diff --git a/test_fixtures/grid/grid_taffy_issue_591.html b/test_fixtures/grid/grid_taffy_issue_591.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10481c65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_fixtures/grid/grid_taffy_issue_591.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Test description
diff --git a/tests/generated/grid/grid_taffy_issue_591.rs b/tests/generated/grid/grid_taffy_issue_591.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb5483082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/generated/grid/grid_taffy_issue_591.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+fn grid_taffy_issue_591__border_box() {
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use taffy::{prelude::*, tree::Layout, TaffyTree};
+ let mut taffy: TaffyTree = TaffyTree::new();
+ let node00 = taffy
+ .new_leaf(taffy::style::Style {
+ display: taffy::style::Display::Flex,
+ min_size: taffy::geometry::Size {
+ width: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(50f32),
+ height: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(50f32),
+ },
+ padding: taffy::geometry::Rect {
+ left: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ right: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ top: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ bottom: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ },
+ ..Default::default()
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ let node0 = taffy
+ .new_with_children(
+ taffy::style::Style {
+ display: taffy::style::Display::Flex,
+ position: taffy::style::Position::Absolute,
+ align_items: Some(taffy::style::AlignItems::Center),
+ justify_content: Some(taffy::style::JustifyContent::Center),
+ max_size: taffy::geometry::Size {
+ width: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(100f32),
+ height: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(100f32),
+ },
+ padding: taffy::geometry::Rect {
+ left: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ right: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ top: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ bottom: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ },
+ inset: taffy::geometry::Rect {
+ left: taffy::style::LengthPercentageAuto::Length(0f32),
+ right: auto(),
+ top: taffy::style::LengthPercentageAuto::Length(0f32),
+ bottom: auto(),
+ },
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ &[node00],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let node = taffy
+ .new_with_children(
+ taffy::style::Style {
+ display: taffy::style::Display::Flex,
+ size: taffy::geometry::Size {
+ width: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(300f32),
+ height: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(200f32),
+ },
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ &[node0],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ taffy.compute_layout_with_measure(node, taffy::geometry::Size::MAX_CONTENT, crate::test_measure_function).unwrap();
+ println!("\nComputed tree:");
+ taffy.print_tree(node);
+ println!();
+ #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "content_size"), allow(unused_variables))]
+ let layout @ Layout { size, location, .. } = taffy.layout(node).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(size.width, 300f32, "width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 300f32, size.width);
+ assert_eq!(size.height, 200f32, "height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 200f32, size.height);
+ assert_eq!(location.x, 0f32, "x of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 0f32, location.x);
+ assert_eq!(location.y, 0f32, "y of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 0f32, location.y);
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_width(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_width()
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_height(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_height()
+ );
+ #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "content_size"), allow(unused_variables))]
+ let layout @ Layout { size, location, .. } = taffy.layout(node0).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(size.width, 70f32, "width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 70f32, size.width);
+ assert_eq!(size.height, 70f32, "height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 70f32, size.height);
+ assert_eq!(location.x, 0f32, "x of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 0f32, location.x);
+ assert_eq!(location.y, 0f32, "y of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 0f32, location.y);
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_width(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node0,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_width()
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_height(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node0,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_height()
+ );
+ #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "content_size"), allow(unused_variables))]
+ let layout @ Layout { size, location, .. } = taffy.layout(node00).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(size.width, 50f32, "width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 50f32, size.width);
+ assert_eq!(size.height, 50f32, "height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 50f32, size.height);
+ assert_eq!(location.x, 10f32, "x of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 10f32, location.x);
+ assert_eq!(location.y, 10f32, "y of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 10f32, location.y);
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_width(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node00,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_width()
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_height(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node00,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_height()
+ );
+fn grid_taffy_issue_591__content_box() {
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use taffy::{prelude::*, tree::Layout, TaffyTree};
+ let mut taffy: TaffyTree = TaffyTree::new();
