHING lignin litter N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F + 674 M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live coarse root C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F + 675 M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE live coarse root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 676 M_LIVECROOTC_TO_LITTER live coarse root C mortality gC/m^2/s F + 677 M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER live coarse root C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F + 678 M_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live coarse root N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 679 M_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live coarse root N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F + 680 M_LIVECROOTN_TO_FIRE live coarse root N fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 681 M_LIVECROOTN_TO_LITTER live coarse root N mortality gN/m^2/s F + 682 M_LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE live coarse root N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 683 M_LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER live coarse root N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F + 684 M_LIVEROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live root C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 685 M_LIVEROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE live root C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 686 M_LIVEROOTC_TO_DEADROOTC_FIRE live root C fire mortality to dead root C gC/m^2/s F + 687 M_LIVEROOTC_TO_FIRE live root C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 688 M_LIVEROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE live root C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 689 M_LIVEROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE live root C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 690 M_LIVEROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE live root C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 691 M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live stem C storage fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 692 M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live stem C storage mortality gC/m^2/s F + 693 M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER_FIRE live stem C storage fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 694 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_DEADSTEMC_FIRE live stem C fire mortality to dead stem C gC/m^2/s F + 695 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_FIRE live stem C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 696 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_LITTER live stem C mortality gC/m^2/s F + 697 M_LIVESTEMC_TO_LITTER_FIRE live stem C fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 698 M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE live stem C transfer fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 699 M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER live stem C transfer mortality gC/m^2/s F + 700 M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER_FIRE live stem C transfer fire mortality to litter gC/m^2/s F + 701 M_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE live stem N storage fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 702 M_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER live stem N storage mortality gN/m^2/s F + 703 M_LIVESTEMN_TO_FIRE live stem N fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 704 M_LIVESTEMN_TO_LITTER live stem N mortality gN/m^2/s F + 705 M_LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_FIRE live stem N transfer fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 706 M_LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_LITTER live stem N transfer mortality gN/m^2/s F + 707 M_MET_LITC_TO_FIRE metabolic litter C fire loss gC/m^2/s F + 708 M_MET_LITC_TO_FIRE_vr metabolic litter C fire loss gC/m^3/s F + 709 M_MET_LITC_TO_LEACHING metabolic litter C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F + 710 M_MET_LITN_TO_FIRE metabolic litter N fire loss gN/m^2 F + 711 M_MET_LITN_TO_FIRE_vr metabolic litter N fire loss gN/m^3 F + 712 M_MET_LITN_TO_LEACHING metabolic litter N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F + 713 M_PAS_SOMC_TO_LEACHING passive soil organic C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F + 714 M_PAS_SOMN_TO_LEACHING passive soil organic N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F + 715 M_RETRANSN_TO_FIRE retranslocated N pool fire loss gN/m^2/s F + 716 M_RETRANSN_TO_LITTER retranslocated N pool mortality gN/m^2/s F + 717 M_SLO_SOMC_TO_LEACHING slow soil organic ma C leaching loss gC/m^2/s F + 718 M_SLO_SOMN_TO_LEACHING slow soil organic ma N leaching loss gN/m^2/s F + 719 NACTIVE Mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 720 NACTIVE_NH4 Mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 721 NACTIVE_NO3 Mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 722 NAM AM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 723 NAM_NH4 AM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 724 NAM_NO3 AM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 725 NBP net biome production, includes fire, landuse, harvest and hrv_xsmrpool flux (latter smoothed o gC/m^2/s T + 726 NDEPLOY total N deployed in new growth gN/m^2/s T + 727 NDEP_PROF profile for atmospheric N deposition 1/m F + 728 NDEP_TO_SMINN atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s T + 729 NECM ECM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 730 NECM_NH4 ECM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 731 NECM_NO3 ECM-associated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 732 NEE net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire and hrv_xsmrpool (latter smoothed over the yea gC/m^2/s T + 733 NEM Gridcell net adjustment to net carbon exchange passed to atm. for methane production gC/m2/s T + 734 NEP net ecosystem production, excludes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink gC/m^2/s T + 735 NET_NMIN net rate of N mineralization gN/m^2/s T + 736 NET_NMIN_vr net rate of N mineralization gN/m^3/s F + 737 NFERTILIZATION fertilizer added gN/m^2/s T + 738 NFIRE fire counts valid only in Reg.C counts/km2/sec T + 739 NFIX Symbiotic BNF uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 740 NFIXATION_PROF profile for biological N fixation 1/m F + 741 NFIX_TO_SMINN symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N gN/m^2/s F + 742 NNONMYC Non-mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 743 NNONMYC_NH4 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 744 NNONMYC_NO3 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 745 NPASSIVE Passive N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 746 NPOOL temporary plant N pool gN/m^2 T + 747 NPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTN allocation to dead coarse root N gN/m^2/s F + 748 NPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE allocation to dead coarse root N storage gN/m^2/s F + 749 NPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMN allocation to dead stem N gN/m^2/s F + 750 NPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE allocation to dead stem N storage gN/m^2/s F + 751 NPOOL_TO_FROOTN allocation to fine root N gN/m^2/s F + 752 NPOOL_TO_FROOTN_STORAGE allocation to fine root N storage gN/m^2/s F + 753 NPOOL_TO_LEAFN allocation to leaf N gN/m^2/s F + 754 NPOOL_TO_LEAFN_STORAGE allocation to leaf N storage gN/m^2/s F + 755 NPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTN allocation to live coarse root N gN/m^2/s F + 756 NPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE allocation to live coarse root N storage gN/m^2/s F + 757 NPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMN allocation to live stem N gN/m^2/s F + 758 NPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE allocation to live stem N