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(function (APP) {
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APP.registerTopic({"id": "cmip6.land", "label": "Land", "description": "Land Surface", "contact": "David Hassell", "authors": ["David Hassell", "Eric Guilyardi"], "contributors": ["CMIP5 version", "Rich Ellis (CEH)", "Phillipe Peylin (IPSL)"], "project": "cmip6", "changeHistory": [{"note": "Initialised from CMIP5 mind map + incorporating initital feedback from Rich Ellis and Pillipe Peylin", "date": "2016-04-05", "version": "0.1.0", "author": "David Hassell"}, {"note": "Incorporating comments from Christine Delire (CNRM), Bark van de Hurk (KNMI), Sergey Malyshev (GFDL), Chris Milly (GFDL)", "date": "2016-06-01", "version": "0.2.0", "author": "David Hassell"}, {"note": "Replaced some occurences of str with cs-str and l-str", "date": "2018-04-04", "version": "0.3.0", "author": "David Hassell"}, {"note": "Moved to v1", "date": "2018-04-04", "version": "1.0.0", "author": "David Hassell"}, {"note": "Removed some l-str", "date": "2018-04-04", "version": "1.0.1", "author": "David Hassell"}, {"note": "Added key_propoerties.tuning_applied", "date": "2018-09-27", "version": "1.1.0", "author": "David Hassell (NCAS)"}], "shortTables": [{"id": "land", "label": "Land CMIP6 short table", "properties": [{"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.name"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.land_atmosphere_flux_exchanges"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.tiling"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.atmospheric_coupling_treatment"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.vegetation_time_variation"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.dynamic_vegetation"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.soil.number_of_soil layers"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.description"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.snow.number_of_snow_layers"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.snow.snow_albedo.type"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.prognostic_variables"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.nitrogen_cycle.prognostic_variables"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.prognostic_variables"}, {"priority": 1, "id": "cmip6.land.lakes.method.dynamics"}]}], "subTopics": [{"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties", "label": "Key Properties", "description": "Land surface key properties", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Name of land model code", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.keywords", "label": "Keywords", "description": "Keywords associated with land model code", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land model.", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.description", "label": "Description", "description": "General description of the processes modelled (e.g. dymanic vegation, prognostic albedo, etc.)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.land_atmosphere_flux_exchanges", "label": "Land Atmosphere Flux Exchanges", "description": "Fluxes exchanged with the atmopshere.", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "land atmosphere flux exchanges types", "label": "Land Atmosphere Flux Exchanges Types", "description": "land atmosphere flux exchanges types", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "water"}, {"description": null, "value": "energy"}, {"description": null, "value": "carbon"}, {"description": null, "value": "nitrogen"}, {"description": null, "value": "phospherous"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.atmospheric_coupling_treatment", "label": "Atmospheric Coupling Treatment", "description": "Describe the treatment of land surface coupling with the Atmosphere model component, which may be different for different quantities (e.g. dust: semi-implicit, water vapour: explicit)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.land_cover", "label": "Land Cover", "description": "Types of land cover defined in the land surface model", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Types of land cover defined in the land surface model", "label": "Land Cover Types", "description": "Types of land cover defined in the land surface model", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "bare soil"}, {"description": null, "value": "urban"}, {"description": null, "value": "lake"}, {"description": null, "value": "land ice"}, {"description": null, "value": "lake ice"}, {"description": null, "value": "vegetated"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.land_cover_change", "label": "Land Cover Change", "description": "Describe how land cover change is managed (e.g. the use of net or gross transitions)", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.tiling", "label": "Tiling", "description": "Describe the general tiling procedure used in the land surface (if any). Include treatment of physiography, land/sea, (dynamic) vegetation coverage and orography/roughness", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.conservation_properties.energy", "label": "Conservation Properties > Energy", "description": "Describe if/how energy is conserved globally and to what level (e.g. within X [units]/year)", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.conservation_properties.water", "label": "Conservation Properties > Water", "description": "Describe if/how water is conserved globally and to what level (e.g. within X [units]/year)", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.conservation_properties.carbon", "label": "Conservation Properties > Carbon", "description": "Describe if/how carbon is conserved globally and to what level (e.g. within X [units]/year)", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.timestepping_framework.timestep_dependent_on_atmosphere", "label": "Timestepping Framework > Timestep Dependent On Atmosphere", "description": "Is a time step dependent on the frequency of atmosphere coupling?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.timestepping_framework.time_step", "label": "Timestepping Framework > Time Step", "description": "Overall timestep of land surface model (i.e. time between calls)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.timestepping_framework.timestepping_method", "label": "Timestepping Framework > Timestepping Method", "description": "General description of time stepping method and associated time step(s)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.software_properties.repository", "label": "Software Properties > Repository", "description": "Location of code for this component.