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File metadata and controls

899 lines (588 loc) · 22 KB


Trafaret is validation library with support to convert data structures. Sample usage:

import datetime
import trafaret as t

date = t.Dict(year=t.Int, month=t.Int, day=t.Int) & (lambda d: datetime.datetime(**d))

def validate_date(data):
        return date.check(data), False
    except t.DataError as e:
        return False, e.as_dict()

validate_date({'year': 2012, 'month': 1})
# (False, {'day': 'is required'})

validate_date({'year': 2012, 'month': 1, 'day': 12})
# (datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 12, 0, 0), False)

t.Dict creates new dict structure validator with three t.Int elements. & operation combines trafaret with other trafaret or with a function.



The String is base checker in trafaret which just test that value is string. Also String has a lot of helpful modification like Email and Url.

t.String().check('this is my string')
# 'this is my string'


  • allow_blank (boolean) - indicates if string can be blank or not
  • min_length (integer) - validation for minimum length of receive string
  • max_length (integer) - validation for maximum length of receive string

The simple examples of usage:

# ''
t.String(min_length=1, max_length=10).check('no so long')
# 'no so long'

Email and URL just provide regular expressions and a bit of logic for IDNA domains. Default converters return email and domain, but you will get re match object in converter.


This checker test that a received string is an valid email address.

# ''


This checker test that a received string is an valid URL address. This URL can include get params and anchors.

# ''


This checker test that a received string is IPv4 address.

# ''


This checker test that a received string is IPv6 address.

# '2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334'


This checker test that a received string is IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).

# ''
# '2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334'


The checker test that a received string match with given regexp. With this Regexp you can write you own checker like Email or URL.

Note that this uses re.match() and will return the matching group at the start of the string. If you want to ensure a full match ensure you add $ to the end of the expression.

# '544-343-7564'


With this checker you can use all re.match power to extract from strings dicts and other higher level datastructures.

name_checker = t.RegexpRaw(r'^name=(\w+)$') >> (lambda m: m.groups()[0])
# 'Jeff'

or more interesting example:

from datetime import datetime

def to_datetime(m):
   return datetime(*[int(i) for i in m.groups()])

date_checker = t.RegexpRaw(regexp='^year=(\d+), month=(\d+), day=(\d+)$') & to_datetime

date_checker.check('year=2019, month=07, day=23')
# datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 23, 0, 0)


Also if you want to check, is value bytes string or no you can use this checker.

t.Bytes().check(b'bytes string')


If you need to check value which can be string or bytes string, you can use AnyString.

for item in ['string', b'bytes string']:

# string
# b'bytes string'


If you need to convert bytestring to utf-8 or to the other standard you can use this checker. If receive value can't be converted to standard then trafaret raise an error. This often can be useful when receive value can be a string or a bytestring.

unicode_or_utf16 = t.String | t.FromBytes(encoding='utf-16')

# 'trafaret'

# 'trafaret'

The default encoding is utf-8.

# 'trafaret'

Dict and Keys

The Dict checker is needed to validate a dictionaries. For use Dict you need to describe your dictionary as dictionary where instead of values are checkers of this values.

login_validator = t.Dict({'username': t.String(max_length=10), 'email': t.Email})
login_validator.check({'username': 'Misha', 'email': ''})
# {'username': 'Misha', 'email': ''}

Dict has a lot of helpful methods:

  • allow_extra - when you need to validate only a part of keys you can use allow_extra to allow to do that:
data = {'username': 'Misha', 'age': 12, 'email': '', 'is_superuser': True}

user_validator = t.Dict({'username': t.String, 'age': t.Int})

# generate a new checker with allow any extra keys
new_user_validator = user_validator.allow_extra('*')
# {'username': 'Misha', 'age': 12, 'email': '', 'is_superuser': True}

Also if you want to allow only some concretical kyes you cat set them:

user_validator.allow_extra('email', 'is_superuser')

If when you need to specify type of extra keys you can use trafaret keyword argument for that (by default trafaret is Any):

user_validator.allow_extra('email', 'is_superuser', trafaret=t.String)