storage gN/m^2/s F + 759 NPP net primary production gC/m^2/s T + 760 NPP_BURNEDOFF C that cannot be used for N uptake gC/m^2/s F + 761 NPP_GROWTH Total C used for growth in FUN gC/m^2/s T + 762 NPP_NACTIVE Mycorrhizal N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T + 763 NPP_NACTIVE_NH4 Mycorrhizal N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T + 764 NPP_NACTIVE_NO3 Mycorrhizal N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T + 765 NPP_NAM AM-associated N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T + 766 NPP_NAM_NH4 AM-associated N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T + 767 NPP_NAM_NO3 AM-associated N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T + 768 NPP_NECM ECM-associated N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T + 769 NPP_NECM_NH4 ECM-associated N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T + 770 NPP_NECM_NO3 ECM-associated N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T + 771 NPP_NFIX Symbiotic BNF uptake used C gC/m^2/s T + 772 NPP_NNONMYC Non-mycorrhizal N uptake used C gC/m^2/s T + 773 NPP_NNONMYC_NH4 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T + 774 NPP_NNONMYC_NO3 Non-mycorrhizal N uptake use C gC/m^2/s T + 775 NPP_NRETRANS Retranslocated N uptake flux gC/m^2/s T + 776 NPP_NUPTAKE Total C used by N uptake in FUN gC/m^2/s T + 777 NRETRANS Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 778 NRETRANS_REG Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 779 NRETRANS_SEASON Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 780 NRETRANS_STRESS Retranslocated N uptake flux gN/m^2/s T + 781 NSUBSTEPS number of adaptive timesteps in CLM timestep unitless F + 782 NUPTAKE Total N uptake of FUN gN/m^2/s T + 783 NUPTAKE_NPP_FRACTION frac of NPP used in N uptake - T + 784 N_ALLOMETRY N allocation index none F + 785 O2_DECOMP_DEPTH_UNSAT O2 consumption from HR and AR for non-inundated area mol/m3/s F + 786 OBU Monin-Obukhov length m F + 787 OCDEP total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s T + 788 OFFSET_COUNTER offset days counter days F + 789 OFFSET_FDD offset freezing degree days counter C degree-days F + 790 OFFSET_FLAG offset flag none F + 791 OFFSET_SWI offset soil water index none F + 792 ONSET_COUNTER onset days counter days F + 793 ONSET_FDD onset freezing degree days counter C degree-days F + 794 ONSET_FLAG onset flag none F + 795 ONSET_GDD onset growing degree days C degree-days F + 796 ONSET_GDDFLAG onset flag for growing degree day sum none F + 797 ONSET_SWI onset soil water index none F + 798 O_SCALAR fraction by which decomposition is reduced due to anoxia unitless T + 799 PAR240DZ 10-day running mean of daytime patch absorbed PAR for leaves for top canopy layer W/m^2 F + 800 PAR240XZ 10-day running mean of maximum patch absorbed PAR for leaves for top canopy layer W/m^2 F + 801 PAR240_shade shade PAR (240 hrs) umol/m2/s F + 802 PAR240_sun sunlit PAR (240 hrs) umol/m2/s F + 803 PAR24_shade shade PAR (24 hrs) umol/m2/s F + 804 PAR24_sun sunlit PAR (24 hrs) umol/m2/s F + 805 PARVEGLN absorbed par by vegetation at local noon W/m^2 T + 806 PAR_shade shade PAR umol/m2/s F + 807 PAR_sun sunlit PAR umol/m2/s F + 808 PAS_SOMC PAS_SOM C gC/m^2 T + 809 PAS_SOMC_1m PAS_SOM C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F + 810 PAS_SOMC_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA passive soil organic C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F + 811 PAS_SOMC_TO_ACT_SOMC decomp. of passive soil organic C to active soil organic C gC/m^2/s F + 812 PAS_SOMC_TO_ACT_SOMC_vr decomp. of passive soil organic C to active soil organic C gC/m^3/s F + 813 PAS_SOMC_vr PAS_SOM C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T + 814 PAS_SOMN PAS_SOM N gN/m^2 T + 815 PAS_SOMN_1m PAS_SOM N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F + 816 PAS_SOMN_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA passive soil organic N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F + 817 PAS_SOMN_TO_ACT_SOMN decomp. of passive soil organic N to active soil organic N gN/m^2 F + 818 PAS_SOMN_TO_ACT_SOMN_vr decomp. of passive soil organic N to active soil organic N gN/m^3 F + 819 PAS_SOMN_vr PAS_SOM N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T + 820 PAS_SOM_HR Het. Resp. from passive soil organic gC/m^2/s F + 821 PAS_SOM_HR_vr Het. Resp. from passive soil organic gC/m^3/s F + 822 PBOT atmospheric pressure at surface (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) Pa T + 823 PBOT_240 10 day running mean of air pressure Pa F + 824 PCH4 atmospheric partial pressure of CH4 Pa T + 825 PCO2 atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 Pa T + 826 PCO2_240 10 day running mean of CO2 pressure Pa F + 827 PFT_CTRUNC patch-level sink for C truncation gC/m^2 F + 828 PFT_FIRE_CLOSS total patch-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region gC/m^2/s T + 829 PFT_FIRE_NLOSS total patch-level fire N loss gN/m^2/s T + 830 PFT_NTRUNC patch-level sink for N truncation gN/m^2 F + 831 PLANTCN Plant C:N used by FUN unitless F + 832 PLANT_CALLOC total allocated C flux gC/m^2/s F + 833 PLANT_NALLOC total allocated N flux gN/m^2/s F + 834 PLANT_NDEMAND N flux required to support initial GPP gN/m^2/s T + 835 PNLCZ Proportion of nitrogen allocated for light capture unitless F + 836 PO2_240 10 day running mean of O2 pressure Pa F + 837 POTENTIAL_IMMOB potential N immobilization gN/m^2/s T + 838 POTENTIAL_IMMOB_vr potential N immobilization gN/m^3/s F + 839 POT_F_DENIT potential denitrification flux gN/m^2/s T + 840 POT_F_DENIT_vr potential denitrification flux gN/m^3/s F + 841 POT_F_NIT potential nitrification flux gN/m^2/s T + 842 POT_F_NIT_vr potential nitrification flux gN/m^3/s F + 843 PREC10 10-day running mean of PREC MM H2O/S F + 844 PREC60 60-day running mean of PREC MM H2O/S F + 845 PREV_DAYL daylength from previous timestep s F + 846 PREV_FROOTC_TO_LITTER previous timestep froot C litterfall flux gC/m^2/s F + 847 PREV_LEAFC_TO_LITTER previous timestep leaf C litterfall flux gC/m^2/s F + 848 PROD100C 100-yr wood product C gC/m^2 F + 849 PROD100C_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F + 850 PROD100N 100-yr wood product N gN/m^2 F + 851 PROD100N_LOSS loss from 100-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F + 852 PROD10C 10-yr wood product C gC/m^2 F + 853 PROD10C_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gC/m^2/s F + 854 PROD10N 10-yr wood product N gN/m^2 F + 855 PROD10N_LOSS loss from 10-yr wood product pool gN/m^2/s F + 856 PSNSHA shaded leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s T + 857 PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL C fixation from shaded canopy gC/m^2/s T + 858 PSNSUN sunlit leaf photosynthesis umolCO2/m^2/s T + 859 PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL C fixation from sunlit canopy gC/m^2/s T + 860 PSurf atmospheric pressure at surface (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) Pa F + 861 Q2M 2m specific humidity kg/kg T + 862 QAF canopy air humidity kg/kg F + 863 QBOT atmospheric specific humidity (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) kg/kg T + 864 QDIRECT_THROUGHFALL direct throughfall of liquid (rain + above-canopy irrigation) mm/s F + 865 QDIRECT_THROUGHFALL_SNOW direct throughfall of snow mm/s F + 866 QDRAI sub-surface drainage mm/s T + 867 QDRAI_PERCH perched wt drainage mm/s T + 868 QDRAI_XS saturation excess drainage mm/s T + 869 QDRIP rate of excess canopy liquid falling off canopy mm/s F + 870 QDRIP_SNOW rate of excess canopy snow falling off canopy mm/s F + 871 QFLOOD runoff from river flooding mm/s T + 872 QFLX_EVAP_TOT qflx_evap_soi + qflx_evap_can + qflx_tran_veg kg m-2 s-1 T + 873 QFLX_EVAP_VEG vegetation evaporation mm H2O/s F + 874 QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s T + 875 QFLX_LIQDEW_TO_TOP_LAYER rate of liquid water deposited on top soil or snow layer (dew) mm H2O/s T + 876 QFLX_LIQEVAP_FROM_TOP_LAYER rate of liquid water evaporated from top soil or snow layer mm H2O/s T + 