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2765 lines (1938 loc) · 97.1 KB


Dashy has support for displaying dynamic content in the form of widgets. There are several built-in widgets available out-of-the-box as well as support for custom widgets to display stats from almost any service with an API.


General Widgets


A simple, live-updating time and date widget with time-zone support. All fields are optional.


Field Type Required Description
timeZone string Optional The time zone to display date and time in.
Specified as Region/City, for example: Australia/Melbourne. See the Time Zone DB for a full list of supported TZs. Defaults to the browser / device's local time
format string Optional A country code for displaying the date and time in local format.
Specified as [ISO-3166]-[ISO-639], for example: en-AU. See here for a full list of locales. Defaults to the browser / device's region
customCityName string Optional By default the city from the time-zone is shown, but setting this value will override that text
hideDate boolean Optional If set to true, the date and city will not be shown. Defaults to false
hideSeconds boolean Optional If set to true, seconds will not be shown. Defaults to false
use12Hour boolean Optional If set to true, 12 hour time will be displayed. Defaults to the settings suggested by the current format and timeZone


- type: clock
    timeZone: Europe/London
    format: en-GB
    hideDate: false


No external data requests.


A simple, live-updating local weather component, showing temperature, conditions and more info.


Field Type Required Description
apiKey string Required Your OpenWeatherMap API key. You can get one for free at
city string Required A city name to use for fetching weather. This can also be a state code or country code, following the ISO-3166 format
units string Optional The units to use for displaying data, can be either metric or imperial. Defaults to metric
hideDetails boolean Optional If set to true, the additional details (wind, humidity, pressure, etc) will not be shown. Defaults to false


- type: weather
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    city: London
    units: metric
    hideDetails: false


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🟠 Free plan
  • Privacy: See OWM Privacy Policy

Weather Forecast

Displays the weather (temperature and conditions) for the next few days for a given location. Note that this requires either the free OpenWeatherMap Student Plan, or the Premium Plan.


Field Type Required Description
apiKey string Required Your OpenWeatherMap API key. You can get one at or for free via the OWM Student Plan
city string Required A city name to use for fetching weather. This can also be a state code or country code, following the ISO-3166 format
numDays number Optional The number of days to display of forecast info to display. Defaults to 4, max 16 days
units string Optional The units to use for displaying data, can be either metric or imperial. Defaults to metric
hideDetails boolean Optional If set to true, the additional details (wind, humidity, pressure, etc) will not be shown. Defaults to false


- type: weather-forecast
    city: California
    numDays: 6
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    units: imperial


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🔴 Premium (free for personal use only)
  • Privacy: See OWM Privacy Policy

RSS Feed

Display news and updates from any RSS-enabled service.


Field Type Required Description
rssUrl string Required The URL location of your RSS feed
apiKey string Optional An API key for rss2json. It's free, and will allow you to make 10,000 requests per day, you can sign up here
limit number Optional The number of posts to return. If you haven't specified an API key, this will be limited to 10
orderBy string Optional How results should be sorted. Can be either pubDate, author or title. Defaults to pubDate
orderDirection string Optional Order direction of feed items to return. Can be either asc or desc. Defaults to desc
parseLocally boolean Optional If true parse the rss feed locally instead of using the rss2json API.


- type: rss-feed
    apiKey: xxxx


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟠 Optional
  • Price: 🟠 Free Plan (up to 10,000 requests / day)
  • Privacy: See Rss2Json Privacy Policy


Displays an image.

This may be useful if you have a service (such as Grafana - see example), which periodically exports charts or other data as an image.

You can also store images within Dashy's public directory (using a Docker volume), and reference them directly. E.g. -v ./path/to/my-homelab-logo.png:/app/public/logo.png, then in the widget imagePath: /logo.png.

Similarly, any web service that serves up widgets as image can be used. E.g. you could show current star chart for a GitHub repo, with: imagePath:

If you'd like to embed a live screenshot, of all or just part of a website, then this can be done using API Flash.

Or what about showing a photo of the day? Try or


Field Type Required Description
imagePath string Required The path (local or remote) of the image to display
imageWidth string Optional Specify a fixed width for rendered image. Accepts either integer value in px, or any string value with units (e.g. 420, 100px, 6.9rem) (defaults to auto)
imageHeight string Optional Specify a fixed height for rendered image. Accepts either integer value in px, or any string value with units (e.g. 420, 100px, 6.9rem) (defaults to auto)


- type: image


Unless image fetched from remote source, no external data request is made.

Public IP

Often find yourself searching "What's my IP", just so you can check your VPN is still connected? This widget displays your public IP address, along with ISP name and approx location. Data can be fetched from either, or


All fields are optional.

Field Type Required Description
provider string Optional The name of the service to fetch IP address from. Can be either, ip-api or ipgeolocation. Defaults to Note, ip-api doesn't work on HTTPS, and if you set to ipgeolocation then you must also provide an API key
apiKey string Optional Only required if provider is set to ipgeolocation. You can get a free API key here


- type: public-ip


- type: public-ip
    provider: ipgeolocation
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


IP Blacklist

Notice certain web pages aren't loading? This widget quickly shows which blacklists your IP address (or host, or email) appears on, using data from


Field Type Required Description
ipAddress string Optional The IP to check. This can also be a domain/ host name or even an email address. If left blank, Dashy will use your current public IP address.
apiKey string Required You can get your free API key from


- type: blacklist-check
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Domain Monitor

Keep an eye on the expiry dates of your domain names, using public whois records fetched from Click the domain name to view additional info, like registrar, name servers and date last updated.


Field Type Required Description
domain string Required The domain to check
apiKey string Required You can get your free API key from
showFullInfo boolean Optional If set to true, the toggle-full-info panel will be open by default


  - type: domain-monitor
      apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  - type: domain-monitor
      apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🟠 Free Plan (10,000 requests)
  • Host: Managed Instance Only
  • Privacy: See WhoAPI Privacy Policy

Crypto Watch List

Keep track of price changes of your favorite crypto assets. Data is fetched from CoinGecko. All fields are optional.


