Download latest version: here
Latest build is: (32bit and 64bit versions are available.)
hypseus.exe -v
[version] Hypseus Singe: v2.11.4
[console] Windows 10
[console] SDL(CC): 2.28.5
[console] SDL(LD): 2.28.5
Windows executables linked with -subsystem,windows
are also available to suppress Command Prompt popups.
Unzip Hypseus Singe to its own directory. e.g.
C:\Hypseus Singe
Place zipped rom files in the roms
Place framefile and video files in vldp
or singe
under the appropriate game directory name.
Example .bat
files are provided in the repo. Run hypseus.exe
with Daphne arguments
hypseus.exe lair vldp -scorepanel -framefile vldp/lair/lair.txt
hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe/timegal/timegal.txt -script singe/timegal/timegal.singe
Refer to additional arguments on the main page.
Configuration in hypinput.ini within the Hypseus folder.
Use the hypjsch
application in the C:\Hypseus Singe
folder to help calculate values.
See also the GameController configuration option: hypinput.ini
Note: Hypseus Singe uses SDL2 keycodes. See information in hypinput.ini