877 QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s T + 878 QFLX_LIQ_GRND liquid (rain+irrigation) on ground after interception mm H2O/s F + 879 QFLX_SNOW_DRAIN drainage from snow pack mm/s T + 880 QFLX_SNOW_DRAIN_ICE drainage from snow pack melt (ice landunits only) mm/s T + 881 QFLX_SNOW_GRND snow on ground after interception mm H2O/s F + 882 QFLX_SOLIDDEW_TO_TOP_LAYER rate of solid water deposited on top soil or snow layer (frost) mm H2O/s T + 883 QFLX_SOLIDEVAP_FROM_TOP_LAYER rate of ice evaporated from top soil or snow layer (sublimation) (also includes bare ice subli mm H2O/s T + 884 QFLX_SOLIDEVAP_FROM_TOP_LAYER_ICE rate of ice evaporated from top soil or snow layer (sublimation) (also includes bare ice subli mm H2O/s F + 885 QH2OSFC surface water runoff mm/s T + 886 QH2OSFC_TO_ICE surface water converted to ice mm/s F + 887 QHR hydraulic redistribution mm/s T + 888 QICE ice growth/melt mm/s T + 889 QICE_FORC qice forcing sent to GLC mm/s F + 890 QICE_FRZ ice growth mm/s T + 891 QICE_MELT ice melt mm/s T + 892 QINFL infiltration mm/s T + 893 QINTR interception mm/s T + 894 QIRRIG_DEMAND irrigation demand mm/s F + 895 QIRRIG_DRIP water added via drip irrigation mm/s F + 896 QIRRIG_FROM_GW_CONFINED water added through confined groundwater irrigation mm/s T + 897 QIRRIG_FROM_GW_UNCONFINED water added through unconfined groundwater irrigation mm/s T + 898 QIRRIG_FROM_SURFACE water added through surface water irrigation mm/s T + 899 QIRRIG_SPRINKLER water added via sprinkler irrigation mm/s F + 900 QOVER total surface runoff (includes QH2OSFC) mm/s T + 901 QOVER_LAG time-lagged surface runoff for soil columns mm/s F + 902 QPHSNEG net negative hydraulic redistribution flux mm/s F + 903 QRGWL surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes; also includes melted ice runoff fro mm/s T + 904 QROOTSINK water flux from soil to root in each soil-layer mm/s F + 905 QRUNOFF total liquid runoff not including correction for land use change mm/s T + 906 QRUNOFF_ICE total liquid runoff not incl corret for LULCC (ice landunits only) mm/s T + 907 QRUNOFF_ICE_TO_COUPLER total ice runoff sent to coupler (includes corrections for land use change) mm/s T + 908 QRUNOFF_ICE_TO_LIQ liquid runoff from converted ice runoff mm/s F + 909 QRUNOFF_R Rural total runoff mm/s F + 910 QRUNOFF_TO_COUPLER total liquid runoff sent to coupler (includes corrections for land use change) mm/s T + 911 QRUNOFF_U Urban total runoff mm/s F + 912 QSNOCPLIQ excess liquid h2o due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm H2O/s T + 913 QSNOEVAP evaporation from snow (only when snl<0, otherwise it is equal to qflx_ev_soil) mm/s T + 914 QSNOFRZ column-integrated snow freezing rate kg/m2/s T + 915 QSNOFRZ_ICE column-integrated snow freezing rate (ice landunits only) mm/s T + 916 QSNOMELT snow melt rate mm/s T + 917 QSNOMELT_ICE snow melt (ice landunits only) mm/s T + 918 QSNOUNLOAD canopy snow unloading mm/s T + 919 QSNO_TEMPUNLOAD canopy snow temp unloading mm/s T + 920 QSNO_WINDUNLOAD canopy snow wind unloading mm/s T + 921 QSNWCPICE excess solid h2o due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm H2O/s T + 922 QSOIL Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) mm/s T + 923 QSOIL_ICE Ground evaporation (ice landunits only) mm/s T + 924 QTOPSOIL water input to surface mm/s F + 925 QVEGE canopy evaporation mm/s T + 926 QVEGT canopy transpiration mm/s T + 927 Qair atmospheric specific humidity (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) kg/kg F + 928 Qh sensible heat W/m^2 F + 929 Qle total evaporation W/m^2 F + 930 Qstor storage heat flux (includes snowmelt) W/m^2 F + 931 Qtau momentum flux kg/m/s^2 F + 932 RAH1 aerodynamical resistance s/m F + 933 RAH2 aerodynamical resistance s/m F + 934 RAIN atmospheric rain, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature mm/s T + 935 RAIN_FROM_ATM atmospheric rain received from atmosphere (pre-repartitioning) mm/s T + 936 RAIN_ICE atmospheric rain, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature (ice landunits only) mm/s F + 937 RAM1 aerodynamical resistance s/m F + 938 RAM_LAKE aerodynamic resistance for momentum (lakes only) s/m F + 939 RAW1 aerodynamical resistance s/m F + 940 RAW2 aerodynamical resistance s/m F + 941 RB leaf boundary resistance s/m F + 942 RB10 10 day running mean boundary layer resistance s/m F + 943 RETRANSN plant pool of retranslocated N gN/m^2 T + 944 RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL deployment of retranslocated N gN/m^2/s T + 945 RH atmospheric relative humidity % F + 946 RH2M 2m relative humidity % T + 947 RH2M_R Rural 2m specific humidity % F + 948 RH2M_U Urban 2m relative humidity % F + 949 RH30 30-day running mean of relative humidity % F + 950 RHAF fractional humidity of canopy air fraction F + 951 RHAF10 10 day running mean of fractional humidity of canopy air fraction F + 952 RH_LEAF fractional humidity at leaf surface fraction F + 953 ROOTR effective fraction of roots in each soil layer (SMS method) proportion F + 954 RR root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) gC/m^2/s T + 955 RRESIS root resistance in each soil layer proportion F + 956 RSSHA shaded leaf stomatal resistance s/m T + 957 RSSUN sunlit leaf stomatal resistance s/m T + 958 Rainf atmospheric rain, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature mm/s F + 959 Rnet net radiation W/m^2 F + 960 SABG solar rad absorbed by ground W/m^2 T + 961 SABG_PEN Rural solar rad penetrating top soil or snow layer watt/m^2 T + 962 SABV solar rad absorbed by veg W/m^2 T + 963 SEEDC pool for seeding new PFTs via dynamic landcover gC/m^2 T + 964 SEEDN pool for seeding new PFTs via dynamic landcover gN/m^2 T + 965 SLASH_HARVESTC slash harvest carbon (to litter) gC/m^2/s T + 966 SLO_SOMC SLO_SOM C gC/m^2 T + 967 SLO_SOMC_1m SLO_SOM C to 1 meter gC/m^2 F + 968 SLO_SOMC_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA slow soil organic ma C tendency due to vertical transport gC/m^3/s F + 969 SLO_SOMC_TO_ACT_SOMC decomp. of slow soil organic ma C to active soil organic C gC/m^2/s F + 970 SLO_SOMC_TO_ACT_SOMC_vr decomp. of slow soil organic ma C to active soil organic C gC/m^3/s F + 971 SLO_SOMC_TO_PAS_SOMC decomp. of slow soil organic ma C to passive soil organic C gC/m^2/s F + 972 SLO_SOMC_TO_PAS_SOMC_vr decomp. of slow soil organic ma C to passive soil organic C gC/m^3/s F + 973 SLO_SOMC_vr SLO_SOM C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T + 974 SLO_SOMN SLO_SOM N gN/m^2 T + 975 SLO_SOMN_1m SLO_SOM N to 1 meter gN/m^2 F + 976 SLO_SOMN_TNDNCY_VERT_TRA slow soil organic ma N tendency due to vertical transport gN/m^3/s F + 977 SLO_SOMN_TO_ACT_SOMN decomp. of slow soil organic ma N to active soil organic N gN/m^2 F + 978 SLO_SOMN_TO_ACT_SOMN_vr decomp. of slow soil organic ma N to active soil organic N gN/m^3 F + 979 SLO_SOMN_TO_PAS_SOMN decomp. of slow soil organic ma N to passive soil organic N gN/m^2 F + 980 SLO_SOMN_TO_PAS_SOMN_vr decomp. of slow soil organic ma N to passive soil organic N gN/m^3 F + 981 SLO_SOMN_vr SLO_SOM N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T + 982 SLO_SOM_HR_S1 Het. Resp. from slow soil organic ma gC/m^2/s F + 983 SLO_SOM_HR_S1_vr Het. Resp. from slow soil organic ma gC/m^3/s F + 984 SLO_SOM_HR_S3 Het. Resp. from slow soil organic ma gC/m^2/s F + 985 SLO_SOM_HR_S3_vr Het. Resp. from slow soil organic ma gC/m^3/s F + 986 SMINN soil mineral N gN/m^2 T + 987 SMINN_TO_NPOOL deployment of soil mineral N uptake gN/m^2/s T + 988 SMINN_TO_PLANT plant uptake of soil mineral N gN/m^2/s T + 989 SMINN_TO_PLANT_FUN Total soil N uptake of FUN gN/m^2/s T + 990 SMINN_TO_PLANT_vr plant uptake of soil mineral N gN/m^3/s F + 991 SMINN_TO_S1N_L1 mineral N flux for decomp. of MET_LITto ACT_SOM gN/m^2 F + 992 SMINN_TO_S1N_L1_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of MET_LITto ACT_SOM gN/m^3 F + 993 SMINN_TO_S1N_L2 mineral N flux for decomp. of CEL_LITto ACT_SOM gN/m^2 F + 994 SMINN_TO_S1N_L2_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of CEL_LITto ACT_SOM gN/m^3 