- Introduction
- Configure an Okta instance for ODM (Part 1)
- Deploy ODM on a container configured with Okta Server (Part 2)
- Troubleshooting
- License
In the context of the ODM on Certified Kubernetes offering, Operational Decision Manager for production can be configured with an external OpenID Connect server (OIDC provider) such as the Okta service.
Okta is a secure identity cloud that links all your apps, logins and devices into a unified digital fabric. Okta sells centralized services, including a single sign-on service that allows users to log into a variety of systems. This is the service that we use in this article.
You need to create a number of secrets before you can install an ODM instance with an external OIDC provider such as the Okta service and use web application single sign-on (SSO). The following diagram shows the ODM services with an external OIDC provider after a successful installation.
The following procedure describes how to manually configure ODM with an Okta service.
OpenID Connect is an authentication standard built on top of OAuth 2.0. It adds a token called an ID token.
- OpenID provider — The authorization server that issues the ID token. In this case, Okta is the OpenID provider.
- end user — The end user whose details are contained in the ID token.
- relying party — The client application that requests the ID token from Okta.
- ID token — The token that is issued by the OpenID provider and contains information about the end user in the form of claims.
- claim — A piece of information about the end user.
The Client Credentials flow is intended for server-side (AKA "confidential") client applications with no end user, which normally describes machine-to-machine communication. The application must be server-side because it must be trusted with the client secret, and since the credentials are hard coded, it cannot be used by an actual end user. It involves a single, authenticated request to the token endpoint, which returns an access token.
The Authorization Code flow is best used by server-side apps where the source code is not publicly exposed. The apps must be server-side because the request that exchanges the authorization code for a token requires a client secret, which has to be stored in your client. However, the server-side app requires an end user because it relies on interactions with the end user's web browser, which redirects the user and then receives the authorization code.
Auth Code flow width:
First, install the following software on your machine:
- Helm v3
- Kubectl
- Access to an Operational Decision Manager product
- A CNCF Kubernetes cluster
- An admin Okta account
If you do not own an Okta account, you can sign up for a free trial Okta account. Be aware that Okta enforces rate limits that are obviously lower for free developer accounts than for paid accounts but they should not be a problem for a demo.
In this section, we explain how to:
- Manage groups and users
- Set up an application
- Configure the default Authorization server
After activating your account by email, you should have access to your Okta instance. Sign in to Okta.
Create a group for ODM administrators. It is referenced as OKTA_ODM_GROUP later in this article.
In Menu Directory / Groups:
- Click Add Group button
- Name: odm-admin
- Group Description: ODM Admin group
- Click Add Group button
Create at least one user that belongs to this new group.
In Menu Directory / People:
- Click Add Person button
- User type: User
- First name:
- Last name:
- Username:
- Primary email:
- Groups (optional): odm-admin
- Click Save
Repeat this step for each user you want to add.
- Click Add Person button
Create the ODM application.
In Menu Applications / Applications, click Create an App Integration:
- Select OIDC - OpenID Connect
- Select Web Application
- Click Next
Configure the new web app integration.
- Fill the App integration name: ODM Application
- In Grant type:
- Check Client Credentials
- Check Refresh Token
- Check Implicit (hybrid)
- Keep the default Sign-in redirect URIs and Sign-out redirect URIs, and leave the Base URIs blank
- In Assignments:
- Under Controlled access:
- Check Limit access to selected groups
- Fill the Selected group(s) : odm-admin
- Under Controlled access:
- Click Save
In this step, we augment the token with meta-information that is required by the ODM OpenID configuration so that ODM can manage both authentication and authorization mechanisms.
In Menu Security / API, select the default authorization server.
Add the odmapiusers scope.
To be more secure, we will use the client credentials flow for the ODM REST API call. This requires to create a specific restricted scope (named OKTA_API_SCOPE later in this article).
In the Scopes tab, click Add Scope
- Name : odmapiusers
- Click Create
Add the identifier and group claims.
We need to augment the tokens with the user identifier and group properties that are used for the ODM authentication (in ID tokens) and authorization (in access tokens) mechanisms.