Also you can specify extra keys when you create your Dict checker:

user_validator = t.Dict({'username': t.String, 'age': t.Int}, allow_extra=['*'])
  • ignore_extra - when you need to remove nececary data from result you can use it. This method has similar signature like in allow_extra.
data = {'username': 'Misha', 'age': 12, 'email': '', 'is_superuser': True}

user_validator = t.Dict({'username': t.String, 'age': t.Int}).ignore_extra('*')
# {'username': 'Misha', 'age': 12}
  • merge - where argument can be other Dict, dict like provided to Dict, or list of Key s. Also provided as __add__, so you can add Dict s, like dict1 + dict2.

    This can be so useful when you have two large dictionaries with so similar structure. As example it possible when you do validation for create and update some instance whan for create instance you don't need id but for update do.

user_create_validator = t.Dict({'username': t.String, 'age': t.Int})

user_update_validator = user_create_validator + {'id': t.Int}
user_update_validator.check({'username': 'misha', 'age': 12, 'id': 1})
# {'username': 'misha', 'age': 12, 'id': 1}

Some time we need to change name of key in initial dictionary. For that trafaret provides Key. This can be very useful. As example when you receive form from frontend with keys in camel case and you want to convert this keys to snake case.

login_validator = t.Dict({t.Key('userName') >> 'user_name': t.String})
login_validator.check({'userName': 'Misha'})
# {'user_name': 'Misha'}

Also we can to receive input data like this:

data = {"title": "Glue", "authorFirstName": "Irvine", "authorLastName": "Welsh"}

and want to split data which connected with author and book. For that we can use fold.

from trafaret.utils import fold

book_validator = t.Dict({
    "title": t.String,
    t.Key('authorFirstName') >> 'author__first_name': t.String,
    t.Key('authorLastName') >> 'author__last_name': t.String,
}) >> fold

# {'author': {'first_name': 'Irvine', 'last_name': 'Welsh'}, 'title': 'Glue'}


Special class to create dict keys. Parameters are:

  • name - key name
  • default - default if key is not present
  • optional - if True the key is optional
  • to_name - allows to rename the key

Below you can to see a good example of usage all of these parameters:

import hashlib

hash_md5 = lambda d: hashlib.md5(d.encode()).hexdigest()
comma_to_list = lambda d: [s.strip() for s in d.split(',')]

converter = t.Dict({
   t.Key('userNameFirst') >> 'name': t.String,
   t.Key('userNameSecond') >> 'second_name': t.String,
   t.Key('userPassword') >> 'password': hash_md5,
   t.Key('userEmail', optional=True, to_name='email'): t.String,
   t.Key('userTitle', default='Bachelor', to_name='title'): t.String,
   t.Key('userRoles', to_name='roles'): comma_to_list,

We can rewrite it to:

converter = t.Dict(
   t.Key('userNameFirst', to_name='name', trafaret=t.String),
   t.Key('userNameSecond', to_name='second_name', trafaret=t.String),
   t.Key('userPassword', to_name='password', trafaret=hash_md5),
   t.Key('userEmail', optional=True, to_name='email', trafaret=t.String),
   t.Key('userTitle', default='Bachelor', to_name='title', trafaret=t.String),
   t.Key('userRoles', to_name='roles', trafaret=comma_to_list),

It provides method __call__(self, data) that extract key value from data through mapping get method. Key __call__ method yields (key name, Maybe(DataError), [touched keys]) triples. You can redefine get_data(self, data, default) method in subclassed Key if you want to use something other then .get(...) method. Like this for the aiohttp's MultiDict class:

class MDKey(t.Key):
    def get_data(data, default):
        return data.get_all(, default)

t.Dict({MDKey('users'): t.List(t.String)})

Moreover, instead of Key you can use any callable, say a function:

def simple_key(value):
    yield 'simple', 'simple data', []

check_args = t.Dict(simple_key)


If you need to check just that dictionary has all given keys so DictKeys is a good approach for that.

t.DictKeys(['a', 'b']).check({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
# {'a': 1, 'b': 2}