Field Type Required Description
assets string Optional An array of cryptocurrencies, coins and tokens. See list of supported assets. If none are specified, then the top coins by sortBy (defaults to market cap) will be returned
currency string Optional The fiat currency to display price in, expressed as an ISO-4217 alpha code (see list of currencies). Defaults to USD
sortBy string Optional The method of sorting results. Can be marketCap, volume or alphabetical. Defaults to marketCap.
limit number Optional Number of results to return, useful when no assets are specified. Defaults to either all or 100


- type: crypto-watch-list
    limit: 10


  - type: crypto-watch-list
      currency: GBP
      sortBy: marketCap
      - bitcoin
      - ethereum
      - monero
      - cosmos
      - polkadot
      - dogecoin


Crypto Token Price History

Shows recent price history for a given crypto asset, using price data fetched from CoinGecko


Field Type Required Description
asset string Required Name of a crypto asset, coin or token to fetch price data for, see list of supported assets
currency string Optional The fiat currency to display results in, expressed as an ISO-4217 alpha code (see list of currencies). Defaults to USD
numDays number Optional The number of days of price history to render. Defaults to 7, min: 1, max: 30 days
chartColor string Optional Color of the chart value. Defaults to --widget-text-color which inherits dashboard primary color
chartHeight number Optional The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to 300


- type: crypto-price-chart
    asset: bitcoin
    currency: GBP
    numDays: 7


Wallet Balance

Keep track of your crypto balances and see recent transactions. Data is fetched from BlockCypher


Field Type Required Description
coin string Required Symbol of coin or asset, e.g. btc, eth or doge
address string Required Address to monitor. This is your wallet's public / receiving address
network string Optional To use a different network, other than mainnet. Defaults to main
limit number Optional Limit the number of transactions to display. Defaults to 10, set to large number to show all


- type: wallet-balance
    coin: btc
    address: 3853bSxupMjvxEYfwGDGAaLZhTKxB2vEVC


Code Stats

Display your coding summary. Code::Stats is a free and open source app that aggregates statistics about your programming activity. Dashy supports both the public instance, as well as self-hosted versions.


Field Type Required Description
username string Required Your CodeStats username
hostname string Optional If your self-hosting CodeStats, then supply the host name. By default it will use the public hosted instance
monthsToShow number Optional Specify the number of months to render in the historical data chart. Defaults to 6
hideMeta boolean Optional Optionally hide the meta section (username, level, all-time and recent XP)
hideHistory boolean Optional Optionally hide the historical calendar heat map
hideLanguages boolean Optional Optionally hide the programming languages pie chart
hideMachines boolean Optional Optionally hide the machines percentage chart


- type: code-stats
    username: alicia


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Self-Hosted or Managed
  • Privacy: See Code::Stats Privacy Policy

Mullvad Status

Shows your Mullvad VPN connection status, as well as server info. Fetched from


No Options.


- type: mullvad-status


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Managed
  • Privacy: See Mullvad Privacy Policy


AnonAddy is a free and open source mail forwarding service. Use it to protect your real email address, by using a different alias for each of your online accounts, and have all emails land in your normal inbox(es). Supports custom domains, email replies, PGP-encryption, multiple recipients and more

This widget display email addresses / aliases from AnonAddy. Click an email address to copy to clipboard, or use the toggle switch to enable/ disable it. Shows usage stats (bandwidth, used aliases etc), as well as total messages received, blocked and sent. Works with both self-hosted and managed instances of AnonAddy.


Field Type Required Description
apiKey string Required Your AnonAddy API Key / Personal Access Token. You can generate this under Account Settings
hostname string Optional If your self-hosting AnonAddy, then supply the host name. By default it will use the public hosted instance
apiVersion string Optional If you're using an API version that is not version v1, then specify it here
limit number Optional Limit the number of emails shown per page. Defaults to 10
sortBy string Optional Specify the sort order for email addresses. Defaults to updated_at. Can be either: local_part, domain, email, emails_forwarded, emails_blocked, emails_replied, emails_sent, created_at, updated_at or deleted_at. Precede with a - character to reverse order.
searchTerm string Optional A search term to filter results by, will search the email, description and domain
disableControls boolean Optional Prevent any changes being made to account through the widget. User will not be able to enable or disable aliases through UI when this option is set
hideMeta boolean Optional Don't show account meta info (forward/ block count, quota usage etc)
hideAliases boolean Optional Don't show email address / alias list. Will only show account meta info


  - type: anonaddy
      apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\
      limit: 5
      sortBy: created_at
      disableControls: true


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🟠 Free for Self-Hosted / Free Plan available on managed instance or $1/month for premium
  • Host: Self-Hosted or Managed
  • Privacy: See AnonAddy Privacy Policy

Vulnerability Feed

Keep track of recent security advisories and vulnerabilities, with optional filtering by score, exploits, vendor and product. All fields are optional.


Field Type Required Description
sortBy string Optional The sorting method. Can be either publish-date, last-update or cve-code. Defaults to publish-date
limit number Optional The number of results to fetch. Can be between 5 and 30, defaults to 10
minScore number Optional If set, will only display results with a CVE score higher than the number specified. Can be a number between 0 and 9.9. By default, vulnerabilities of all CVE scores are shown
hasExploit boolean Optional If set to true, will only show results with active exploits. Defaults to false
vendorId number Optional Only show results from a specific vendor, specified by ID. See Vendor Search for list of vendors. E.g. 23 (Debian), 26 (Microsoft), 23682 (CloudFlare)
productId number Optional Only show results from a specific app or product, specified by ID. See Product Search for list of products. E.g. 28125 (Docker), 34622 (NextCloud), 50211 (Portainer), 95391 (ProtonMail)


- type: cve-vulnerabilities


- type: cve-vulnerabilities
    sortBy: publish-date
    productId: 28125
    hasExploit: false
    minScore: 5
    limit: 30


Exchange Rates

Display current FX rates in your native currency. Hover over a row to view more info, or click to show rates in that currency.