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.software_properties.code_version", "label": "Software Properties > Code Version", "description": "Code version identifier.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.software_properties.code_languages", "label": "Software Properties > Code Languages", "description": "Code language(s).", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.key_properties.tuning_applied.description", "label": "Tuning Applied > Description", "description": "General overview description of tuning (if any): explain and motivate the main targets and metrics retained. &Document the relative weight given to climate performance metrics versus process oriented metrics, &and on the possible conflicts with parameterization level tuning. In particular describe any struggle &with a parameter value that required pushing it to its limits to solve a particular model deficiency.", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.grid", "label": "Grid", "description": "Land surface grid", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.grid.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Name of grid in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.grid.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of grid in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.grid.horizontal.description", "label": "Horizontal > Description", "description": "Describe the general structure of the horizontal grid (not including any tiling)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.grid.horizontal.matches_atmosphere_grid", "label": "Horizontal > Matches Atmosphere Grid", "description": "Does the horizontal grid match the atmosphere?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.grid.vertical.description", "label": "Vertical > Description", "description": "Describe the general structure of the vertical grid in the soil (not including any tiling)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.grid.vertical.total_depth", "label": "Vertical > Total Depth", "description": "The total depth of the soil (in metres)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil", "label": "Soil", "description": "Land surface soil", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.soil.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the soil in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface soil in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.heat_water_coupling", "label": "Heat Water Coupling", "description": "Describe the coupling between heat and water in the soil", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.number_of_soil layers", "label": "Number Of Soil Layers", "description": "The number of soil layers", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.prognostic_variables", "label": "Prognostic Variables", "description": "List the prognostic variables of the soil scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.description", "label": "Soil Map > Description", "description": "General description of soil map", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.structure", "label": "Soil Map > Structure", "description": "Describe the soil structure map", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.texture", "label": "Soil Map > Texture", "description": "Describe the soil texture map", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.organic_matter", "label": "Soil Map > Organic Matter", "description": "Describe the soil organic matter map", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.albedo", "label": "Soil Map > Albedo", "description": "Describe the soil albedo map", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.water_table", "label": "Soil Map > Water Table", "description": "Describe the soil water table map, if any", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.continuously_varying_soil_depth", "label": "Soil Map > Continuously Varying Soil Depth", "description": "Does the soil properties vary continuously with depth?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.soil_map.soil_depth", "label": "Soil Map > Soil Depth", "description": "Describe the soil depth map", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.snow_free_albedo.prognostic", "label": "Snow Free Albedo > Prognostic", "description": "Is snow free albedo prognostic?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.snow_free_albedo.functions", "label": "Snow Free Albedo > Functions", "description": "If prognostic, describe the dependancies on snow free albedo calculations", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe the dependancies on snow free albedo calculations", "label": "Snow Free Albedo Function Types", "description": "Describe the dependancies on snow free albedo calculations", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "vegetation type"}, {"description": null, "value": "soil humidity"}, {"description": null, "value": "vegetation state"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.snow_free_albedo.direct_diffuse", "label": "Snow Free Albedo > Direct Diffuse", "description": "If prognostic, describe the distinction between direct and diffuse albedo", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe the distinction between direct and diffuse albedo", "label": "Direct Diffuse Types", "description": "Describe the distinction between direct and diffuse albedo", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "distinction between direct and diffuse albedo"}, {"description": null, "value": "no distinction between direct and diffuse albedo"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.snow_free_albedo.number_of_wavelength_bands", "label": "Snow Free Albedo > Number Of Wavelength Bands", "description": "If prognostic, enter the number of wavelength bands used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.description", "label": "Hydrology > Description", "description": "General description of the soil hydrological model", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.time_step", "label": "Hydrology > Time Step", "description": "Time step of river soil hydrology in seconds", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.tiling", "label": "Hydrology > Tiling", "description": "Describe the soil hydrology tiling, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.vertical_discretisation", "label": "Hydrology > Vertical Discretisation", "description": "Describe the typical vertical discretisation", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.number_of_ground_water_layers", "label": "Hydrology > Number Of Ground Water Layers", "description": "The number of soil layers that may contain water", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.lateral_connectivity", "label": "Hydrology > Lateral Connectivity", "description": "Describe the lateral connectivity between tiles", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe the lateral connectivity between tiles", "label": "Lateral Connectivity Types", "description": "Describe the lateral connectivity between tiles", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": "Common soil for multiple tiles", "value": "perfect connectivity"}, {"description": "Darcian flow among hillslope tiles", "value": "Darcian flow"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.method", "label": "Hydrology > Method", "description": "The hydrological dynamics scheme in the land surface model", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe the method by which water is stored in the land surface scheme/model", "label": "Water Storage Method Types", "description": "Describe the method by which water is stored in the land surface scheme/model", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "Bucket"}, {"description": null, "value": "Force-restore"}, {"description": null, "value": "Choisnel"}, {"description": null, "value": "Explicit diffusion"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.freezing.number_of_ground_ice_layers", "label": "Hydrology > Freezing > Number Of Ground Ice Layers", "description": "How many soil layers may contain ground ice", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.freezing.ice_storage_method", "label": "Hydrology > Freezing > Ice Storage Method", "description": "Describe the method of ice storage", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.freezing.permafrost", "label": "Hydrology > Freezing > Permafrost", "description": "Describe the treatment of permafrost, if any, within the land surface scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.drainage.description", "label": "Hydrology > Drainage > Description", "description": "General describe how drainage is included in the land surface scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.hydrology.drainage.types", "label": "Hydrology > Drainage > Types", "description": "Different types of runoff represented by the land surface model", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Different types of runoff represented by the land surface model", "label": "Drainage Types", "description": "Different types of runoff represented by the land surface model", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "Gravity drainage"}, {"description": null, "value": "Horton mechanism"}, {"description": null, "value": "topmodel-based"}, {"description": null, "value": "Dunne mechanism"}, {"description": null, "value": "Lateral subsurface flow"}, {"description": null, "value": "Baseflow from groundwater"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.heat_treatment.description", "label": "Heat Treatment > Description", "description": "General description of how heat treatment properties are defined", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.heat_treatment.time_step", "label": "Heat Treatment > Time Step", "description": "Time step of soil heat scheme in seconds", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.heat_treatment.tiling", "label": "Heat Treatment > Tiling", "description": "Describe the soil heat treatment tiling, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.heat_treatment.vertical_discretisation", "label": "Heat Treatment > Vertical Discretisation", "description": "Describe the typical vertical discretisation", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.heat_treatment.heat_storage", "label": "Heat Treatment > Heat Storage", "description": "Specify the method of heat storage", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Method of heat storage", "label": "Heat Storage Types", "description": "Method of heat storage", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "Force-restore"}, {"description": null, "value": "Explicit diffusion"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.soil.heat_treatment.processes", "label": "Heat Treatment > Processes", "description": "Describe processes included in the treatment of soil heat", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Processes included in the treatment of soil heat", "label": "Heat Treatment Process Types", "description": "Processes included in the treatment of soil heat", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "soil moisture freeze-thaw"}, {"description": null, "value": "coupling with snow temperature"}]}}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow", "label": "Snow", "description": "Land surface snow", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.snow.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the snow in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface snow in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.tiling", "label": "Tiling", "description": "Describe the snow tiling, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.number_of_snow_layers", "label": "Number Of Snow Layers", "description": "The number of snow levels used in the land surface scheme/model", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.density", "label": "Density", "description": "Description of the treatment of snow density", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of snow density", "label": "Snow Density Methods", "description": "Treatment of snow density", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "constant"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.water_equivalent", "label": "Water Equivalent", "description": "Description of the treatment of the snow water equivalent", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of snow water equivalent", "label": "Snow Water Equivalent Methods", "description": "Treatment of snow water equivalent", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.heat_content", "label": "Heat Content", "description": "Description of the treatment of the heat content of snow", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of snow heat content", "label": "Snow Heat Content Methods", "description": "Treatment of snow heat content", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.temperature", "label": "Temperature", "description": "Description of the treatment of snow temperature", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of snow temperature", "label": "Snow Temperature Methods", "description": "Treatment of snow temperature", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.liquid_water_content", "label": "Liquid Water Content", "description": "Description of the treatment of snow liquid water", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of snow liquid water", "label": "Snow Liquid Water Content Methods", "description": "Treatment of snow liquid water", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.snow_cover_fractions", "label": "Snow Cover Fractions", "description": "Specify cover fractions used in the surface snow scheme", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Snow cover fraction types", "label": "Snow Cover Fraction Types", "description": "Snow cover fraction types", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "ground snow fraction"}, {"description": null, "value": "vegetation snow fraction"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.processes", "label": "Processes", "description": "Snow related processes in the land surface scheme", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Snow-related processes", "label": "Snow Processes", "description": "Snow-related processes", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "snow interception"}, {"description": null, "value": "snow melting"}, {"description": null, "value": "snow freezing"}, {"description": null, "value": "blowing snow"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.prognostic_variables", "label": "Prognostic Variables", "description": "List the prognostic variables of the snow scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.snow_albedo.type", "label": "Snow Albedo > Type", "description": "Describe the treatment of snow-covered land albedo", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe the treatment of snow-covered land albedo", "label": "Snow Albedo Type", "description": "Describe the treatment of snow-covered land albedo", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "prescribed"}, {"description": null, "value": "constant"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.snow.snow_albedo.functions", "label": "Snow Albedo > Functions", "description": "Describe the function types if prognostic snow albedo", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe the dependancies on snow albedo calculations", "label": "Snow Albedo Function Types", "description": "Describe the dependancies on snow albedo calculations", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "vegetation type"}, {"description": null, "value": "snow age"}, {"description": null, "value": "snow density"}, {"description": null, "value": "snow grain type"}, {"description": null, "value": "aerosol deposition"}]}}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation", "label": "Vegetation", "description": "Land surface vegetation", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the vegetation in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface vegetation in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.time_step", "label": "Time Step", "description": "Time step of vegetation scheme in seconds", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.dynamic_vegetation", "label": "Dynamic Vegetation", "description": "Is there dynamic evolution of vegetation?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.tiling", "label": "Tiling", "description": "Describe the vegetation tiling, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.vegetation_representation", "label": "Vegetation Representation", "description": "Vegetation classification used", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Vegetation classification used", "label": "Vegetation Representation Types", "description": "Vegetation classification used", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "vegetation types"}, {"description": null, "value": "biome types"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.vegetation_types", "label": "Vegetation Types", "description": "List of vegetation types in the classification, if any", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Vegetation type in the classification", "label": "Vegetation Types", "description": "Vegetation type in the classification", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "broadleaf tree"}, {"description": null, "value": "needleleaf tree"}, {"description": null, "value": "C3 grass"}, {"description": null, "value": "C4 grass"}, {"description": null, "value": "vegetated"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.biome_types", "label": "Biome Types", "description": "List of biome types in the classification, if any", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Biome type in the classification", "label": "Biome Types", "description": "Biome type in the classification", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "evergreen needleleaf forest"}, {"description": null, "value": "evergreen broadleaf forest"}, {"description": null, "value": "deciduous needleleaf forest"}, {"description": null, "value": "deciduous broadleaf forest"}, {"description": null, "value": "mixed forest"}, {"description": null, "value": "woodland"}, {"description": null, "value": "wooded grassland"}, {"description": null, "value": "closed shrubland"}, {"description": null, "value": "opne shrubland"}, {"description": null, "value": "grassland"}, {"description": null, "value": "cropland"}, {"description": null, "value": "wetlands"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.vegetation_time_variation", "label": "Vegetation Time Variation", "description": "How the vegetation fractions in each tile are varying with time", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "How the vegetation fraction in each tile are varying with time", "label": "Vegetation Time Variation", "description": "How the vegetation fraction in each tile are varying with time", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "fixed (not varying)"}, {"description": null, "value": "prescribed (varying from files)"}, {"description": null, "value": "dynamical (varying from simulation)"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.vegetation_map", "label": "Vegetation Map", "description": "If vegetation fractions are not dynamically updated , describe the vegetation map used (common name and reference, if possible)", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.interception", "label": "Interception", "description": "Is vegetation interception of rainwater represented?