We have some example of enhanced Key in extras:

from trafaret.extras import KeysSubset

cmp_pwds = lambda x: {
    'pwd': x['pwd'] if x.get('pwd') == x.get('pwd1') else DataError('Not equal')

d = Dict({KeysSubset('pwd', 'pwd1'): cmp_pwds, 'key1': String})

d.check({'pwd': 'a', 'pwd1': 'a', 'key1': 'b'}).keys()
# {'pwd': 'a', 'key1': 'b'}


This checker test that a received dictionary has current types of keys and values.

t.Mapping(t.String, t.Int).check({"foo": 1, "bar": 2})
# {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}

Where a first argument is a type of keys and second is type of values.


The checker test that a received value is a boolean type.

# True


If you need to check value that can be equivalent to a boolean type, you can use ToBool. Letter case doesn't matter.

Sample with all supported equivalents:

equivalents  = ('t', 'true', 'y', 'yes', 'on', '1', '1.0',\
                'false', 'n', 'no', 'off', '0', '0.0', 'none')

for value in equivalents:
  print("%s is %s" % (value, t.ToBool().check(value)))

# t is True
# true is True
# y is True
# yes is True
# on is True
# 1 is True
# 1.0 is True
# false is False
# n is False
# no is False
# off is False
# 0 is False
# 0.0 is False
# none is False

Also, function can take 1 and 0 as integers, booleans and None.

# True

# False

# False


Check if value is a float or can be converted to a float. Supports lte, gte, lt, gt parameters, <=, >=, <, > operators and Float[0:10] slice notation:

# 4

(t.Float >= 3.5).check(4)
# 4

# 4


Similar to Float, but converting to float:

# 4.0


Similar to ToFloat, but converting to Decimal:

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
import trafaret as t

validator = t.Dict({
    "name": t.String,
    "salary": t.ToDecimal(gt=0) & (
        lambda value: value.quantize(
                Decimal('.0000'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP

validator.check({"name": "Bob", "salary": "1000.0"})
# {'name': 'Bob', 'salary': Decimal('1000.0000')}

validator.check({"name": "Tom", "salary": 1000.0005})
# {'name': 'Tom', 'salary': Decimal('1000.0005')}

validator.check({"name": "Jay", "salary": 1000.00049})
# {'name': 'Jay', 'salary': Decimal('1000.0005')}

validator.check({"name": "Joe", "salary": -1000})
# DataError: {'salary': DataError('value should be greater than 0')}


Similar to Float, but checking for int:

# 4


Similar to Int, but converting to int:

import trafaret as t
from yarl import URL

query_validator = t.Dict({
    t.Key('node', default=0): t.ToInt(gte=0),

url = URL('')
# {'node': 18637575011}

url = URL('')
# {'node': 0}

url = URL('')
# DataError: {'node': DataError('value is less than 0')}


This checker test that a received value is None. This checker is very useful together with other checkers when you need to test that receive value has some type or None.

(t.Int | t.Null).check(5)
# 5

(t.Int | t.Null).check(None)
# None


This checker doesn't check anything. This is very often use in Dict to test that some key exists in the dictionary, but doesn't care what type it is.

t.Dict({"value": t.Any}).check({"value": "123"})
# {'value': '123'}

This is the same with allow_extra method in Dict.


Checks that data is instance of given class. Just instantiate it with any class, like int, float, str. For instance:

# 4


This checker test that a received value is equal with first argument.

# 'this_key_must_be_this'

This may be useful in Dict with Or statements to create enumerations.


Check that argument is an instance of object:

>>> t.Date().check("2019-07-25")
>>> t.Date().check('2019-07-25')

You can easily specify the format for Date trafaret:

>>> t.Date(format='%y-%m-%d')
'<Date %y-%m-%d>'
>>> t.Date(format='%y-%m-%d').check('00-01-01')


Behave like Date, but also returns object:

>>> t.ToDate().check("2019-07-25")'2019-07-25')
>>> t.ToDate().check('2019-07-25')


Similar to Date, but checking for datetime.datetime object:

>>> DateTime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').check("2019-07-25 21:45")
'2019-07-25 21:45'
>>> t.extract_error(t.DateTime(),
'value cannot be converted to datetime'


Behave like DateTime, but also returns datetime.datetime object:

>>> DateTime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').check("2019-07-25 21:45")
datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 25, 21, 45)


This checker test that a received value is a list of items with some type.