Field Type Required Description
inputCurrency string Required The base currency to show results in. Specified as a 3-letter ISO-4217 code, see here for the full list of supported currencies, and their symbols
outputCurrencies array Required List or currencies to show results for. Specified as a 3-letter ISO-4217 code, see here for the full list of supported currencies, and their symbols
apiKey string Required API key for, usually a 24-digit alpha-numeric string. You can sign up for a free account here


- type: exchange-rates
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    inputCurrency: GBP
      - USD
      - JPY
      - HKD
      - KPW


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🟠 Free plan (up to 100,000 requests/ month)
  • Host: Managed Instance Only
  • Privacy: See ExchangeRateAPI Privacy Policy

Public Holidays

Counting down to the next day off work? This widget displays upcoming public holidays for your country. Data is fetched from Enrico


Field Type Required Description
country string Required The country to fetch holiday data for, specified as a country code, e.g. GB or US
state string Optional restrict a country to a specific state defined by ISO_3166-2, e.g. LND.
holidayType string Optional The type of holidays to fetch. Can be: all, public_holiday, observance, school_holiday, other_day or extra_working_day. Defaults to public_holiday
monthsToShow number Optional The number of months in advance to show. Min: 1, max: 24. Defaults to 12


- type: public-holidays
    country: GB
    region: LND
    holidayType: all
    monthsToShow: 12


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Self-Hosted (see jurajmajer/enrico) or Managed
  • Privacy: ⚫ No Policy Available

Covid-19 Status

Keep track of the current COVID-19 status. Optionally also show cases by country, and a time-series chart. Uses live data from various sources, computed by


Field Type Required Description
showChart boolean Optional Also display a time-series chart showing number of recent cases
showCountries boolean Optional Also display a list of cases per country
numDays number Optional Specify number of days worth of history to render on the chart
countries string[] Optional An array of countries to display, specified by their ISO-3 codes. Leave blank to show all, sorted by most cases. showCountries must be set to true
limit number Optional If showing all countries, set a limit for number of results to return. Defaults to 10, no maximum


- type: covid-stats


- type: covid-stats
    showChart: true
    showCountries: true
    - GBR
    - USA
    - IND
    - RUS


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Managed Instance or Self-Hosted (see disease-sh/api)
  • Privacy: ⚫ No Policy Available
  • Conditions: Terms of Use

Sports Scores

Show recent scores and upcoming matches from your favourite sports team. Data is fetched from From the UI, you can click any other team to view their scores and upcoming games, or click a league name to see all teams.


Field Type Required Description
teamId string Optional The ID of a team to fetch scores from. You can search for your team on the Teams Page
leagueId string Optional Alternatively, provide a league ID to fetch all games from. You can find the ID on the Leagues Page
pastOrFuture string Optional Set to past to show scores for recent games, or future to show upcoming games. Defaults to past. You can change this within the UI
apiKey string Optional Optionally specify your API key, which you can sign up for at
limit number Optional To limit output to a certain number of matches, defaults to 15
hideImage boolean Optional Set to true to not render the team / match banner image, defaults to false


- type: sports-scores
    teamId: 133636


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟠 Optional
  • Price: 🟠 Free plan (up to 30 requests / minute, limited endpoints)
  • Host: Managed Instance Only
  • Privacy: ⚫ No Policy Available

News Headlines

Displays the latest news, click to read full article. Date is fetched from various news sources using Currents API


Field Type Required Description
apiKey string Required Your API key for CurrentsAPI. This is free, and you can get one here
country string Optional Fetch news only from a certain country or region. Specified as a country code, e.g. GB or US. See here for a list of supported regions
category string Optional Only return news from within a given category, e.g. sports, programming, world, science. The following categories are supported
lang string Optional Specify the language for returned articles as a 2-digit ISO code (limited article support). The following languages are supported, defaults to en
count number Optional Limit the number of results. Can be between 1 and 200, defaults to 10
keywords string Optional Only return articles that contain an exact match within their title or description
hideImages boolean Optional If set to true, then article image thumbnails will not be displayed


- type: news-headlines
      apiKey: xxxxxxx
      category: world


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🟠 Free plan (up to 600 requests / day)
  • Host: Managed Instance Only
  • Privacy: See CurrentsAPI Privacy Policy

TFL Status

Shows real-time tube status of the London Underground. All fields are optional.


Field Type Required Description
showAll boolean Optional By default, details for lines with a Good Service are not visible, but you can click More Details to see all. Setting this option to true will show all lines on initial page load
sortAlphabetically boolean Optional By default lines are sorted by current status, set this option to true to instead sort them alphabetically
linesToShow array Optional By default all lines are shown. If you're only interested in the status of a few lines, then pass in an array of lines to show, specified by name


- type: tfl-status
  - type: tfl-status
      showAll: true
      sortAlphabetically: true
      - District
      - Jubilee
      - Central


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Managed Instance Only
  • Privacy: See TFL Privacy Policy

Stock Price History

Shows recent price history for a given publicly-traded stock or share


Field Type Required Description
apiKey string Required API key for Alpha Vantage, you can get a free API key here
stock string Required The stock symbol for the asset to fetch data for
priceTime string Optional The time to fetch price for. Can be high, low, open or close. Defaults to high
chartColor string Optional Color of the chart value. Defaults to --widget-text-color which inherits dashboard primary color
chartHeight number Optional The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to 300


- type: stock-price-chart
    stock: NET


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🟠 Free plan (up to 500 requests/day)
  • Host: Managed Instance Only
  • Privacy: See AlphaVantage Privacy Policy

ETH Gas Prices

Renders the current Gas cost of transactions on the Ethereum network (in both GWEI and USD), along with recent historical prices. Useful for spotting a good time to transact. Uses data from


No config options.


- type: eth-gas-prices


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Managed Instance or Self-Hosted (see wslyvh/ethgaswatch)
  • Privacy: ⚫ No Policy Available


Renders a programming or generic joke. Data is fetched from the JokesAPI by @Sv443. All fields are optional.


Field Type Required Description
category string Optional Set the category of jokes to return. Use a string to specify a single category, or an array to pass in multiple options. Available options are: all, programming, pun, dark, spooky, christmas and misc. An up-to-date list of supported categories can be found here. Defaults to all
safeMode boolean Optional Set to true, to prevent the fetching of any NSFW jokes. Defaults to false
language string Optional Specify the language for returned jokes. The following languages are supported: en, cs, de, es, fr and pt, and an up-to-date list of supported languages can be found here. By default, your system language will be used, if it's supported, otherwise English


- type: joke
    safeMode: true
    language: en
    category: Programming


XKCD Comics

Have a laugh with the daily comic from XKCD. A classic webcomic website covering everything from Linux, math, romance, science and language. All fields are optional.


Field Type Required Description
comic string / number Optional Choose which comic to display. Set to either random, latest or the series number of a specific comic, like 627. Defaults to latest


- type: xkcd-comic
    comic: latest


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Privacy: ⚫ No Policy Available

Flight Data

Displays airport departure and arrival flights, using data from AeroDataBox. Useful if you live near an airport and often wonder where the flight overhead is going to. Hover over a row for more flight data.


Field Type Required Description
airport string Required The airport to show flight data from. Should be specified as a 4-character ICAO-code, a full list of which can be found here (example: KBJC or EGKK)
apiKey string Required A valid RapidAPI Key, with AeroDataBox enabled (check in your Subscription Dashboard). This API is free to sign up for and use
limit number Optional For busy airports, you may wish to limit the number of results visible
direction string Optional By default, both departure and arrival flights will be fetched, if you would like to only show flights in one direction, set this to wither departure or arrival


- type: flight-data
    airport: EGLC
    apiKey: XXXXX
    limit: 12
    direction: all


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🔴 Required
  • Price: 🟠 Free plan (up to 150 requests / month)
  • Host: Managed Instance Only
  • Privacy: See AeroDataBox and RapidAPI Policy

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Show the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day. Data is fetched from APOD using @Lissy93/go-apod / hosted at


No config options.


- type: apod


GitHub Trending

Displays currently trending projects on GitHub. Optionally specify a language and time-frame. Data is fetched from Lissy93/gh-trending-no-cors using the GitHub API. All fields are optional.


Field Type Required Description
lang string Optional A programming language to fetch trending repos from that category. E.g. javascript or go
since string Optional The timeframe to use when calculating trends. Can be either daily, weekly or monthly. Defaults to daily
limit number Optional Optionally limit the number of results. Max 25, default is 10


- type: github-trending-repos
    limit: 8
    since: weekly


GitHub Profile Stats

Display stats from your GitHub profile, using embedded cards from anuraghazra/github-readme-stats


Field Type Required Description
username string Required The GitHub username to fetch info for. E.g. lissy93. (Not required if hideProfileCard and hideLanguagesCard are both set to true)
hideProfileCard boolean Optional If set to true, the users profile card will not be shown. Defaults to false
hideLanguagesCard boolean Optional If set to true, the users top languages card will not be shown. Defaults to false
repos array Optional If you'd like to also display stats for some GitHub repositories, then add an array or repo names here. Specified as [username]/[repo-name], e.g. lissy93/dashy


- type: github-profile-stats
    username: Lissy93
    hideLanguagesCard: true
    - lissy93/dashy
    - lissy93/personal-security-checklist
    - lissy93/twitter-sentiment-visualisation


HealthChecks Status

Display status of one or more HealthChecks project(s). Works with and your selfhosted instance.


Field Type Required Description
host string Optional The base url of your instance, default is
apiKey string or array Required One or more API keys for your healthcheck projects. (Read-only works fine)
- type: HealthChecks
      - abcdefg...
      - zxywvu...


MVG Departure

Display departure time of a MVG (Münchner Verkehrs Gesellschaft) station.


[...] Die Verarbeitung unserer Inhalte oder Daten durch Dritte erfordert unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung. Für private, nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke, wird eine gemäßigte Nutzung ohne unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung geduldet. Jegliche Form von Data-Mining stellt keine gemäßigte Nutzung dar.[...]

In other words: Private, noncomercial, moderate use of the API is tolerated. They don’t consider data mining as moderate use. (This is not a legal advice)


Field Type Required Description
location string Required The name of the location (exact) or the location id, startin with de:09162:
limit integer Optional Limit number of entries, defaults to 10.
title string Optional A custom title to be displayed.
header bool Optional Shall the title be shown?
filters object Optional Filter results
filters.line string/array Optional Filter results for given line(s).
filters.product string/array Optional Filter results for specific product (TRAM, UBAHN, SBAHN, BUS).
filters.destination string/object Optional Filter results for specific destination(s)
- type: mvg
    location: Marienplatz
    limit: 5


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free / Private use only
  • Host: MVG
  • Privacy: See MVG Datenschutz

MVG Connection

Display the next connection for two addresses/coordinates, stations or POI within Munich using MVG MVG (Münchner Verkehrs Gesellschaft).


[...] Die Verarbeitung unserer Inhalte oder Daten durch Dritte erfordert unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung. Für private, nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke, wird eine gemäßigte Nutzung ohne unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung geduldet. Jegliche Form von Data-Mining stellt keine gemäßigte Nutzung dar.[...]

In other words: Private, noncomercial, moderate use of the API is tolerated. They don’t consider data mining as moderate use. (This is not a legal advice)


Field Type Required Description
origin string Required Origin of the connection.
destination string Required Destination of the connection.
title string Optional A custom title to be displayed.
header bool Optional Shall the title be shown?
filters object Optional Filter results
filters.line string/array Optional Filter results for given line(s).
filters.product string/array Optional Filter results for specific product (TRAM, UBAHN, SBAHN, BUS).
filters.destination string/object Optional Filter results for specific destination(s)
- type: mvg-connection
    from: Marienplatz
    from: Dachauer Straße 123
    header: true
      product: [UBAHN]
      line: [U1,U2,U4,U5]


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Not Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free / Private use only
  • Host: MVG
  • Privacy: See MVG Datenschutz

Self-Hosted Services Widgets

System Info

Displays info about the server which Dashy is hosted on. Includes user + host, operating system, uptime and basic memory & load data.


