- Windows x64
- Linux (ARM is not supported, but could work maybe, open an issue if you get it working.)
- MacOS
- Visual Studio 2017 (Community Edition is enough)
- Make sure to Select these components:
Desktop development with C++
- Make sure to Select these components:
- CMake 3.13+ [ cmake-3.13.*-win64-x64.msi ]
- Select: Add CMake to the system PATH for the current user
- Windows 7 or newer
- Git for Windows (Optional, for the git clone later on)
Download the AMD APP SDK [
AMD-SDK-InstallManager-v1.4.87-1.exe] Note: Currently that link is dead, see here for info and here for alternative downloads. -
Install the AMD SDK (you only need
andOpenCL runtime
Download the CUDA SDK 10 [ cuda_10.*_win10.exe ]
Install the CUDA SDK (you only need to select
Install both SDK's as shown above, but later add "-DFORCE_DUAL=ON" to the cmake command.
Add "-DBUILD_UNICODE=ON" to the cmake command.
Download OpenCV 4.* [ opencv-4.*-vc14_vc15.exe ]
Extract OpenCV to your base folder e.g
Open a Command prompt and run the following command:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
Now run these commands in order, to build w2x:
cd "K:/w2x/" git clone "" cd "waifu2x-converter-cpp" mkdir out && cd out cmake .. -DCMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DOPENCV_PREFIX="K:/w2x/opencv/build/" msbuild waifu2xcpp.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 copy K:\w2x\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin\opencv_world400.dll Release\ mkdir Release\models_rgb\ && copy ..\models_rgb Release\models_rgb\
- GCC 6+
- CMake
- OpenCV 3+
- Arch:
- sudo pacman -S beignet clinfo
- Ubuntu:
- sudo apt install beignet-opencl-icd opencl-headers
- Arch:
- sudo pacman -S opencl-mesa clinfo
- Ubuntu:
- sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd opencl-headers
- Feel free to contribute to this guide
Run these commands in order:
git clone ""
cd waifu2x-converter-cpp
mkdir out && cd out
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
If needed run sudo ldconfig
after the install.
You need Homebrew installed, as well as XCode for the compiler. The following has been tested on OSX Sierra 10.12.6:
$ brew tap science && brew install opencv3
$ git clone && cd waifu2x-converter-cpp
$ cmake -DOPENCV_PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar/opencv3/<your version here> .
$ make -j4
$ cp -r models_rgb models