- rmdir (Remove empty of filled directory)
- Remove empty or filed directory
- Raise error when invalid directory is deleted
- Raise error when current or parent directory is being deleted(./ or ../)
- mkdir (Make directory at specified valid location)
- Make directory if path is correct
- Raise error if path is being in correct
- ls (List current directory content)
- List all contents including hidden of current directory
- List content of specified valid path, if not valid raise error
- cp (Copy file or directory)
- Copy dir or file from source to destination
- Raise error is directore is copied to file or to invalid dir
- Raise error if copied to same directory(./ or ../)
- mv (Move file or directory)
- Move dir or file from source to destination
- Raise error if copied to same directory
- Raise error is directore is copied to file
- ren (Rename specified file or directory)
- Rename file and directory
- Raise error if current name is same as previous
- Rename file or dir at distant location
- nano (Text editor)
- Create and edit file
- Make editing possibile with arrow key and cursor
- Allow keyboard shorcuts
- Re display previous command after exiting nano
- cat (display context of file)
- List content of file in current directory
- Raise error if file not found
- Cat file at specified valid location
- python (Python interpreter)
- Make python interpretor
- Minimize error result exit of code
- Show error generatoed in code more specificaly
- cmatrix (Falling matrix animation)
- Make falling matrix animation
- Make matrix animation for cmd in windows