- Support for other languages (English added alongside Polish)
- Detailed local user statistics for the game.
- Playable react clone of: https://github.com/hedalu244/diffle
- New: Information about the next word is shown near the daily period end and it shows minutes
- Fix: The game is refreshed when the date stamp changes
- Fix: String for sandbox mode has been corrected
- Fix: actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact has ben updated from @v3 to @v4
- New: Word tips now show the letters involved in the problem
- New: Tips for typed words: Order can be implied from two colored ones, with one in the wrong position
- Fix: The broken background blur on the keyboard was fixed in Chrome
- Fix: The Italian title doesn't indicate that the game is in Polish
- New: Adding support for the Home and End keys
- New: The word's position in the frequency dictionary is shown at the end of the game
- New: Checking word meanings has been removed from the end screen and added to the shared result (we can check other words)
- New: When the tip about special characters is not followed, the warning has more contrast
- New: Polish dictionary updated
- Fix: Missing toast for special words has been added
- New: Special word modifier: Typing "hejto" will add a custom tag used on the platform for Wordle-like games
- New: the worst daily results counter has been added to the annual summary
- New: annual summary for hejto.pl users added
- Fix: Missing Finnish Easter Day added
- New: Strawberry pattern is incorrect when high contrast is turned on
- New: High contrast mode also affects documents with counters on the end screen
- Fix: Fixed broken Finnish Open Graph image link
- New: Finnish game language added
- New: Incorrect color affix improved
- Fix: Fixed an error on desktop when navigator.vibrate is called
- Fix: Accessibility contrast increased for red dotted letters
- New: After winning and viewing the shared results, we can see which letters caused the red points to be added
- New: All words can be checked in an external dictionary at the ending screen
- Fix: Incorrect tip while processing the word
- Fix: Two affixes with the same letters in the order aren't marked as a mistake by hints
- New: Richer word hints based on the typed letters
- New: The used words automatically unlock when the daily game is won, with additional information provided as to why
- New: Accessibility preview for contrast has been added
- New: Harder winning words for the Polish game
- Fix: Refreshed page for new dictionaries
- New: GA tracking of force updating
- Fix: Better hint for the out of date yesterday's word
- Fix: Don't break streak for players affected by service mode screen
- New: TypeScript added in node, shared files between node and app
- Fix: Swear words have been removed from Italian winning words
- New: All langs are using FrequencyWords as part of building winning dictionary
- New: A hint was added informing that yesterday's word could be wrong due to the update
- New: There is a date shown in the header for Easter egg days
- New: Italian game language added
- New: Czech dictionary updated
- Fix: The unnecessary "0" before "ms" in game duration has been removed
- New: Optional display of game duration on the end screen added
- New: Egg icon added to easter egg mode
- Fix: Do not save and hint for an easter egg mode
- New: Easter egg: sandbox live game mode added
- New: Easter egg: custom emoji added
- New: Copy only link added to share modal
- Fix: The winning word cannot be a proper Roman numeral (as they often end up in dictionaries)
- New: Keyboard layout picker added to the About language
- Fix: Czech QWERTZ layout missing "y" restored
- New: New GA events to track
- Fix: Align keyboard heatmaps when the title breaks the line
- Fix: Fixed the incorrect keyboard layout for languages other than French in the About language
- New: An additional dictionaries have been added to restrict possible winning words in French. The winning word must be present in 4 dictionaries.
- New: BÉPO keyboard has three lines instead of four in the about language
- New: Keyboard layout picker added to specific languages; the QWERTZ option was removed
- New: Wordle's worst word added
- New: French keyboard changes (new accepted letters added)
- Fix: Blocking of the spoiling of the next word by people with manually set time to the next day added
- New: The maximum length of winning words for German has been increased from 9 to 10, as German words tend to be longer
- New: The maximum length of a typed word has been increased from 15 to 18, as German words tend to be longer
- New: An additional dictionary has been added to restrict possible winning words in German. The winning word must be present in 3 dictionaries.
- New: Additional events to track by GA
- New: French game language added
- Fix: Percentages restored in the "most often at the beginning" section.