+ let node00 = taffy
+ .new_leaf(taffy::style::Style {
+ display: taffy::style::Display::Flex,
+ box_sizing: taffy::style::BoxSizing::ContentBox,
+ min_size: taffy::geometry::Size {
+ width: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(50f32),
+ height: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(50f32),
+ },
+ padding: taffy::geometry::Rect {
+ left: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ right: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ top: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ bottom: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ },
+ ..Default::default()
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ let node0 = taffy
+ .new_with_children(
+ taffy::style::Style {
+ display: taffy::style::Display::Flex,
+ box_sizing: taffy::style::BoxSizing::ContentBox,
+ position: taffy::style::Position::Absolute,
+ align_items: Some(taffy::style::AlignItems::Center),
+ justify_content: Some(taffy::style::JustifyContent::Center),
+ max_size: taffy::geometry::Size {
+ width: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(100f32),
+ height: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(100f32),
+ },
+ padding: taffy::geometry::Rect {
+ left: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ right: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ top: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ bottom: taffy::style::LengthPercentage::Length(10f32),
+ },
+ inset: taffy::geometry::Rect {
+ left: taffy::style::LengthPercentageAuto::Length(0f32),
+ right: auto(),
+ top: taffy::style::LengthPercentageAuto::Length(0f32),
+ bottom: auto(),
+ },
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ &[node00],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let node = taffy
+ .new_with_children(
+ taffy::style::Style {
+ display: taffy::style::Display::Flex,
+ box_sizing: taffy::style::BoxSizing::ContentBox,
+ size: taffy::geometry::Size {
+ width: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(300f32),
+ height: taffy::style::Dimension::Length(200f32),
+ },
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ &[node0],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ taffy.compute_layout_with_measure(node, taffy::geometry::Size::MAX_CONTENT, crate::test_measure_function).unwrap();
+ println!("\nComputed tree:");
+ taffy.print_tree(node);
+ println!();
+ #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "content_size"), allow(unused_variables))]
+ let layout @ Layout { size, location, .. } = taffy.layout(node).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(size.width, 300f32, "width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 300f32, size.width);
+ assert_eq!(size.height, 200f32, "height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 200f32, size.height);
+ assert_eq!(location.x, 0f32, "x of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 0f32, location.x);
+ assert_eq!(location.y, 0f32, "y of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node, 0f32, location.y);
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_width(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_width()
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_height(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_height()
+ );
+ #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "content_size"), allow(unused_variables))]
+ let layout @ Layout { size, location, .. } = taffy.layout(node0).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(size.width, 90f32, "width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 90f32, size.width);
+ assert_eq!(size.height, 90f32, "height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 90f32, size.height);
+ assert_eq!(location.x, 0f32, "x of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 0f32, location.x);
+ assert_eq!(location.y, 0f32, "y of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node0, 0f32, location.y);
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_width(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node0,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_width()
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_height(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node0,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_height()
+ );
+ #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "content_size"), allow(unused_variables))]
+ let layout @ Layout { size, location, .. } = taffy.layout(node00).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(size.width, 70f32, "width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 70f32, size.width);
+ assert_eq!(size.height, 70f32, "height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 70f32, size.height);
+ assert_eq!(location.x, 10f32, "x of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 10f32, location.x);
+ assert_eq!(location.y, 10f32, "y of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}", node00, 10f32, location.y);
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_width(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_width of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node00,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_width()
+ );
+ #[cfg(feature = "content_size")]
+ assert_eq!(
+ layout.scroll_height(),
+ 0f32,
+ "scroll_height of node {:?}. Expected {}. Actual {}",
+ node00,
+ 0f32,
+ layout.scroll_height()
+ );
diff --git a/tests/generated/grid/mod.rs b/tests/generated/grid/mod.rs
index 986970f2e..6370a0d5e 100644
--- a/tests/generated/grid/mod.rs
+++ b/tests/generated/grid/mod.rs
@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ mod grid_auto_fill_fixed_size;
#[cfg(feature = "grid")]
mod grid_auto_fill_with_empty_auto_track;
#[cfg(feature = "grid")]
+mod grid_auto_fit_definite_percentage;
+#[cfg(feature = "grid")]
mod grid_auto_fit_with_empty_auto_track;
#[cfg(feature = "grid")]
mod grid_auto_rows;
@@ -502,5 +504,7 @@ mod grid_span_6_all_non_flex_indefinite_hidden;
#[cfg(feature = "grid")]
mod grid_span_8_all_track_types_indefinite;
#[cfg(feature = "grid")]
+mod grid_taffy_issue_591;
+#[cfg(feature = "grid")]
mod grid_taffy_issue_624;
mod taffy_issue_721;