Maybe good idea
Now that this is independent from uni work... Time to make it better and to torture myself
I have tested this with my 4-500 games. Still small bugs, but it handles it without much problem.
Also, discord integration, because why not
- Currently java 8
- Files: AppData\Roaming\DiamondCoder\nsfwGameManager\
- (For now )2+1 languages: English(, Engwish UwU), Hungarian
- The app creates a backup of the database every time it starts(, only saves the last 10)
- If the game is the final version, it gets a "✔" at the version column
- If game is abandoned, it gets a "✖" at the version column
- For VisualNovels there will be a "[VN]" at the name column
- If a game has VR tag, it will have "[VR]" at the engine column
- Optimizations
- Text size small on large display - Bug here
- Random game choose if you are bored (Maybe with filter)
- support - support
Idea: User can choose a folder and the programm will search through it. But due to lazyness the format should be like this:
man-000000_{gameName}_{gameVersion} {anythingElseYouWant}
f95-696969_Good Game, try me_v12.31 DeveloperAndStuffMaybeNotes
If it doesn't begin with f95 or man or dls(soon?) it will be ignored.
This I can use to check last downloaded version, and last time the folder has changed. Also auto update if game is still on pc.
0 - Site 1 - ID 2 - Name 3 - Developer 4 - Played version 5 - Last time play 6 - Rated 7 - Newest version 8 - Last update 9 - People rating 10 - Player progress 11 - Still on pc? 12 - Engine 13 - OS 14 - Language 15 - Personal notes