No config options.


- type: system-info


No external data requests made

Note that this widget is not available if you are running Dashy in a container or VM. Instead you can use the System Monitoring widgets to display stats from the host system instead.

Cron Monitoring (Health Checks)

Cron job monitoring using Health Checks. Both managed and self-hosted instances are supported.


Field Type Required Description
apiKey string Required A read-only API key for the project to monitor. You can generate this by selecting a Project --> Settings --> API Access. Note that you must generate a separate key for each project
host string Optional If you're self-hosting, or using any instance other than the official (, you will need to specify the host address. E.g. or http://cron-monitoing.local


- type: health-checks
    apiKey: XXXXXXXXX


CPU History (NetData)

Pull recent CPU usage history from NetData.


Field Type Required Description
host string Required The URL to your NetData instance
chartHeight number Optional The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to 300
chartColor / chartColors string / array Optional Color of the chart value(s) as hex codes. chartColor is a single value (defaults to --widget-text-color), whereas chartColors is an array of colors


- type: nd-cpu-history


Memory History (NetData)

Pull recent system RAM usage from NetData, and show as a breakdown of different categories.


Field Type Required Description
host string Required The URL to your NetData instance
chartHeight number Optional The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to 300
chartColor / chartColors string / array Optional Color of the chart value(s) as hex codes. chartColor is a single value (defaults to --widget-text-color), whereas chartColors is an array of colors


- type: nd-ram-history


Load History (NetData)

Pull recent load usage in 1, 5 and 15 minute intervals, from NetData.


Field Type Required Description
host string Required The URL to your NetData instance
chartHeight number Optional The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to 300
chartColor / chartColors string / array Optional Color of the chart value(s) as hex codes. chartColor is a single value (defaults to --widget-text-color), whereas chartColors is an array of colors


- type: nd-load-history


Pi Hole Stats

Displays the number of queries blocked by Pi-Hole.


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your Pi-Hole instance
hideStatus / hideChart / hideInfo boolean Optional Optionally hide any of the three parts of the widget
apiKey string Required Your Pi-Hole web password. It is NOT your pi-hole admin interface or server password. It can be found in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf, and is a 64-character located on the line that starts with WEBPASSWORD


- type: pi-hole-stats
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Pi Hole Queries

Shows top queries that were blocked and allowed by Pi-Hole.


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your Pi-Hole instance
apiKey string Required Your Pi-Hole web password. It is NOT your pi-hole admin interface or server password. It can be found in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf, and is a 64-character located on the line that starts with WEBPASSWORD
count number Optional The number of queries to display. Defaults to 10


- type: pi-hole-top-queries
    hostname: https://pi-hole.local
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Pi Hole Recent Traffic

Shows number of recent traffic, using allowed and blocked queries from Pi-Hole


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your Pi-Hole instance
apiKey string Required Your Pi-Hole web password. It is NOT your pi-hole admin interface or server password. It can be found in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf, and is a 64-character located on the line that starts with WEBPASSWORD


- type: pi-hole-traffic
    hostname: https://pi-hole.local
    apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Stat Ping Statuses

Displays the current and recent uptime of your running services, via a self-hosted instance of StatPing


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your StatPing instance, without a trailing slash
groupId number Optional If provided, only Services in the given group are displayed. Defaults to 0 in which case all services are displayed.
showChart boolean Optional If provided and false then charts are not displayed. Defaults to true.
showInfo boolean Optional If provided and false then information summaries are not displayed. Defaults to true.


- type: stat-ping


- type: stat-ping
    groupId: 3
    showChart: false
    showInfo: false

You can use multiple StatPing widgets with different groupIds.

Note, the Group Id is not directly visible in StatPing UI, you can inspect the group select HTML element or the API response to find out.


Synology Download Station

Displays the current downloads/torrents tasks of your Synology NAS


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your Synology NAS, without a trailing slash
username string Required The username of a user on your synology NAS. You will see only this user download station tasks if he is not part of the administrator group. Currently don't support OTP protected accounts.
password string Required The password of the account specified above.


- type: synology-download
    username: dashy
    password: totally-secure-password


AdGuard Home Block Stats

Fetches data from your AdGuard Home instance, and displays total number of allowed and blocked queries, plus a pie chart showing breakdown by block type.


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your AdGuard Home instance
username string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your username here
password string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your password here


- type: adguard-stats
  useProxy: true
    username: admin
    password: test


AdGuard Home Filters

Fetches data from your AdGuard Home instance, to display the current status of each of your filter lists. Includes filter name, last updated, number of items, and a link to the list.


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your AdGuard Home instance
username string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your username here
password string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your password here
showOnOffStatusOnly boolean Optional If set to true, will only show aggregated AdGuard filter status (on/off), instead of a list of filters


- type: adguard-filter-status
  useProxy: true
    username: admin
    password: test
    showOnOffStatusOnly: false


AdGuard Home DNS Info

Fetches data from your AdGuard Home instance, and displays the current status (Enabled / Disabled) of AdGuard DNS. Click show more to view detailed info, including upstream DNS provider, active ports, and the status of DNSSEC, EDNS CS, PTR and IPv6.


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your AdGuard Home instance
username string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your username here
password string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your password here
showFullInfo boolean Optional If set to true, the full DNS info will be shown by default, without having to click "Show Info"


- type: adguard-dns-info
  useProxy: true
    username: admin
    password: test
    showFullInfo: false


AdGuard Home Top Domains

Fetches data from your AdGuard Home instance, and displays a list of the most queried, and most blocked domains.


Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL to your AdGuard Home instance
username string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your username here
password string Optional If you've got auth enabled on AdGuard, provide your password here
limit number Optional Specify the number of results to show, between 1 and 100, defaults to 10
hideBlockedDomains boolean Optional Don't show the blocked domains list (queried domains only)
hideQueriedDomains boolean Optional Don't show the queried domains list (blocked domains only)


- type: adguard-top-domains
  useProxy: true
    username: admin
    password: test
    limit: 10


Nextcloud User

Nextcloud is a self hosted productivity platform, it can also be used free of charge with hundreds of existing hosting providers that offer a free Nextcloud account.