In Claims tab, create the following claims:
- Click Add claim and set the fields:
- Name: groups
- Include in token type: Access Token
- Value type: Groups
- Filter: Equals: odm-admin
- Click Create
- Click Add claim and set the fields:
- Name: groups
- Include in token type: ID Token (Always)
- Value type: Groups
- Filter: Equals: odm-admin
- Click Create
- Click Add claim and set the fields:
Add an Access Policy and Rule.
Access Policies are containers for Rules. Rules define particular token lifetimes for a given combination of grant type, user, and scope. If no matching rule is found, then the authorization request fails.
Let's create an Access Policy and rule for the ODM Application.
In the Access Policies tab:
- Click Add New Access Policy
- Name: ODM Application policy
- Description: ODM Application policy
- Assign to: The following clients and enter: ODM Application
- Click Create Policy
- Click Add Rule
- Rule Name: default rule
- In grant type:
- Check Client Credentials
- Check Authorization Code
- Check Device Authorization
- Check Implicit (hybrid)
- Click Create rule
- Click Add New Access Policy
Verify the content of the token.
Check that the login name and groups meta-information are available in the ID token.
In the Token Preview tab:
- OAuth/OIDC client: ODM Application
- Grant type: Authorization Code
- User:
- Scopes: openid email
- Click Preview Token
- Select the Token tab
As a result, the payload should contain:
... "email": "<YourEmailAddress>", "groups": [ "odm-admin" ]
Note: The discovery endpoint can be found in Security / API / default / Settings in Metadata URI.
Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with the IBMid and password that are associated with the entitled software to get your entitlement key.
In the Container software library tile, verify your entitlement on the View library page, and then go to Get entitlement key to retrieve the key.
Create a pull secret by running a
kubectl create secret
command.$ kubectl create secret docker-registry icregistry-secret \ --docker-server=cp.icr.io \ --docker-username=cp \ --docker-password="<API_KEY_GENERATED>" \ --docker-email=<USER_EMAIL>
- API_KEY_GENERATED is the entitlement key from the previous step. Make sure you enclose the key in double-quotes.
- USER_EMAIL is the email address associated with your IBMid.
Note: The cp.icr.io value for the docker-server parameter is the only registry domain name that contains the images. You must set the docker-username to cp to use an entitlement key as docker-password.
Make a note of the secret name so that you can set it for the image.pullSecrets parameter when you run a helm install of your containers. The image.repository parameter is later set to cp.icr.io/cp/cp4a/odm.
Retrieve Okta Server information.
From the Okta console, in Security / API / default / Settings :
- Note the OKTA_SERVER_NAME which is the Okta domain in the Issuer (similar to <shortname>.okta.com).
Create a secret with the Okta Server certificate.
To allow ODM services to access the Okta Server, it is mandatory to provide the Okta Server certificate. You can create the secret as follows:
keytool -printcert -sslserver <OKTA_SERVER_NAME> -rfc > okta.crt kubectl create secret generic okta-secret --from-file=tls.crt=okta.crt
Generate the ODM configuration file for Okta.
The script allows you to generate the necessary configuration files. You can download the okta-odm-script.zip .zip file to your machine. This .zip file contains the script and the content of the templates directory.
Generate the files with the following command:
- OKTA_API_SCOPE has been defined above (odmapiusers)
- OKTA_SERVER_NAME has been obtained from previous step
- Both OKTA_CLIENT_ID and OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET are listed in your ODM Application, section Applications / Applications / ODM Application / General / Client Credentials
- OKTA_ODM_GROUP is the ODM Admin group we created in a previous step (odm-admin)
The files are generated into the
directory. -
Create the Okta authentication secret.
kubectl create secret generic okta-auth-secret \ --from-file=OdmOidcProviders.json=./output/OdmOidcProviders.json \ --from-file=openIdParameters.properties=./output/openIdParameters.properties \ --from-file=openIdWebSecurity.xml=./output/openIdWebSecurity.xml \ --from-file=webSecurity.xml=./output/webSecurity.xml
Add the public IBM Helm charts repository.
helm repo add ibm-helm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/charts/master/repo/ibm-helm helm repo update
Check that you can access the ODM chart.
