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Releases: EESSI/eessi-bot-software-layer

EESSI bot v0.6.0

18 Sep 18:45
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This is a minor release of the EESSI build-and-deploy bot.


  • move merged PR job directories to trash_bin_dir (#271)
    • the target directory can be defined with the app.cfg setting trash_bin_dir
    • it uses shutil.move which tries to use mv if source and target are on the
      same filesystem
  • add setting to give all jobs a unique name (#273)
  • move closed PR job directories to trash_bin_dir (#275)
  • add filter for accelerators (#276)
  • add support for updating Slurm options through user-defined python module in
    target PR (#277)
  • use GitHub API for downloading the diff of a PR (#278)
  • add documentation about private repos (#279)
  • pass accelerator value to job scripts (via job.cfg) and extend PR comment if
    the accelerator argument is used (#280, #282)

New app.cfg settings (see and app.cfg.example for details):

  • (optional) allow_update_submit_opts in section [buildenv]
  • (required) job_name in section [buildenv]
  • (required) moved_job_dirs_comment in section [clean_up]
  • (required) trash_bin_dir in section [clean_up]
  • (required) with_accelerator in section [submitted_job_comments]

EESSI bot v0.5.0

15 May 09:59
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This is a minor release of the EESSI build-and-deploy bot.


  • list authors in source code files where applicable (#261)
  • make display of build targets more concise (#262)
  • use _bot_jobJOBID.result files created by bot/ (provided by target repository) when determining
    which build artefacts should be deployed (#263)
    • this makes the bot fully agnostic to what it builds
  • reorganise declaration, initialisation and use of string constants and verify
    that required configuration settings are defined in 'app.cfg' (#266)

Note, because of #266 bot instances with an incomplete 'app.cfg' may fail (with a clear message) when they are started.

EESSI bot v0.4.0

28 Feb 15:44
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This is a minor release of the EESSI build-and-deploy bot.

  • Bug fixes:

    • fixes issue using wrong values when using the bot: status command (#251)
  • Improvements:

    • make bot report when preparing job working directory failed, for example due to merge conflict in pull request (#248)
    • adding the pull request comment id to the metadata file that is uploaded to the
      the S3 bucket (#247, #249, #250, #253)
    • enabling configurable upload directories for tarball and metadata file (#254)
    • only make bot respond to pull request comments that contain a bot command (#257)

EESSI bot v0.3.0

30 Jan 10:25
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EESSI build-and-deploy bot v0.3.0

This is a minor release of the EESSI build-and-deploy bot.

Bug fixes:

  • refreshes the token to access GitHub well before it expires (#238)


  • adds a new bot command 'status' which provides an overview (table) of all
    finished builds (#237)

EESSI bot v0.2.0

26 Nov 18:52
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EESSI build-and-deploy bot v0.2.0

This is a minor release of the EESSI build-and-deploy bot.

Bug fixes:

  • adds information on installing and using the smee client on aarch64 (#233)


  • support for running tests inside the same job but after the build step (#222)
    • runs bot/ and bot/ if these are provided in the GitHub repository
    • adds a new setting (job_test_unknown_fmt) in the bot's configuration file
  • ensure the bot can build for both the EESSI pilot repository ( and (#229)
  • support specifying repository-specific buckets via bucket_name in configuration file (#230)

EESSI bot v0.1.1

14 Nov 19:10
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EESSI build-and-deploy bot v0.1.1

This is a patch release of the EESSI build-and-deploy bot.

Bug fixes:

  • omit header in output of squeue command run by the job manager (#220)
  • make bot compatible with more recent versions of PyGithub (#224)


  • added a script to help reducing disk usage by cleaning up tarballs stored by jobs (#217)
  • clarified documentation about setting permissions and event subscriptions for the bot (#221)

EESSI bot v0.1.0

29 Sep 13:06
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EESSI build-and-deploy bot v0.1.0

This is the first release of the EESSI build-and-deploy bot, which consists of an event handler (implemented as a GitHub app), and a job manager component (implemented as Python script).

It provides support for:

  • building software via jobs submitted to a Slurm cluster;
  • building software for a GitHub repository that includes a bot/ and bot/ script;
  • acting on certain GitHub events:
    • opening of pull requests;
    • pull request comment being posted that include bot commands (like help, build, show_config);
    • labeling of pull requests;
  • status updates of build jobs via pull request comments;
  • access control for sending commands, submitting build jobs, triggering deploys via GitHub accounts;
  • uploading of tarballs with built software artefacts to an S3 bucket;
  • wide range of configuration settings to run the bot in different Slurm-based environments;

Multiple bot instances can be run in parallel for a single GitHub repository.

For documentation, see: