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Useful Zsh scripts for macOS users.

A collection of scripts and automations that you can run within the zsh shell!.

These scripts showcase the versatility and power of Zsh for various fun and practical tasks. Feel free to try them out and modify them to suit your needs. Happy scripting!

Set Random Wallpaper



Directory containing wallpapers


Get a random wallpaper

RANDOM_WALLPAPER=$(ls $WALLPAPER_DIR | sort -R | tail -1)

Set the wallpaper using feh (change to your preferred tool)


chmod +x


DEPENDENCIES feh (or preferred wallpaper setting tool)

Usage Sets a random wallpaper from a specified directory. each time you run the script. Perfect for keeping the desktop fresh.


Description: Create, list, and jump to directory bookmarks, making navigation across frequently used directories seamless.



Bookmarks file BOOKMARKS_FILE="$HOME/.dir_bookmarks"

Function to add a bookmark bookmark_add() { echo "$1=$PWD" >> $BOOKMARKS_FILE echo "Bookmark added: $1 -> $PWD" }

Function to list bookmarks bookmark_list() { cat $BOOKMARKS_FILE }

Function to jump to a bookmark bookmark_jump() { local DEST=$(grep "^$1=" $BOOKMARKS_FILE | cut -d '=' -f 2-) if [ -n "$DEST" ]; then cd "$DEST" else echo "Bookmark not found: $1" fi }

Alias for ease of use alias badd=bookmark_add alias blist=bookmark_list alias bjump=bookmark_jump

Usage Add a bookmark: badd bookmark_name List bookmarks: blist Jump to a bookmark: bjump bookmark_name


Description: Fetch and display current weather information for a specified city using a command-line weather API.



Function to get weather get_weather() { local CITY="$1" local API_KEY="your_api_key_here" local RESPONSE=$(curl -s "$CITY&appid=$API_KEY&units=metric")

local TEMP=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq '.main.temp')
local DESC=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq -r '.weather[0].description')

echo "Current weather in $CITY: $TEMP°C, $DESC" 

Usage Replace your_api_key_here with your actual API key from OpenWeatherMap. Run the script with a city name: sh get_weather "London"


curl jq


Description: List and delete local branches that have been merged into the current branch to keep your git repository clean.



Function to delete merged branches clean_merged_branches() { git branch --merged | grep -v '^\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d }

Usage Run the script to delete merged branches: sh clean_merged_branches


Description: A simple timer script to count down from a specified number of seconds. Great for time management and focused work sessions. can be used as a pomodoro timer!

Script !/bin/zsh

Function to start a timer timer() { local SECONDS=$1 while [ $SECONDS -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$SECONDS\033[0K\r" sleep 1 : $((SECONDS--)) done echo "Time's up!" }

Usage Run the script with the number of seconds to count down: sh timer 10

Command History Search

Description: Quickly search your command history for a specific term, making it easier to find and reuse past commands.

Script !/bin/zsh

Function to search command history history_search() { history | grep "$1" }

Usage Run the script with the term you want to search for: sh history_search "git"

Temporary HTTP Server

Description: Quickly start a temporary HTTP server to serve files from a directory. Useful for sharing files or testing locally.



Function to start a temporary HTTP server start_http_server() { local PORT=${1:-8000} echo "Starting HTTP server on port $PORT..." python -m http.server $PORT }

Usage Run the script with the desired port number: sh start_http_server 8000



Automated Backup Script


Automate the backup of important files or directories to a specified location.

Script !/bin/zsh

Source and destination directories SOURCE_DIR="$HOME/Documents" DEST_DIR="$HOME/Backup"

Create destination directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR"

Rsync to backup files rsync -av --delete "$SOURCE_DIR/" "$DEST_DIR/"

echo "Backup completed at $(date)"

Usage Save script as, and make it executable with chmod +x run it to perform the backup.

Automated System Update

Description: Automatically update your system packages.

Script !/bin/zsh

Update package lists sudo apt update

Upgrade installed packages sudo apt upgrade -y

echo "System update completed at $(date)"

Usage Save the script as make it executable by running chmod +x and run it to update your system.

Automated Email Notification

Description: Send an email notification after a long-running task is completed.

Script !/bin/zsh

Your email address EMAIL=""

Long-running task (e.g., data processing) echo "Starting long-running task..." sleep 60 # Simulate a long-running task with sleep

Send email notification echo "The long-running task has completed." | mail -s "Task Completed" "$EMAIL"

echo "Notification sent to $EMAIL"

Usage Save the script as make it executable chmod +x and run it to perform the task and send the notification.

Automated File Organizer

Description: Automatically organize files in a directory based on their type.

Script !/bin/zsh

Source directory SOURCE_DIR="$HOME/Downloads"


Create directories if they don't exist mkdir -p "$IMAGE_DIR" "$DOCUMENT_DIR" "$VIDEO_DIR" "$OTHER_DIR"

Move files to corresponding directories for FILE in "$SOURCE_DIR"/*; do if [[ -f "$FILE" ]]; then case "$(file --mime-type -b "$FILE")" in image/*) mv "$FILE" "$IMAGE_DIR" ;; text/*|application/pdf) mv "$FILE" "$DOCUMENT_DIR" ;; video/*) mv "$FILE" "$VIDEO_DIR" ;; *) mv "$FILE" "$OTHER_DIR" ;; esac fi done

echo "Files organized at $(date)"

Usage Save this script as make it executable chmod +x and run it to organize files in your Downloads directory.

Automated Git Commit and Push

Description: Automatically commit and push changes to a Git repository.

Script !/bin/zsh

Change to the repository directory REPO_DIR="$HOME/projects/my-repo" cd "$REPO_DIR"

Add all changes git add .

Commit changes with a message COMMIT_MESSAGE="Automated commit at $(date)" git commit -m "$COMMIT_MESSAGE"

Push changes to the remote repository git push origin main

echo "Changes committed and pushed at $(date)"

Usage Save this script as make it executable chmod +x and run it to automatically commit and push changes to your repository.

Running Automations on Schedule

Description: You can use cron to schedule these scripts to run at specific intervals.


Edit the crontab: sh crontab -e

Add a cron job to run the script sh Run backup script daily at 2am 0 2 * * * /path/to/

Run system update script weekly on Sundays at 3am 0 3 * * 0 /path/to/

Run file organizer script hourly 0 * * * * /path/to/

These scripts showcase the versatility and power of Zsh for various fun and practical tasks. Feel free to try them out and modify them to suit your needs. Happy scripting!