- New: GA tracking of lost/won game
- New: GA tracking of dictionary clicks
- Fix: Improved modal closing for externally triggered closures
- Fix: Removed a scroll in a language picker (Chrome)
- New: Better tracking for GA
- New: Improved description of Wordle results
- Fix: No triple tracking for panes in GA
- Fix: Tracking for the initial pane restored
- Fix: No doubled tracking for words that weren't found in the dictionary
- New: Result copied and seen tracking added
- New: Game mode changed tracking added
- New: Cookies popup added, basic integration with Google Analytics
- New: Translation bug updated on Crowdin
- New: Playwright e2e added to project
- New: Translations are now managed within https://crowdin.com/project/diffle-lang
- New: Merriam-Webster is used as the default dictionary to check words
- New: Section about language added with the best starting word for Wordle
- New: The length of the word has been increased in the About Language section
- Fix: Shared content is displayed again
- Fix: Wrong "O" removed from key cap
- Fix: Keyboard heatmap precision has been fixed (it now shows 99.838% and 8.7%)
- New: Airbnb eslint rules added
- New: Greener green for light mode language statistics
- New: German uses PONS as the default dictionary and DWDS when linking to a definition
- Fix: English hastag fixed #difflees -> #diffleen
- Fix: Percentages are no longer cut in half
- New: Spanish game language added
- New: Support for QWERTZ added
- Fix: German /de redirection fix (https://deykun.github.io/ykun.github.io/ykun.github.io/diffle-lang/de/de/de)
- New: German game language supported
- New: Better RWD for really small screens
- Fix: Reset of special characters filters after changing the language to one without them
- Fix: Improvements to the language statistics page
- New: Language statistics subpage added
- Fix: Icon in corner background animaiton fix
- New: A larger dictionary of winning words is used in the Czech language
- Fix: Changing the language during game loading doesn't block the restore process
- New: The incorrectly typed letter shakes inside a keycap
- New: A github start counter was added to github link
- Fix: Missing vibration restored for language picker trigger
- New: Czech game language supported
- New: When a user enters the site without a language marker, the last language used is saved, and this language is set
- New: A flag in the header and language selection in the settings open a new dedicated modal with a language picker
- New: A new button linking to a Google Form for reporting bad translations has been added
- Fix: The space below the keyboard is set dynamically and calculated based on rows and size settings
- Fix: Icons in header restored for Safari
- Fix: A doubled details caret removed for Safari
- New: Better rwd for header
- Fix: Better rwd for statistic card url
- Fix: Missing tags for shared results without words restored
- Fix: Correct streak in a row number after winning
- New: Hints about streaks in rows are displayed in practice mode
- Fix: The green light turned on too early for the keyboard. Only one of the two 'A's was typed
- New: Keyboard notes when the user discovers how many times the letter occurs in the word and displays it
- Fix: Language change is blocked when processing new words or restoring state
- Fix: Better detection of language for Chrome
- New: Typing incorrect letter has stronger vibration
- Fix: Simplifying the game process restoration (changing the game language in settings always resets the game mode to daily)
- Fix: Polish characters can be typed only in Polish mode
- Fix: Help isn't shown after redirecting if the user has already seen it
- Fix: Changing language removes shared result
- New: #difflepl instead of #diffle_pl
- Fix: Path to flag image fixed
- Fix: Setting /en for the english browser
- New: English game language supported
- New: Information about longest game in letters and words added to statistics
- Fix: A downloaded statistic card has proper paddings
- Fix: Statistics for people who gathered them before rejected words median data was introduced
- Fix: Mobile responsive web design restored
- New: Preparing landing pages for languages
- Fix: Cleaning dictionary before updating added, "oger" removed as Polish supported word in spellchecker
- New: Chunk ch3 added, removed chunks with single words (e.g., chunk-kee.json or chunk-mee.json)
- Fix: Word starting with "nie" doesn't destroy a game
- New: Shared links are now shorter, as words starting with the same letter are compressed more efficiently
- New: Fast deploy system
- New: Share button design
- Fix: Fixed wrong reading of CSS var with time in built release (.25s - was read as 25s)
- Fix: The next daily password now displays the same number in both settings and game view
- Fix: Improved hover state for share buttons in dark mode
- Fix: Confirm screen active state improved for toggle
- Fix: Scroll is now visible always, ensuring that the content doesn't move on desktop in Chrome
- New: Remove statistics by game mode added
- New: Hint about statistics for daily users with nice streak (5, 10, 25, 50, 75, etc.)
- Fix: New practice game button margin fixed while loading
- Fix: Very long words in shared content do not generate scroll
- Fix: Fixed shared content for winning words that have Polish characters
- Fix: Unnecessary $ removed from "$1 h 37 m 20 s"
- New: Remove shared result button added
- Fix: First and last letter markers are more important than coupling
- New: Copying result with a link to words
- Fix: Better text for 0.0 not found words in dictionary
- Fix: An incorrectly typed letter is blurred below the confirmation screen, not above it
- Fix: "25 hours to the next daily word" adjusted
- New: Game will return soon screen added
- New: High contrast mode
- New: Statistics panel added
- New: Stat with percentage of keyboard discovered was added
- New: Single letters are considered green
- New: Arrows for up and down actions added
- New: Using the word second time is blocked
- New: Swap enter and backspace is possible
- New: Basic system to force update
- Fix: Typing 16 characters or longer word is blocked
- Fix: Restoring game with long words keeps them shrinked
- New: Caret works for mobile with click
- New: Clicking ← or → shows caret and allows easier modifications to the word
- New: Delete button is supported
- Fix: Safari
<br />
should be removed from copied content
- Fix: Error while fetching dictionary chunk does not block the chunk
- New: Turn off keyboard's vibrations
- New: Turn off submit confirm
- New: Make keyboard smaller
- Fix: Longer words are allowed while typing
- New: Less swear words in winning words pool
- Added a confirmation step to the keyboard
- The key "Enter" swapped with "Backspace" - again
- Keyboard slide-in animation added
- Special title for cheaters added
- Polish plurals fixed (2 słowa, 5 słów etc.)
- English partially added as a language supported by the interface
- Dark mode added
- Incorrect message about lost game fixed
- Vibration toggle added
- The key "Enter" swapped with "Backspace"
- Next game time for daily shown
- Better UX for settings
- Fixed broken progress save
- Added vibration while typing on the phone
- Implemented word checker for the entire keyboard
- Daily and practice modes work
- Progress is not lost when the page is reloaded
- The player can give up
- The Enter key is an icon
- The user is informed if the winnning word contains Polish characters
- Two-character words are accepted
- The saturation of unused letters was decreased
- The keys "Enter" and "Backspace" are visually marked
- Working game
- Help page