- Introduction
- Deploy on OpenShift a custom Keycloak service with a SCIM Server
- Configure an ODM Application with Keycloak dashboard
- Deploy an Open LDAP Service
- Add an LDAP User Federation to Keycloak
- SCIM Configuration
- Deploy ODM on a container configured with Keycloak
- Manage Security on ODM Decision Service Project
- Synchronize Decision Center when updating Keycloak
ODM Decision Center allows to manage users and groups from the Business console in order to set access security on specific projects. The Groups and Users import can be done using an LDAP connection. But, if the openId server also provides a SCIM server, then it can also be managed using a SCIM connection.
Keycloak server doesn't provide a SCIM server by default. But, it's possible to manage it using the following opensource contribution https://github.com/Captain-P-Goldfish/scim-for-keycloak. As the project https://scim-for-keycloak.de/ will become Enterprise ready soon, this tutorial was performed using the last available open source version : kc-20-b1 for Keycloak 20.0.5.
Get the SCIM for Keycloak scim-for-keycloak-kc-20-b1.jar file
Get the Dockerfile
Build the image locally:
docker build . --build-arg KEYCLOAK_IMAGE=quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:20.0.5 --build-arg SCIM_JAR_FILE=scim-for-keycloak-kc-20-b1.jar -t keycloak-scim:latest
Note: The build command produces an image suitable to the architecture (amd64, ...) of the machine where the build is performed.
Make sure that the architecture of the cluster is the same. If not, you may consider using
docker buildx build --platform=linux/${ARCH} ...
to build an image suitable to the target architecture.
Log on your OCP Cluster
Expose the Docker image registry:
oc patch configs.imageregistry.operator.openshift.io/cluster --patch '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type=merge
Log into it:
REGISTRY_HOST=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ .spec.host }}') docker login -u kubeadmin -p $(oc whoami -t) $REGISTRY_HOST
Upload the keycloak-scim:latest on the wanted :
docker tag keycloak-scim:latest $REGISTRY_HOST/<my-keycloak-project>/keycloak-scim:latest docker push $REGISTRY_HOST/<my-keycloak-project>/keycloak-scim:latest
Note: To avoid an error on the image push, perhaps you will have to add $REGISTRY_HOST to your Docker insecure-registries list configuration.
For instance, if you use podman, you have to create a myregistry.conf file in the /etc/containers/registries.conf.d folder (inside the virtual machine on Windows or Mac) with the content below:
[[registry]] location = "$REGISTRY_HOST" insecure = true
Get the keycloak.yaml file
Replace the provided image: input using image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/<my-keycloak-project>/keycloak-scim:latest
... spec: containers: - env: - name: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN value: '${KEYCLOAK_ADMIN}' - name: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD value: '${KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' - name: KC_PROXY value: 'edge' image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/<my-keycloak-project>/keycloak-scim:latest ...
Deploy keycloak:
oc process -f ./keycloak.yaml \ -p KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin \ -p KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin \ -p NAMESPACE=<my-keycloak-project> \ | oc create -f -
You must start with the configuration of Keycloak with ODM roles as instructed in Keycloak instance for ODM (Part 1).
