- Paper support and sync preloading option
ATTENTION: The configuration has been changed!
- Added #T to message
which will be replaced by the time of teleportation in milliseconds - Added setting
which allows you to choose the method of calculating the Y coordinate, information in config - Added setting
in profiles, which allows you to set the minimum radius for teleportation
- The falling animation now works correctly, teleports in center of block
- The empty animation now works correctly, as does the drop animation
ATTENTION: The configuration has been changed! Changes:
- Improved performance up to 170%
- Fall(The player falls from a certain height)
- Others will be added later on request :)
- Added the
right for the main command and a line about "not enough rights" for it
And other minor changes)
API added:
2 methods:
rtpPlayer(Player player, String execute)
- teleport player with custom options(for example second argument - default)getAllProfiles()
- get all available profiles(loaded successfully)
Fixed teleport to void - if teleport location is void(don't have any place) then plugin search next location for teleport. For end world i recommend increase number of tries.
Changes in version 1.1:
- Changes teleport sync to asynchronous (mega performance improvement).
- Added preventive blocks that cancel teleportation in some places (for example, water and lava).
- Fixed charging of players in creative and spectator gamemodes.
- and other changes...