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Final Summary

ttarlet2 edited this page Apr 25, 2015 · 10 revisions

Heroku -

Getting Started notes, which should include:

  1. Clone from repo.
    From within the project directory, run:
  2. bundle install

  3. rake db:migrate

  4. rake db:reset

  5. rails s

Test purchases using card number: 424242...repeating, any future date for expiration, and any 3 numbers for csv.

Administrative account
Admin account can delete users, review questions for submission, add and delete database entries (categories, questions, answers, etc.), and promote other users to admin and reviewer. Admins and reviewers log in just like any other user. Default Admin account is included in the seeds.rb file.

password: admin123

password: reviewer

Stripe: E-mail:
Password: trippinontrivia15

To test multiplayer features on localhost, I would open a window in Incognito Mode and create another account. I would then run through scenarios of what users would do or want to do while in the app, including potential exploits.

Bugs & missing features
Profile pictures get swapped after deleting a user as a friend, this only seems to happen on heroku for some reason.

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