Displays branding information of a Nextcloud server (logo, url, slogan) and some user details (name, login name, last login, disk space or quota). Use with regular or admin user.

Shows quota usage when quota is enabled for the user or disk usage when not enabled.

Known issues: the User API incorrectly reports available disk space as total for admin users when quota is not enabled (which usually is the case for admins).



Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL of the Nextcloud server
username string Required Nextcloud username
password string Required Nextcloud app-password (create one in Settings -> Security)


- type: nextcloud-user
  useProxy: true
    username: alice
    password: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx


Nextcloud User Statuses

Show user statuses for selected users.



Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL of the Nextcloud server
username string Required Nextcloud username
password string Required Nextcloud app-password (create one in Settings -> Security)
users array Required Nextcloud User IDs to show statuses for, list size between 1 and 100
showEmpty boolean Optional Show statuses without a message, defaults to true


- type: nextcloud-userstatus
  useProxy: true
    username: alice
    password: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
    users: ['bob', 'alice']


Nextcloud Notifications

Displays your notifications and allows deleting them.



Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL of the Nextcloud server
username string Required Nextcloud username
password string Required Nextcloud app-password (create one in Settings -> Security)
limit number|string Optional Limit displayed notifications either by count, e.g. 5 to show the 5 most recent, or by age, e.g. 1d to only show notifications not older than a day. Accepted suffixes for age limit are m, h and d.


- type: nextcloud-userstatus
  useProxy: true
    username: alice
    password: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
    limit: 6h


Nextcloud System

Visualises overall memory utilisation and CPU load averages, shows server versions.



Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL of the Nextcloud server
username string Required Must be a Nextcloud admin user
password string Required Nextcloud app-password (create one in Settings -> Security)


- type: nextcloud-system
  useProxy: true
    username: alice
    password: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx


Nextcloud Stats

Shows key usage statistics about your Nextcloud server.



Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL of the Nextcloud server
username string Required Must be a Nextcloud admin user
password string Required Nextcloud app-password (create one in Settings -> Security)


- type: nextcloud-stats
  useProxy: true
    username: alice
    password: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx


Nextcloud PHP OPcache Stats

Shows statistics about PHP OPcache performance on your Nextcloud server.



Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL of the Nextcloud server
username string Required Must be a Nextcloud admin user
password string Required Nextcloud app-password (create one in Settings -> Security)


- type: nextcloud-stats
  useProxy: true
    username: alice
    password: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx



Shows queue information regarding your self hosted Sabnzbd server.



Field Type Required Description
sabnzbdUrl string Required The URL of the Sabnzbd server. No trailing /.
apiKey string Required API key for Sabnzbd access. Located under Config -> General -> Security -> API Key.
hideDetails boolean Optional Hides extra server queue details.
hideQueue boolean Optional Hides the queue list in an expandable dropdown.


  - type: sabnzbd
      sabnzbdUrl: ''
      hideDetails: false
      hideQueue: false


Gluetun VPN Info

Display info from the Gluetun VPN container public IP API. This can show the IP and location data for the exit VPN node.


Field Type Required Description
visibleFields string Required A comma separated list of the fields you want visible in the widget. You can have any number of the following : public_ip, region, country, city, location, organisation, postal_code, timezone. Defaults to just public_ip
host string Required The url to the gluetun HTTP control server. E.g. http://gluetun:8000


- type: gluetun-status
  useProxy: true
    hostname: http://server-or-conatiner-hostname:8000
    visibleFields: public_ip,region,country,city,location,organisation,postal_code,timezone


  • CORS: 🟠 Proxied
  • Auth: 🟢 Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Self-Hosted (see Gluetun)
  • Privacy: See Gluetun Wiki

Drone CI Builds

Display the last builds from a Drone CI instance. A self-hosted CI system that uses docker.


Field Type Required Description
host string Required The hostname of the Drone CI instance.
apiKey string Required The API key (https:///account).
limit integer Optional Limit the amounts of listed builds.
repo string Optional Show only builds of the specified repo


- type: drone-io
  updateInterval: 30
    apiKey: my-very-secret-api-key
    limit: 10


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Self-Hosted (see Drone)
  • Privacy: See Drone


Linkding is a self-hosted bookmarking service, which has a clean interface and is simple to set up. This lists the links, filterable by tags.


Field Type Required Description
host string Required The hostname of the Drone CI instance.
apiKey string Required The API key (https:///settings/integrations).
tags list of string Optional Filter the links by tag.


- type: linkding
  updateInterval: 30
    apiKey: my-very-secret-api-key
      - rpg
      - markdown


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟢 Required
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Self-Hosted (see Linkding)
  • Privacy: See Linkding

System Resource Monitoring


The easiest method for displaying system info and resource usage in Dashy is with Glances.

Glances is a cross-platform monitoring tool developed by @nicolargo. It's similar to top/htop but with a Rest API and many data exporters available. Under the hood, it uses psutil for retrieving system info.

If you don't already have it installed, either follow the Installation Guide for your system, or setup with Docker, or use the one-line install script: curl -L | /bin/bash.

Glances can be launched with the glances command. You'll need to run it in web server mode, using the -w option for the API to be reachable. If you don't plan on using the Web UI, then you can disable it using --disable-webui. See the command reference docs for more info.


All Glance's based widgets require a hostname. All other parameters are optional.