F + 995 SMINN_TO_S1N_S2 mineral N flux for decomp. of SLO_SOMto ACT_SOM gN/m^2 F + 996 SMINN_TO_S1N_S2_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of SLO_SOMto ACT_SOM gN/m^3 F + 997 SMINN_TO_S1N_S3 mineral N flux for decomp. of PAS_SOMto ACT_SOM gN/m^2 F + 998 SMINN_TO_S1N_S3_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of PAS_SOMto ACT_SOM gN/m^3 F + 999 SMINN_TO_S2N_L3 mineral N flux for decomp. of LIG_LITto SLO_SOM gN/m^2 F +1000 SMINN_TO_S2N_L3_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of LIG_LITto SLO_SOM gN/m^3 F +1001 SMINN_TO_S2N_S1 mineral N flux for decomp. of ACT_SOMto SLO_SOM gN/m^2 F +1002 SMINN_TO_S2N_S1_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of ACT_SOMto SLO_SOM gN/m^3 F +1003 SMINN_TO_S3N_S1 mineral N flux for decomp. of ACT_SOMto PAS_SOM gN/m^2 F +1004 SMINN_TO_S3N_S1_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of ACT_SOMto PAS_SOM gN/m^3 F +1005 SMINN_TO_S3N_S2 mineral N flux for decomp. of SLO_SOMto PAS_SOM gN/m^2 F +1006 SMINN_TO_S3N_S2_vr mineral N flux for decomp. of SLO_SOMto PAS_SOM gN/m^3 F +1007 SMINN_vr soil mineral N gN/m^3 T +1008 SMIN_NH4 soil mineral NH4 gN/m^2 T +1009 SMIN_NH4_TO_PLANT plant uptake of NH4 gN/m^3/s F +1010 SMIN_NH4_vr soil mineral NH4 (vert. res.) gN/m^3 T +1011 SMIN_NO3 soil mineral NO3 gN/m^2 T +1012 SMIN_NO3_LEACHED soil NO3 pool loss to leaching gN/m^2/s T +1013 SMIN_NO3_LEACHED_vr soil NO3 pool loss to leaching gN/m^3/s F +1014 SMIN_NO3_MASSDENS SMIN_NO3_MASSDENS ugN/cm^3 soil F +1015 SMIN_NO3_RUNOFF soil NO3 pool loss to runoff gN/m^2/s T +1016 SMIN_NO3_RUNOFF_vr soil NO3 pool loss to runoff gN/m^3/s F +1017 SMIN_NO3_TO_PLANT plant uptake of NO3 gN/m^3/s F +1018 SMIN_NO3_vr soil mineral NO3 (vert. res.) gN/m^3 T +1019 SMP soil matric potential (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) mm T +1020 SNOBCMCL mass of BC in snow column kg/m2 T +1021 SNOBCMSL mass of BC in top snow layer kg/m2 T +1022 SNOCAN intercepted snow mm T +1023 SNODSTMCL mass of dust in snow column kg/m2 T +1024 SNODSTMSL mass of dust in top snow layer kg/m2 T +1025 SNOFSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F +1026 SNOFSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F +1027 SNOFSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F +1028 SNOFSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation on snow W/m^2 F +1029 SNOFSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T +1030 SNOFSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T +1031 SNOFSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T +1032 SNOFSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation from snow W/m^2 T +1033 SNOINTABS Fraction of incoming solar absorbed by lower snow layers - T +1034 SNOLIQFL top snow layer liquid water fraction (land) fraction F +1035 SNOOCMCL mass of OC in snow column kg/m2 T +1036 SNOOCMSL mass of OC in top snow layer kg/m2 T +1037 SNORDSL top snow layer effective grain radius m^-6 F +1038 SNOTTOPL snow temperature (top layer) K F +1039 SNOTTOPL_ICE snow temperature (top layer, ice landunits only) K F +1040 SNOTXMASS snow temperature times layer mass, layer sum; to get mass-weighted temperature, divide by (SNO K kg/m2 T +1041 SNOTXMASS_ICE snow temperature times layer mass, layer sum (ice landunits only); to get mass-weighted temper K kg/m2 F +1042 SNOW atmospheric snow, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature mm/s T +1043 SNOWDP gridcell mean snow height m T +1044 SNOWICE snow ice kg/m2 T +1045 SNOWICE_ICE snow ice (ice landunits only) kg/m2 F +1046 SNOWLIQ snow liquid water kg/m2 T +1047 SNOWLIQ_ICE snow liquid water (ice landunits only) kg/m2 F +1048 SNOW_5D 5day snow avg m F +1049 SNOW_DEPTH snow height of snow covered area m T +1050 SNOW_DEPTH_ICE snow height of snow covered area (ice landunits only) m F +1051 SNOW_FROM_ATM atmospheric snow received from atmosphere (pre-repartitioning) mm/s T +1052 SNOW_ICE atmospheric snow, after rain/snow repartitioning based on temperature (ice landunits only) mm/s F +1053 SNOW_PERSISTENCE Length of time of continuous snow cover (nat. veg. landunits only) seconds T +1054 SNOW_SINKS snow sinks (liquid water) mm/s T +1055 SNOW_SOURCES snow sources (liquid water) mm/s T +1056 SNO_ABS Absorbed solar radiation in each snow layer W/m^2 F +1057 SNO_ABS_ICE Absorbed solar radiation in each snow layer (ice landunits only) W/m^2 F +1058 SNO_BW Partial density of water in the snow pack (ice + liquid) kg/m3 F +1059 SNO_BW_ICE Partial density of water in the snow pack (ice + liquid, ice landunits only) kg/m3 F +1060 SNO_EXISTENCE Fraction of averaging period for which each snow layer existed unitless F +1061 SNO_FRZ snow freezing rate in each snow layer kg/m2/s F +1062 SNO_FRZ_ICE snow freezing rate in each snow layer (ice landunits only) mm/s F +1063 SNO_GS Mean snow grain size Microns F +1064 SNO_GS_ICE Mean snow grain size (ice landunits only) Microns F +1065 SNO_ICE Snow ice content kg/m2 F +1066 SNO_LIQH2O Snow liquid water content kg/m2 F +1067 SNO_MELT snow melt rate in each snow layer mm/s F +1068 SNO_MELT_ICE snow melt rate in each snow layer (ice landunits only) mm/s F +1069 SNO_T Snow temperatures K F +1070 SNO_TK Thermal conductivity W/m-K F +1071 SNO_TK_ICE Thermal conductivity (ice landunits only) W/m-K F +1072 SNO_T_ICE Snow temperatures (ice landunits only) K F +1073 SNO_Z Snow layer thicknesses m F +1074 SNO_Z_ICE Snow layer thicknesses (ice landunits only) m F +1075 SNOdTdzL top snow layer temperature gradient (land) K/m F +1076 SOIL10 10-day running mean of 12cm layer soil K F +1077 SOILC_CHANGE C change in soil gC/m^2/s T +1078 SOILC_HR soil C heterotrophic respiration gC/m^2/s T +1079 SOILC_vr SOIL C (vertically resolved) gC/m^3 T +1080 SOILICE soil ice (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) kg/m2 T +1081 SOILLIQ soil liquid water (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) kg/m2 T +1082 SOILN_vr SOIL N (vertically resolved) gN/m^3 T +1083 SOILPSI soil water potential in each soil layer MPa F +1084 SOILRESIS soil resistance to evaporation s/m T +1085 SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) kg/m2 T +1086 SOMC_FIRE C loss due to peat burning gC/m^2/s T +1087 SOMFIRE soil organic matter fire losses gC/m^2/s F +1088 SOM_ADV_COEF advection term for vertical SOM translocation m/s F +1089 SOM_C_LEACHED total flux of C from SOM pools due to leaching gC/m^2/s T +1090 SOM_DIFFUS_COEF diffusion coefficient for vertical SOM translocation m^2/s F +1091 SOM_N_LEACHED total flux of N from SOM pools due to leaching gN/m^2/s F +1092 SR total soil respiration (HR + root resp) gC/m^2/s T +1093 SSRE_FSR surface snow effect on reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T +1094 SSRE_FSRND surface snow effect on direct nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T +1095 SSRE_FSRNDLN surface snow effect on direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T +1096 SSRE_FSRNI surface snow effect on diffuse nir reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T +1097 SSRE_FSRVD surface snow radiatve effect on direct vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T +1098 SSRE_FSRVDLN surface snow radiatve effect on direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon W/m^2 T +1099 SSRE_FSRVI surface snow radiatve effect on diffuse vis reflected solar radiation W/m^2 T +1100 STEM_PROF profile for litter C and N inputs from stems 1/m F +1101 STORAGE_CDEMAND C use from the C storage pool gC/m^2 F +1102 STORAGE_GR growth resp for growth sent to storage for later display gC/m^2/s F +1103 STORAGE_NDEMAND N demand during the offset period gN/m^2 F +1104 STORVEGC stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool gC/m^2 T +1105 STORVEGN stored vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 T +1106 SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN supplemental N supply gN/m^2/s T +1107 SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN_vr supplemental N supply gN/m^3/s F +1108 SWBGT 2 m Simplified Wetbulb Globe Temp C T +1109 SWBGT_R Rural 2 m Simplified Wetbulb Globe Temp C T +1110 SWBGT_U Urban 2 m Simplified Wetbulb Globe Temp C T +1111 SWMP65 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 65% Eff C T +1112 SWMP65_R Rural 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 65% Eff C T +1113 SWMP65_U Urban 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 65% Eff C T +1114 SWMP80 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 80% Eff C T +1115 SWMP80_R Rural 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 80% Eff C T +1116 SWMP80_U Urban 2 m Swamp Cooler Temp 80% Eff C T +1117 SWdown atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 F +1118 SWup upwelling shortwave radiation W/m^2 F +1119 SoilAlpha factor limiting ground evap unitless F +1120 SoilAlpha_U urban factor limiting ground evap unitless F +1121 T10 10-day running mean of 2-m temperature K F +1122 TAF canopy air temperature K F +1123 TAUX zonal surface stress kg/m/s^2 T +1124 TAUY meridional surface stress kg/m/s^2 T +1125 TBOT atmospheric air temperature (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) K T +1126 TBUILD internal urban building air temperature K T +1127 TBUILD_MAX prescribed maximum interior building temperature K F +1128 TEMPAVG_T2M temporary average 2m air temperature K F +1129 TEMPMAX_RETRANSN temporary annual max of retranslocated N pool gN/m^2 F +1130 TEMPSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP temporary annual sum of potential GPP gC/m^2/yr F +1131 TEQ 2 m Equiv Temp K T +1132 TEQ_R Rural 2 m Equiv Temp K T +1133 TEQ_U Urban 2 m Equiv Temp K T +1134 TFLOOR floor temperature K F +1135 TG ground temperature K T +1136 TG_ICE ground temperature (ice landunits only) K F +1137 TG_R Rural ground temperature K F +1138 TG_U Urban ground temperature K F +1139 TH2OSFC surface water temperature K T +1140 THBOT atmospheric air potential temperature (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) K T +1141 THIC 2 m Temp Hum Index Comfort C T +1142 THIC_R Rural 2 m Temp Hum Index Comfort C T +1143 THIC_U Urban 2 m Temp Hum Index Comfort C T +1144 THIP 2 m Temp Hum Index Physiology C T +1145 THIP_R Rural 2 m Temp Hum Index Physiology C T +1146 THIP_U Urban 2 m Temp Hum Index Physiology C T +1147 TKE1 top lake level eddy thermal conductivity W/(mK) T +1148 TLAI total projected leaf area index m^2/m^2 T +1149 TLAKE lake temperature K T +1150 TOPO_COL column-level topographic height m F +1151 TOPO_COL_ICE column-level topographic height (ice landunits only) m F +1152 TOPO_FORC topograephic height sent to GLC m F +1153 TOPT topt coefficient for VOC calc non F +1154 TOTCOLC total column carbon, incl veg and cpool but excl product pools gC/m^2 T +1155 TOTCOLCH4 total belowground CH4 (0 for non-lake special landunits in the absence of dynamic landunits) gC/m2 T +1156 TOTCOLN total column-level N, excluding product pools gN/m^2 T +1157 TOTECOSYSC total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool and product pools gC/m^2 T +1158 TOTECOSYSN total ecosystem N, excluding product pools gN/m^2 T +1159 TOTFIRE total ecosystem fire losses gC/m^2/s F +1160 TOTLITC total litter carbon gC/m^2 T +1161 TOTLITC_1m total litter carbon to 1 meter depth gC/m^2 T +1162 TOTLITN total litter N gN/m^2 T +1163 TOTLITN_1m total litter N to 1 meter gN/m^2 T +1164 TOTPFTC total patch-level carbon, including cpool gC/m^2 T +1165 TOTPFTN total patch-level nitrogen gN/m^2 T +1166 TOTSOILICE vertically summed soil cie (veg landunits only) kg/m2 T +1167 TOTSOILLIQ vertically summed soil liquid water (veg landunits only) kg/m2 T +1168 TOTSOMC total soil organic matter carbon gC/m^2 T +1169 TOTSOMC_1m total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter depth gC/m^2 T +1170 TOTSOMN total soil organic matter N gN/m^2 T +1171 TOTSOMN_1m total soil organic matter N to 1 meter gN/m^2 T +1172 TOTVEGC total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool gC/m^2 T +1173 TOTVEGN total vegetation nitrogen gN/m^2 T +1174 TOT_WOODPRODC total wood product C gC/m^2 T +1175 TOT_WOODPRODC_LOSS total loss from wood product pools gC/m^2/s T +1176 TOT_WOODPRODN total wood product N gN/m^2 T +1177 TOT_WOODPRODN_LOSS total loss from wood product pools gN/m^2/s T +1178 TPU25T canopy profile of tpu umol/m2/s T +1179 TRAFFICFLUX sensible heat flux from urban traffic W/m^2 F +1180 TRANSFER_DEADCROOT_GR dead coarse root growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F +1181 TRANSFER_DEADSTEM_GR dead stem growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F +1182 TRANSFER_FROOT_GR fine root growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F +1183 TRANSFER_GR growth resp for transfer growth displayed in this timestep gC/m^2/s F +1184 TRANSFER_LEAF_GR leaf growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F +1185 TRANSFER_LIVECROOT_GR live coarse root growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F +1186 TRANSFER_LIVESTEM_GR live stem growth respiration from storage gC/m^2/s F +1187 TREFMNAV daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K T +1188 TREFMNAV_R Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K F +1189 TREFMNAV_U Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature K F +1190 TREFMXAV daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K T +1191 TREFMXAV_R Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K F +1192 TREFMXAV_U Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature K F +1193 TROOF_INNER roof inside surface temperature K F +1194 TSA 2m air temperature K T +1195 TSAI total projected stem area index m^2/m^2 T +1196 TSA_ICE 2m air temperature (ice landunits only) K F +1197 TSA_R Rural 2m air temperature K F +1198 TSA_U Urban 2m air temperature K F +1199 TSHDW_INNER shadewall inside surface temperature K F +1200 TSKIN skin temperature K T +1201 TSL temperature of near-surface soil layer (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) K T +1202 TSOI soil temperature (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) K T +1203 TSOI_10CM soil temperature in top 10cm of soil K T +1204 TSOI_ICE soil temperature (ice landunits only) K T +1205 TSRF_FORC surface temperature sent to GLC K F +1206 TSUNW_INNER sunwall inside surface temperature K F +1207 TV vegetation temperature K T +1208 TV24 vegetation temperature (last 24hrs) K F +1209 TV240 vegetation temperature (last 240hrs) K F +1210 TVEGD10 10 day running mean of patch daytime vegetation temperature Kelvin F +1211 TVEGN10 10 day running mean of patch night-time vegetation temperature Kelvin F +1212 TWS total water storage mm T +1213 T_SCALAR temperature inhibition of decomposition unitless T +1214 Tair atmospheric air temperature (downscaled to columns in glacier regions) K F +1215 Tair_from_atm atmospheric air temperature received from atmosphere (pre-downscaling) K F +1216 U10 10-m wind m/s T +1217 U10_DUST 10-m wind for dust model m/s T +1218 U10_ICE 10-m wind (ice landunits only) m/s F +1219 UAF canopy air speed m/s F +1220 ULRAD upward longwave radiation above the canopy W/m^2 F +1221 UM wind speed plus stability effect m/s F +1222 URBAN_AC urban air conditioning flux W/m^2 T +1223 URBAN_HEAT urban heating flux W/m^2 T +1224 USTAR aerodynamical resistance s/m F +1225 UST_LAKE friction velocity (lakes only) m/s F +1226 VA atmospheric wind speed plus convective velocity m/s F +1227 VCMX25T canopy profile of vcmax25 umol/m2/s T +1228 VEGWP vegetation water matric potential for sun/sha canopy,xyl,root segments mm T +1229 VEGWPLN vegetation water matric potential for sun/sha canopy,xyl,root at local noon mm T +1230 VEGWPPD predawn vegetation water matric potential for sun/sha canopy,xyl,root mm T +1231 VOCFLXT total VOC flux into atmosphere moles/m2/sec F +1232 VOLR river channel total water storage m3 T +1233 VOLRMCH river channel main channel water storage m3 T +1234 VPD vpd Pa F +1235 VPD_CAN canopy vapor pressure deficit kPa T +1236 Vcmx25Z canopy profile of vcmax25 predicted by LUNA model umol/m2/s T +1237 WASTEHEAT sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat W/m^2 T +1238 WBA 2 m Wet