diff --git a/mounts/live/conf/config.yaml b/mounts/live/conf/config.yaml
index 37cc98a..ddff7ac 100755
--- a/mounts/live/conf/config.yaml
+++ b/mounts/live/conf/config.yaml
@@ -78,6 +78,16 @@ packages:
access: dean # evab
publish: dean # evab # evab=eran
unpublish: dean
+ "@deanayalon/*":
+ access: dean # evab
+ publish: dean # evab # evab=eran
+ unpublish: dean
+ "@yeda-water/*":
+ access: dean
+ publish: dean
+ unpublish: dean
access: $all
publish: dean
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 37658f9..27c60fa 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -1,9 +1,90 @@
-docker-compose uses .env, make sure it's configured, use template.env
-- Production: `docker compose up -d`
-- Development: `docker compose watch`
-> This will rebuild the image and container for every change within the files directory.
-> Exiting watch mode will not take the container down
+# What is this?
+This is the repository managing my own [Verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio) server
+The server is private and allows no public access, the code is shared for public reference.
+This repository is part of the larger [dean-server](https://github.com/DeanAyalon/dean-server) monorepo, and can be ran from there as well as an individual repository.
+## Table of Contents
+1. [What is this?](#what-is-this)
+2. [Running](#running)
+ - [Configuration](#configuration)
+ - [Environment](#environment)
+ - [Standalone - Certificates](#standalone---certificates)
+ - [Use](#use)
+ - [v1](#v1)
+ - [HTTP - Unchecked](#http----unchecked)
+3. [Contact](#contact)
+4. [Thanks](#thanks)
+# Running
+## Pre-Running
+### Requirements
+- Docker Engine or Docker Desktop, with Docker Compose installed (Built in)
+ - This repository uses the new `docker compose`, it is unknown how well it would work with legacy `docker-compose` versions
+### Environment
+`docker compose` uses `.env` to build the containers according to your needs, make sure it's configured, duplicate [template.env](./template.env) to start
+### Standalone - Certificates
+When running this container without a proxy, Verdaccio needs access to the certificates to serve through HTTPS.
+- Use single-domain certificates
+- Use fullchain, not cert or chain
+- Name the files: `fullchain.pem` and `privkey.pem` within the mount
+## Use
+Docker compose can be ran from the context of this repository, but it is recommended to use it from the content of the entire [dean-server](https://github.com/DeanAyalon/dean-server) monorepo
+### It is recommended to use this repository paired with [dean-nginx](https://github.com/DeanAyalon/dean-nginx)
+In order to use this repository without a proxy:
+- Enable port mapping
+- Enable certificate mounting
+The configuration file should work as is.
+#### If it does not work, here are your options:
+- Open an [issue](https://github.com/DeanAyalon/verdaccio/issues) and I'll get to it, either fixing the config file, or splitting it into proxy/conf and no-proxy/conf if need be
+- Fork, fix and open a PR, I'll review and merge with gratitude!
+- Use [v1](#v1) - It was configured to run without a proxy, using https
## v1
-v1 does not use https-proxy, instead exposing port 4873 and setting Verdaccio protocol to HTTPS
-> Requires .env variable `$CERTS`
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+v1 of this repository does not use https-proxy, instead exposing port 4873 and setting Verdaccio protocol to HTTPS
+> Requires .env variable `$CERTS`
+### HTTP - Unchecked
+Unsure, but removing the `VERDACCIO_PROTOCOL` environment variable will set it back to the default value: `http`
+This may allow for launching the container with neither proxy, nor https encryption.
+> > Regardless, this will be checked for ease of development
+# About me
+Hi, I am [Dean Ayalon](https://deanayalon.com), a software developer from Israel.
+## Contact Me
+Feel free to contact me for any reason, including:
+- Insturctions, explanations and help
+- Code recommendations and feature requests
+- Hiring - As of the current commit, I am looking for a job!
+## Thanks
+- [evab](https://github.com/eranbraun) - For continuous guidance and support, through all my nagging
+## Technologies used
+[![GitHub Actions](https://img.shields.io/badge/github%20actions-%232671E5.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=githubactions&logoColor=white)](https://github.com/DeanAyalon/verdaccio/actions)
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