Field Type Required Description
hostname string Required The URL or IP + port to your Glances instance (without a trailing slash)
username string Optional If you have setup basic auth on Glances, specify username here (defaults to glances)
password string Optional If you have setup basic auth on Glances, specify password here. Note: since this password is in plaintext, it is important not to reuse it anywhere else
apiVersion string Optional Specify an API version, defaults to V 3. Note that support for older versions is limited
limit number Optional For widgets that show a time-series chart, optionally limit the number of data points returned. A higher number will show more historical results, but will take longer to load. A value between 300 - 800 is usually optimal

Note that if auth is configured, requests must be proxied with useProxy: true


  • CORS: 🟢 Enabled
  • Auth: 🟠 Optional
  • Price: 🟢 Free
  • Host: Self-Hosted (see GitHub - Nicolargo/Glances)
  • Privacy: ⚫ No Policy Available



Current CPU Usage

Live-updating current CPU usage, as a combined average across all cores


- type: gl-current-cpu

CPU Usage Per Core

Live-updating CPU usage breakdown per core


- type: gl-current-cores

CPU Usage History

Recent CPU usage history, across all cores, and displayed by user and system


Field Type Required Description
limit number Optional Limit the number of results returned, rendering more data points will take longer to load. Defaults to 100


- type: gl-cpu-history
    limit: 60

Current Memory Usage

Real-time memory usage gauge, with more info visible on click


- type: gl-current-mem

Memory Usage History

Recent memory usage chart


Field Type Required Description
limit number Optional Limit the number of results returned, rendering more data points will take longer to load. Defaults to 100


- type: gl-mem-history
    hostname: http://localhost:61208
    limit: 80

Disk Space

List connected disks, showing free / used space and other info (file system, mount point and space available)


- type: gl-disk-space

Disk IO

Shows real-time read and write speeds and operations per sec for each disk


- type: gl-disk-io

System Load

Shows the number of processes waiting in the run-queue, averaged across all cores. Displays for past 5, 10 and 15 minutes


- type: gl-system-load

System Load History

Shows recent historical system load, calculated from the number of processes waiting in the run-queue, in 1, 5 and 15 minute intervals, and averaged across all cores. Optionally specify limit to set number of results returned, defaults to 500, max 100000, but the higher the number the longer the load and render times will be.


- type: gl-load-history

Network Interfaces

Lists visible network interfaces, including real-time upload/ download stats


- type: gl-network-interfaces

Network Traffic

Shows amount of data recently uploaded/ downloaded across all network interfaces. Optionally set the limit option to specify number historical of data points to return


- type: gl-network-traffic
    limit: 500

Resource Usage Alerts

Lists recent high resource usage alerts (e.g. CPU, mem, IO, load, temp)


- type: gl-alerts

IP Address

Shows public and private IP address. Note that the ip plugin is not available on all instances of Glances.


- type: gl-ip-address

CPU Temp

Displays temperature data from system CPUs.

Note: This widget uses the sensors plugin, which is disabled by default, and may cause performance issues. You'll need to enable the sensors plugin to use this widget, using: --enable-plugin sensors when you start Glances.


Field Type Required Description
units string Optional Use C to display temperatures in Celsius or F to use Fahrenheit. Defaults to C.


- type: gl-cpu-temp
    units: C

Dynamic Widgets

Iframe Widget

Embed any webpage into your dashboard as a widget.


Field Type Required Description
url string Required The URL to the webpage to embed
frameHeight number Optional If needed, specify height of iframe in px. E.g. 400, defaults to auto


- type: iframe

HTML Embedded Widget

Many websites and apps provide their own embeddable widgets. These can be used with Dashy using the Embed widget, which lets you dynamically embed and HTML, CSS or JavaScript contents.

⚠️ NOTE: Use with extreme caution. Embedding a script from an untrustworthy source may have serious unintended consequences.


Field Type Required Description
html string Optional HTML contents to render in the widget
script string Optional Raw JavaScript code to execute (caution)
scriptSrc string Optional A URL to JavaScript content (caution)
css string Optional Any stylings for widget contents


- type: embed
    html: |
      <div id="sc-container">
      <div id="sc-branding" class="sc-bb">
      <a target="_blank" href="">
      <img src="" alt="Speedcheck"/>


- type: embed
      css: '.coinmarketcap-currency-widget { color: var(--widget-text-color); }'
      html: '<div class="coinmarketcap-currency-widget" data-currencyid="1" data-base="USD" data-secondary="" data-ticker="true" data-rank="true" data-marketcap="true" data-volume="true" data-statsticker="true" data-stats="USD"></div>'
      scriptSrc: ''

You can also use this widget to display an image, wither locally or from a remote origin.

- type: embed
    html: '<img src="https://dashy.lan/item-icons/my-image.png" />'

API Response

Directly output plain-text response from any API-enabled service.

// Coming soon...

Prometheus Data

Display data from any service with a Prometheus exporter.

// Coming soon...

Data Feed

Show live data from an RSS-enabled service. The only required parameter is rssUrl, which is the URL to the ATOM feed. See RSS Widget for full list of available options.


- type: rss-feed

Usage & Customizations

Widget Usage Guide

Like items, widgets are placed under sections. You may have one or more widgets per section.

In your YAML config file, this will look something like:

- name: Today
  icon: far fa-calendar-day
  - type: clock
      format: en-GB
  - type: weather
      apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      city: London
      units: metric

In this example, there is a single section, named "Today", using a Calendar icon from Font-Awesome. It has 2 widgets, a clock and the current weather.

Continuous Updates

By default, a widget which displays dynamic data from an external source, will only fetch results on page load. If you would like to keep data updated at all times, you can enable Continuous Updates. This is done by setting a time value in the updateInterval field.

The value of updateInterval is optional, and is specified and seconds. It must be more than 10 and less than 7200.

For example, the following widget displaying stats from Pi-Hole will update ever 20 seconds.

- type: pi-hole-stats
  updateInterval: 20

Note that if you have many widgets, and set them to continuously update frequently, you will notice a hit to performance. A widget that relies on data from an external API, will also consume your usage quota faster, if set to keep updating.

Proxying Requests

If a widget fails to make a data request, and the console shows a CORS error, this means the server is blocking client-side requests.

Dashy has a built-in CORS proxy (services/cors-proxy.js), which will be used automatically by some widgets, or can be forced to use by other by setting the useProxy option.