helm search repo ibm-odm-prod
NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION ibm-helm/ibm-odm-prod 24.1.0 IBM Operational Decision Manager
Run the
helm install
command.You can now install the product. We will use the PostgreSQL internal database and disable the data persistence (
) to avoid any platform complexity concerning persistent volume allocation.helm install my-odm-release ibm-helm/ibm-odm-prod --version 24.1.0 \ --set image.repository=cp.icr.io/cp/cp4a/odm --set image.pullSecrets=icregistry-secret \ --set oidc.enabled=true \ --set internalDatabase.persistence.enabled=false \ --set internalDatabase.populateSampleData=true \ --set customization.trustedCertificateList={"okta-secret"} \ --set customization.authSecretRef=okta-auth-secret \ --set license=true
Note: On OpenShift, you have to add the following parameters due to security context constraints.
--set internalDatabase.runAsUser='' --set customization.runAsUser='' --set service.enableRoute=true
See Preparing to install documentation for additional information.
Get the ODM endpoints. You can refer to the documentation to retrieve the ODM endpoints. For example, on OpenShift you can get the route names and hosts with:
kubectl get routes --no-headers --output custom-columns=":metadata.name,:spec.host"
You get the following hosts:
my-odm-release-odm-dc-route <DC_HOST> my-odm-release-odm-dr-route <DR_HOST> my-odm-release-odm-ds-console-route <DS_CONSOLE_HOST> my-odm-release-odm-ds-runtime-route <DS_RUNTIME_HOST>
Register the redirect URIs into your Okta application.
The redirect URIs are built in the following way:
- Decision Center redirect URI:
- Decision Runner redirect URI:
- Decision Server Console redirect URI:
- Decision Server Runtime redirect URI:
- Rule Designer redirect URI:
In Applications / Applications:
- Select ODM Application.
- In the General tab, click Edit on the General Settings section.
- In the LOGIN section, click + Add URI in the Sign-in redirect URIs section and add the Decision Center redirect URI you got earlier (
-- do not forget to replace <DC_HOST> by your actual host name!) - Repeat the previous step for all other redirect URIs.
- Click Save at the bottom of the General Settings section.
- Decision Center redirect URI:
Well done! You can now connect to ODM using the endpoints you got earlier, and log in as an ODM admin with the account you created in the first step.
To be able to securely connect your Rule Designer to the Decision Server and Decision Center services that are running in Certified Kubernetes, you need to establish a TLS connection through a security certificate in addition to the OpenID configuration.
Get the following configuration files.
Where DC_HOST is the Decision Center endpoint.
Copy the
files to your Rule Designer installation directory next to theeclipse.ini
file. -
Edit your
file and add the following lines at the end.-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=<ECLIPSEINITDIR>/truststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeme -Dcom.ibm.rules.authentication.oidcconfig=<ECLIPSEINITDIR>/OdmOidcProvidersRD.json
- changeme is the fixed password to be used for the default truststore.jks file.
- ECLIPSEINITDIR is the Rule Designer installation directory next to the eclipse.ini file.
Restart Rule Designer.
For more information, refer to the documentation.
Get hands-on experience with IBM Operational Decision Manager in a container environment by following this Getting started tutorial.
To manage ODM runtime call on the next steps, we used the Loan Validation Decision Service project
Import the Loan Validation Service in Decision Center connected as John Doe
Deploy the Loan Validation Service production_deployment ruleapps using the production deployment deployment configuration in the Deployments>Configurations tab.
You can retrieve the payload.json from the ODM Decision Server Console or use the provided payload
As explained in the ODM on Certified Kubernetes documentation Configuring user access with OpenID, we advise to use basic authentication for the ODM runtime call for performance reasons and to avoid the issue of token expiration and revocation.
You can realize a basic authentication ODM runtime call in the following way:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k --data @payload.json \
-H "Authorization: Basic b2RtQWRtaW46b2RtQWRtaW4=" \
Where b2RtQWRtaW46b2RtQWRtaW4= is the base64 encoding of the current username:password odmAdmin:odmAdmin
But if you want to execute a bearer authentication ODM runtime call using the Client Credentials flow, you have to get a bearer access token:
curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d 'client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&scope=<OKTA_API_SCOPE>&client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>&grant_type=client_credentials' \
And use the retrieved access token in the following way:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k --data @payload.json \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
If you encounter any issue, have a look at the common troubleshooting explanation