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74 lines (49 loc) · 1.81 KB

1. Data schema and

File metadata and controls

74 lines (49 loc) · 1.81 KB


Vue storefront uses ElasticSearch as a primary data store. We're using Redis as cache layer and Kue for queue processing. Although all of these data stores are basicaly schema-free some mappings and meta data should be used for setting ES indices and so forth.

Vue storefront uses data migration mechanism based on

Migration tool

We're using node-migrate wich is pre-configured with npm. So we're using the following alias:

npm run migrate

which runs the migrations against migrations folder.

How to add new migration?

You can add new migration adding file to migrations directory - which is not recommended OR using cmdline tool:

npm run migrate create name-of-my-migration

the tool automaticaly generates the file under migrations folder.


The example migrations shows how to manipulate on products and mappings. Let's take a look at the mapping modification:

// Migration scripts use:
'use strict'

let config = require('config')
let common = require('./.common')

module.exports.up = function (next) {

  // example of adding a field to the schema
  // other examples:, 
    index: config.elasticsearch.indices[0],
    type: "product",
    body: {
        properties: {
            slug: { type: "string" }, // add slug field
            suggest: {
                type: "completion",
                analyzer: "simple",
                search_analyzer: "simple"
  }).then((res) => {

   console.dir(res, {depth: null, colors: true})

module.exports.down = function (next) {

... and that's all :)