For example:

- type: pi-hole-stats
  useProxy: true
    hostname: http://pi-hole.local

Alternatively, and more securely, you can set the auth headers on your service to accept requests from Dashy. For example:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://location-of-dashy/
Vary: Origin

Setting Timeout

If the endpoint you are requesting data from is slow to respond, you may see a timeout error in the console. This can easily be fixed by specifying the timeout property on the offending widget. This should be an integer value, in milliseconds. By default timeout is 2500 ms (2½ seconds).

For example:

- type: gl-current-cpu
  timeout: 8000
    hostname: https://glances.dns-device.local

Adding Labels

If you have multiple widgets of the same type in a single section, it may not be clear what each one is. To overcome this, you can add a custom label to any given widget, using the label property.

For example:

- name: CPU Usage
  icon: fas fa-tachometer
  - type: gl-current-cpu
    label: Meida Server
      hostname: http://media-server.lan:61208
  - type: gl-current-cpu
    label: Firewall
      hostname: http://firewall.lan:61208
  - type: gl-current-cpu
    label: File Sync Server
      hostname: http://file-sync.lan:61208

Ignoring Errors

When there's an error fetching or displaying a widgets data, then it will be highlighted in yellow, and a message displayed on the UI.

In some instances, this is a false positive, and the widget is actually functioning correctly. If this is the case, you can disable the UI error message of a given widget by setting: ignoreErrors: true

- type: gl-disk-io
  ignoreErrors: true
    hostname: https://glances.dns-device.local

Widget Styling

Like elsewhere in Dashy, all colours can be easily modified with CSS variables.

Widgets use the following color variables, which can be overridden if desired:

  • --widget-text-color - Text color, defaults to --primary
  • --widget-background-color - Background color, defaults to --background-darker
  • --widget-accent-color - Accent color, defaults to --background

For more info on how to apply custom variables, see the Theming Docs

Customizing Charts

For widgets that contain charts, you can set an array of colors under chartColors. To specify the chart height, set chartHeight to an integer (in px), defaults to 300. For example:

- type: gl-load-history
    chartColors: ['#9b5de5', '#f15bb5', '#00bbf9', '#00f5d4']
    chartHeight: 450

Language Translations

Since most of the content displayed within widgets is fetched from an external API, unless that API supports multiple languages, translating dynamic content is not possible.

However, any hard-coded content is translatable, and all dates and times will display in your local format.

For more info about multi-language support, see the Internationalization Docs.

Widget UI Options

Widgets can be opened in full-page view, by clicking the Arrow icon (top-right). The URL in your address bar will also update, and visiting that web address directly will take you straight to that widget.

You can reload the data of any widget, by clicking the Refresh Data icon (also in top-right). This will only affect the widget where the action was triggered from.

All config options that can be applied to sections, can also be applied to widget sections. For example, to make a widget section double the width, set displayData.cols: 2 within the parent section. You can collapse a widget (by clicking the section title), and collapse state will be saved locally.

Widgets cannot currently be edited through the UI. This feature is in development, and will be released soon. In the meantime, you can either use the JSON config editor, or use VS Code Server, or just SSH into your box and edit the conf.yml file directly.

Build your own Widget

Widgets are built in a modular fashion, making it easy for anyone to create their own custom components.

For a full tutorial on creating your own widget, you can follow this guide, or take a look at here for a code example.

Alternatively, for displaying simple data, you could also just use the either the iframe, embed, data feed or API response widgets.

Requesting a Widget

Suggestions for widget ideas are welcome. But there is no guarantee that I will build your widget idea.

Please only request widgets for services that:

  • Have a publicly accessible API
  • Are CORS and HTTPS enabled
  • Are free to use, or have a free plan
  • Allow for use in their Terms of Service
  • Would be useful for other users

You can suggest a widget here, please star the repo before submitting a ticket. If you are a monthly GitHub sponsor, I will happily build out a custom widget for any service that meets the above criteria, usually 2 within weeks of initial request.

For services that are not officially supported, it is likely still possible to display data using either the iframe, embed or API response widgets. For more advanced features, like charts and action buttons, you could also build your own widget, using this tutorial, it's fairly straight forward, and you can use an existing widget (or this example) as a template.

Troubleshooting Widget Errors

If an error occurs when fetching or rendering results, you will see a short message in the UI. If that message doesn't adequately explain the problem, then you can open the browser console to see more details.

Before proceeding, ensure that if the widget requires auth your API is correct, and for custom widgets, double check that the URL and protocol is correct.

If you're able to, you can find more information about why the request may be failing in the Dev Tools under the Network tab, and you can ensure your endpoint is correct and working using a tool like Postman.

CORS Errors

The most common issue is a CORS error. This is a browser security mechanism which prevents the client-side app (Dashy) from from accessing resources on a remote origin, without that server's explicit permission (e.g. with headers like Access-Control-Allow-Origin). See the MDN Docs for more info: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

There are several ways to fix a CORS error:

Option 1 - Ensure Correct Protocol

You will get a CORS error if you try and access a http service from a https source. So ensure that the URL you are requesting has the right protocol, and is correctly formatted.

Option 2 - Set Headers

If you have control over the destination (e.g. for a self-hosted service), then you can simply apply the correct headers. Add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, with the value of either * to allow requests from anywhere, or more securely, the host of where Dashy is served from. For example:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://url-of-dashy.local


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Option 3 - Proxying Request

You can route requests through Dashy's built-in CORS proxy. Instructions and more details can be found here. If you don't have control over the target origin, and you are running Dashy either through Docker, with the Node server or on Netlify, then this solution will work for you.

Just add the useProxy: true option to the failing widget.

Option 4 - Use a plugin

For testing purposes, you can use an addon, which will disable the CORS checks. You can get the Allow-CORS extension for Chrome or Firefox, more details here

Raising an Issue

If you need to submit a bug report for a failing widget, then please include the full console output (see how) as well as the relevant parts of your config file. Before sending the request, ensure you've read the docs. If you're new to GitHub, an haven't previously contributed to the project, then please fist star the repo to avoid your ticket being closed by the anti-spam bot.