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Manually Editing Saves

Cromha edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 20 revisions


After reading this whole page, you'll be able to manually edit save and cheat!

In your save, you'll find basic attributes like your exp, your gold, your elapsed time, your health and max health. But you'll also find more complicated stuff like your mounts, your orders, your heard dialogs, your equipped equipment, your coordinates etc...


1- Getting to editing a save

2- Editing a save

Getting to editing a save

There is 2 ways to manually editing a save. The first way is to simply go to your save file located in the save/ directory in your cloned repository. The second way is to go through the main menu to after open your save in your default terminal text editor.

Here I'll not explain how to do it the first way but I'll explain how to do it the second way:

First, go to the 'Manages Saves' category


After that, choose 'edit save'


Then, enter the name of your save


And finally, choose 'manually edit save'


If it does not work, use the first method.

Editing a save

We'll go in the alphabetical order to explain every attributes.


This is the player agility stat. There is no need to change that value because it is constantly re-calculated during the game loop.

Armor Protection

This is the player resistance stat. There is no need to change that value because it is constantly re-calculated during the game loop.


These are custom attributes that are given to the player by dialogs and other events, to unlock new ones. You'll have to look in the vanilla/plugin data to know which attributes to add to get stuff unlocked.


Every time you die, you can enter a cheat code. If you enter the right one, you will revive but, this cheat attribute will be raiser by one. If it is every at 3, the save will be destroyed (deleted). So make sure to have it low if you're used to cheating.

Current Mount

This is the uuid of your current riding mount. There is no specific need to change that.

Defeated Enemies

This is every map point that you have been, fighting enemies. This is used by the game to know if enemies should not be spawned. You can change this list to bypass some annoying enemies for example.

Elapsed Time Game Days

This is the time in the game days you have spent playing on this save. There is no need to change that.

Elapsed Time Seconds

This is the time in seconds you have spent playing on this save. There is no need to change that.

Enemies List

This is the list of all enemies types you have encountered during your journey. It is used in the game to know which enemies to display on your diary. There is no need to change that.


Probably the most useful attribute for cheaters. It is how much gold your own. The money of the game.


The current hp/health of the player. Also an useful attribute for cheaters.

Heard Dialogs

Similar to defeated enemies, but for dialogs. This is every map point that you have been, reading dialogs. This is used by the game to know if dialog should not be written. You can change this list to bypass some annoying dialogs for example.

Held Boots/Chestplate/Leggings/Item/Shield

This is used by the game to know which boots/chestplate/leggings/item/shield your are currently wearing. There is no need to change that.


The list of all the items you own. Another great attribute for cheaters.

Inventory Slots

The maximum number of items you can have on your inventory. There is no need to change that, since it is constantly re-calculated during in the game loop.

Inventory Slots Remaining

The remaining slots available in your inventory. There is no need to change that, since it is constantly re-calculated during in the game loop.

Map Zone

The current zone your are on. There is no need to change that, since it is constantly re-calculated during in the game loop.

Max Health

You maximum health you can have by generic healing.


The map points where you encountered a NPC. Useful if you want to meet a specific NPC again.

Met NPCS Names

The name of the NPCS you have encountered during your journey. It is used by the game in your diary.


This is where you will find every of your mounts and their attributes. You will find attributes like their deposited day if they have been deposited, their level, their location, their mount type, their name, and their stats.


This is where you will find every orders you currently have collected yet. Useful if you want an order to be ready right now.

Start Dialog

It is used by the game to know which dialog to execute on your start and if the game should or should not execute it.

Taken Items

The map points where you have collected items. Useful if you forgot an item.

Visited Zones

All zones you have been during your journey. This is used by the game on your diary.


Your current X coordinates.


Your current experience.


Your current Y coordinates.

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