BioStudies CLI is a tool that allows interacting with the BioStudies web application in order to perform operations over submissions.
In order to build the CLI, execute the command gradle :client:bio-commandline:shadowJar
. This will generate the
command line jar under build/libs
Make a submission to BioStudies
java -jar build/libs/BioStudiesCLI-2.0.jar submit -s <server> -u <user> -p <password> -i <page tab input> -a <files>
- s or --server: BioStudies instance URL.
- u or --user: User that will perform the submission.
- p or --password: The user password.
- b or --onBehalf: Allows to perform a submission on behalf of the user with the given e-mail.
- i or --input: Path to the file containing the submission page tab.
- a or --attach: Comma separated list of paths to the files referenced in the submission.
- ps or --preferredSource: Comma separated list of file sources. Valid values are FIRE, SUBMISSION and USER_SPACE. The order of the list indicates the priority in which the sources will be used
- sm or --storageMode: Submission storage mode. Determines where submission need to be saved FIRE/NFS
- aw or --await: Indicates whether to wait for the submission processing
- sj or --splitJobs: Indicates whether the submission should be processed in individual jobs per each stage
- The parameter to attach files is optional. If no files are attached, the files referenced in the submission page tab will be retrieved from the user folder.
- If one of the paths provided to the attached argument is a directory, all files inside it will be used as attachments.
- The submission format doesn't need to be specified since it'll be inferred from the input file's extension.
- TSV submissions can be submitted using a XLSX file.
Get the status of a submission request
java -jar build/libs/BioStudiesCLI-2.0.jar requestStatus \
-s <server> \
-u <user> \
-p <password> \
-ac <accNo> \
-v <version>
- s or --server: BioStudies instance URL.
- u or --user: BioStudies user with privileges to get the submission request.
- p or --password: The user password.
- ac or --accNo: Accession number of the submission request to check the status.
- v or --version: Version of the submission request to check the status.
Delete a submission
java -jar build/libs/BioStudiesCLI-2.0.jar delete -s <server> -u <user> -p <password> -ac <accNo>
- s or --server: BioStudies instance URL.
- u or --user: BioStudies user with privileges to delete the submission.
- p or --password: The user password.
- ac or --accNo: Accession number of the submission to delete.
- b or --onBehalf: Allows to delete a submission on behalf of the user with the given e-mail.
Migrate a submission from one environment to another
java -jar build/libs/BioStudiesCLI-2.0.jar migrate \
-ac <accNo> \
-s <source> \
-su <source user> \
-sp <source password> \
-t <target> \
-tu <target user> \
-tp <target password> \
-as <true / false>
- ac or --accNo: Accession number of the submission to migrate.
- s or --server: BioStudies environment to take the submission from.
- su or --sourceUser: BioStudies user in the source environment. (Only superusers can perform this operation)
- sp or --sourcePassword: Password for the BioStudies user in the source environment.
- t or --target: BioStudies environment to migrate the submission to.
- tu or --targetUser: BioStudies user in the target environment. (Only superusers can perform this operation)
- tp or --targetPassword: Password for the BioStudies user in the target environment.
- to or --targetOwner: New owner for the submission in the target environment. This is an optional parameter. If it isn't provided, the current submission owner should exist in the target environment.
- as or --async: Indicates whether the migration should be processed in async mode.
Transfers a submission to the given target storage mode
java -jar build/libs/BioStudiesCLI-2.0.jar transfer -s <server> -u <user> -p <password> -ac <accNo> -t <target>
- s or --server: BioStudies instance URL.
- u or --user: BioStudies user with privileges to delete the submission.
- p or --password: The user password.
- ac or --accNo: Accession number of the submission to be transferred.
- t or --target: Determines where submission need to be transferred to. Valid values are: FIRE/NFS
Validates the given file list contains valid pagetab and the referenced files exist either in the user folder or in the submission files of the given accession.
java -jar build/libs/BioStudiesCLI-2.0.jar validateFileList \
-s <server> \
-u <user> \
-p <password> \
-b <onBehalf> \
-f <fileListPath> \
-ac <accNo> \
-rp <rootPath>
- s or --server: BioStudies instance URL.
- u or --user: BioStudies user with privileges to delete the submission.
- p or --password: The user password.
- b or --onBehalf: Allows to delete a submission on behalf of the user with the given e-mail.
- f or --fileListPath: Path to the file list to be validated. The path is relative to the user folder.
- ac or --accNo: The accNo for the submission which files will be included in the search.
- rp or --rootPath: Base path to search for the files in the user folder.
Grants the specified permissions for the given user in the given collection.
java -jar BioStudiesCLI-2.0.jar grantPermission \
-s <server> \
-u <user> \
-p <password> \
-at <access type> \
-tu <target user> \
-ac <collection accNo>
- s or --server: BioStudies instance URL.
- u or --user: BioStudies user with privileges to delete the submission.
- p or --password: The user password.
- at or --accessType: Access type to be granted to the user. Valid values are: ADMIN, ATTACH, UPDATE, READ, DELETE
- tu or --targetUser: User to whom the access permission will be provided.
- ac or --accNo: The accession to grant the permission to. The accession must exist.