Bulb C T +1239 WBA_R Rural 2 m Wet Bulb C T +1240 WBA_U Urban 2 m Wet Bulb C T +1241 WBT 2 m Stull Wet Bulb C T +1242 WBT_R Rural 2 m Stull Wet Bulb C T +1243 WBT_U Urban 2 m Stull Wet Bulb C T +1244 WF soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m proportion F +1245 WFPS WFPS percent F +1246 WIND atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s T +1247 WOODC wood C gC/m^2 T +1248 WOODC_ALLOC wood C eallocation gC/m^2/s T +1249 WOODC_LOSS wood C loss gC/m^2/s T +1250 WOOD_HARVESTC wood harvest carbon (to product pools) gC/m^2/s T +1251 WOOD_HARVESTN wood harvest N (to product pools) gN/m^2/s T +1252 WTGQ surface tracer conductance m/s T +1253 W_SCALAR Moisture (dryness) inhibition of decomposition unitless T +1254 Wind atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s F +1255 XSMRPOOL temporary photosynthate C pool gC/m^2 T +1256 XSMRPOOL_LOSS temporary photosynthate C pool loss gC/m^2 F +1257 XSMRPOOL_RECOVER C flux assigned to recovery of negative xsmrpool gC/m^2/s T +1258 Z0HG roughness length over ground, sensible heat m F +1259 Z0HV roughness length over vegetation, sensible heat m F +1260 Z0M momentum roughness length m F +1261 Z0MG roughness length over ground, momentum m F +1262 Z0MV roughness length over vegetation, momentum m F +1263 Z0M_TO_COUPLER roughness length, momentum: gridcell average sent to coupler m F +1264 Z0QG roughness length over ground, latent heat m F +1265 Z0QV roughness length over vegetation, latent heat m F +1266 ZBOT atmospheric reference height m T +1267 ZETA dimensionless stability parameter unitless F +1268 ZII convective boundary height m F +1269 ZWT water table depth (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) m T +1270 ZWT_CH4_UNSAT depth of water table for methane production used in non-inundated area m T +1271 ZWT_PERCH perched water table depth (natural vegetated and crop landunits only) m T +1272 anaerobic_frac anaerobic_frac m3/m3 F +1273 bsw clap and hornberger B unitless F +1274 currentPatch currentPatch coefficient for VOC calc non F +1275 diffus diffusivity m^2/s F +1276 fr_WFPS fr_WFPS fraction F +1277 n2_n2o_ratio_denit n2_n2o_ratio_denit gN/gN F +1278 num_iter number of iterations unitless F +1279 r_psi r_psi m F +1280 ratio_k1 ratio_k1 none F +1281 ratio_no3_co2 ratio_no3_co2 ratio F +1282 soil_bulkdensity soil_bulkdensity kg/m3 F +1283 soil_co2_prod soil_co2_prod ug C / g soil / day F +1284 watfc water field capacity m^3/m^3 F +1285 watsat water saturated m^3/m^3 F ==== =================================== ============================================================================================== ================================================================= ======= diff --git a/src/biogeochem/CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90 b/src/biogeochem/CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90 index 706ef40cb7..9eb226d67f 100644 --- a/src/biogeochem/CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90 +++ b/src/biogeochem/CNVegCarbonFluxType.F90 @@ -782,7 +782,6 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type) ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer :: k,l,ii,jj - character(1) :: k_str character(8) :: vr_suffix character(10) :: active integer :: begp,endp @@ -2894,11 +2893,10 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type) ptr_patch=this%dwt_slash_cflux_patch, default='inactive') do k = i_litr_min, i_litr_max - write(k_str,'(I1)') k ! convert 1-digit integer to string this%dwt_frootc_to_litr_c_col(begc:endc,:,k) = spval data2dptr => this%dwt_frootc_to_litr_c_col(begc:endc,:,k) - fieldname = 'DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR_'//k_str//'_C' - longname = 'fine root to litter_'//k_str//' due to landcover change' + fieldname = 'DWT_FROOTC_TO_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_C' + longname = 'fine root to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(k))//' due to landcover change' call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^2/s', type2d='levdcmp', & avgflag='A', long_name=longname, & ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive') @@ -3073,11 +3071,10 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type) ptr_patch=this%dwt_slash_cflux_patch, default='inactive') do k = i_litr_min, i_litr_max - write(k_str,'(I1)') k ! convert 1-digit integer to string this%dwt_frootc_to_litr_c_col(begc:endc,:,k) = spval data2dptr => this%dwt_frootc_to_litr_c_col(begc:endc,:,k) - fieldname = 'C13_DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR_'//k_str//'_C' - longname = 'C13 fine root to litter_'//k_str//' due to landcover change' + fieldname = 'C13_DWT_FROOTC_TO_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_C' + longname = 'C13 fine root to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(k))//' due to landcover change' call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^2/s', type2d='levdcmp', & avgflag='A', long_name=longname, & ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive') @@ -3234,11 +3231,10 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type) ptr_patch=this%dwt_slash_cflux_patch, default='inactive') do k = i_litr_min, i_litr_max - write(k_str,'(I1)') k ! convert 1-digit integer to string this%dwt_frootc_to_litr_c_col(begc:endc,:,k) = spval data2dptr => this%dwt_frootc_to_litr_c_col(begc:endc,:,k) - fieldname = 'C14_DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR_'//k_str//'_C' - longname = 'C14 fine root to litter_'//k_str//' due to landcover change' + fieldname = 'C14_DWT_FROOTC_TO_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_C' + longname = 'C14 fine root to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(k))//' due to landcover change' call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^2/s', type2d='levdcmp', & avgflag='A', long_name=longname, & ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive') diff --git a/src/biogeochem/CNVegNitrogenFluxType.F90 b/src/biogeochem/CNVegNitrogenFluxType.F90 index 68952b5048..e2ba082084 100644 --- a/src/biogeochem/CNVegNitrogenFluxType.F90 +++ b/src/biogeochem/CNVegNitrogenFluxType.F90 @@ -518,7 +518,6 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds) integer :: begp, endp integer :: begc, endc integer :: begg, endg - character(1) :: k_str character(10) :: active character(24) :: fieldname character(100) :: longname @@ -1013,11 +1012,10 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds) ptr_patch=this%dwt_conv_nflux_patch, default='inactive') do k = i_litr_min, i_litr_max - write(k_str,'(I1)') k ! convert 1-digit integer to string this%dwt_frootn_to_litr_n_col(begc:endc,:,k) = spval data2dptr => this%dwt_frootn_to_litr_n_col(begc:endc,:,k) - fieldname = 'DWT_FROOTN_TO_LITR_'//k_str//'_N' - longname = 'fine root N to litter_'//k_str//' due to landcover change' + fieldname = 'DWT_FROOTN_TO_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_N' + longname = 'fine root N to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(k))//' due to landcover change' call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^2/s', type2d='levdcmp', & avgflag='A', long_name=longname, & ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive') diff --git a/src/main/clm_varpar.F90 b/src/main/clm_varpar.F90 index 5a18d52d0e..cd4d4efac4 100644 --- a/src/main/clm_varpar.F90 +++ b/src/main/clm_varpar.F90 @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ subroutine clm_varpar_init(actual_maxsoil_patches, actual_numcft) ! in InitAllocate (in SoilBiogeochemStateType) which is called earlier than ! init_decompcascade_bgc where they might have otherwise been derived on the ! fly. For reference, if they were determined in init_decompcascade_bgc: - ! ndecomp_pools would get the value of i_avl_som or i_cwd and + ! ndecomp_pools would get the value of i_pas_som or i_cwd and ! ndecomp_cascade_transitions would get the value of i_s3s1 or i_cwdl3 ! depending on how use_fates is set. if ( use_fates ) then diff --git a/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90 