- Create a Service Account with the
oc apply -f ./openldap/service-account-for-anyuid.yaml
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z openldap-anyuid
- Install the OpenLDAP Service
oc apply -f ./openldap/ldap-custom-ssl-secret.yaml
oc apply -f ./openldap/openldap-env.yaml
oc apply -f ./openldap/openldap-secret.yaml
oc apply -f ./openldap/openldap-customldif.yaml
oc apply -f ./openldap/openldap-deploy.yaml
oc apply -f ./openldap/ldap-service.yaml
- Check the OpenLDAP Service
The following command should return the OpenLDAP Schema :
oc exec -ti <OPENLDAP_POD> bash -- ldapsearch -x -Z -H ldap://ldap-service.<OPENLDAP_PROJECT>.svc:389 -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' -b 'dc=example,dc=org' -w xNxICc74qG24x3GoW03n
- OPENLDAP_POD is the name of the OpenLDAP pod
- OPENLDAP_PROJECT is the name of the project in which the OpenLDAP pod has been deployed
Connect at the Keycloak Admin Dashboard using the odm realm with username/password
Select Configure > User federation and click Add Provider > Add Ldap providers
Fill the Add LDAP provider dialog
General options
- Console display name: openldap
- Vendor: "Red Hat Directory Server"
Connection and authentication settings
- Connection URL should be: ldap://ldap-service.<OPENLDAP_PROJECT>.svc:389 (when OPENLDAP_PROJECT is the project in which OpenLdap has been deployed)
- Bind type: simple
- Bind DN: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
- Bind credentials: xNxICc74qG24x3GoW03n
Click the Test authentication button => "Successfully connected to LDAP" message is displayed
LDAP searching and updating
- Edit mode: READ_ONLY
- Users DN: dc=example,dc=org
- Username LDAP attribute: uid
- RDN LDAP attribute: uid
- UUID LDAP attribute: uid
- User object classes: inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson
- User LDAP Filter:
- Search scope: Subtree
- Read timeout:
- Pagination: Off
Synchronization settings
- Import users: On
- Sync Registrations: On
- Batch size:
- Periodic full sync: Off
- Periodic changed users sync: Off
Kerberos integration
- Allow Kerberos authentication: Off
- Use Kerberos for password authentication: Off
Cache settings
- Cache policy: DEFAULT
Advanced settings
- Enable the LDAPv3 password modify extended operation: Off
- Validate password policy: Off
- Trust email: On
- Click on the "Save" button
At this step, all openldap users have been imported. You can check it by clicking on the Users tab, put "*" in the Search user box and click on the search button. You should see:
Now let's import groups.
In User federation, click openldap
Click on the "Mappers" tab
Click "Add mapper"
- Name: groups
- Mapper type: group-ldap-mapper
- LDAP Groups DN: dc=example,dc=org
- Group Name LDAP Attribute: cn
- Group Object Classes: groupOfNames
- Preserve Group Inheritance: Off
- Ignore Missing Groups: Off
- Membership LDAP Attribute: member
- Membership Attribute Type: DN
- Membership User LDAP Attribute: uid
- LDAP Filter:
- User Groups Retrieve Strategy: LOAD_GROUPS_BY_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE
- Member-Of LDAP Attribute: memberOf
- Mapped Group Attributes:
- Drop non-existing groups during sync: Off
- Groups Path: /
Click the Save button
Click Action > Sync All users
Now you can check the openldap groups have been imported in the Groups tab. You should see :
To access the SCIM Configuration User Interface, you have to change the Admin Console Theme. If you are in the odm realm, you need to switch to the master realm beforehand. Then:
- Select the Realm settings Menu
- Select the Themes Tab
- Select scim for the Admin console theme
- Click the Save button => the "Realm successfully updated" message is displayed
- Refresh the browser page => a "Page not found..." message is displayed
- Click the "Go to the home page >>" hyperlink
Now, the Admin console theme has changed and you should be able to access the SCIM Configuration tab :
Select the Service Provider tab
Select the Settings sub-tab
Set SCIM enabled to ON
Click the Save Button
Select the Authorization sub-tab
Select odm (clientId of the application) in the Available Clients list and click Add selected > to move it to the Assigned Clients list
By default, the SCIM Groups and Users Endpoints require authentication.
Now, let's configure these endpoints to authorize authenticated users that have the rtsAdministrators role. In the ODM client application, we will use the client_credentials flow using the "service-account-odm" service account having assigned the rtsAdministrators role. We just have to configure authorization for the "Get" endpoint as the ODM SCIM Import is a read only mode and doesn't need the other endpoints (Create, Update, Delete).
- Select the Resource Type tab
- Click Group inside the table
- Select the Authorization sub-tab
- Expand Common Roles, select rtsAdministrators in the Available Roles list and click Add selected > to move it to the Assigned Roles list
- Expand Roles for Get, select rtsAdministrators in the Available Roles list and click Add selected > to move it to the Assigned Roles list
- Select the Resource Type tab again
- Click User inside the table
- Click the Authorization sub-tab
- Expand Common Roles, select rtsAdministrators in the Available Roles list and click Add selected > to move it to the Assigned Roles list
- Expand Roles for Get, select rtsAdministrators in the Available Roles list and click Add selected > to move it to the Assigned Roles list
Download the keycloak-odm-script.zip file to your machine and unzip it in your working directory. This .zip file contains scripts and templates to verify and set up ODM.