# [0, 1, 2, ... 99]

# {0: DataError("value can't be converted to int")}

Also if an item has possible two or three types you can use Or.

t.List(t.ToInt | t.String).check(['1', 'test'])
# [1, 'test']


  • min_length (integer) - validation for minimum length of receive list
  • max_length (integer) - validation for maximum length of receive list

The simple examples of usage:

t.List(t.Int, min_length=1, max_length=2).check(['1', '2'])
# ['1', '2']


This checker is the same with List but it don't raise error if received value isn't instance of a list.

my_data = (1, 2)

    t.List(t.Int, min_length=1, max_length=2).check(my_data)
except t.DataError as e:
# value is not a list

t.Iterable(t.Int, max_length=2).check(my_data)
# [1, 2]


This checker test that a received value is a tuple of items with some type.

t.Tuple(t.ToInt, t.ToInt, t.String).check([3, 4, u'5'])
# (3, 4, u'5')


This checker tests that given value is in the list of arguments passed to Enum. List of arguments can contain values of different types.


t.Enum(1, 2, 'error').check(2)
# 2

This checker can be used to validate user choice/input with predefined variants, for example defect severity in the bug tracking system.


user_choice = 'critical'
severities = ('trivial', 'minor', 'major', 'critical')

# 'critical'


This checker test that a received value is callable.

t.Callable().check(lambda: 1)


This checker receive custom function for validation and convert value. If value is valid then function return converted value else raise DataError.

def validator(value):
    """The custom validation function.""""
    if value != "foo":
        return t.DataError("I want only foo!", code='i_wanna_foo')
    return 'foo'

# 'foo'



You can combine checkers and for that you need to use Or. Or takes other converters as arguments. The input is considered valid if one of the converters succeed:

Or(t.Int, t.String).check('1')
# 1

but the more popular way it is using |

(t.Int | t.String).check('five')
# 'five'


We already talked about fold but let's see all features of this utils.

The parameters:

  • prefix - the prefix which need to remove
  • delimeter - the parameter which use for split to keys

The full example:

new_fold = lambda x: fold(x, 'data', '.')

book_validator = t.Dict({
    "": t.String,
    "": t.String,
}) >> new_fold

   "": 'Irvine',
   "": 'Welsh',
# {'author': {'first_name': 'Irvine', 'last_name': 'Welsh'}}


Very often when we do validation of the form we need to validate values which depend on each other. As example it can be password and second_password. For cases like this a trafaret has subdict.

from trafaret.keys import subdict

def check_passwords_equal(data):
    if data['password'] != data['password_confirm']:
        return t.DataError('Passwords are not equal')
    return data['password']

passwords_key = subdict(
    t.Key('password', trafaret=t.String(max_length=10)),
    t.Key('password_confirm', trafaret=t.String(max_length=10)),

signup_trafaret = t.Dict(
    t.Key('email', trafaret=t.Email),

    "email": "",
    "password": "111",
    "password_confirm": "111",
# {'email': '', 'password': '111'}

As you can see, password and password_confirm replaced to just password with value that check_passwords_equal return.



This checker is container for any checker, that you can provide later. To provide container use provide method or & operation:

node = t.Forward()
node & t.Dict(name=t.String, children=t.List[node])


This is decorator for functions. You can validate and convert receive arguments.

@t.guard(user_name=t.String(max_length=10), age=t.ToInt, is_superuser=t.Bool)
def create_user(user_name, age, is_superuser=False):
   # do some stuff
   return (user_name, age, is_superuser)

create_user('Misha', '12')
# ('Misha', 12, False)
# convert age to integer


The guard raise GuardError error that base by DataError.