b/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90 index 75fa3c0089..f6a2b50bfd 100644 --- a/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90 +++ b/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90 @@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ module SoilBiogeochemDecompCascadeBGCMod real(r8), public :: normalization_tref = 15._r8 ! reference temperature for normalizaion (degrees C) ! ! !PRIVATE DATA MEMBERS - integer, private :: i_pro_som ! index of protected Soil Organic Matter (SOM) - integer, private :: i_rec_som ! index of recalcitrant SOM - integer, private :: i_avl_som ! index of available SOM + integer, private :: i_pas_som ! index of passive (aka protected) Soil Organic Matter (SOM) + integer, private :: i_slo_som ! index of slow (aka recalcitrant) SOM + integer, private :: i_act_som ! index of active (aka available) SOM integer, private :: i_cel_lit ! index of cellulose litter pool integer, private :: i_lig_lit ! index of lignin litter pool @@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, soilbiogeochem_state_inst, soilstate_i i_met_lit = i_litr_min floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_met_lit) = .true. decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_met_lit) = 'litr1' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_met_lit) = 'LITR1' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_met_lit) = 'litter 1' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_met_lit) = 'MET_LIT' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_met_lit) = 'metabolic litter' decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_met_lit) = 'L1' is_litter(i_met_lit) = .true. is_soil(i_met_lit) = .false. @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, soilbiogeochem_state_inst, soilstate_i i_cel_lit = i_met_lit + 1 floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_cel_lit) = .true. decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_cel_lit) = 'litr2' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_cel_lit) = 'LITR2' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_cel_lit) = 'litter 2' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_cel_lit) = 'CEL_LIT' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_cel_lit) = 'cellulosic litter' decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_cel_lit) = 'L2' is_litter(i_cel_lit) = .true. is_soil(i_cel_lit) = .false. @@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, soilbiogeochem_state_inst, soilstate_i i_lig_lit = i_cel_lit + 1 floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_lig_lit) = .true. decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_lig_lit) = 'litr3' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_lig_lit) = 'LITR3' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_lig_lit) = 'litter 3' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_lig_lit) = 'LIG_LIT' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_lig_lit) = 'lignin litter' decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_lig_lit) = 'L3' is_litter(i_lig_lit) = .true. is_soil(i_lig_lit) = .false. @@ -405,54 +405,54 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, soilbiogeochem_state_inst, soilstate_i errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) end if - i_pro_som = i_lig_lit + 1 - floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_pro_som) = .false. - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_pro_som) = 'soil1' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_pro_som) = 'SOIL1' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_pro_som) = 'soil 1' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_pro_som) = 'S1' - is_litter(i_pro_som) = .false. - is_soil(i_pro_som) = .true. - is_cwd(i_pro_som) = .false. - initial_cn_ratio(i_pro_som) = cn_s1 - initial_stock(i_pro_som) = params_inst%initial_Cstocks(i_pro_som) - is_metabolic(i_pro_som) = .false. - is_cellulose(i_pro_som) = .false. - is_lignin(i_pro_som) = .false. - - i_rec_som = i_pro_som + 1 - floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_rec_som) = .false. - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_rec_som) = 'soil2' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_rec_som) = 'SOIL2' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_rec_som) = 'soil 2' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_rec_som) = 'S2' - is_litter(i_rec_som) = .false. - is_soil(i_rec_som) = .true. - is_cwd(i_rec_som) = .false. - initial_cn_ratio(i_rec_som) = cn_s2 - initial_stock(i_rec_som) = params_inst%initial_Cstocks(i_rec_som) - is_metabolic(i_rec_som) = .false. - is_cellulose(i_rec_som) = .false. - is_lignin(i_rec_som) = .false. - - i_avl_som = i_rec_som + 1 - floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_avl_som) = .false. - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_avl_som) = 'soil3' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_avl_som) = 'SOIL3' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_avl_som) = 'soil 3' - decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_avl_som) = 'S3' - is_litter(i_avl_som) = .false. - is_soil(i_avl_som) = .true. - is_cwd(i_avl_som) = .false. - initial_cn_ratio(i_avl_som) = cn_s3 - initial_stock(i_avl_som) = params_inst%initial_Cstocks(i_avl_som) - is_metabolic(i_avl_som) = .false. - is_cellulose(i_avl_som) = .false. - is_lignin(i_avl_som) = .false. + i_act_som = i_lig_lit + 1 + floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_act_som) = .false. + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_act_som) = 'soil1' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_act_som) = 'ACT_SOM' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_act_som) = 'active soil organic matter' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_act_som) = 'S1' + is_litter(i_act_som) = .false. + is_soil(i_act_som) = .true. + is_cwd(i_act_som) = .false. + initial_cn_ratio(i_act_som) = cn_s1 + initial_stock(i_act_som) = params_inst%initial_Cstocks(i_act_som) + is_metabolic(i_act_som) = .false. + is_cellulose(i_act_som) = .false. + is_lignin(i_act_som) = .false. + + i_slo_som = i_act_som + 1 + floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_slo_som) = .false. + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_slo_som) = 'soil2' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_slo_som) = 'SLO_SOM' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_slo_som) = 'slow soil organic matter' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_slo_som) = 'S2' + is_litter(i_slo_som) = .false. + is_soil(i_slo_som) = .true. + is_cwd(i_slo_som) = .false. + initial_cn_ratio(i_slo_som) = cn_s2 + initial_stock(i_slo_som) = params_inst%initial_Cstocks(i_slo_som) + is_metabolic(i_slo_som) = .false. + is_cellulose(i_slo_som) = .false. + is_lignin(i_slo_som) = .false. + + i_pas_som = i_slo_som + 1 + floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_pas_som) = .false. + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_pas_som) = 'soil3' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_pas_som) = 'PAS_SOM' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(i_pas_som) = 'passive soil organic matter' + decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(i_pas_som) = 'S3' + is_litter(i_pas_som) = .false. + is_soil(i_pas_som) = .true. + is_cwd(i_pas_som) = .false. + initial_cn_ratio(i_pas_som) = cn_s3 + initial_stock(i_pas_som) = params_inst%initial_Cstocks(i_pas_som) + is_metabolic(i_pas_som) = .false. + is_cellulose(i_pas_som) = .false. + is_lignin(i_pas_som) = .false. if (.not. use_fates) then ! CWD - i_cwd = i_avl_som + 1 + i_cwd = i_pas_som + 1 floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_cwd) = .true. decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart(i_cwd) = 'cwd' decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(i_cwd) = 'CWD' @@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, soilbiogeochem_state_inst, soilstate_i spinup_factor(i_cwd) = max(1._r8, (speedup_fac * params_inst%tau_cwd_bgc / 2._r8 )) end if !som1 - spinup_factor(i_pro_som) = 1._r8 + spinup_factor(i_act_som) = 1._r8 !som2,3 - spinup_factor(i_rec_som) = max(1._r8, (speedup_fac * params_inst%tau_s2_bgc)) - spinup_factor(i_avl_som) = max(1._r8, (speedup_fac * params_inst%tau_s3_bgc)) + spinup_factor(i_slo_som) = max(1._r8, (speedup_fac * params_inst%tau_s2_bgc)) + spinup_factor(i_pas_som) = max(1._r8, (speedup_fac * params_inst%tau_s3_bgc)) if ( masterproc ) then write(iulog,*) 'Spinup_state ',spinup_state @@ -495,56 +495,56 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, soilbiogeochem_state_inst, soilstate_i decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_l1s1) = 'L1S1' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_l1s1) = rf_l1s1 cascade_donor_pool(i_l1s1) = i_met_lit - cascade_receiver_pool(i_l1s1) = i_pro_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_l1s1) = i_act_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_l1s1) = 1.0_r8 i_l2s1 = 2 decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_l2s1) = 'L2S1' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_l2s1) = rf_l2s1 cascade_donor_pool(i_l2s1) = i_cel_lit - cascade_receiver_pool(i_l2s1) = i_pro_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_l2s1) = i_act_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_l2s1)= 1.0_r8 i_l3s2 = 3 decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_l3s2) = 'L3S2' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_l3s2) = rf_l3s2 cascade_donor_pool(i_l3s2) = i_lig_lit - cascade_receiver_pool(i_l3s2) = i_rec_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_l3s2) = i_slo_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_l3s2) = 1.0_r8 i_s1s2 = 4 decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_s1s2) = 'S1S2' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s1s2) = rf_s1s2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp) - cascade_donor_pool(i_s1s2) = i_pro_som - cascade_receiver_pool(i_s1s2) = i_rec_som + cascade_donor_pool(i_s1s2) = i_act_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_s1s2) = i_slo_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s1s2) = f_s1s2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp) i_s1s3 = 5 decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_s1s3) = 'S1S3' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s1s3) = rf_s1s3(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp) - cascade_donor_pool(i_s1s3) = i_pro_som - cascade_receiver_pool(i_s1s3) = i_avl_som + cascade_donor_pool(i_s1s3) = i_act_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_s1s3) = i_pas_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s1s3) = f_s1s3(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp) i_s2s1 = 6 decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_s2s1) = 'S2S1' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s2s1) = rf_s2s1 - cascade_donor_pool(i_s2s1) = i_rec_som - cascade_receiver_pool(i_s2s1) = i_pro_som + cascade_donor_pool(i_s2s1) = i_slo_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_s2s1) = i_act_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s2s1) = f_s2s1 i_s2s3 = 7 decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_s2s3) = 'S2S3' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s2s3) = rf_s2s3 - cascade_donor_pool(i_s2s3) = i_rec_som - cascade_receiver_pool(i_s2s3) = i_avl_som + cascade_donor_pool(i_s2s3) = i_slo_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_s2s3) = i_pas_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s2s3) = f_s2s3 i_s3s1 = 8 decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_s3s1) = 'S3S1' rf_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s3s1) = rf_s3s1 - cascade_donor_pool(i_s3s1) = i_avl_som - cascade_receiver_pool(i_s3s1) = i_pro_som + cascade_donor_pool(i_s3s1) = i_pas_som + cascade_receiver_pool(i_s3s1) = i_act_som pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_s3s1) = 1.0_r8 if (.not. use_fates) then @@ -700,20 +700,20 @@ subroutine decomp_rate_constants_bgc(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, & endif endif ! - if ( abs(spinup_factor(i_pro_som) - 1._r8) .gt. .000001_r8) then - spinup_geogterm_s1(c) = spinup_factor(i_pro_som) * get_spinup_latitude_term(grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c))) + if ( abs(spinup_factor(i_act_som) - 1._r8) .gt. .000001_r8) then + spinup_geogterm_s1(c) = spinup_factor(i_act_som) * get_spinup_latitude_term(grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c))) else spinup_geogterm_s1(c) = 1._r8 endif ! - if ( abs(spinup_factor(i_rec_som) - 1._r8) .gt. .000001_r8) then - spinup_geogterm_s2(c) = spinup_factor(i_rec_som) * get_spinup_latitude_term(grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c))) + if ( abs(spinup_factor(i_slo_som) - 1._r8) .gt. .000001_r8) then + spinup_geogterm_s2(c) = spinup_factor(i_slo_som) * get_spinup_latitude_term(grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c))) else spinup_geogterm_s2(c) = 1._r8 endif ! - if ( abs(spinup_factor(i_avl_som) - 1._r8) .gt. .000001_r8) then - spinup_geogterm_s3(c) = spinup_factor(i_avl_som) * get_spinup_latitude_term(grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c))) + if ( abs(spinup_factor(i_pas_som) - 1._r8) .gt. .000001_r8) then + spinup_geogterm_s3(c) = spinup_factor(i_pas_som) * get_spinup_latitude_term(grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c))) else spinup_geogterm_s3(c) = 1._r8 endif @@ -945,11 +945,11 @@ subroutine decomp_rate_constants_bgc(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, & depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * spinup_geogterm_l23(c) decomp_k(c,j,i_lig_lit) = k_l2_l3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * & depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * spinup_geogterm_l23(c) - decomp_k(c,j,i_pro_som) = k_s1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * & + decomp_k(c,j,i_act_som) = k_s1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * & depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * spinup_geogterm_s1(c) - decomp_k(c,j,i_rec_som) = k_s2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * & + decomp_k(c,j,i_slo_som) = k_s2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * & depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * spinup_geogterm_s2(c) - decomp_k(c,j,i_avl_som) = k_s3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * & + decomp_k(c,j,i_pas_som) = k_s3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * & depth_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * spinup_geogterm_s3(c) ! same for cwd but only if fates is not enabled; fates handles CWD ! on its own structure diff --git a/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemNitrogenFluxType.F90 b/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemNitrogenFluxType.F90 index d852c35496..5f92b3cfcb 100644 --- a/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemNitrogenFluxType.F90 +++ b/src/soilbiogeochem/SoilBiogeochemNitrogenFluxType.F90 @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds) data1dptr => this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(:,l) if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then fieldname = 'SMINN_TO_'//& - trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//& + trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//& trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l))) longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '& //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//& @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds) data2dptr => this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(:,:,l) if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then fieldname = 'SMINN_TO_'& - //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//& + //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//& trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//trim(vr_suffix) longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '& //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//&