【AI-for-Medical-Treatment 】
★Project1:Estimating Treatment Effect Using Machine Learning
Aanalyzing data from a randomized control trial using both:
-Traditional statistical methods and the more recent machine learning techniques
Interpreting Multivariate Models
-Quantifying treatment effect
-Calculating baseline risk
-Calculating predicted risk reduction
Evaluating Treatment Effect Models
-Comparing predicted and empirical risk reductions
-Computing C-statistic-for-benefit
Interpreting ML models for Treatment Effect Estimation
-Implement T-learner
★Project2:Natural Language Entity Extraction
Extracting disease labels from clinical reports
-Text matching
-Evaluating a labeler
-Negation detection
-Dependency parsing
Question Answering with BERT
-Preprocessing text for input
-Extracting answers from model output
★Project3:ML Interpretation
Interpreting Deep Learning Models
-Understanding output using GradCAMs
Feature Importance in Machine Learning
-Permutation Method
-SHAP Values