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.phenology", "label": "Phenology", "description": "Treatment of vegetation phenology", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of vegetation phenology", "label": "Phenology Methods", "description": "Treatment of vegetation phenology", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic (vegetation map)"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.phenology_description", "label": "Phenology Description", "description": "General description of the treatment of vegetation phenology", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.leaf_area_index", "label": "Leaf Area Index", "description": "Treatment of vegetation leaf area index", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of vegetation leaf area index", "label": "Leaf Area Index Methods", "description": "Treatment of vegetation leaf area index", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prescribed"}, {"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.leaf_area_index_description", "label": "Leaf Area Index Description", "description": "General description of the treatment of leaf area index", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.biomass", "label": "Biomass", "description": "Treatment of vegetation biomass ", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of vegetation biomass", "label": "Biomass Methods", "description": "Treatment of vegetation biomass", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.biomass_description", "label": "Biomass Description", "description": "General description of the treatment of vegetation biomass", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.biogeography", "label": "Biogeography", "description": "Treatment of vegetation biogeography", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of vegetation biogeography", "label": "Biogeography Methods", "description": "Treatment of vegetation biogeography", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.biogeography_description", "label": "Biogeography Description", "description": "General description of the treatment of vegetation biogeography", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.stomatal_resistance", "label": "Stomatal Resistance", "description": "Specify what the vegetation stomatal resistance depends on", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Dependancies of vegetation stomatal resistance", "label": "Stomatal Resistance Methods", "description": "Dependancies of vegetation stomatal resistance", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "light"}, {"description": null, "value": "temperature"}, {"description": null, "value": "water availability"}, {"description": null, "value": "CO2"}, {"description": null, "value": "O3"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.stomatal_resistance_description", "label": "Stomatal Resistance Description", "description": "General description of the treatment of vegetation stomatal resistance", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.vegetation.prognostic_variables", "label": "Prognostic Variables", "description": "List the prognostic variables of the vegetation scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.energy_balance", "label": "Energy Balance", "description": "Land surface energy balance", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.energy_balance.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the energy balance in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.energy_balance.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface energy balance in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.energy_balance.tiling", "label": "Tiling", "description": "Describe the energy balance tiling, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.energy_balance.number_of_surface_temperatures", "label": "Number Of Surface Temperatures", "description": "The maximum number of distinct surface temperatures in a grid cell (for example, each subgrid tile may have its own temperature)", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.energy_balance.evaporation", "label": "Evaporation", "description": "Specify the formulation method for land surface evaporation, from soil and vegetation", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Specify the formulation method for land surface evaporation", "label": "Evaporation Formulation Types", "description": "Specify the formulation method for land surface evaporation", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "alpha"}, {"description": null, "value": "beta"}, {"description": null, "value": "combined"}, {"description": null, "value": "Monteith potential evaporation"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.energy_balance.processes", "label": "Processes", "description": "Describe which processes are included in the energy balance scheme", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Processes which are included in the energy balance scheme", "label": "Process Types", "description": "Processes which are included in the energy balance scheme", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "transpiration"}]}}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle", "label": "Carbon Cycle", "description": "Land surface carbon cycle", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the carbon cycle in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface carbon cycle in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.tiling", "label": "Tiling", "description": "Describe the carbon cycle tiling, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.time_step", "label": "Time Step", "description": "Time step of carbon cycle in seconds", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.anthropogenic_carbon", "label": "Anthropogenic Carbon", "description": "Describe the treament of the anthropogenic carbon pool", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Treatment of the anthropogenic carbon pool", "label": "Anthropogenic Carbon Methods", "description": "Treatment of the anthropogenic carbon pool", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "grand slam protocol"}, {"description": null, "value": "residence time"}, {"description": null, "value": "decay time"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.prognostic_variables", "label": "Prognostic Variables", "description": "List the prognostic variables of the carbon scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.number_of_carbon_pools", "label": "Vegetation > Number Of Carbon Pools", "description": "Enter the number of carbon pools used", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.carbon_pools", "label": "Vegetation > Carbon Pools", "description": "List the carbon pools used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.forest_stand_dynamics", "label": "Vegetation > Forest Stand Dynamics", "description": "Describe the treatment of forest stand dyanmics", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.photosynthesis.method", "label": "Vegetation > Photosynthesis > Method", "description": "Describe the general method used for photosynthesis (e.g. type of photosynthesis, distinction between C3 and C4 grasses, Nitrogen depencence, etc.)", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.autotrophic_respiration.maintainance_respiration", "label": "Vegetation > Autotrophic Respiration > Maintainance Respiration", "description": "Describe the general method used for maintainence respiration", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.autotrophic_respiration.growth_respiration", "label": "Vegetation > Autotrophic Respiration > Growth Respiration", "description": "Describe the general method used for growth respiration", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.allocation.method", "label": "Vegetation > Allocation > Method", "description": "Describe the general principle behind the allocation scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.allocation.allocation_bins", "label": "Vegetation > Allocation > Allocation Bins", "description": "Specify distinct carbon bins used in allocation", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Specify the allocation of vegetation carbon bins", "label": "Allocation Bin Types", "description": "Specify the allocation of vegetation carbon bins", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "leaves + stems + roots"}, {"description": null, "value": "leaves + stems + roots (leafy + woody)"}, {"description": null, "value": "leaves + fine roots + coarse roots + stems"}, {"description": null, "value": "whole plant (no distinction)"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.allocation.allocation_fractions", "label": "Vegetation > Allocation > Allocation Fractions", "description": "Describe how the fractions of allocation are calculated", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe how the fractions of allocation are calculated", "label": "Allocation Fraction Types", "description": "Describe how the fractions of allocation are calculated", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "fixed"}, {"description": null, "value": "function of vegetation type"}, {"description": null, "value": "function of plant allometry"}, {"description": null, "value": "explicitly calculated"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.phenology.method", "label": "Vegetation > Phenology > Method", "description": "Describe the general principle behind the phenology scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.vegetation.mortality.method", "label": "Vegetation > Mortality > Method", "description": "Describe the general principle behind the mortality scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.litter.number_of_carbon_pools", "label": "Litter > Number Of Carbon Pools", "description": "Enter the number of carbon pools used", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.litter.carbon_pools", "label": "Litter > Carbon Pools", "description": "List the carbon pools used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.litter.decomposition", "label": "Litter > Decomposition", "description": "List the decomposition methods used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.litter.method", "label": "Litter > Method", "description": "Describe the general method used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.soil.number_of_carbon_pools", "label": "Soil > Number Of Carbon Pools", "description": "Enter the number of carbon pools used", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.soil.carbon_pools", "label": "Soil > Carbon Pools", "description": "List the carbon pools used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.soil.decomposition", "label": "Soil > Decomposition", "description": "List the decomposition methods used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.soil.method", "label": "Soil > Method", "description": "Describe the general method used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.permafrost_carbon.is_permafrost_included", "label": "Permafrost Carbon > Is Permafrost Included", "description": "Is permafrost included?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.permafrost_carbon.emitted_greenhouse_gases", "label": "Permafrost Carbon > Emitted Greenhouse Gases", "description": "List the GHGs emitted", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.permafrost_carbon.decomposition", "label": "Permafrost Carbon > Decomposition", "description": "List the decomposition methods used", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.carbon_cycle.permafrost_carbon.impact_on_soil_properties", "label": "Permafrost Carbon > Impact On Soil Properties", "description": "Describe the impact of permafrost on soil properties", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.nitrogen_cycle", "label": "Nitrogen Cycle", "description": "Land surface nitrogen cycle", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.nitrogen_cycle.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the nitrogen cycle in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.nitrogen_cycle.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface nitrogen cycle in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.nitrogen_cycle.tiling", "label": "Tiling", "description": "Describe the notrogen cycle tiling, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.nitrogen_cycle.time_step", "label": "Time Step", "description": "Time step of nitrogen cycle in seconds", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.nitrogen_cycle.prognostic_variables", "label": "Prognostic Variables", "description": "List the prognostic variables of the nitrogen scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing", "label": "River Routing", "description": "Land surface river routing", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the river routing in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface river routing in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.tiling", "label": "Tiling", "description": "Describe the river routing, if any.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.time_step", "label": "Time Step", "description": "Time step of river routing scheme in seconds", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.grid_inherited_from_land_surface", "label": "Grid Inherited From Land Surface", "description": "Is the grid inherited from land surface?