- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Simple example using format
- Basic Installation
- Features
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
This project is analogous to QString :: arg and other similar means of string interpolation. The key is the use of using C++ Parameter pack.
std::string result = formated("int = %, double = %, std::string = %, const char * = %, bool = %",
1, 3.14, str, "char*", true);
//string = "int = 1, double = 3.140000, std::string = testString, const char * = char*, bool = 1".
- git clone https://github.com/DronPop/format.git
- cd format/Example
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake .. -G "IDAName"
- open SolutionName
- Strongly typed
- Can be used with all standard types
- Ability to use with custom types. For that overload operator<<(std::ostream& out_, const CustomClass& obj_);
- May be complile time.