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Pokémon Solus RGB: Testimonials

Here's a video review by Metaphysical on YouTube: Pokemon Solus (Blue) review

Here are some nice things people have said about this romhack (from YouTube, Reddit, etc.):

This honestly sounds like exactly what I want from a thought-out RBY Near vanilla hack. I really like the trader npc and you solved all the issues with one time pokemon like the starters, and fossils. None of the pokemon were placed in weird spots. [...] This would probably be my go to gen 1 hack now that doesnt stray far from the originals because of how well thought out your reasoning is for why youre making each change.

— Stellarisk

TBH There are some decent Gen 1 hacks but i think This one has the potential to be 1 of the better ones. Nothing crazy just a lot of fixes and some QOL. i'll keep an eye out for this one.

— Grif2005

After reading through the updates you’ve made, this is basically exactly what I’m looking for in a romhack of the original first Gen games. The addition of the field move slot for HMs and the trade back NPC being located in Celadon are great quality of life features. [...] You crushed it - this one is getting added to my list

— Fugh_Mungus

Incredible you fixed core issues without adding ultra custom changes. You kept it as canon and tasteful as possible. Will be playing through this one very soon!

— DrewDragoon

A nice, simple modification that doesn't overreach and doesn't drastically change the game? Fixing annoying issues that, while not dealbreakers, definitely subtract from the enjoyment? Implementing features that make it possible to play the game in the way you want? Not fixing the "issues" presented by modern fans looking back at Gen 1?


— jonaw.2153

Dude this is amazing. You're keeping the games as vanilla as possible while actually making good and needed changes. I would love if you ever decided to make a gen2 Solus with the same philosophy and changes to make both roms not only compatible but also to work as the real sequel to Solus! Solus RGB + Solus GSC.

Thank you for this great hack!

— mimejrice-cream7291

You're the best! You listed everything, I thought of in my first playthrough, way back.. You made my wish come true. The perfect RedBlueGreen versions. Sir, I'd shake your hand, and invite you for a slice 🍕 if I could.

— leozar69

I love enhancement hacks and I love that I found this one. I plan on playing through it

— wesleylittlefield6641

Another banger from the madman himself, dechrissen. This ROM hack is a 10/10 experience.

— eucalyptus807

thank you for making the purist hack everyone else keeps failing to make

— primiera1484

Thanks for rekindling my childhood by making a nostalgic game that keeps the simple magic of the original.

— Fran-yn2ve

Finished a run a couple weeks ago with Dodrio, Jolteon, Golem, Victreebel, Snorlax and Starmie as my main/elite 4 team (evo trader behind the shop was a brilliant idea, feels so genuine to how it'd have worked if ninty actually removed the link cable like they considered). I already loved the original game but it was absolutely an improvement in every way. Thanks so much for your hard work and I look incredibly forward to seeing anything else you might produce.

— Eta_Hoyimi

I was thinking about a pure Gen 1 rom hack with the issues you described fixed and here we are! Can't wait to try this out!

— TheAaronetic

this hack is a dream for those who experienced the original game way back in 1996/97. That was probably a big undertaking and kudos to you @Dechrissen.

— djheartbreak831

I appreciate the simplicity of everything here. As a teen I had tried making a couple of these kind of simpler rom hacks that would be my "perfect" version of early gen games, but I always ended up taking it too far. Trying to make trainers more difficult or find good niches for every Pokemon, it just never worked out. This looks like a lot better of a way to play a game that's closer to vanilla.

— RiversChungus

I played the Game yesterday for a couple hours and i had a blast. You really worked some magic keeping it "the same" but only improving the bigger flaws, and not the tiny weird quirks that the Game has.

— rinkuflash8000

This is a rom hack that I am definitely going to give a shot. I grew up with the Gen 1 and Gen 2 games. My first game was red. The gripes you have mentioned, as well as you have to manually change your boxes for Pokemon catching, are the same issues I had with Gen 1.

— Ro4drunner318

This is a great video and looks to be a terrific romhack. I will definitely be giving it a go.

— lewiekong

You're the GOAT for including the TRADER GUY! Love the concept of a tradeback NPC, more hacks should include that

— FreyOdyssey

This is the kind of romhack I was looking for. Enjoying it so far!

— royedwards2366

Just completed the game, I must say I was quite impressed with this. The battle with professor Oak was especially exciting. Your efforts and resolve are truly commendable. Gen 2 Solus is a must

— Quadrixis

Want to leave a review? Leave it on the RomhackPlaza page! Have other feedback? Join the Solus Discord.