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.grid_description", "label": "Grid Description", "description": "General description of grid, if not inherited from land surface", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.number_of_reservoirs", "label": "Number Of Reservoirs", "description": "Enter the number of reservoirs", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.water_re_evaporation", "label": "Water Re Evaporation", "description": "TODO", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "TODO", "label": "Water Re Evaporation Types", "description": "TODO", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "flood plains"}, {"description": null, "value": "irrigation"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.coupled_to_atmosphere", "label": "Coupled To Atmosphere", "description": "Is river routing coupled to the atmosphere model component?", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.coupled_to_land", "label": "Coupled To Land", "description": "Describe the coupling between land and rivers", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.quantities_exchanged_with_atmosphere", "label": "Quantities Exchanged With Atmosphere", "description": "If couple to atmosphere, which quantities are exchanged between river routing and the atmosphere model components?", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Quantities that are exchanged between river routing and the atmosphere model components", "label": "Quantities Exchanged With Atmosphere Types", "description": "Quantities that are exchanged between river routing and the atmosphere model components", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "heat"}, {"description": null, "value": "water"}, {"description": null, "value": "tracers"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.basin_flow_direction_map", "label": "Basin Flow Direction Map", "description": "What type of basin flow direction map is being used?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "What type of basin flow direction map is being used?", "label": "Basin Flow Direction Map Types", "description": "What type of basin flow direction map is being used?", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "present day"}, {"description": null, "value": "adapted for other periods"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.flooding", "label": "Flooding", "description": "Describe the representation of flooding, if any", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.prognostic_variables", "label": "Prognostic Variables", "description": "List the prognostic variables of the river routing", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.oceanic_discharge.discharge_type", "label": "Oceanic Discharge > Discharge Type", "description": "Specify how rivers are discharged to the ocean", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Specify how rivers are discharged to the ocean", "label": "Discharge Types", "description": "Specify how rivers are discharged to the ocean", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "direct (large rivers)"}, {"description": null, "value": "diffuse"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.river_routing.oceanic_discharge.quantities_transported", "label": "Oceanic Discharge > Quantities Transported", "description": "Quantities that are exchanged from river-routing to the ocean model component", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Quantities that are exchanged from river-routing to the ocean model component", "label": "Quantities Transported Types", "description": "Quantities that are exchanged from river-routing to the ocean model component", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "heat"}, {"description": null, "value": "water"}, {"description": null, "value": "tracers"}]}}]}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes", "label": "Lakes", "description": "Land surface lakes", "contact": "David Hassell", "properties": [{"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.name", "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly used name for the lakes in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.overview", "label": "Overview", "description": "Overview of land surface lakes in land model.", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": true}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.coupling_with_rivers", "label": "Coupling With Rivers", "description": "Are lakes coupled to the river routing model component?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.time_step", "label": "Time Step", "description": "Time step of lake scheme in seconds", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "int", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.quantities_exchanged_with_rivers", "label": "Quantities Exchanged With Rivers", "description": "If coupling with rivers, which quantities are exchanged between the lakes and rivers", "cardinality": "0.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Quantities that are exchanged between the lakes and rivers", "label": "Quantities Exchanged With Rivers Types", "description": "Quantities that are exchanged between the lakes and rivers", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "heat"}, {"description": null, "value": "water"}, {"description": null, "value": "tracers"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.vertical_grid", "label": "Vertical Grid", "description": "Describe the vertical grid of lakes", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.prognostic_variables", "label": "Prognostic Variables", "description": "List the prognostic variables of the lake scheme", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "cs-str", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.method.ice_treatment", "label": "Method > Ice Treatment", "description": "Is lake ice included?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.method.albedo", "label": "Method > Albedo", "description": "Describe the treatment of lake albedo", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Describe the treatment of lake albedo", "label": "Lake Albedo Types", "description": "Describe the treatment of lake albedo", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "prognostic"}, {"description": null, "value": "diagnostic"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.method.dynamics", "label": "Method > Dynamics", "description": "Which dynamics of lakes are treated? horizontal, vertical, etc.", "cardinality": "1.N", "type": "enum", "is_cim_property": false, "enum": {"id": "Which dynamics of lakes are treated?", "label": "Lake Dynamics Types", "description": "Which dynamics of lakes are treated?", "is_open": true, "choices": [{"description": null, "value": "No lake dynamics"}, {"description": null, "value": "vertical"}, {"description": null, "value": "horizontal"}]}}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.method.dynamic_lake_extent", "label": "Method > Dynamic Lake Extent", "description": "Is a dynamic lake extent scheme included?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.method.endorheic_basins", "label": "Method > Endorheic Basins", "description": "Basins not flowing to ocean included?", "cardinality": "1.1", "type": "bool", "is_cim_property": false}, {"id": "cmip6.land.lakes.wetlands.description", "label": "Wetlands > Description", "description": "Describe the treatment of wetlands, if any", "cardinality": "0.1", "type": "l-str", "is_cim_property": false}]}]});