Only mp4 videos can be played on Telegram without downloading them first. To stream your video in Telegram you must convert it before uploading it. For example you can use ffmpeg to convert your video:
$ ffmpeg -i -preset slow -codec:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k \ -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 2500k -minrate 1500k \ -maxrate 4000k -bufsize 5000k -vf scale=-1:720 output.mp4
Telegram-upload is already running, or an old process has locked the session (telegram-upload.session
). Only one
Telegram-upload session can be run at a time.
If you need to run Telegram-upload multiple times anyway, you need to duplicate the session and config files:
- Copy the session file (
) to another path. - Copy the configuration file (
) to another path. - Edit this file and add the path to session file like this:
{"api_id": 0, "api_hash": "...", "session": "/path/to/telegram-upload.json"}
. - Run using
--config /path/to/telegram-upload.json
If you are sure that Telegram-upload is not running, search for the process that is blocking the file:
fuser ~/.config/telegram-upload.session
As a last resort, you can restart your machine.
Telegram-upload is not tested with all versions of all dependencies it uses. If you have installed Telegram-upload on your system (using root) maybe some existing dependency is on an incompatible version. You can try updating the dependencies carefully:
$ pip install -U telegram-upload Telethon hachoir cryptg click
To avoid errors it is recommended to use virtualenvs.
Before asking for help, remember to find out if the issue already exists. If you open a ticket remember to paste your system dependencies on the issue:
$ pip freeze
Some problems may not be related to Telegram-upload. If possible, Google before asking.