Request an access token using the Client-Credentials flow
./get-client-credential-token.sh -i $CLIENT_ID -x $CLIENT_SECRET -n $KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL
Call the SCIM Group endpoint using this <ACCESS_TOKEN>
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" $KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL/scim/v2/Groups
Result should looks like :
Call the SCIM Group endpoint using this <ACCESS_TOKEN>
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" $KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL/scim/v2/Users
Result should looks like :
Follow - Deploy ODM on a container configured with Keycloak (Part 2).
But replace the previous step "3. Create the Keycloak authentication secret" of the section Create secrets to configure ODM with Keycloak by:
kubectl create secret generic keycloak-auth-secret \
--from-file=ldap-configurations.xml=./output/ldap-configurations.xml \
--from-file=openIdParameters.properties=./output/openIdParameters.properties \
--from-file=openIdWebSecurity.xml=./output/openIdWebSecurity.xml \
Make sure that you finish Complete post-deployment tasks.
ODM Decision Center allows to manage users and groups from the Business console in order to set access security on specific projects. Now, we will manage the following scenario. We will load the "Loan Validation Service" and "Miniloan Service" projects that are available at the getting started repository. We will only provide access to the "Loan Validation Service" project for users belonging at the "TaskAuditors" group. We will only provide access to the "Miniloan Service" project for users belonging at the "TaskUsers" group.
The first step is to declare the groups of users that will be Decision Center Administrators, and therefore have access to the Business Console Administration Tab.
- In Keycloak admin console, select the odm realm
- Select the Manage > Groups Tab
- Double-click TaskAdmins
- Select the Role Mappings Tab
- Select all rts*** roles in the Available Roles list and click Add selected > to move them to the Assigned Roles list
Let's also assign the rtsUsers role to the TaskAuditors and TaskUsers groups. If you do not do this, users are not authorized to login into the Business Console.
- Select the Manage > Groups Tab
- Double-click on TaskAuditors
- Select the Role Mappings Tab
- Select the rtsUsers role in the Available Roles list and click Add selected > to move it to the Assigned Roles list
- Repeat the same for the TaskUsers group
For the next steps, the users password can be found in the ldap_user.ldif
file of the openldap-customldif
secret, by running the commmand:
oc get secret openldap-customldif -o jsonpath={.data."ldap_user\.ldif"} | base64 -d
- Log into the ODM Decision Center Business Console using the
user - Select the LIBRARY tab
- Import the Loan Validation Service and Miniloan Service projects
- Select the ADMINISTRATION tab
- Select the Connection Settings sub-tab
- Check the KEYCLOAK_SCIM connection status is green
- Select the Groups sub-tab
- Click the Import Groups from directories button
- Select the TaskAuditors and TaskUsers groups
- Click on the Import groups and users button
- Select the Project Security sub-tab
- Click on the Edit decision service security of the "Loan Validation Service" project
- Below the Security section, select Enforce Security
- Below the Groups section, select the TaskAuditors group
- Click the Done button
- Click the Edit decision service security of the "Miniloan Service" project
- Below the Security section, select Enforce Security
- Below the Groups section, select the TaskUsers group
- Click the Done button
Click on top right cp4admin user
Click the "Log out" link
Click the Keycloak Logout button
Login with
. Check that the ADMINISTRATION tab is not available -
Click on LIBRARY tab, only the "Miniloan Service" project must be available
Click on top-right
link -
Select "Profile" link
User Profile is showing the "TaskUsers" group
- Login with
. Check that the ADMINISTRATION tab is not available - Click on LIBRARY tab, only the "Loan Validation Service" project must be available
- Click on top-right
link - Select "Profile" link
- The
User Profile is showing the "TaskAuditors" group
During the life of a project, common situation can happen like :
- a user is moving from a group to an other.
- a new user join a group
- a user left a group
- a user change of group
- ...
All these operations are done using the Keycloak dashboard and are reflected on Decision Center. It can be done manually using the Decision Center Synchronize button or using the automatic synchronization happening by default every 2 hours.
You can change the frequency using the Decision Center JVM option: -Dcom.ibm.rules.decisioncenter.ldap.sync.refresh.period=60000
. The value is expressed in milliseconds.